If you're optimistic about M m ■ farming n 197 5- you're rightl Part off the story you’ve heard before: The world needs more food than it can produce, population keeps on growing and the people of the world insist on eating better every year. Now add these developments- First, the "cheap protein" plan for feeding the poor people of the world doesn’t look as promising as it once did. Second, the idea of open ing up whole new areas of the world to farming doesn't look so hot, either. Third—and most important—we’ve been on this course now for many years and time is running out Main Point: One real ray of hope is you and your ability to produce food. Regardless of weather and the rest of the economy, the people of North America and the rest The new DeKalb, Illinois plant is just under 10 acres under one roof. This will double the company's ability to produce Harvestore structures. of the world want what you produce — and all indications are that in the final analysis, they’re going to be willing to pay for it. It’s true... re going to continue Lancattar Farming, Saturday, Fab. 22,1975 operate the dryer because you can store high moisture grain. Even if drought or early frost cost you your entire grain yield, you can salvage about 40% of the feed value of the plant by processing the stalks and husks through your Harvestore system. YOUR LOCAL HARVESTORE DEALER PENN JERSEY HARVESTORE SYSTEMS/INC Box 91, New Holland, PA Please send me additional information about “Optimism in 1975.” Name Address Town County H 74-174 World’s leading manufacturer of automated feeding systems r " J. - this: We’re not asking you we don’t expect to do for instance, we have just lultimillion dollar expansion loubles our capacity for building Harvestores and we’ve asked our dealers to grow along with us so that they can continue to be in a posi tion to give you the products and services you need when you need them. Now is the time to gear up and move out before costs go up any more. We’re ready when you are. State Zip 53 [t#