LOCAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTBIHG RATES Us* This Handy Chirt To Figure Your Cost Words (Him |3|lssues) 14 or Lass $l.OO $2.40 15 1.05 2 52 16 1.12 2.69 17 1 19 286 18 1 26 3.03 19 1 33 3 20 20 1.40 3 36 KEYEDADS (Ads with answer coming to a Box Number, c/o Lancaster Farming: 50 cents additional Ads running 3 or more consecutive times with no chanie billed at 20 percent discount with $l.OO minimum Deadline; Thursday of week's publication. Lancaster Farmini P.0.80x 266 Lititz. PA fihone Lancaster 394-3047 or Litib 626-2191 Form Equipment For Sale' - 140 J.D. hydrostatic Lawn and Garden tractor with mower, hydraulic controls, wheel weights and jumbo cart, |1,829.00 like new used ¥t season. 717-285-4700 For Sale - 1971 Gleaner Model K combine, 10 ft. grain head, 2-row com head with cab. Machine is fully equipped in excellent con dition. Phone 717-697-1366 FREY BROS. MFC. QUARRYVILLE, PA.PHONE (717) 786-2146 Farm Gates Automatic Head Gates Wagon Hitch Calf Creep Ritchie Waterers Steel Fence Electric Gates Free Stalls Al Chutes Loading Chutes • Ear Tags (Slop Stops) Feed Bunks Steel Buildings H ay Racks WRITE FOR FREE CATALOGS See your PATZ Dealer today LANDIS & ESBENSHADE Kirkwood, PA W/s. Farm Equipment A really good push cultivator. Buy now before price goes up April IS. For Sale by: sax. son Center Square Road, Bird-in-Hand RD4I AND BY CHRIST B. STDLTZFUS Green Tree Store. QuarryviHe RD#3 Used Fetter Diesel 2% H.P. $l5O. Used Fetter Diesel 7% H.P. $250. Used M.F. 65D $2350.00 Rebuilt Deutz F 4L-912 Diesel Engine 60 to 80 H.P. Used 530 Case Gas w-loader $2500. Rebuilt Deutz FIL-712 Diesel, 10-12 H.P. 3 months parts warranty $BOO. STAUFFER DIESEL, INC. 312 W. Main Street New Holland, PA Phone 717-354-4181 Phone 7841-4158 Box 5 Farm Equipment Farm Equipment m M.F. Ceee New Idee Gehl Dunham Tillage Tools NEW EQUIPMENT INSTOCK 1810 Uni-Loader BF 130 Gehl Blender Feeder Plows in All Sizes M.F. 124 Baler M.F. 135 Tractor Forage Boxes (3) 580 B. Loader Backhoes 1830 Uni-Loader David Brown Tractors Models -885 N - 990 - 995 - 1212 Satoh Tractor & Loaders Spring Harrows New Idea Spreaders Cultipackers N.I. -Mtd. Cornpicker (2) Gehl Hanunermills NEW IDEA SNOWBLOWERS Buy Now At Great Savings Compact Tractors Case and New Idea all sizes USED EQUIPMENT Farmall Cub W-Snow Plow & Mower Fox Max 1 S.P. Har- vester Corn & Hay Heads N.I. Mod. 213 Spreader (very good) N.I. Model 213 Single Beater Spreader Case 300 Industrial Tractor loader Mustang Mod. 1700 Skid Steer Loader A. L HERR & MO. Qoarryville 786-3521 WE OFFER -Custom Welding in our shop or on the job. -General hauling, repairing and fabricating. -Engine work large or small. -Chain saw sale, rental and repair. -Electric drills, hammer drills, grinders Sales & Service -Lawn and Garden Equip ment Sales k Service. JOHN L. STAUFFER Repair Service Box 67 RD2 East Earl, Pa. Used New Idea cut-ditioner, used two seasons $1350.00. CaU Ed Smith 201-786-5525’ HEFTZMAN EQUIPMENT, INC. Ford Model 3500 Loader w-less than 1 yr. old auto, dig backhoe Used 3414 International Diesel Loader Backhoe w-Two Buckets 14500.00 JD Model 310 Loader Backhoe, excellent condition. Used 1971 Case Crawl 70 pe r «S#*t Un- 58500.00 Reconditioned Fork lifts 2000 to 7000 lb. capacity from $l5OO __to $5500 1974 Case 450 Crawler Loader; repossessed machine, 133 hrs., Priced to sell. 1973 Case 680 C tractor Loader Backhoe complete w-cab, repossessed machine, priced to sell. New Case & Massey Ferguson Equip ment available for immediate delivery. Tag-Along Trailers available for immediate delivery, will discount prices on trailers. Discounts of $lOOO.OO on all new backhoes sold In February. Glenmoore, Pa. Phone: 21M5M525 . SERVICES & REPAIRS For Allis Chalmeni, New Holland, Starline, Van Dale and other farm equipment. USED FARM EQUIPMENT N.H. 68 & 276 Balers (1) 30 ft. N.H. Elevator N.H. 516 S and 675 Spreaders Case 140 Spreader Starline and Hawk Tank Spreaders 10 ft. and 12 ft. Cultimulchers 9 ft. Cultipacker Woods Rotary Cutter G.E. Generator w-PTO on trailer. Tractors J.D. “A” A.C. Cj, WD, B-with loader roya-__ 700WoodcrestAve. RD3, Litits, Pa. Phone: I2S-77H Wanted - PTO shaft and long tongue for New Holland Hayliner. 717-765-3296 MONTGOMERY EQUIPMENT USED EQUIPMENT Tractor •Farmall Super M •Farmall M Diesel •Case 830 Diesel •Ford Jubilee w/Loader A.CJ&IS w/ Hyd. Ldr. •Hew Hollancs\ail Chopper •New Holland 365 Tank Spreader •New Holland 880 Harvester with Comhead & Pickup *IH Super M Tractor •Gehl PTO Forage Blower •N H 461 Haybme •Case 555 Haybme •New & Used Elevators in Stock •Gram Boxes & Wagons •D B 995 w/Dunham Ldr Demo •FarmallJJ TSOip •M •Case 1537 Umloader •Case 1737 Umloader •N H 1469 S P Haybme *N H 282 Baler w/Thrower •Schwartz Heavy Duty Loader for Large Tractor (like new) c •Case 930^0,b •N H 69 Super Hayliner •Badger Forage Box •A C 780 Harvester w/2 Row & Pickup •AC D-14 w/Hyd Ldr •AC D-lsOVD'tor •A C G Tractor & Atts •AC HD4 Bulldozer •Case 450 Bulldozer •Case 530 Tractor ♦Case D 630 Tractor M H 44 Tractor D B 990 Dsl Tractor Case 930 D (nice) CASE AND AU.IS CHALMERS NEW TRACTORS IN STOCK •D. B 990- *D B 1210 *A C 6040 Diesel Tractor •David Brown 995 *DB 885 G --a *AC 185 Diesel tractor NEW HOLLAND INSTOCK *273 Balers *276 Baler *469 Haybmes *354 Mixer Mill •519 Spreaders *676 Spreaders •790 Spreaders *8 Crop Carriers *lOl2 Bale Wagon Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Feb. 22,1975— 31 Try A Classified Ad It Foysl Poultry & Supplies For Sale - Goslings, Ducklings, Chicks, price Dst sent on request. David Hartman, Clearview Stock Farm and Hatchery,*Gratz, Pa. 17030 For Sale - 300 Anthony Pullets, started to lay. Henry K. Seller, RDI, Christiana, Pa. along Vintage Road. For Sale - 1500 Babcock Pullets, 20 weeks old March 14. Apply to Daniel Kauff man, Honey Brook, RD2, Pa. 19344 18,000 Pullets - Cage Grown. 20 weeks Feb. 12. 1975. Health records k prices, available on request. Phone 215-723-4355. BABY CHICKS Ready to Lay Pullets White k Brown egg Birds Broiler & Roaster Chicks MOYER’S CHICKS. MC. Quakertown, Pa. Ph. 215-536-3155 For Sale - New High Pressure round waterers, low price. PAUL HIESTAND Phone: 717-426-3^6 LONGENECKER'S HATCHERY Box 317, Elizabethtown, PA Ph: (717) 367-1545 J. J. WARREH SEX-SAL STARTED PULLETS, 20 WEEKS SEX UNKS 1200 April 21 3500 July 29 700 May 27 3500 Sept. 22 2500 June 30 Wanted - House for Leghorn Breeder Flock, 10,000 sq. feet. Poultry & Supplies For Sale - One Litter carrier approx. 160 ft. track witl boom. 717-367-2121 Anderson Medlcaton For Liquid Feeding ano Medications, 30 day fre< trial. PaulHiestand Phone: 717-426-3286 Wanted to Buy - Malian' ducks at $4.00 per duck. I i have some to sell call collect 301-778-0368 Many Breeds of Goslings, Ducklings, Guineas, Chicks and Turkeys. HOFFMAN HATCHERY GRATZ, PA. 17030 SHAVER w LAYERS GREIDER LEGHORN FARMS, INC. Phone 653-1855 MOUNT JQY RDI.PA
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