Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 22, 1975, Image 27
classified ads Mail Box Market For Sale -1 pair 11x15 8-ply tires & tubes, like new, 1949 Chevy wrecked, lots of good parts, wide spread for 17 or 12A New Idea spreader, (717 ) 665-3865 For Sale - Used portable dishwasher, Whirlpool 4 cycle. Phone 717-656-6397. For Sale - John Deere B tractor, good condition. 717- 464-2408. For Sale - Horse cart, ball bearing wheels, best offer. 717-626-0152. For Sale - Milk dumping station, complete. Wanted -3 bottom 16 in. roll-over plow. Call 1-717-733-6098. For Sale - Allis Chalmers pickup grass head to fit 780 or 782 harvester. Phone 717- 653-1716. • State Inspection • Wheel Alignment • Automotive Glass • John Deera Lawn & { Garden COLLINS MOTORS RD#l ELIZABETHTOWN, PA PHONE 367-1856 Hj HN E£R£ Check Your Tractor Muffler Lately? • MUFFLERS • MUFFLER CLAMPS • MUFFLER WEATHER CAPS RADDER WIDE 12 ‘ A Gauge $90*95 DMItDEI/ If me 4 Pt. lowa Type ROLL BALER TWINE pSISM- 00 WE ARE EXPANDING OUR PARTS DEPARTMENT TO FILL YOUR FARM NEEDS. STOP IN OR CALL LARRY - PARTS DEPT. WENGER’S FARM MACHINERY Moil Box Market For Sale - Gandy insecticide applicators for 2-row or older 4-row cornplanters. Sam Beiler, 200 Maple Ave., Bird in-Hand, Pa. For Sale - John Deere 60 with 3 pt. hookup arm with power steering and rollomatic. 215- 777-5045. For Sale - 1-row New Idea No. 323 Super picker in ex cellent condition, used 3 seasons. Phone 1-215-589-4351 after 6:00 p.m. For Sale - 3 section spring harrow with rake; Also, 8 ft. grain binder. IVz mile north of Intercourse, Centerville Rd. H. L. S. . For Sale -1 pair lively 6 yr. old mules, medium small. Daniel K. Fisher, Rl, Quarryville, in back of Robert Fulton’s birthplace. For Sale - Wheat straw, no rain, $50.00 per ton, delivered. Call 215-589-2406. For Sale - Mixed hay, 150 ton, large or small lots, $40.00 ton at farm; 3 - 750 x 16 W. T. truck tires. Donald V. Johnson, R 6, Wellsboro, Pa. 717-724-1344. Rj For Sale - Home grown Clover seed, $40.00 per bu. Levi M. Hoover, Rl, Box 331, East Earl, Pa. at Center Church. LET US FILL YOUR FARM TIRE NEEDS WIDE VARIETY OF SIZES AVAILABLE FRONT AND REAR TRACTOR TIRES AND IMPLEMENT TIRES In stock to fit most tractors South Race St. AAverstown Pa. Ph 717-866-2138 PHONE 394-3047 or 626-2191 Mail Box Market For Sale - Purebred Border Collie puppies, black and white, male, now 4 wks. old. Phone 215-206-2035. Wanted - Late model S-A Heavy Duty with air brakes, cab and chassis or with 7’xlO' dump. Lester Fleisher, R 3, Box 18, Newport, Pa. 17074. For Sale - 3 Surge units, late style pulsation; 29 stall cocks, like new. Will sell complete or pulsation alone. Elam F. Lapp, R 4, Lititz, 17543. For Sale - Small size Bucket- A-Day with 30 gal. water tank in good condition, $65.00. Contact Amos Lapp, R 2, Myerstown, Pa., west of Reistville. For Sale - Dl9 Allis Chalmers Diesel, power steering; 3 spool Hyd. 305 New Idea mounted corn picker; mounting brackets to Dl9 and WD4S; 4-16 Allis Chalmers plow. 1-717-665- 5855. For Sale - 18 ft. truck bed, can be shortened; Also, 601 Ford tractor with power steering and Sauder loader brackets. Call after 6 p.m. 717-656-7898. For Sale - John Deere 4030, 1973, low hours, in good condition. 717-949-2011. Moil Box Market Help Wanted - Experienced man needed on dairy farm, Christian, house furnished. 215-269-3442 Automobile For Sale - ‘6B Chevrolet Camaro for sale. 1 owner. 56,000 miles. 327, automatic on the floor; Eower steering; Best Offer, all 717-684-7624. For Sale -1961 Ford pickup. 8 ft. bed, good running con dition. $4OO. Call 717-733-8528. Wanted to buy - 18’ or 20’ wide concrete stave silo, will tear down and remove. Dean S. Paulhomus, Cogan Station, Pa. Phone 717-494- 1180. For Rent - Adamstown, 4 rooms and bath, heat fur nished, adult only, no pet, $125. 267-2036. For Sale - Jamesway shuttle stroke barn cleaner: Also, 52 gal. Rheems electric water heater. John B. Stoltzfus, Kirkwood Rl, on Hill Rd., Pa. 17536 Wanted to buy - Milk separator, or parts to Farm Master Sears Model milk separator. Write C. L. Stoltzfus, Route 1, Newmanstown, Pa, 17073. For Sale -1 - 3,000 gal. water tank, good condition, $350. Levi S. Stoltzfoos, Hess Rd., Leola Rl, Pa. 17540 For Sale - Hay - Alfalfa and Orchard Grass, $70.00; Mixed hay, $55.00. straw, $40.00. (No rain on hay or straw) 80 bu. Rye, $3.00 per bu. Between Bethel and Frystown, Berks County. Phone 717-933-8134. For Sale - 50’ steel tower, 9’ square at base, $250, you remove; J. D. Fluffer, $125. Phone 717-755-6946. For Sale - 300 lb. butcher hogs; Also, yearling Holstein bulls, service age. Levi M. Stoltzfus, 31 E. Eby Rd., Leola, Pa. at Monerey. Wanted - Family cow, either Jersey or Guernsey, to freshen around spring. Call 215-759-3657. Wanted - Young Polled Charolais bull. Oscar E. Beck, R 2, Box 103, Walnutport, Pa. 18088. Give age, approx, weight, price, percent Charolais and whether both dam and sire were polled. For Sale - Allis Chalmers CA with cultivators and rear mounted hydraulic scraper blade; Also, No. 10 John Deere sidemounted 7’ mower; and No. 750 New Idea hay crusher. Phone 717- 687-7304. Wanted to buy - S. P. 50 Surge vacuum pump, new type oiling system, 717-944- 5028. For Sale - Starlme Model 70 silo unloader 12’ to 20’; Also, John Deere 9’ spring harrow, like new. 717-786-7654 after 7 p.m. For Sale - ‘6B CMC pickup truck, % ton. Call after 5 p.m. 215-469-9214. Wanted - One or two row cultivator for 9N Ford. W. R. Thrush, R 2, Quakertown, Pa. 18951. Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Feb. 22.1975 Mail Box Market For Sale - 28 in. Frick thrasher with gear box for baler; Piston water pump with electric motor. Isaac L. Beiler, Greentree Rd., R 3, Quarryville, Pa. For Sale -1 Lancaster Level- Flo silage distributor for silos up to 20’ in diameter. 717-733-8297. For Sale - Bale thrower and power take off shaft for 14T John Deere baler. Wanted - 4 cylinder Wisconsin engine with starter V-E to V-H good condition. Contact Reuben J. Fisher, Newmanstown Rl, Pa. 17073 Box 121 A For Sale - Service age Registered Holstein Bull, Sire: Paclamar Criterion, good records on dam. Jacob B. Stoltzfus, Myerstown Pa. Rl, Box 11 For Sale - 2 H.P. Rupp compressor used 4 month. 14 can Esco cooler, also milk cans. Daniel U. Stoltzfus, Honey Brook Rl, Box 26 Wanted - Used electric blower for wood-burning space heater. Phone 215-593- 2128 Wanted to Buy - Used hay mower (any type), pull type haybine and flatbed wagon. Phone 717-365-3767 Wood or coal range, Home comfort, white enamel, excellent condition, $425.00. Oxford 717-529-6273 For Sale - Oliver trailer plow, Oliver 2 way plow, J.D. spring harrow; N. I No. 8 Manure spreader; N. I. hay crusher; Oliver walking plow; McDeering riding cult; Hay 1.00 per bale. Phone 786-3618 For Sale - Windbreaker for WD Allis $l5. Cattle racks for 6’ Chevy Tk. bed $l5. Gas hot water heater $5. Phone 684- 5352 Wanted - Old brass bed and roll-top desk, any style and condition. State price and condition. Susan Funk Rl, Paradise, Pa. 17562, 1-442- 4279 For Sale -1 pr. Sorrel mare mules, 6 years old; 1 elevator cross 30 feet, 1 elevator 24 ft. Smoker; 1 A.C. baler 303 on steel with 4 cylinder motor. Elias Bawell, Gap R 2, Pa. on Dr. Blank Farm. Purebred Wanted Chihuahua sted from 6 weeks up to one year. For Sale - new 12 hole hog feeder used only 3 month 717-354-0293 For Sale - Cardinal gram elevator 12’ long, with motor mounting new, never used $3lO. Phone 286-5609 For Sale - International 4 row corn planter, fast hitch or 3 pomt hitch, Fiberglass fert. boxes, planter in ex cellent condition, $4OO. or best offer. Malcolm H. Powell, Box 499 Rt. 5, Get tysburg, Pa. 17325 For Sale - 20 x 30 Harvestore with Hercules unloader used for High Moisture ground ear corn. 717-464-2670 For Sale - 40 acres farm land, 5 acres woodland. Enos B. Stoltzfus, Christiana Pa., Box 400, 17509 Moil Box Morkot Wanted ■ 3 point hook up hydro hitch for Oliver 77 or 88 tractor, also rear steel wheels about 50 or 56 in. high and 10 or 12 in. wide. Call 215- 682-6441 Wanted - Schiettis Modena and White Show King Pigeons, Phone 215-987-6122. Write H. J. Levan, R 2, Clay, Pa. 19547 For Sale - D 2 Sauder manure loader A-l condition. 717-284- 2444 evenings. Brand new never used fully automatic Mueller matic bulk milk tank washer at discount price. Call 717-354- 5381 Wanted - Milk cans in good condition. Send price to John M. Stoltzfus, Bloomsburg Rl, Pa. 17815, Montour County For Sale - 2 brooder houses, each 20 by 20 in good con dition. Must be dismantled to move. Price $75.00 each. J. Warren Shearer, 426 W. Penn Ave. Wemersville, Pa. Wanted - Com head to fit 40 Model John Deere Combine (2 row). Eugene H. Tharp, Rising Sun, Md. 21911 301- 658-6317 For Sale - Massey Harris 444 Diesel, PS, live PTO, 3 pt. hitch; John Deere 3B roll over plow. Phone 1-717-284- 4905 For Sale - Approx. 101 n 2nd cutting Alfalfa hay, cr iped, not field bleached. Als- .ome straw. 717-653-1979 For Sale - 1500 bs 3 of Wheat straw under cc r, 50 cents per bale or $3O per ton. At the bam. Pho 301- 778-3657 For Sale - Large Tn :sun heatrola, used 1 ason $195.00. David S. Sn ;ker, R 2, New Holland, on 'abor Road. Wanted - Medium sized wooden tub in reasjnable condition. 717-653-5344 For Sale - Surge SP 22 milker pump, price $llO. 717-464- 2233 For Sale - Racks for wide side, 8 foot box pick up truck $35.00. Robert R. Balsbaugh, Myerstown Route 2, Penna. 17067, Phone 717-949-3153 For Rent - 2 bedroom farm house with buildings for chickens, steers, or hogs. 717-426-1654 Wanted - One WD 45 Allis Chalmers rediator. Leon J. Knepper, Rl, Berlin, Pa. 15530, Phone 814-267-4953 For Sale - New Holland 1010 bale wagon, good condition, attachments for single bale unloading, stacking, stack retrieving. $2500. Daniel Lazarus, R 2, Milton, Pa. 17847, 717-437-2866 Free-Some turkey houses yet to tear down. For Sale - Number 50 lb. hanging feeders 3 A & R Wood gas brooders, large size in good condition. Two iron hog troughs 10 & 12 ft. long. Also 1965 Chev. Malabu Station Wagon in good running condition. Harry Lamparter, MountviUe, Pa. 17554 Phone 2854541 - . - 27