Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 22, 1975, Image 21
Eshleman Seeking Public Opinion Congressman Ed Eshleman’s annual questionnaire for constituents of the 16th District appears below. Residents are urged to fill out the form and return it to: Congressman Ed Eshleman, 2244 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515. QUESTIONNAIRE 1. To conserve petroleum, do you favor: (Choose one) A. Mandatory rationing B. Raising the tax on gasoline only C. Raising the import tax so that all petroleum products go up in price. 2. If rationing was imposed, could you get by on the predicted allotment on nine gallons per week? YES— — NO To encourage the manufacture and use of smaller, more economical automobiles, would you favor a tax on new automobiles based on the number of miles-per gallon the vehicle is capable of traveling? (I.E. automobiles that travel the fewest miles-per-gallon would be taxed the most; automobiles with the better gas mileage would not be taxed) YES NO- - Which of the following two economic programs most closely reflects your idea of what the nation needs: (Choose one) A. Try to hold the line on Federal deficits, no new spending programs, broad-based tax cuts, fuel tax increases, incentives to business to increase production and cash payments to low income people. B. Major new Federal spending programs, tax reductions aimed at lower income groups, fuel rationing, increased public service Jobs, government financed aid to depressed industries and lower interest rates. 5. Legally, we have generally agreed that a person’s life stops when the heart stops beating. Therefore, it is my . feeling that life should be considered started, for purpose of law, alien the heart starts beating. This occurs approximately 6-6 weeks into pregnancy, so would you agree that the legal limit on abortion should be only that period of time before the heart starts ■ If you want increased milk production, better herd health and reduced labor costs... which in turn equals greater profits. mm ■ If you want a versatile feed supplement that nftf| fits any feeding system and balances any dairy ration. u ■lf it's Mol-Mix... the quality liquid feed «M| supplement, produced by National Molasses, the liquid leader. Convert to the Mol-Mix liquid concept and say YES! to maximum production and bigger profits! Mol-Mix^ liquid supplements Now Available at: RED ROSE FEED & FARM SUPPLY Div. of Carnation 27 N. CHURCH ST. QUARRYVILLE, PA 786-7361 Red Rose ANIMAL FEEDS BUCK, PA 284-4464 # beating except in those cases where the life of the mother is endangered? YES NO 6. A National Health Insurance Program: A. Is not needed. B. Should be operated and controlled completely by the Federal government (Approximate new cost to the government - $6O - billion) C. Should allow private insruance companies to continue to furnish policies but require the policies to meet Federal guidelines. There would be government aid for the poor. (Approximate new cost to the government - $9.3 billion) D. Should require employers to furnish all employees with a Health Insurance Policy that meets Federal guidelines with a government administered policy for the self-employed, employees of small businesses and the poor. (Approximate new cost to government - $6.5-billion) E, Should provide a plan to pay the costs of catastrophic illnesses only. (Approximate new cost to government - $4.4 billion) Do you favor President Ford’s proposed 5-percent limit on Social Security Benefit increases? YES NO There is widespread agreement that the Social Security system is facing future financial difficulties which will require more money. In order to raise that money do you favor: A. Higher Social Security withholding taxes B, Dipping into general tax revenues to sup plement revenues from Social Security taxes (This would probably mean higher income taxes) C. Financing the Social Security program completely from general tax revenues (This means no Social Security tax but much higher income taxes) 9. Would favor cutting back Federal spending for domestic programs even if popular programs like Social Security, aid to education, housing, etc., might be adversely affected? YES NO—— 10. Should we continue indefinitely the 55-mph national speed limit? YES NO 11. m your opinion, should national anti-trust laws be expanded to cover labor unions? YES NO 12. Do you think the revenue sharing program which returns Federal tax revenues to State and local governments for use in locally planned projects should ‘ be continued? YES NO—— 13. As one way of meeting future energy needs, do you favor building more nuclear power plants? NEW 14. Last year Congress cut $3OO-million from previously authorized aid to South Vietnam. Because of recent North Vietnamese and Viet Cong military activities, President Ford has now asked congress to provide $3OO-million in financial assistance and military supplies. Do you believe the aid should be given? YES NO Soybean Pres. to Mexico W. B. Tilson, President of the American Soybean Association, will head a soybean market study mission to Latin America, March 3-15. The 40-person mission will include presidents of state soybean associations, the executive committee of the A.S.A., and members of the farm press. Sponsor of the mission is Elanco Products Company, manufacturer of Treflan soybean herbicide. In Mexico, the group will study progress of an A.S.A.- originated program to enrich the protein content of staples such as tortillas with soy flour. The group will also visit with Mexican govern ment officials and soybean processing leaders about U.S. soybean supplies and quality. Meetings in Colombia with government and industry officials will be aimed at increasing the use of U.S. soybeans there. In Brazil, the 40-man mission will observe soybean production methods in both established and new soybean growing areas. Tilson, a soybean grower from Plainview, Texas, is in his second year as head of the association representing the $lO-billion U.S. soybean 7 LANDIS & ESBENSHADE LLOYD SULTZBAUGH LANDIS FARMSTEAD ■ Kirkwood PA Camp Hill, PA AUTOMATION 1 ■ (717) 786 4158 (717) 737-4554 Milton PA I I CLAIR SANER & SON (717)437-2375 I I McAllisterville, PA nnnSrSui LEO LANDIS I I (717) 463-2234 Millers burg, PA I I MARVIN HORST H. DANIEL WENGER' I I Lebanon, PA Hamburg PA 0N ! „ E p. E ™ I I (717)272-0871 (215)488-7674 I I JOSEPH MOYER KENNETH L. SPAHR ZOOK'S FARM STORE I I Pipersville, PA Thomasville, PA Honev Brook PA I t (215) 766-8675 (717)225-1064 (215) 273-9730 M Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Feb. 22.1975 HOLLAND MOWER- \ CONDITIONER | INTERMESHING RUBBER ROLLS A Nine-foot Model 479 does the big jobs fast. Full lateral flotation lets the header hug the ground closely. Full-width, intermeshing, chevron rubber rolls give uniform condi tioning. An adjustable reel picks up lodged crops. The sicklebar moves 1,632 strokes per minute for fast, clean cutting. We'll be glad jF to demonstrate... phone today and make •4SL arrangements. CONVENIENT TERMS TO FIT YOUR BUDGET!! FREE FINANCE No. Finance Charges til June 1, 1975. Winter Buyers Dividend for Early Purchase. A.B.C. Groff, Inc. Roy A. Bruboker 110 S Railroad Ave. lOOWoodcrestAve New Holland Litib, Pa 354-4191 626-7766 LH. Brubaker C. E. Wiley & Son, Inc. 350 Strasburg Pike 101 S Lime St. zqtrito Quarryville 3975179 786-2895 . 21