Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 22, 1975, Image 30
30 Miscellaneous J. C. Ehrlich Co., Inc. Termite, Pest. Rodent and Smoke control. Lawn and Shrubbery spraying. Free Estimates. 1278 Ixwp Road, I .ancastcr. Pa, Phone 717- 397-3722 For Sale • Sawdust, trailer loads, 1.500 cu. ft. $BO.OO, 20 mile radius delivery charge - $25.00, over 20 miles add delivery charge $l.OO per loaded mile. Phone 717-867- 2212, Waller H. Weaber & Sons, Rte. 241. Mt Wilson, Pa. 17042 WCX)D SHAVINGS. Ideal for work-ways and bedding. $20.00 per ton picked up or bulk load at $175.00. I .css expensive than straw or tanbark. Contact Bob Geist at Leola Supply Co. Inc. Ph. 717-656-6811. Cash For Pups I need Purebred and cute mixed litter lots,? to 10 week old. Clean and healthy. Contact "Jo Jo the Dogman” at Root’s Farmers Market, RDI Manheim, Pa. Every Tuesday 5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. No Phone Calls. TRY A CLASSIFIED Situations Wanted Man, wife and son looking for job in farming. Man and wife have experience in dairy, poultry, hogs and beef. Must have housing and fair wage. Son will also work in spare tune. Will furnish very good references. Please call 1-717-234-5728 2NDANNUAL MACHINERY SALE TO BE HELD March I, 1975 At the Visscher Farm, South Mam St, Nichols, NY, Rt 282, 25 miles West of Binghamton Call Now For Consignments ED GOODRICH, JR. Auctioneer 607-729-2866 Lancaster Farming Photos for Sale If you d like prints of any Lancaster Farming photographs we'll be happy to make them for you To order just complete the form below and mail or bring it to Photo Department Lancaster Farming 22 E Mam St Lititz PA 17543 The photo I want appeared m the Lancaster Farming dated. begins I would like to order the following prints Number of Prints Size Bxlo (Please add 6°t Pa Sales Tax) Please send remittance with order Allow 10 days for delivery !. 1 SAturMW ‘Feb. 1 $Z\ 1975 Miscallontous Close Out Specials Men's, Ladles', Children's Dress ana Work Rubbers, 4 buckle, zip, pullovers, Tlnglcy, fur cuff. Also sneakers. All sizes. $1.35 to $3.35 Boys', Men’s Shoes and Rubber Footwear, Ball Bands, Uniroyals. $1.95 to $8.35 Status horse hide work shoes, Goodyear Welt, all sizes. Our best seller. $11.95 Raincoats and Umbrellas At Root's Auction 12 Noon to 9 p.m. Tuesdays At Green Dragon Market all day Fridays. Ask for Wholesale Prices A. K. BEILER Selling Truckload of Spring Air Quality box spring and mattresses at Bart Fire Company Sale, Saturday, March 1 for Fisher Furniture $5OO REWARD For return of or information leading to whereabouts of 1 pair Sorrel Mare mules, 5 yrs. old with narrow strip in face, stand 16 hands, weigh 1500 lbs. Also 1 pair red sorrel Belgian mares, 7 hrs. old, weigh 1750 lbs. each. Also 1 show harness, removed from the Lebanon Valley Livestock Market Friday afternoon, Jan. 24 while was in progress. Contact Paul S. Waltermyer, RDI Jonestown, Pa. 717-865- 2234 Wanted to Buy - Puppies, 6 to 9 weeks old, m Utter lots Pure breeds and half breeds. Cash money paid. Will pickup every Friday. For resale in my pet shop. Write to Charles Hackett, 3743 N. sth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19140 or call before 8 p.m. 215-229-0449. Give breed-age color when writing. Also some kind of direction. Thank you. It was on page. Cost of each SI 50 2 00 2 50 TOTAL ORDER Rubber Stamps Made to Order Ink Pads Available. CHICKEN houses uisulated with sprayable urethane foam. All types of con struction. For free estimate call Conestoga Chemicals & Plastics, Inc. 397-3724. After 5:00 P.M. call 872-2233. Ceramic tile, seconds ideal for cow stable, trough and milk house walls. ESCH FLOOR COVERINGS V-i mile North of Bird-in-Hand, on Beechdale Road and the caption Miscellaneous NOTICE ** MEN'S WORK SALE ' MYERSTOWN CHURCH of th« BRETHERN SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1975 If You Hava Articles For Salt And Would Lika Them Listed In Our Itemized Advertisement Please Contact Us Before March 1. Call: 866-4005 or 866-2591 >r Write To: John Gibbls. R.D. 2. MyiWown. P«. 170 ff MOVING WIST? We have the trucks and experience to haul and move vour equipment. RAYMOND B. LEAMAN & SONS 717<464-2480 Richard D. Mylin RD2 Lancaster, Pa. 17603 Ph: 717-872-2855 is* IS I/ 0 tS i/ 0 tS HOLLAfSD kVltliULr^Ltllib MODEL 790 SPREADER The Biggest Strong-Box Spreads 8.25 Tons In Less Than 2 Minutes. Take a big step up in spreaders to the giant Sperry New Holland Model 790 It's a giant for capacity (358 bu per trip) It’s a giant for strength with reinforced sides and frame It's a giant in value, promising years of dependable service ASK US ABOUT Full Line of Simplicity & A.C. ECISHsALES AND SERVICE - PARTS AND EQUIPMENT 350 Strasburg Pike Miscellaneous For Sale - Round & Split locust posts, 7 ft. long, other lengths cut to order. Call 717- 382-4535. Feed & Seed CUSTOM DRYING AND BUYING GRAIN CONESTOGA VALLEY GRAIN Phone 717-354-9258 L. H. BRUBAKER, Inc. Scrvicci Offered Carpenter work. Will build houses, pole barns, cow boms, chicken houses. Will do all kinds of concrete work. Write Samuel S. Lapp. Christiana, Pa. Box Mo. 17509. Call driver 717-529- 2292, 295-384-2415. Feed !■ Seed For Sale - 4000 bushel of Hl- Moisturc Shelled com, 1 Chcm-Stor Treated by Agway. Phone 717-225-4565 1000 bales of bright, clean Oats straw for sale. Call 1- 717-244-0662 For Sale - Home raised Clover Seed. Call 354-9436 For Sale - Wheat Straw, no rain, call after 6 in * the evening. 717-626-8755 Buying and Selling Shelled Corn. Phone 717-442-8153. Wanted to Buy • Feed Wheat, Barley, or Rye. Phone 442- 4632 daytime.. tS iS tS iS tS tS y 0 u* \ \ supply you with a great combination plete your Manure Handling needs. NEW HOLLAND SPREADER - MIGHTY MAC LOADER .ED OR ERS CARLOAD OFJVIORIDGE GRAIN DRYERS ALL HAY TOOLS AVAILABLE WITH WAIVER OF FINANCE CONTACT: Lawn and Garden Equipment Ph. 397-5179 20 year old male college agricultural student desires summer farm work, preferably full-time. 717-392- 1531. We can dress, cut and wrap your beef or hog to your specifications, ready for your freezer. Old fashioned pudding and scrapple, wood smoked sausage, dried beef and homemade bologna. We also have live cattle for sale, direct from our farm. Located 2 miles west of Leola on Snake Hill Road. Arriving Soon 808 GANTZ HOME 653-5020 OFFICE -397-5179 OR 687-6002 Lancaster, Pa. Services Offered J&T EXCAVATING Loadir Service Backhoa Service • Cradinf Compklr Septic Systtm Foundation Footers * Tiling and Ditching Dump Truck Hauling Call 717-529-2589 717-786-3248 CUSTOM BUTCHERING EMMANUEL & DANIEL Z. STOLTZFUS RD1,80x233, Bird-in-Hand, Pa. Open 7 to 7 on Weekdays Sat. to 4 P.M.