Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 22, 1975, Image 25
Livestock Day Planned The latest developments In meat animal research, nutrition, and management will be featured at the 1075 Livestock Day scheduled for March i at The Penn sylvanla State University. "The program, of special interest to beef, sheep, and swine producers, will be held in the University’s J. 0. Keller Building starting at 10 a.m.,” said Professor Dwight B. Younkin, Penn State Extension animal scientist and program chairman. Keynote speaker at the Livestock Day will be Dr. E. Paul Taiganides, of Ohio State University, in- ternationally * known specialist in pollution control and solid waste management. will present the topic “Everything You Always Wanted to Know About He DAIRY EQUIPMENT COMPANY OFFERS CASH REBATE PROGRAM ON ALL NEW BULK TANKS Sold and Recorded Before Midnight APRIL 30, 1975. BO COOLEI/CASH REBATE CHART SIZE 450 ■ 600 gallons * 50.00 800 - 1000 gallons 75.00 1250,1500, 2000 gallons 100.00 USED BULK MILK TANKS For Diesel or Electric Installation. (1) 600 Mojonnier with tank washer. 5 h.p. Lehigh compressor with 2 unicons. Very clean. (SOLD) 500 gal. Girton D-2 with 5 H.P. Lehigh Compressor (SOLD) (2) 400 gal. Sunset tanks $BOO.OO each (1) D-2 400 gal. Girton $1200.00 (1) 500 gal. Esco (1) 300 gal. Esco (1) 350 gal. Esco (1) 400 Jamesway (1) used Sputnik (3) used Alamo 30 Surge vacuum pumps (2) used 5 H.P. Copeland Compressors ALL TANKS GUARANTEED WE ARE INTERESTED IN BUYING GOOD USED BULK TANKS. x GIVE USA CALL. FOR BULK MILK TANK SERVICE, CALL COLLECT. Call Us At <717) 626-4355.J717) 626-5996 or Answering Service At (717) 733-1224. SKEW'S FARM SERVICE R.D.4, LITITZ Pollution But Were Afrlad to Ask." Dr. Taiganides has lec tured in most of the United States and Canadian Provinces, in all but three countries in Western Europe, and in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Russia, India, and Japan. For persons interested in beef cattle production, Penn State specialists will discuss such topics as breeds and crossing systems, relation to marbling and eating quality, alternate protein sources, methods of pasture renovation, and silage-grain ratios for finishing cattle. The swine program will feature Dr. Taiganides discussing aspects of water resources. The session also will focus on chemical and mechanical controls of liquid manure odors, ventilation to control odors in a closed rr building, waste disposal units, swino behavior research, and a Meat Animal Evaluation Center sum mary. Sheep producers will hear reports on new develop ments in forage harvesting and feeding, ensiled animal wastes, lamb behavior, growth studies with Ralgro, and a look at Extension and Resident Education programs at Penn State. Professor Younkin notes that those interested in at tending the 1975 Livestock Day should register in the lobby of the J. 0. Keller Building between 9:30 and 10 a.m. on March 4. The program will conclude at 3:30 p.m. SNACK TIME Two slices of fresh apple put together with a layer of cream cheese or slices of’Cheddar cheese makes a hearty and substantial snack REBATE PHONE 626-4355 Discussing plans for the 1975 Livestock Day scheduled for March 4 at The Pennsylvania State University are Dwight E. Younkin, (left), Penn State Extension animal scientist and general program chairman; and Dr. PennAg Annual Convention Set Phillip M. Spalding, York Flour Mills, York, President of PennAg Industries Association, announced recently the appointment of the Association’s 97th An nual Convention Committee. The Convention will be held September 17-19, 1975, at the Gettysburg - Sheraton, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Three hundred of the state wide agribusiness association’s members are expected to attend. The Convention Com mittee Chairman is Robert Weindel, Agway, Inc., Harrisburg. Other Com mittee members are William Durboraw, Thomasville Stone and Lime Co., Cft' 1 hlrw New ehopoer I <y pump -pig 21* Jj dia for top power. tyXA fast agitation Cutter blades shred heavy material, aid in agitation and pumping* i For 6, B,’ 10, 12, pH depths. F. ERNEST SNOOK NESSETH and CALUMET DISTRIBUTOR RDI, Mifflinburg, PA 17844 Phone 717-966-2736 Lancaater Farming. Saturday, Feb. 22.1975 Thomasville; Paul J. Green, Farmer’s Supply Co., Walkersville, Md.; James A. Price, Beacon Milling Co., Inc., York; and Thomas R. , Zeigler, Zeigler Brothers, Gardners, Pa. According to Weindel, the convention will include speakers and meetings on transportation, impact of world markets on Penn sylvania agriculture, a panel discussion on agribusiness 1 problems, etc. Other Con- vention features include a complete .ladies program, exhibits, golf tournament and entertainment. ‘“Dedication to Victory’ is the theme for our con vention,” Weindel stated. 3250 gallon spreader tank We built this whopper to cover more acreage per trip . and take abuse year in and year out Its powerful slmger spreads a 40' path, keeps liquid close to ground. Discharge valve won’t clog or freeze. Walking beam wheels mean easy pulling. Surge brake provides extra safety Rugged tank has internal baffles, frame is super strong for long life Take a look It’s your best spreader tank value If you need a smaller one, we manufacture those, too. Calumet Great new name in farmstead equipment. Lowell L Wilson, professor of animal science, beef cattle committee chairman. The program is designed to be of interest to all livestock producers. “With so much pessimism rampant in our society today, our committee decided instead to plan a program which will be positive and affirmative. It is appropriate that Get tysburg should be the site for this convention - the place where one of the greatest affirmations of our time took place.” As a parent, try to ob jectively appraise your child's ability, suggests James Van Horn, Extension family life specialist at The Pennsylvania State University. Then encourage and even insist he work up to that capacity. Help your child dream enough to realize what he can or can’t do. Then provide en couragement, rather than pressure to help him seek his goals. o spreader tank i Or tougher 25 Children Need Encouragement igger