48 —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Feb. 22, 1975 FFA - Hope for the Future i Ject in many of the nation’s high school in 1917, in structors became aware of the need to provide practical training beyond the traditional classroom ap proach. Their idea was to make the instruction more interesting by making practical work experience, competitive livestock judging, and agricultural leadership development activities part of the in struction. Vocational agriculture instructors and students eagerly accepted the learn by doing principle. The FFA was founded nationally in 1928 after similar organizations had started in several states. Right from the beginning, the FFA has stressed leadership, cooperation and citizenship - all vital to success in modem agriculture. Today the FFA has a membership of over 450,000 with chapters in ap proximately 8,000 high schools throughout the nation. The organization has state associations in all states, except Alaska and in Puerto Rico. Vocational Agriculture or agribusiness programs are funded in part by the National Vocational Education Acts through the U.S. Office of Education, state departments of education and the local school systems. The FFA operates under a federal charter granted by an Act of Congress in 1950 (Public Law 740, 81st Congress). The charter provides for a national board of directors and board of student officers elected from the mem bership. FFA activities are specifically designed to be a part of the instructional program in vocational agriculture. Members learn through active participation One of the best examples of youth in action on the American scene today is the FFA, the national organization for students studying vocational Madison Silos Division Office, P.O. Box 271, Madison, Wis. 53701 MADISON SILOS Div. Chromalloy American Corp 1070 Steinmetz Road Ephrata. PA 17522 Phone 733-1206 LOCAL DEALERS MESSICK FARM LANDIS BROS. INC. EQUIPMENT INC. Lancaster 393-3906 Elizabethtown 367-1319 CARL L. SHIRK FRANK SNYDER Lebanon 717-274-1436 Akron 859-2688 SOLLENBERGERFARM CALEB WENGER SUPPLY Quarryville 548-2116 Centerport 215-926-2722 WINTER DISCOUNTS NOW IN EFFECT agriculture in the public high schools. It is an organization run by the student members under adult guidance. Soon after vocational agriculture became a sub- RD4, BOX 34A GETTYSBURG, PA. 17325 PHONE 717-334-2168 GARAGES & SHOPS how to conduct and take part in public meetings, how to speak in public, and how to take a leadership role in their school and community. Each local chapter and each state association elects its own officers each year. In all cases the teacher of vocational agriculture is the advisor of the local FFA chapter and the State supervisor of agricultural education is the advisor of the state association. FFA members have full opportunity to practice the principles of democracy in conducting the affairs of their organization by exercising their privilege to vote at chapter meetings, serve on committees, and otherwise assist in carrying on the work of their organization. Elected delegates to the state and national conventions, held each year are asked to decide on major issues facing the organization. Advancement through the degrees in the organization from the Green Hand through the Chapter Far mer, State Farmer and American Farmer or Agribusinessman is based on achievement in farming, ranching, or agribusiness careers. Nearly 8,000 public schools have FFA chapters. One of the requirements for membership in FFA is that a student be enrolled in vocational agriculture. Students may retain their membership until they are 21. Competition is a key element of the FFA from the chapter to the national level. Each year the FFA recognizes more than 80,000 members at local, state and national levels for out- Order your new bulk tank by April 30, 1975... We’ll send you up Cash on the line. It’s this simple See your Bou-Matic dealer between February 15 and April 30, 1975 and get his best price on a brand new direct expansion bulk milk tank When your tank is delivered, send us the verification form We’ll send you our check for up to SI 00, depending on the size tank you buy (See Cooler-Cash Savings chart) Best of all, these saving? are on brand new I»7S model tanks. That means they’re loaded with many new features that make these proven professional-quality tanks even more reliable than ever You’ll be saving right off the top, while you get the milk cooling, storage and protection you can really depend on So, discuss with your Bou-Matic dealer the size that is right for your operation, while you can still take advantage of this special Bou-Matic offer Cash on the line CARL L. SHIRK COLE6ROOK ROAD standing achievement in activities related to agriculture career and leadership development. Funds for awards are provided by more than 700 businesses, organizations, and individuals that sponsor FFA programs through the National FFA Foundation, Inc. The Foundation provides nearly half a million dollars to make the incentive awards available to deserving FFA members in the following award programs: Star Farmer and Star Agribusinessman awards, 19 agricultural proficiency awards, public d PARTS ~ SALES SERVICE RDS, LEBANON, PA speaking, national chapter awards, national chapter safety, Building Our American Communities Awards, national judging contests, establishment in agriculture awards, and through state initiated programs for impro mg agricultural leadership. Recent food shortages in this country have reaffirmed the need for continuing a strong program of vocational agriculture and the FFA. Thus there Is a bright future for trained agriculturists ready to serve America. L- I y' Right when you nnd it most Bou-Matic Cooler-Cash Savings* WHEN VOU Buy vve LX. SEND YOU 2,000 ] 1,500 f gallon tank 1,200 J (00*1,000 gallon tank $ 75 450*600 gallon tank $ $0 OH«r (Mi batwaan FOrutry IS an« April 30 1*75 PHONE 274-1436 $lOO
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