Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 22, 1975, Image 51

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    Officer’s Training
Set For York 4-Hers
's Parliamentary
ire? This is one of the
questions to be
id at the 1975 York -
Officers Training
; on February 26 at
i. at the York County
From the Beginning
4-H Center. Here officers
from some 15 clubs
throughout York County wil
learn how to properly
execute their office they hold
in their local club and how to
successfully carry out their
officer responsibilities.
The Bed Lion High School
Parliamentary Procedure
Team will give a presen
tation on how to properly
conduct a business meeting.
Then the York County 4-H
Council officers will conduct
workshops on the offices of
President, Vice President,
Secretary, Treasurer,
Newsreporter, Recreational
Director, and Historian.
The President and Vice
President workshop will
involve learning how to
conduct a business meeting,
how to pass legislation
through use of motions, how
a President can introduce
legislation. The Secretary
workshop will show how to
write an acceptable
secretary’s report that keeps
the records of the activities
of a dub. The Treasurer
workshop will educate the
treasurers in keeping ac
curate financial records for
a dub. Ihe Newsreporter
workshop will inform the
newsreporters how to write
news articles that will be
acceptable for newspapers
and the York County 4-H
Reporter. Ihe Recreational
Director workshop will give
Song and Game Leaders a
chance to leam games and
songs they may take back to
their dubs to teach other 4-H
members. The Historian
Workshop will give the
Historians knowledge of how
to properly put a scrapbook
together containing photos
and news articles of their
club’s activities. There will
be sample Historian record
books at the workshop to look
It is recommended that all
officers from all the clubs
within the York County 4-H
program attend this
educational seminar. There
will be something useful for
everyone to leam about.
In the herd of Milton M.
Brubaker, Spruce Villa
Farm, Lititz, Pa., a senior
three-year old registered
Ayrshire cow named Spruce
Villa Com Star has com
pleted an official milk
production record of 12380
pounds, with 536 pounds of
butterfat, on twice daily
milking for 305-day DHIR
Testing period. This record
is one of many being made
by an increasing number of
registered Ayrshires on the
Ayrshire Breeders’
Association official DHIR
testing program.
Star’s record is 1V« times
the national average for all
dairy cows. The Ayrshire
breed is noted for persistent,
profitable production of
nutritious, quality milk.
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Our Chain Feeders have
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Today when you buy
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feeding, you get “Speed
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working on chain feeding
since the beginning.
Big Dutchman, where
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Co., Inc.
Phone (717) 354-4576
B\<\ Dutchman
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Feb. 22,1975
Ag Dept. Housing
Plan to Use Local
Labor, Leadership
Awards for completing a
year of driving without a
preventable accident were
presented to 26 Agway truck
operators from this area at a
dinner February 20, 1975 at
York, Pa.
Drivers honored and their
years of accident-free
driving are: Wilbur B. Shultz
- Lancaster Store, 5 years;
Vernon Frankhouser -
Lancaster Store, 9 years;
Donald B. Groff - New
Holland Store, 6 years;
Stephen M. Kurtz - New
Holland Store, 7 years; E.
Phares Martin - New
Holland Store, 9 years;
Wayne M. Carrigan -
Quarryville Store, 2 years;
Harvey J. Walton
Quarryville Store, 3 years;
Donald Carrigan
Quarryville Store, 4 years;
Melvin L. Hollinger -
Quarryville Store, 4 years;
W. Verne Anderson -
Quarryville Store, 11 years;
Samuel B. Heisey - Salunga
Store, 1 year; David S.
Musser - Salunga Store, 3
years; Nathan Dombach -
Lancaster Petroleum, 1
year; Carl G. Groff - Lan
caster Petroleum, 2 years;
Glenn L. Hassel - Lancaster
Petroleum, 2 years; Paul A.
Kauffman - Lancaster
Petroleum, 2 years; Kenneth
W. Bradford - Lancaster
Petroleum, 5 years; Mervin
Weaver - Lancaster
Petroleum, 6 years; Edward
G. McMullen - Lancaster
Petroleum. 7 years; S. Roy
Hollinger - Lancaster
Petroleum, 9 years; Roy M.
Petroleum, 11 years; Mark
Burkholder - Lancaster
Petroleum, 12 years; Paul E.
Miller - Lancaster
Petroleum, 12 years;
Morgan B. Zook - Lancaster
Petroleum, 12 years; Clair
L. Shimp - Lancaster
Petroleum, 12 years; H. Paul
Huber - Lancaster
Petroleum, 13 years.
These men are among the
1,635 drivers throughout
Agway who were recognized
for safe driving records of
one to 30 years. This
represents about two-thirds
of Agway’s 2,450 full time
drivers. Almost half of the
drivers honored this year are
receiving awards for five or
more years of safe driving.
Agway drivers covered
more than 56 million miles in
1974, operating vehicles from
small service vans to
The number of accidents
involving Agway vehicles
dropped in 1974 from 452 to
427, despite an increase of 70
in the number of trucks m
the Agway fleet.
Agway’s accident rate is
0.76 accidents per 100,000
miles, compared with the
national average of 1.22
accidents per 100,000 miles
for all fleets reporting such
statistics to the National
Safety Council.
Awards were presented by
Agway area manager James
Waters and petroleum
district manager Robert
Sowerbrower. Richard
Charles of Syracuse. N. Y.
represented the Agway
Safety Department.
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