LADIES, HAVE YOU HEARD? By Doris Thomas, Extension Home Economist Set Your Own Housekeeping Standards Everyone is different in the amount of order, cleanliness, and decorative touches they want in their homes. Some people actually enjoy hosework, or some parts of it. Others dislike all aspects. No matter what your attitude about housework, you have to do a certain amount of it. So it is best to do that amount as efficiently as possible. Sometimes it’s necessary to modify your ideas on cleanliness and order with the needs~of other members of your family. If you per sonally don’t mind the dust on the record player but it bothers your husband, or if you like dresser tops to be clean but your children keep TAX PREPARATION Farm - Business - Individual HAROLD H. GREIDER BUSINESS CONSULTANT 326 Willow Street Pike Willow Street, PA Phone 717-464-2951 PLEASE CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT IR NOW - YOU CAN AFFORD THE COZY CHARM OF A BUILT-IN WOOD-BURNING FIREPLACE! ANY ANY ANY TYPE OF HOME I DO-IT YOURSELFERS LET US SAVE YOU MONEY their toys there, you will all have to "give in" a little to live together in harmony. First, you must decide to manage your housework by knowing what you want your house to look like • how neat, clean and attractive. Then you will have to do enough work to see that you can meet those standards and be satisified that your housework is done for awhile. If you don’t decide at what point you will consider your housework to be finished, you will always have that feeling that you should be doing something more. Don’t allow another family’s standards to set yours. Only •you and your family can decide what amount and type of housekeeping is right An American Standard Company ROOM LOCATION Call Anytime 717-569-1207 717-367-2510 717-843-6710 We Will Install I for you. When you have finished a housekeeping task that you have set for yourself, don’t do it again until the next time you have it scheduled. For example, if a few threads appear on the carpet just after you’ve vacuumed, don’t run the sweeper again My Cindy is a busy little person. She gets up at 6:00 a.m. every morning and helps tend the calves and heifers. There are many extra activities in school which take up her time. A recent one was an illustrated talk on raising a dairy animal. The flute and piano lessons and practice also absorbs lots of time. But what really devours her time is reading library BUILDERS LET US MAKE YOU MONEY *( 4^^ / h - • Ida's • Notebook —***** — l — E$ until your scheduled day. The carpet isn’t really dirty and you could spend all of your time Just vacuuming up stray threads. What Is Innation? There is a lot of mystery, myth and misunderstanding about inflation, and even economists disagree on causes and effective cures for this economic malady. Many people think in flation occurs when things cost more for reasons other than inflation. For example, fruits and vegetables cost more at the beginning or end of their harvest seasons, or when a big portion of a crop has been wiped out by a flood, freeze or other frl Sr Jda Risser books. She usually has eight or ten going at the same time. I really don’t see how she does it! If she likes a book, she will read all of the works of that particular author. Upon pickmg up one of her books, I was intrigued by the thought put forth that eventually everything even up “the rich have their ice in summer but the poor get theirs in the winter.” This seems to be somewhat a farmer’s creed. If you don’t have a good crop or receive a good price, there is always the hope that next year things will be better and even up.. XXX From my kitchen win dows, I now have a sweeping view in three directions of our meadow and the woodland beyond. When there is a breeze the sun sparkles on the water around the island. The one surprising thing I see from the new room is very large icicles hanging from a rock formation or small cliff on the side of the hill. Apparently a spring allows water to seep through and form a picturesque scene. A neighbor boy has had a successful trapping season on our farm. He got 6 rac coons, 2 grey foxes and quite a few opposums and muskrats. We weren’t as lucky All the box traps in our haymow caught were a dozen cats and no raccoons Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 8.1975 disaster. Persons hardly notice when average prices go up by 1 or 2 percent a year. New products at slightly higher prices often have features old ones didn’t have. They are improved in some way and, therefore, are worth more. Wage earners usually offset small price increases because they produce more or get wage increases. Even during periods of inflation, prices of some things will stay the same and others will go down. Inflation is a rise in the nm (ft GAS Grills xmm & SUMMERTIME - Cut your air conditioning cost. Take the heat of the kitchen outdoors, cook with AGWAY in the or patio + Your backyard can become your No. 1 vacation retreat, where you relax a little each day. + The savings realized from staying home will more than pay for the grill + No charcoal, No Ashes, No Fluid, always ready, Cooks Instantly COMPLETE WITH CYCLINDER _ „ OF GAS OA«¥5 READY TO COOK. I MmT AGWAY PETROLEUM SERVICE 1027 Diilerville Rd., Lane., Pa. Phone 397-4954 fAGWAY) Installation and service by experts Financing is available general price level. Stated another way, it is a decline in the real purchasing power of the monetary unit. In the United States, inflation is a decline in the real pur chasing power of the dollar. In even simpler terms, inflation is a condition of significantly or substantially rising prices. Economists say this country is in a state of inflation when average prices go up 3 percent a year. That means if it takes a dollar and three cents for more) to buy items that cost a dollar last year • that’s inflation. 45