—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, Feb. 15, 1975 66 Public Sales Register mmmmmmmmm m m m mmmmmmmmmmrnmmmmmmm m Kenneth Seiple; Jacob A. Gilbert, Auctioneer. I Continued from Ptgi 65| FRI. FEB. 21 - 6 P.M. Gap Auction located off Route 41, Lancaster Ave., opposite Turkey Hill Mlnit Market, cross RR Bridge. Antiques sold at every auction. Ira Stoltzfus and son, Auc tioneers. SAT. MARCH 22 - 9 P.M. Public Auction of Farm Equipment, Guns, Household Items, Collec tibles located one mile Southwest of Augustaville, 6 miles South of Sunbury, 3 miles North of Dornsife, 4 miles East of Route 147. Watch for Sale Sign along Route 147, 3 miles North of Herndon, Penna. Sale by Harry E. Phillips, owner; George N. Oeibert, Auc tioneer. SAT. MARCH 22 - 10 a.m. Public Sale of Lawn and Garden Equipment. Hand Power Tools and small tools located 4 miles South of Strasburg along Rt. 896 at Keneagy Hill Road at Fisher’s Lawn and Garden Center. Sale by Fisher Bros.; Leroy Zook and Leon Kurtz, Auctioneers. SAT. MARCH 22 - Eastern Shore Showcase Sale, 50 Registered Holstein Calves and Heifers. West Not tingham Sale Bam, Rising Sun, Md. for catalogs write Robert Knutsen, RDI, Rising | CONSifiNMENTSALEi ♦ WEDNESDAY, FED. 19, 1975 t ♦ 9;30 A.M. 4 Location; y 2 mile North of Route 23 on North J 4 Maple Ave. in Leola, Lancaster Co., PA. ' Y No. 530 John Deere Tractor on steel; John i J Deere 24T Baler w-engme, No 202 N.H \ I Spreader, like new; (2) Large Feed Bins - one I 10 ton with divider, one 7 ton; No. 456 Trailer ▲ Mower, like new. + Tractors; Farm Machinery; Horse Drawn 4 Implements, New Tools, Lumber, etc., etc. We 4 have buyers for hay and straw. ♦ (2) Hot-Water Oil Furnaces, 14 cast iron t 4 radiators. Truck load of fruit. We Sell On Commission. . DAVID H. GOOD J 717-656-9024 + F. Snyder, R. Martin, 4 C.H. Wolgemuth, C. Diller, Aucfc 4 Next Sale Wednesday, March sth. 4 NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS POSITIVELY NO HOUSEHOLD GOODS PUBLIC AUCTION SPRING FARM MACHINERY SALE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1975 at 12:00 noon Special Consignments of Tractors, Plows, Discs, Planters, Drills, Combines, Trucks and related Farm Machinery items We have already listed some fine Farm Machinery could use more at this time There will be good demand for usable machinery Farmers and Dealers are already showing interest in This sale Please consign your excess or not fully utilized items If you call in advance we will advertise your machinery at no ad difional charges We have been conducting spring and fall sales and this has been the meeting place for buyers and sellers from DELAWARE MARYLAND VIRGINIA PENNSYLVANIA AND NEW JERSEY Your Machinery Will Be Accepted from now until sale time Yes even the morning of sale up to noon We want your consignments we charge a very low rate of commission and will offer unloading f3C(htl6S SALE LOCATION RUDNICK’S FARM, route 213 GALENA MD HARRY RUDNICK & SONS, Inc , Sales Managers S Auctioneers Phones Day J3OIJ 648 5100, 648 5179. 658 5180 flite phones, j 301] 778 0804 orJ3o2| 764 3347 Sun, Md. 21911 SAT. MARCH 22- 1 p.m. Public Sale of Bred GUts, Open Gilts and Boars to be held at the Lebanon Fairgrounds, located 1% miles South of Lebanon at the intersection of Cornwall and Evergreen Roads. Sale by the Yorkshire Association. SAT. MARCH 22-9:30 A.M. 26th Annual Consignment Sale by the Myerstown Brethren Menswork to be held at the Church grove. Eight Auctioneers. For further information contact John Gibble, RD2, Myer stown, Pa. Phone 866-4005 SAT. MARCH 22 - 9:30 A.M. Public Sale of Dairy Cows and Farm Machinery located 3% miles South of Strasburg off May Post Office Road, west along Winter Hill Road. Sale by Marvin Miller; Lloyd H. Kreider and Kersey Bradley, Auctioneers. SAT. MARCH 22 - 11 A.M. Public Sale of Beef Cattle, Farm Machinery and Household Goods located along Maxwell Drive, 1 mile south west of Unicom. 5 miles south of Quarryville, off Route 222. Terms by Paul G. and Mable U. Weaver: Kreider and Diller, Auc tioneers. THURS. MAR. 27 - 11:30 A.M. Public Sale .of Farm Equipment located along Homevllle - Cream Road, take Union School Road from intersections No. 10 and No. 1. Travel 4% miles, or hi mile east of Hogg Cabinet Shop, watch for arrows. 6 miles North of Oxford, Chester Co., Pa. Sale by Warren M. and Mildred I, Smith; Carl Oilier and J. Everett Kreider, Auc tioneers. FRI. MARCH 28 - 12 Noon Pennsylvania’s 2nd Per formance Tested Bull Sale at Meat Animal Evaluation Center, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pa. Sale siwnsored by The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, and The Penn sylvania State University in cooperation with the Penn sylvania Cattlemen’s Association and the State Breed Associations. Morris Fannon, Pennington Gap, Va., Auctioneer. SAT. MARCH 29-11:30 A.M. Public Sale of Valuable Farm Machinery located at RD9, York, Penna. In Windsor Twp. at Holtz on Millers Mill Road. Sale by PUBLIC SALE OF HOLSTEIN DAIRY CATTLE, AND FARM EQUIPMENT FRI., FEB. 28,1975 Located five miles east of Lancaster, one-half mile south of Route 23 from Meadow Brook Farmers Market at 2453 Creek Hill Road. Lancaster County, Penna. LIVESTOCK 80 - Head of Registered Holstein Dairy Cattle - 80 Forty Cows Forty Heifers Cows in milk include - Nine daughters of Romandale Dividend Performer, records to 626 fat. Seven daughters of Kilansdale Ivanhoe Jack, records to 583 fat. Five daughters of Pennstate Ivanhoe Star, milking in their first lacatation. Others by Apollo, Hectorm Kjngstead Ivanhoe, Dictator, Flashy boy, Emphasis and Triumph. Herd had an average 4 percent test for fourteen years in row. ‘73 & ‘74 average test was 3.8 and 3.9 test. Service sires used were mostly Harrisburg Gay Ideal, Rocket, and Kenny. Forty Heifers - Twenty are bred, rest are all ages. Eight Pennocto Kenny; five Pennstate Ivanhoe Star; two Apollo; Three Ivanhoe Jack; others by Rocket; Gay Ideal; Admiral and Idol; Many good cow families selling. All home raised except two; Some due by sale time, others thru summer. Cattle pregnancy checked. Tested for interstate shipment. Trucks available. Sale held under roof. Catalogs Sale Day. FARM EQUIPMENT Massey Harris gas tractor with front end loader; Massey Harris Colt tractor with cultivators. New Idea hay crimper, John Deere 3-trip bottom plow, John Deere 3-point Hook-up 7’ grass mower, 3- point hook-up blade. New Idea 120 bushel manure spreader with single beater, John Deere 4-bar side rake, cultipacker, disc, three flat bed wagons, 12’ weeder, concrete mixer, spring harrow, small grain electric seeder, saw and saw buck, corn sheller, platform scales, Westinghouse welder, two tobacco presses, bag wagon, forks, shovels, 11’ x 14’ brooder house, 1950 Ford pick-up - not running. ‘ 20 ton Alfalfa and mixed hay. 60 ton ear corn.- Com ensilage by the ton DAIRYING EQUIPMENT - Acron Barn cleaner with 350’ of cable, three Deiaval milking units, 375 gallon Esco bulk tank, Deiaval No. 75 pump with 2 h.p. motor, 3 h.p. compressor, 30 gallon water heater, cow trainers, stainless steel tubs and strainers, Stewart clippers, milker pump with one h.p. motor, barn fans, two feed carts, two and five ton feed bins with auger, electric fencer. Sale at 11 00 A M Cows at 12.30 P.M. Cows sold in tent. Norm Kolb, Pedigrees Abe Diffenbach, Auctioneer . Lunch Available SAT, MARCH 29-11:30 A.M. Public Auction of 180 Acre Farm, Farm Equipment and Tools located in Halifax Township, Dauphin County, Penna., 3 miles Northeast of Halifax, 5 miles Southeast of Millersburg, turn East off Route 147 at Tourist Park, one mile North of Halifax; Watch for Sale sign along the Tourist Park to Fisherville Road. Sale by Robert J. Portzline and Lee C. Rummel, Owners; George N. Deiber, and Ernest En ders, Auctioneers. SAT. MARCH 29 - Public Sale of Real Estate, Household Goods and An tiques located at the comer of Earl Street, New Holland, Pa. Sale by Elizabeth S. Kling; Carl Diller, Auc tioneer. SAT. MARCH 29 - 10 A.M. Public Sale of Real Estate, Household Goods and An tiques located at 177 Church Ave., Ephrata, Pa. Terms by Mrs. Ella Wentling; BiU Wentling, Auctioneers. SAT. MARCH 29 - 10 A.M. Public Sale of Farm Owner Mark P. Stoltzfus Machinery, Household Goods, Antiques located approx. IS miles South of Lancaster off 272 East along RawlingsvUle Ave. or off 222 at New Providence, West between New Providence and Truce or 1 mile North of Buck off 272. Sale by John H. Rush and Frances M. Rush; Lloyd H. Kreider, Auc tioneer. TUBS, APRIL 1 - 10 A.M. Annual Commission Sale of Farm Equipment and An tiques to be held at the J. Everett Kreider Farm, The Buck, RDI, Quarryville, Penna. Cali 717-284-4517 to consign articles. THURS. APRIL 3 - Public Sale of Farm Equipment, located in West Cornwall Twp., Lebanon County, Pa. along Spangler Road. Sale by Paul H. Smith; Earl S. Buffenmeyer, Auctioneer. SAT. APRIL 5 -12:30 Penn National Red & White Holstein Sale at the Farm Show Building, Harrisburg, Penna. SAT. APRIL 12 - 10 A.M. Seventh Annual Public Sale of the Rawlinsville Fire Co. Farm Implements, Building Materials, Household Goods and Antiques. Items sold on commission. Food served. Phone 284-4362 or 284-4530 PUBLIC SALE OF LIVESTOCK, FARM EQUIPMENT, DAIRYING EQUIPMENT, HOUSEHOLD GOODS SIT., FEBRUMY 22, ISIS Located one mile east of Route 41 from Afslen. two miles west of Parkesburg, along Route 372, the Lower Valley Road, Chester County, Penna. LIVESTOCK Twenty Six Head of Holstein Dairy Cows Many recently fresh, several close springers. Herd consists mostly of first, second and third calf cows. Four Holstein heifers, one bred. Certified Herd. Twelve Head of Mules Eight mule team to be hooked to Gruber wagon day of Sale. Several pair of good mate., young mules. AU Broke and Sound. Two Pair of good work horses. Twelve Driving Horses. FARM EQUIPMENT Ford “3000” tractor with Power Steering and following equipment: Ford 1-row fast mount corn picker; Ford 3-bottom plow; Ford No. 501 7’ grass mower; David Bradley cultivators; Mechanical one row transplanter; 6’ scraper-blade; Sauder Bros, manure loader. John Deere “2010” tractor with Power Steering. New Holland Super “68” baler; McD 16” harvester with com and hay heads; New Holland Chopper; Allis Chalmers hay crimper; Papec 19” ensilage cutter with pipe. Massey Harris No. 50 combine with bin; New Holland 130 bushel manure spreader; Cockshutt manure spreader; John Deere 12 disc grain drill; John Deere 28 and 20 disc harrows; McD and John Deere 4- bar side racks; two 16’ low down wagons, one a Grove; New Idea lime and fertilizer drill; John Deere 3-section spring harrow; hay tedder. Oliver com planter with fertilizer attachments; two McD riding cultivators; fore cart; Lapp 28’ elevator. Gruber wagon; two new brake carts; saw and saw buck; weeder; dirt scoop; water trough on wheels; bag wagon; P.T.O. cyclone grass seeder; ensilage distributor; spring wagon seat; air compressor; 500 tomatoe baskets; cast iron hog troughs; tractor chains; 280 gallon gas tank; sled. 1,2,3 horse hitches; wagon tongue; six sets of front gears; collars; bridles; stripping room stove; plat form scales. DAIRY EQUIPMENT Three Surge milking units, two 50 lb. and one 45 lb. pails; carrying pads; feed carts; six milk cans; electric fencer; fly sprayer. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Square extension table with six boards; buffet; Philco refrigerator; clothes cupboard; sink; bookcase and desk combined; china closet; washstand; bureau with bookcase top; two chests of-drawers; kneehole desk; iron and copper kettles; kettle furnace; dishes; jars; and many other articles. Sale at 11:00 A.M. Abe Diffenbach, Jr. _ Abe Diffenbach, Auctioneers LUNCH AVAILABLE FRI. APRIL 25 - 12 Noon Special Graded'Stocker and Feeder Sale at the Lancaster Stockyards, Inc., Lancaster, Penna. FRI. MAY 16 - 12 Noon Special Graded Stocker and Feeder Sale at the Lancaster Stockyards, Inc., Lancaster, Penna. FRI. AUG. 8- 6 p.m. Public Sale of Bred Gilts, Open Gilts and Boars to be held at the Lebanon Fairgrounds, located 1% miles South of Lebanon at the intersection of Cornwall and Evergreen Roads. Sale by the Pa. Yorkshire Association. JOHN K. KING Owner
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