sfr-Unc«ter Farming, Saturday, Feb. 22, 1975 . a « aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa . aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa . Public Sales Register IConUmiid from Pap 55| and Consignment Public Sale. Watch for latter Ad vertisements. SAT. FEB. 22-Public Sale of Valuable Real Estate, valuable antiques and Household Goods located along Rt. 23 in BarevUle next to Bareville Fire Hall. Terms by Rebekah S. Sheaffer; Frank L. Steller and Robert E. Martin, Auctioneers. SAT. FEB. 22 - 10 a.m. Public Sale of Truck, Farm Equifrtnent and Shop Tools located at the Erb and Henry Equipment, Inc., 1 mile North of Boyertown, in New Berlinville. Sale by Erb and Henry Equip., Inc. John D. and George D. Frey, Auc tioneers. SAT. FEB. 22 -11 a.m. Top Farm Machinery Auction for Elmer Lippincott, Garrison Rd., m mi. N.W. of Har mony, N. J. (Rt. 519), 8% miles N.E. of Easton, Pa. Sale by Elmer Lippincott, Owner, Harmony, N. J. Sale conducted by Col. Fred R. Daniel, Auctioneers, Inc., Neshanic Sta., N. J. SAT. FEB. 22 - 10 A.M. Public Sale of Farm PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE DAIRY COWS, FARM MACHINERY & HOUSEHOLD GOODS 1 square south off Route 562. midway between Yellow House and Boyertown, along Fancy Hill Road, near Boyertown Supply, Amity Twp, Berks County, Pa. THURSDAY, Several fresh, some fresh by sale day, balance bred back to freshen summer and fall. Accredited in blood and TB, checked for pregnancy, herd test 3.8, serviced by ABC breeders, 4 yearling Holstein heifers, 3 small Holstein heifers, 3 yearling Holstein feeder steers, 5 Surge milker units with dectric pulsators and straps. J.D. 3020 diesel tractor with Syncro range (2600 hrs.), J.D. 60 tractor (recently overhauled), J.D. B tractor with front end loader, scraper and cultivators, Case SC tractor with sawbuck, 1965 Chev. 1-ton flat truck, 1939 Chev. three-fourth ton flat truck, J.D. 24 baler with No. 2 thrower, J.D. 640 side rake with mtd. rubber teeth, J.D. hay Buffer, J.D. 8 sickle mower, N.H. 469 haybine, N.H. forage blower, Fox F 54 forage Harvester with recutter screen, McD. No. 1 blower with pipe, Gehl BUBIO chuck wagon with 8-ton running gear, Lit 1 PR com picker, MH Clipper combine with bin and PTO, J.D. 16A flail chopper, J.D. $5 manure spreader, J.D. Van Brunt 17 hole disc grain drill on rubber, J.D. 494 4-row com planter, NI. 12 ft. fert. spreader, Garber tractor seed sower, Century weed (1 yr.), J.D. 4-14 in. mtd. trip plow, J.D. 11 ft. transport disc, J.D. 12 ft. lever harrow, Bdllion 12 ft. single-double cultipacker, J.D. 2-row Roto-Hoe, J.D. 800 3-pt. hitch, 3 rubber tire wagons with throw-bale sides, rubber tire wagon with grain sides, Farmec 36 ft. devator with 2 hp. motor. Smoker 24 ft. elevator with half Ip. motor, hyd. cylinders, false end gate with unloader dr., feed and silage carts, forks, shovels, chains and many more items used on a farm, 5 ton straw, 25 ton alfalfa and orchard grass. Cupboard, dining room suite, wardrobe, dresser, bed, apt. washer, treadle sewinf machine, refrigerator, fire place irons, child’s desk, gossip chair, baby furniture, stands, chairs, etc. Sale at 10:00 A.M JOHN D. & GEORGE D. FREY AUCTIONEERS Refreshments on premises. Not responsible for accidents. Equipment and Tools located one block off Rt. 10 along Pheasant Road, 5 miles south of Reading, adjacent to Gilbert Associates, Cumru Twp., Berks County. Terms by George Kachel, owner; Harlan Gundy, Auctioneer. SAT. FEB. 22 - Annual Spring Sale for Simeon and Noah Martin located along the road leading from Reamstown to Hannstown inear Naiperville School), East Cocalico Township, Lancaster County, Pa. H. H. Leid, Auctioneer. SAT. FEB, 22 - 11 A.M. Public Sale of Livestock, Farm Equipment, Dairying Equipment and Household Goods located one mile east of Rt. 41 from Atglen, two miles west of Parkesburg, along Route 372, the Lower Valley Road, Chester County, Penna. Sale by John K. King, owner: Abe Dif fenbach, Jr. and Abe Dif fenbach, Auctioneers. SAT. FEB. 22 - 9 a.m. Public Sale of Farm Machinery located 7 of Greencastle, Pa., 5 miles east of Mercersburg, Pa., 1 mile north of Route 16 in Franklin County, Pa. Watch MARCH 6, 40 Head Of Holstein Dairy Cows SOLD FOR Donald N. Rhoads for sale signs. Sale by Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson and Son; Edgar J. Stull and John Thompson, Auctioneers. SAT. FEB, 22-11 A.M. Large Public Sale of Farm Equipment, Trucks, Etc., located in York County, Pa., 6 miles South of Dilfsburg, Pa., or 16 miles north of York, Pa. along Route 74, watch for sale sign. Terms by Shearer Bros. Owners, RDI Wellsville, Pa.; Clair R. Slaybaugh, Auctioneer. SAT. FEB. 22 - 11 A.M. Public Auction of 2 Tractors, Truck, Farm Machinery and Household Goods located at 520 Thomas Run Road across from Vo-Tech Center and Harford Community College, Thomas Run Road is off Md. Rt. 22 between Bel Air and Churchville, Harford County, Bel Air, Maryland. Sale by Mr. & Mrs. Blan Gambiu, 520 Thomas Run Road, Bel Air, Maryland; William H. Amoss, Auc tioneer. SAT. FEB. 22 - Public Sale - full Line of Farm Equip ment located along Rt. 222,4 miles South of Quarryville. Sale by Jason Weaver. Kreider and Diller, Auc tioneers. MON. FEB. 24 - Public Sale of Farm Equipment, Feeder Cattle and ear com by Freeland D. Sensenig, RDI, Leola, Pa. John E. and Paul E. Martin, Auctioneers. MON. FEB. 24 - 12 noon Public Auction, Spring Farm Machinery Sale to be held at Rudnick’s Farm, Route 213 Galena, Md. Harry Rudnick 1975 SPRING WELSH REGISTERED, HOLSTEIN COMPLETE, DISPERSAL Location; At (he farm 17 miles east of LANCASTER, 1 MILE North of Rt. 340 along Rt. 897 along Peters Road 6 miles South-East of New Holland, Lane. Co., Pa. 55 Head Certified, Accred. Vacc., Tested for Interstate, IBR inoculated, Preg. checked, Classified 101.3 Type, D.H.I.A. 5 year Ave. 14,607 m 624 f 4.3 % , 1974 Ave 15,094 milk, 642 fat 4.3% 42 cows and Bred Heifers, balance yearlings and heifer calves. Highest D.H.I.A. average for fat of Home-bred herds for 1974 in Lane. Co. THIS FAMILY SELLS" Very Good 87 Apollo dr with 15.621 m 735 f 47% 4yr 2 dtrs - Paragon 55214 3% 2y and Bonus 478 f est 1-11 Her July 1974 Bull Calf by Gay sells Her Dam with 102 297 m 4,859 f 47% L T sells Sires represented are Jack - 5 drs, Apollo - 2 drs, Performer - 5 drs Elfac -7drs Gay 3 drs Apollo Rocket 4, Hector - 7 Service Sires include Rocket, Gay, Electron Winter 11 due Feb and March, 4 m April 10 in June July 10 due Sept, others later in fall There are 4-V G, 13 G P balance Classified Good 35 years breeding Holstems. 30 years of Atlantic Breeding 100 % home bred herd 80% of herd trace to Osborndale Ivanhoe" Nicely uddered young herd, you are welcome to see them Catalogs available, sale in tent 2 DeLaval units, 40 lb 50 lb pails, DeLaval Pump, 2 S S strainers 300 Gal Girton Tank Approx. 150 ton of Corn Silage, Approx 60 ton ear corn, some hay & straw. Acorn Barn Cleaner Acorn Silo unloader (14 to 18') Silage Cart, 2 feed carts, some Household appliances Fngidaire Refrigerator Fngidaire upright Freezer, Maytag Wringer Washer Bedroom Suit etc Sale by, RDI Kinzers, Pa. 17535 Ph. 768-8088 Aucts.: Carl Oilier 464-2233 J. Everett Kreider 786-1545 PUBLIC SALE TUESDAY, 12:00 Noon Milk records up to 22,766 305 d fat records to 868 305 d Amos H. & Eleanor M, Hershey Lunch by White Horse Fire Co. Auxiliary & Sons, Inc., Sales Managers and Auctioneers. TUES. FEB, 25 - 11:30 A.M. Public Sale of Modem Farm Equipment, Trucks, and Angus Cattle located approx. 3 miles north of Fogelsville, one mile west off Rt. 100 along blacktop road between Claussville and Seipstown, Weisenberg Twp., Lehigh Co., Pa. Sale by J & M Farms Co.; Ralph W. Zet tlemoyer, Auctioneer. TUES. FEB. 25 - Public Sale of Farm Machinery located 1% miles West of Christiana, 4 miles South of Gap, along Route 372 in Sadsbury Township, Lancaster County, Pa. Terms by John I Yoder, Christiana, Pa. Leroy Zook and Leon Kurtz, Auctioneers. TUBS. FEB. 25 - Public Sale of 70 Head of Registered and Grade Holstein Dairy Cattle also Farm Equipment located 2 miles Southwest of Mt. Joy, Pa., Route 141 to Donegal High School turn south, 1 mile along Union School Road. Sale by Paul Hess and Aaron G. Fisher. Harold (Abe) Shaffner, Auctioneer. WED. FEB. 26 - 12:00 Noon Registered and Grade Holstein Dispersal located 4 miles east’ of Elizabethtown, along Elizabethtown Road, mid way between Risser Men nonite Church and Drumhellers Garage, 1 mile off Rt. No. 283 (Rheems Exit). Sale by Rhoda G. Risser, RD3, Elizabethtown, (Continued on Page 57) MARCH 4, 1975 PUBLIC SALE OF FARM EQUIPMENT ft HOUSEHOLD GOODS THURSDAY, MARCH 6,1975 12:00 Noon Located thro* milts Northeast of Elizabethtown, PA, along Mount Gretna Road, Routt 241, Bellairt, PA. M.F. 35 TRACTOR GT No. 370 Tox-o-Wik Portable Grain Dryer, P.T.0.; 2Grain Bins, holds 7,800 bushels each, w-False Floors; 400-bu. Holding Bin; Auger Equipment; Cooling Fan; 700 8” Concrete Blocks, J.D. 4-row Corn Planter, Plateless w-Liquid Fertilizer; J.D. 14 T Baler; J.D. 38- disc on Rubber; J.D, No. 300 32’ Elevator w-Drag, Crop Dryer Unit, P.T.0.; J.D. and Coby Wagons w-Beds, 2 McCurdy Grain Bins; Ford3-Pt. Cult.; J.D, No. F 125 3- Pt. 4-B, 16 Plow w-Trip; Sauder Loader w-Bucket; Gay Crimper; Spike and 12’ Spring Harrows; 30’ Single Tob. Ladder and Tob. Wagons; Stauffer Tob. Planter; Grider and Minnick Tob. Presses, Two 500- Gal. Tanks; Hog Feeders;, Air Compressor; Iron Troughs; Milk Cans; 20-Pc. 4” Irrigation Pipe and Sprinklers; Bag Wagon; Platform Scale; Lumber; Egg Grader and Washer. ’69 DODGE %-T ON PICKUP TRUCK J.D. No. 112 Riding Tractor w-Mower and Snow Blade; Small Tools; Caloric Gas Stove and Heaters; 3- Pc. Living Room Suite; Jars; Crocks; Ext. Table; Breakfast Table; Maple Chairs; Air Conditioner; Iron Kettle; School Desk, and many other items. Sale by: ROBERT and MARY BRUBAKER H. (ABE) SHAFFNER, 653-5689 C. H. WOLGEMUTH, Aucts. DIFFENDERFER & WASER, Clerks COMPLETE DISPERSAL (FARM SOLD) LOCATION; 5 miles Northeast of Mansfield, Pa., Tioga Co., on Route 549,18 miles Northwest of Troy, Pa., 23 miles West of Elmira, N.Y. THURSDAY, FEB. 1975 59 HEAD HI-GRADE HOLSTEIN DAIRY CATTLE 59 AT 11 O’CLOCK 35 young high producing milking age animals with good size and Good Plus udders, year around freshening. 5 bred heifers, due for Fall freshening; 8 open heifers of breeding age, 11 started heifer calves. All Home Raised - Daughters Sire Power - Carnation Curtiss Candy Sires Certified Accredited 100 percent Calfhood Vaccinated Charts Sale Day Pregnancy Checked (Interstate Testing Done on Request) MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 3 TRACTORS: Ford 5000, Ford 801 Select-O-Matic both fully equipped, Ford 841 tractor; Ford 1013 pth 3- bottom plow with trip bottoms, Ford 3-pth 2-bottom economy plows, Ford 3-pth loader, N.I. Cut-Ditioner, N.H. 3-pth 7-ft. mower, N.H. crusher, N.H. 268 baler with p.t.o. thrower and hydraulic hillside control, Lamco self-unloading wagon vyith heavy duty chassis, 5 wagons with throw boxes, N.H. Model 36 6-ft. flail chopper, N.H. 30 elevator, J.D. No. 40 manure spreader, Case 13-hoe disc grain drill, Case 12-ft harrow, 10-ft. 3-pth disc, J.D. 3-pth rake, Wood Bros, combine with motor, 3-pth 8-ft. harrow, 3-pth utility blade, 3-pth spreader and seeder, 20-ft. grain augur with motor, 3-pth cultivator, 24-ft. Smoker elevator with motor, 2 farm trailers, wagon box, spring seat; wheel barrow, buzz saw, sulky plow, bam tools, tractor chains, grabs, fence equipment, 2 electric fencers, Lincoln 225 welder and numerous other items sell at this auction. Approx. 3000 bales hay, will sell in 5 different lots* 400 bushels Russell oats, suitable for seed. ’ MILK EQUIPMENT Universal milk meter, 8 milk cans, NOTE: For good herd replacements and well kept machinery, attend this auction. TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK SALE DAY. LOUIS and NORMA TICKNER, VICTOR KENT & WILLIAM KENT, Auctioneers JEFF WARNER, Clerk Rockwell’s Livestock, Troy, Pa., Sale Mcrs Phone 717-297-3460 ’ LUNCH AVAILABLE LTICKNER'S PRODUCE OWNERS
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