Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 15, 1975, Image 67
Sales Report Pa. Yorkshire Asioc. Sale Farm Show Building, Harrisburg February 8,1975 With a standing room only crowd, the Pa, Yorkshire breeders saw their 45 lots of animals sell at an average of (237.67.60 registered bidders saw the following highlights: Champion bred gilt was consigned by Leon Arnold and brought $340 while the reserve champion bred gilt also consigned by Arnold PUBLIC SALE Private Collection of Many Rare History Books • Guns . Farm Equipment - Tools - Etc. SATURDAY, Located at the York Airport, along U S Rt #3O 8 mi West of York, Pa. the following Farmall Cub tractor in excellent condition with several attachments; 5 County History Books: York (2), Lancaster, Adams, Susquehanna; 6 County Atlases: Lebanon, Adams, Cumberland, York, Franklin, and Lancaster; Many rare books including Civil War Collection. 21 guns including 3 Kentucky rifles, raised carved, 1 with 21 inlays, 1-w eagle and patchbox; several dbl. barrels; 4 pistols; many ac cessories; 100’s of fine items; Come Early - Lots to sell! Heated Building - Bring your «wn chairs - No inspection until day of sale. Order of Sale: Tools - Books - Tractor at 12:00 - Guns will follow. Lunch at Sale. PLEASE CLIP THIS AD AND SAVE! THOMASVILLE, PA CLAIR R. SLAYBAUGH, Auctioneer Idaville, PA Phone 677-7479 Jacobs and Brown, Clerks MOO-MOOoo-re for Your Money 60 Head Fresh and Close Springers A load of Top Quality Dairy Cows Out of Wisconsin Plus Local and Canadian. • 1 Good Stock Bull • Kingpin & Performer Daughters THE MYERS BOYS SET HIGH STANDARDS TO PURCHASE TOP QUALITY COWS FOR THEIR MONTHLY SALE. For additional information on Bloodlines and Production, call Thursday, February 20th (717) 569-2106. 0 Sale held at the Black & White Holstein Farm located just West of Lancaster, Pa. on Dairy Lane. Exit 283 West of Lancaster at Flory’s Mill Rd., turn left and then right around mill to farm. Featuring: brought $285. Both gilts were purchased by Harry Bach man of Annevllle. The bred gilts pveraged $258. The Champion single open gilt consigned by Thomas Arnold sold for $l5O to Russel Kegg of Bedford. The reserve champion open gilt con signed by Reno Thomas sold for $lB5 and was purchased by C. M, McGraw of Hun tingdon. Park Thomas consigned the champion litter mate pair which sold MARCH Ist, AT 9:00 A.M ALL DAY SALE OSCAR HOSTETTER, OWNER ABE DIFFENBACH, Auctioneer CHARLES C. MYERS HENRY KETTERING. Pedigrees PARK MYERS, Sales Manager 7 ;V???SSnn ROBERT LAWRENCE, Cashier or 717-569-6800 for $430 to David Glass of Blrdsboro, Pa. The reserve champion litter mate pair consigned by Leon Arnold sold for $305 a pair being purchased by Kenneth Blatt of Jonestown. The champion boar consigned by Real Farms sold for $3OO with the reserve champion boar bringing $275 (consigned by 'Charles Hall.) The litter mate pairs averaged $285 with 10 boars averaging $230.50. Used Bicycle Sale February 8,1975 Adam S. Weaver, Berks Co. Auctioneers Leroy Zook and Leon Kurtz reported that an attendance of over 300 people saw the following highlights sell at Saturday’s auction; new 10 speed bikes brought over $100; new 3 speeds $75; used bicycles $lO-25; express wagons $B - locusts posts $3.15 each top selling buggy $260 and 225 amp Lincoln welders 105.00 each. 1975 Equipment and Household Mylin Good, Landisville February 8,1975 Auctioneer Wilbur Hosier reported that the following highlights sold at Saturday’s auction: Farmall tractor with cultivators $B7O and New Idea manure spreader for $5OO. Livestock and Farm Equipment Amos Hoover, Gap February 8,1975 A good crowd of interested buyers saw the following highlights sell during Saturday’s auction. Two New Holland wagons $1270 and $1025; Farmall 240 tractor $960; 1964 In ternational truck $900; plows $1640; grain drill $770; spreader $950; 2 sprayers $505 and $510; side rack $530; grain bins $370 each hay $63 per ton and straw $3B per ton. EBRUARY COW SALE FRIDAY MITE, FEB. 21 - 8 P.M. AT THE BLACK & WHITE HOLSTEIN FARM Danville Cattle Company Danville, Pa. Feb. 10,1975 Hogs - 41.80 to 43.10. Sows • 31.00 to 39. Boars - 24 to 28.25. Feeder Pigs (by the head) - 22 to 25. Calves ■ 100 to 135 lbs., 34 to 44; 140 to 180 lbs., 44 to 56. • 39 to 42. Steers good grade 31 to 36.25. Bulls - 25.50 to 28.50. Cows - 18 - 23.40. Dairy Dispersal Lester Kline- Chambersburg February 7,1975 Ralph Horst, Auctioneer reported that a very good crowd was present for Friday evening’s auction near Chambersburg. The two top selling cows brought $BBO and $BO5 with the average for the grade cows being $432. Buyers from a wide portion of the Eastern states were present. Machinery - Livestock Luke Burkholder Schaefferstown, Pa. February 6,1975 Auctioneer Randal Kline reported that the following highlights were sold during Thursday’s auction: Bred sows averaged $215 with 66 head of feeder pigs selling from 35.00-39.50. Ear corn sold for $65.50 per ton; Grove silage wagons $1270 and $1300; Gehl hi-thrower $540; John Deere 3 bottom plow $1030; MM 302 tractor $2150; MM tractor with loader $970; Bearcat grinder and mixer $920 ; 32 ft. elevator $265 and flail chopper $350. Dairy-Equipment Paul Heisey - Elizabethtown February 11,1975 Highlights of Tuesday’s sale included: Ford 801 tractor $1900; John Deere 3010 gas $2650; John Deere rotary how $700; 2 Lamco Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Feb. IS, 1975 chuck wagons $lO2O and $1080; 16 ft. wagon $305; Farmall C $430; John Deere baler $1800; New Holland hay bine $1790; John Deere 4 row com planter $1710; 40 ft. elevator $650; John Deere rake $710; ear corn $7O per ton and top selling cow Red and White Holstein $l5OO. Auctioneer Randal Kline. Special Horse Sale New Holland Sales February 7,1975 Reported headage of 266. Tennessee work horses pairs 975-1800; singles 480-750; Michigan work horses pairs 1000-1850 and singles 420-700; Tennessee work horses pairs 1000-1350 and singles 375-5251 New York driving horses 185- 460; 2 loads of mules from Tennessee pairs 790-2356 and singles 540-1175; local work horses singles 490-700 and local mules pairs 700-1475 and singles 210-850. Local driving horses singles 310- 740. Farmersville Auction Johnßutt, Owner February 4,1975 Highlights sold at Tuesday’s auction mcluded: cedar chest $57; refrigerator $130; 2 piece living room suite $205; depression glass pitcher $12.50; box spring and mattress $100; electric range $6O and tool box $lB. DUROC SALE SATURDAY, MARCH 8,1975 SHOW 11:00 A.M. SALEIrOOP.M Location: Lebanon Fair Grounds From Rt. 72 to Rockerty Road East. BOARS OPEN GILTS BRED GILTS SPONSORED BY: Penna. Duroc Breeders Assn. Health Papers For Out of State Sales Will Be Available. -- For Catalog Write Auct. PAUL Z. MARTIN GeorgeZimmernian, Sec Judge: Paul Parrish R-o.#i Grantville, Pa. 17028 ROSEWOOD FARM MILKING HERD DISPERSAL (LAST SECTION) G. LUTHER HUSTON, Owner, HEBRON, MD 42 • GUERNSEYS - 42 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1975 12:30 NOON At the Ass’n. Sales Pavilion Lancaster, PA 2 BULLS, Both Service Age, 29 COWS, 4 BRED & 7 OPEN HEIFERS Most due in December, January, and February GOLD STAR BREEDER AND GOLD STAR HERD 1974 1973 DHIR average: 14219 M - 680 F William Messix, Queen Anne, Md., consigns three heifers due at sale tune. John Hull, Westminster, Md., consigns two bred heifers due at sale time and a “Master Chief” - daughter is consigned by Sheila M. Simmons, Greensboro, Md. SALE MANAGED BY PENNA. GUERNSEY BREEDERS’ ASS’N. P.O. BOX 458 CAMP HILL. PA., 17011 AND THE MERRYMAN CO.. SPARKS, MD.. 21152 *•'* *„*•■£■ »/ A i I i i i -4.4 4 X 4 i 4 4.4 4444414 44 444**.i4i 4 A.'tf&i. « Binkley and Hunt Equipment Sale, Litltz February 8,1975 Over 300 registered bid ders saw the following highlights sell on Saturday. 870 Case 57500; Chevy 30 series pickup $375; Diamond T truck $170; John Deere 2510 $3200; David Brown 990 $5600; Oliver crawler $625; Ford 800 series $1250; Ford 2N $6OO ; 4 row corn planter $650; forage wagon $690; new Hasten blower $625; 4 bottom Oliver plows $770; Gehl hammermill $985; New Holland hay bine $490; fox harvester $370 and snow blower $2OO. AUCTIONEERS DIRECTORY 3r •- * - RANDAL V. KLINE i Specializing In: [ DAIRY & FARM > MACHINERY SALES [REAL ESTATE-PUBLIC i OR PRIVATE SALE. [ COMPLETE PROFESSIONAL , AUCTION SERVICE WITH TENT 1 AVAILABLE I 717-626-4975 67