Veterinary I ConUnutd from Pi|i 1| Dr. Jeffrey Edclson, a veterinarian from the Manheim area. Dr. Edelson is assisted by a co-advisor, Sandy Winters, 'a. fcara veterinary medical technician. This year’s club became organized in January and has held four meetings since that time. Each meeting has been organized around a different phase of veterinary medicine with the youths hearing speakers on veterinary medical education as well as ob serving ' small animal surgery. When Lancaster Farming visited the group on Tuesday evening (March 11) they had gathered at the Atlantic Breeder’s Coop in Lancaster to hear Dr. Chris Barton speak on his bovine medical practice. Most of the young people TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC O co t- Men's FI Met Out Work Gloves *10 88 Tougher than cotton! Lined, rubberized. I size fits all By Conover. 63-0177. u Milk £ Replacer g 088 Regular 10.95 O Easy to mix, highly digest iblel24% protein, 7Vz% fat 50 lb bag. 22-1100. 2217 Lincoln Hwy. E. LANCASTER, PA I rOCTOr dUDDIV VO« 2400W.Market ISlSN.Cameron VLI|T -aa B B " YORK, PA HARRISBURG, PA I oU STORE HOURS: 8 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Mon. • Friday 8:00 A.M. to 5 P.M. Sat. TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC enrolled in the group do not have rural backgrounds and a large percentage of them are young ladies who have found veterinary medicine to be of interest. These students, who come from all over the County, do have a genuine interest in veterinary medicine and are highly academically in clined. In fact their questions have at times left the speakers somewhat bewildered. Most of the young people have shown an interest in starting pre veterinary work following their graduation from high school. “Years ago it was very difficult for a girl to be ac cepted into vet school but now the ratio has become more equalized.” “These young ladies are really interested and have come to find out just what the profession is all about.” Of course not every young person involved in the Veterinary Explorer Post will go on to become veterinarians as the com petition to be accepted into vet school is quite keen; however, the career ex posure they are getting now will no doubt help them to TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC T Just what do these young people learn? Dr, Edelson explained the program in this manner. “The program helps to familiarize young people with veterinary medicine. They learn just what is in volved in the work and also what opportunities are open to them if they do not go into vet school.” “We don’t teach the actual Bigßargains Must Peanuts id New 1Q75 PARTS & EQUIPMENT BLUE BOOK VM yeur nearest TSC Slace May an* ash If yaur Ff— Wwt t— k today* Hydraulic 5 Ton Jack W 1788 1-1624 / Stk. No. Size 1% ton jacl 3 tan |ack I ten jack 12 ten jack 20 ton jack 1-1622 1-1623 1-1625 1-1626 1-1627 HJ Terrific Buy! Sleeve And Piston Sets 15 %- #3-3/16" For Ford. 19’9-51 2 0099 • 32T For Ford, 1952 2-0103 #4 Vi" Bon For WD4SDI7 Gaso hm. 2-0156 • KW4 3/16" Ban (C 152 Gas Eng) 2 0361 #sooo* Modem Compr with "Fin Flow' Felons 2-0368 • For Massty Mams 4-1/16* Bon For 444 If Perfect, Compare ' ' to 1.59-1.99 Absorbent terry towels q Solids, stripes, patterns 87-0216. _j Prices good thru March 29 O') 11