READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR FULL Reci P e Exchg " MARKET REPORTS MR. FARMER ... NOW IS THE TIME BALER TWINE 9,000 to 10,000 FEET ON HAND. Weed Control ■ Aatrex SOW. Lasso 4E Insecticides Dyfonate. Furadan Bulk and Bags Fertilizer for corn plow down 16-8-8, 15 10-10. 15-5-10 Ammonium Nitrate • 30% Liquid Solution Row Fertilizer on corn 10 20-10 Premium or 8 24 8 Premium Certified Soybean Seeds Wayne Culler Amsoy New Certified SF F Narrow Leaf Soybean WL3OS and 311 Alfalfa Seeds Pennscott Clover. Certified and Regular Richard L. Breckbill Call for your Farm Supplies Today! RDI, Oxford. PA 215-932-3307 >JK 4n ,*, the best helper any farmer can get One of the friendly people at the Friendly First is Bob Badger President of the Friendly First Farm Loan Corporation. Bob’s a native of the area lives on State Street in Quarryville with his wife and two children talks farm lingo and understands the problems that beset today’s farmer. He’s a Vice President of our Installment Loan Department and is a long-time expert at Solving money needs for farm maintenance ... new equipment and stock ... plus all the other requirements that keep your farm a profitable operation. Funds are now available for any and all agricultural needs. If you need help, come in and talk things over with Bob the best helper any farmer can get! Give him a call at 687-8611. The Friendly First FARM LOAN CORPORATION THE BANK THAT ALWAYS STRASBURG EAST KING STREET WILLOW STREET 687-8611 LANCASTER 464-3421- 397-4732 a subsidiary of ‘lke. First < notLonci!!. oft StnoAbung, HAD NO-SERVICE-CHARGE CHECKING ACCOUNTS Home on the Range We have received a number of requests for recipes over the last few weeks and are publishing them in hopes that our .readers may be able to help us. If you have any of these recipes please send them along. Also, we would enjoy receiving some Easter recipes that are your family favorites! Mrs. Harriet Greenawalt of Lancaster would like to have a recipe for Union Pie, She explained that her husband would like to have one but she cannot find a recipe for the dessert. Mrs. A. J. Daly of Crownsville, Md., sent in a t * *■ * y<* ' / BUCK 284-4175 MEMBER F D I C request for the following recipes: Wet Shot-Fly Pie, Dry Shoo-Fly Pie and Sauer Braten with Dumplings. If any readers have these recipes we invite you to send them along. Prune Spice Cake 1 cup uncooked prunes, pitted and cut up 1 cup boiling water "2 itops sifted flour 136 cups sugar 1 teaspoorisaK 134 teaspoon soda 34 teaspoon cream of tartar 1 teaspoon each of cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves 36 cup cooking oil 3 eggs unbeaten 1 cup chopped nuts Pour boiling water over prunes and let stand 2 hours. Sift dry ingredients into a mixing bowl adding prunes, oil, eggs and nuts. Beat about 2 minutes and bake 35- 40 minutes at 350 degrees. Mrs. Eli Zeist Morgantown, Pa. XXX Easter Candy Mash a 3-ounce package of cream cheese with % teaspoon of any kind of flavoring and food color you wish. Then mix 2% cups of powdered sugar with the cheese. Use your hands to mix it well. Shape like Eas ter eggs. Roll in sugar or chopped nuts or coconut. Lay on cookie sheet to dry. Mrs. Harriet Greenawai Lancaster, Pa, XXX Chocolate Cake 2 cups flour 2 cups sugar Vz cup cocoa pinch of salt 1 teaspoon baking powder 2 teaspoons baking soda Sift together three times and add 2 well beaten eggs V 4 pound butter (melted 1 cup boiling water 1 cup milk (sour or but termilk) 1 teaspoon vanilla This is a very thin batter. Bake at 350 degrees for 35-40 minutes. Makes 112 x 9 inch cake. Lorraine Hoover Manheim, Pa. Gelatin Coconut Candy 2 cups sugar 1 cup milk One-one third envelopes gelatin 3 tablespoons water 1 teaspoon butter 1 cup coconut (fine) 1 teaspoon vanilla Put sugar and milk in a deep saucepan. Bring to a boil and boil until it forms a soft ball in cold water. Have ready one-one third en velopes gelatin dissolved in 3 tablespoons water and 1 teaspoon vanilla and 1 teaspoon butter. Add sugar mixture to gelatin and beat at high speed with electric mixer until the mixture thickens and is white. Add coconut and mix well. Pour in greased pan. When set, turn out and cut pieces. To make layers, repeat recipe and pour on top of the first mixture which is set. Three layers gives a nice piece after cut. Layers of green, TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 1,1975 pink and whites makes an attractive candy. Mrs. A. Good Manheim, Pa. XXX Corned Beef 50 pounds beef, roasts, steaks or choice cuts 3 quarts of salt Place meat in a larg* crock or suitable container and salt alternately let stand over night then rinse off thoroughly and pack in crock again. Make a brine of 34 pound baking soda, 34 pound salt peter, 2 pounds brown sugar and 2 tablespoons liquid smoke (patent smoke). Add water enough to cover meat. The meat will be ready to use in two weeks. It can then be cut to can, cold packed for three hours or put in the freezer or if crock is kept cold it may be kept in the container and brine if used within 3 months. Tastes much like ham and needs no salt when being cooked. Mrs. A. Good Manheim, Pa. XXX Macaroni Salad 3 cups cooked macaroni 2 hard boiled eggs 1 cup chopped celery 1 small onion 1 cup shredded carrots % head of lettuce Dressmg: Four-fifths cup sugar V* cup vinegar 0D An old oil burner can steal 15-25% of your allotted fuel How to stop it: An Agway energy-saver burner can help you conserve energy Live more comfortably, too. Because an old burner that's,, not completely worn-out can still be wasting energy. Burning fuel without giving you the comfort it should And this year, you can't afford to waste a drop of oil. In just a few hours, Agway can modernize your furnace with a thrifty new Model 40J burner - $18995 plus tax Price includes installation and a new master control to replace your old fashioned stack relay Convenient financing also available. So call Agway ... today. THE ENERGY SAVERS AGWAY PETROLEUM SERVICE 1027 Dillerville Rd., Lane., » - Phone 397-4954 Installation and service by experts Vz teaspoon prepared mustard VS> teaspoon butter 2 eggs, beaten salt to taste. Boil this mixture until slightly thickened. Cool. Then add two-thirds cup mayonnaise. Then add to macaroni and have fun eating. Ella Martin Fleetwood, Pa. XXX Date Pudding Syrup: Va cup brown sugar Va cup water 1 tablespoon butter Batter: cup brown sugar ‘/2 cup milk 1 cup flour 1 cup chopped dates Vz cup chopped nuts 2 teaspoons baking powder V« teaspoon salt Combine brown sugar and water, cook together 3 minutes to make the syrup. Remove from heat and add butter. To make batter sift sugar, flour, baking powder and salt together. Add milk and stir until smooth. Fold in dates and nuts. Pour syrup in a greased baking dish. Pour batter on top of hot syrup and bake at 350 degrees for 35-40 minutes. Serve plain or with whipped cream. Serves 6. Ella Martin Fleetwood, Pa. (agwayl 47