Public Sales Register (Continued from Pan 64| Collectibles located 3 miles Northeast of Hegins. Schuylkill County, Pa., 2 miles East off Route 125, along Deep Creek Road. Sale for the Estate of H. Clarence Lucas, Edward C. Lucas and Harold Lucas, Executors; George N. Delbert, Auc tioneer. SAT. MARCH 15-11:30 a.m. Public Sale of Farm Machinery and Household Goods located 1 mile North of Atglen, 2 miles South of Route 30 and County Line, along the Swan Road, op-' posite the Maple Grove Church. Chester Co., Pa. Terms by Ira Kennel; Leroy Zook and Leon Kurtz, Auctioneers. ALL-DAY PUBLIC SALE OF A FULL LINE OF FARM EQUIPMENT HOUSEHOLD ITEMS & ANTIQUES SATURDAY MARCH 1,1975 Location; IVi miles North of Hessdale (Rt. 222), 5 miles-North of Quarryville, Pa. 9 miles South of Lancaster, Strasburg Twp., off Walnut Ron Road. 8 TRACTORS in Good Condition include: FARMALL 806 Diesel Super Charger; Farmall 506 (fast Hitch); Farmatl 350 (fast hitch); John Deere 1010 Special; John Deere 430 with 35 Loader; John Deere H with Hydraulic Lift, Plow and Cultivator; Above all have good rubber. Allis Chalmers M Crawler (good) with P.T.0.; Allis Chalmers Model B with Loader, Cult., Mower. John Deere Self-propelled Model 40 Combine (Good); 1934 Reo Ton Truck Licensed & Inspected (good); I.H. 540 Semi-MTD. T-Bottom 14” plow, 'I H. 311 Mounted 3 bottom 14 inch Plow, N.H Mower Conditioner No 460, N.H No. 273 Baler with Thrbwer (good): IH No. 105 Grinder Mixer, New Idea MTD Mower, New Idea Trailer Mower; 3 Rakes (Farm Hand, Case & AC. pt o ), New Idea 207 PT O. Spreader; N H P.T O Spreader, McD Spreader Gr. Drive, New Idea No. 305 (2 row) Mounted Picker; Allis Chalmers 4-Row Cornplanter (good), A C 2 row 3 pt Cornplanter, Cockshutt 4 Bottom Disc Plow, I H No 450 Disc 10’ Transport; (2) John Deere KDA 28 disc; Chat tanooga 11’ Cultipacker; Bnlhon 10’ Sprocket Packer; Dunham Cultimulcher 12 ft (good); 10 ft. Sprmgbarrow; Case Stalk Shredder; Rotaiy Cutter; 3 Gravity-bin Wag ons, 3 Bale Wagons, Coby Wagon; 5 Tobacco Wagons; Ferguson 3 pt Cultivator; Van Bruant 13'hoe Drill; Myers Silver Cloud Orchard Sprayer, Iron Age 1-row Potato Planter; 1-Row Potato Diggei, Stauffer 2 row Transplant er, Hand Potato Plow, Hay Tedder, (2) N.I Fert Drills 12’ & 10’; 3 Point Blade, Trailei Sprayer, 30’ Elevator, (2) one Man Elevators 50-Ton Corn; 30 Ton Alfalta, Ist, 2nd, & 3rd crop Hay; 15 ton Mixed Hay; 20 Ton Straw. Hydraulic Jack to Dump Wagons, 3 Shovel Harrows; Dirt Scoop; Post Hole Diggei, Corn Sheller; Dump Cart; Drag; Feed Mixer, Bulk Bin; (2) Chunk Stoves; Butcher Kettle and Stove, Hog Feeders, Waterers, Drums; (2) Extension Ladders, 5 Bale of Twine; 10,000 Lath, (5) Bale Boxes, “Solo” Sprayer; Lincoln Welder; Drill Press; Power Hack Saw; Endless Belts; Husky Mini-bike; Snapper 6 hp riding Mower; Hand Mowers; McCollough Cham Saw; Air Compressor; Table Saw with 1-h.p. Motor; Motors, Rubber Tire Wheel Barrow; Anvil, Dinner Bell; 2 old Wagon Jacks; 2-Iron Kettles; Sausage Stuffer; Corn Dryer, 10-Gal. Separator; Cider Press; Forge, Lots out of the shop not mentioned. Magnificent Enamel Coal-Wood Room Heater (good); 2 Jelly Cupboards; Cherry Drop Leaf Table; (4) Blanket Chests; (2) Wash Stands; (2) Bureaus (to Match); Rope Bed; Clothe Trees; 10 pc. D.R Suit; All Glass China Clos et; 6 Plank Chairs; % Wooden bed; Cane Rocker; Porch Bench; Hoosier Cabinet; 3 Metal Wardrobes; Wash Bowl & Pitcher, Ironstone Platter; Some old Dishes; Crocks; Jugs; 10-gal. Crock; Dated Jars; "Slurley Temple Creamer; Mus tache Cup; Glass eggs, big & small; (2) doz. Individual Salts; Cake Stand; Silver Fruit Basket; 1846 Coverlet, Bed ding; Rugs; 23%x10V4, 12x5, 9x12. Avon Bottles; Old Pencil Boxes; Small Brass Bell; old Post Cards, German Bible, Knick-Nacks, Pictures. Cheese (heart) Mold; Butter (Wheat) Print; Apple Pealer; (2) Lanterns; Copper Ladle; Flat Irons; Wood Peck & 2 qt. measures; Tinware; Agate Lunch Kettle; Gilbert Mantle Clock, etc. G.E. Americana (2 oven) Stove, Harvest Gold (nice); G.E. Dishwasher; Sears Waxer & Polisher. Sale at 9:00 a.hi. on small tools. Furniture about noon. Numerous items not mentioned. No Sale in 41 years—one of the largest sales in the Aucts.: Carl Diller 464-2233 J. Everett Kreider 284-4517 “Good Lunch” by New Providence Mennonite Sewing Circle SAT. MARCH 15 - Public Sale of Farm Equipment, Dairy Cattle, and some Household goods located 1 mile South of Mycrstown along Route 501. Sale by Mrs. Paul B. Horning; John E. and Paul E. Martin, Auc tioneers. SAT. MARCH 15 - Public Sale of Farm Equipment and Dairy Cattle for Robert C. Wenger located in East Hanover Township, tabanon County, Pa. 6 miles north of Palmyra. Earl Buffcnmeyer and Harry Bachman, Auctioneers. SAT. MAR. 15 - 11 A.M. Public Sale of Farm ANTIQUES area Sale by PAUL & BLANCHE MECK Ph. 687-7173 Equipment located 1 mile cast of Hcssdalc (Rt. 222), 9 miles South of I-ancaster, along Sandstone Drive, Lane. Co., Pa. Sale by Robert S. and Rhoda Dombach; Carl Dillcr and J. Everett Kreider, Auc tioneers. MON. MARCH 17-11 A.M Public Sale of Farm Equipment, Household Goods, Tools, Guns, An tiques located off Route 30 at Cross Keys, turn north on Route 94-1 mile, then West mile road leading back to New Oxford, Pa. Terms by Ray L. Smith, owner, RDI, New Oxford, Pa ; Clair R Slaybaugh, Auctioneer. MON. MARCH 17 - 10 A.M. Annual Public Auction of Farm Equipment. Sale by M. M. Weaver & Sons, Leola, Penna. TUES MARCH 18 - Walnut Hollow Farm Dispersal, Farm Machinery, Angus Breeding Stock for Delmar E. Brandt, Penn Township, Berks County, Pa. 1 mile northeast of Bernville. Earl Buffenmeyer, Auctioneers. TUES. MARCH 18 - 11 a.m. Complete Registered Holstein Herd Dispersal PUBLIC AUCTION OF HOLSTEIN DAIRY HERD & FARM MACHINERY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, LOCATION. Go north on Roule 222 from Epfirata lo first road right after Zmn’s Diner. Turn on the first road right, South Muddy Creek Road Sale to be held approximately 2 miles on the left 59 HEAD CATTLE 30 Head Mature Cows With Herd Average Of 15,331 mUk, 514 lb. fat 6 Cows due Feb.; 4 due March; 14 due July thru Oct. This is a good strong herd showing size and type, with some cows milking 18,000 lbs. in less than 300 days. 11 Bred Heifers due Aug., Sept., and Oct. 9 Open Heifers, 15 months old; 8 Heifers, 4 months old and 1 Good Stock Bull of service age. Cows and Heifers checked for pregnancy. Herd is on Owner Sampler. DAIRY EQUIPMENT - 3 Surge Units, 50-lb.; Surge 40-lb. Pails; SS Tubs; Strainer; and 16-Qt. Buckets; 32 Milk Cans; 12-Can Cooler; Surge Alamo No. 30 Vacuum Pump; Lister Vacuum Clipper. 30 Ton Ear Corn Dairy and Horse Sale at approximately 12:30 under tent. HORSES 1 PAIR SPOTTED WORK HORSES, Well Broke. 1 Pair Black Work Horses, 4 years old, broke. 1 Chestnut Brown Work Mare Leader, 8 years old. 1 Roan Work Horse, 17 hands high with style and ambition. 1 Brown-Work and Drive Horse. Roller Bearing Top Buggy; Trotting Buggy; 2 Buggy Wheels and Axles. FARM EQUIPMENT J.D. 14T Baler, good condition; N.H. 331 Manure Spreader; J.D. KBA Disc Harrow; 16’ Steel Wheel Wagon; N.I. 7’ Trailer Mower; McCormick 32 Disc; Flail Chopper; J.D. Corn Binder; 16’ Tandem Trailer; Stauffer 2-Row Tobacco Planter; 8’ Land Roller; A.C. 2-Bottom 16” Trailer Plow; Oliver 2-Bottom 14” Trailer Plow; Tobacco Bale Box; Tobacco Spears and Shears; Silage Carts; 40’ Endless Belt; 2’ Fan and 6’ Fan; Wheelbarrow Scales and Seeder; Forks; Oakland Heatrola. HORSEDRAWN EQUIPMENT - McCormick Deenng V Mower, Cultivator and Threshing Machine, all m good condition; Black Hawk 2-Row Corn Planter; N.I. Tobacco Planter; McCormick Corn Binder; David Bradley Ensilage Cutter with 60 Feet of Pipe; 8’ Spring Harrow. Sale Order - Farm Equipment, Cattle, Horses. TERMS BY: JOHN S. & ESTHER S. MARTIN Randal V. Kline, Auctioneer - (717) 626-4975 Paul Landis, App. Auctioneer "v Dale Hoover, Records Lunch Available Not Responsible for Accidents located 4 mile North of Spring Garden. Sale by John S. Yost, RDI, Kinzer, Fa. Ivan R. Yost, Auctioneer; Robert Kauffman, Pedigrees. TUES. MAR. 18 ■ 6 P.M. Big Antique Sale at the Far mcrsvillc Auction located at Farmersville, 3 miles East of Brownstown, Lancaster Co. Sale by John J. Rutt>; Richard Murray, Auc tioneer. WED. MARCH - 19 - Public Sale of Dairy Cattle and Farm Implements located two miles North of Frystown, Pa. Sale by Isaac Stauffer. Arthur Copenhaver and Nevm Martin, Auc tioneers. THURS. MARCH 20 - Public Sale of Big Line of Farm - Machinery at Kyle’s Dairy Farms, Mackeyville, Pa., 2 miles from Exit 25 or 26,1-80. Kyle and Wallace, owners; Mark Click, Auctioneer. Complete listing will appear later. THURS. FEB. 20 - 12:00 Melvin Kolb, Inc., Cow Sale to be held at his Maryland Farm Sale Barn, located *2 mile Northwest of Wood s boro, on Route 550, Frederick County. Sale by AT 10:30 A.M Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Feb. 15.1975 Melvin Kolb, James G. Trout and Robert Mullendore, Auctioneers. THURS. MAftCH 20 - 12 Noon Public Sale of F’arm Machinery located 8 miles South of Quarryvillc, off Route 222,15 t road left south of Robert Fulton Birthplace, first road right, first farm on left. 3 miles north of Wakefield off Route 222. Terms by Emanuel S. Stoltzfus; Krcidcr and Diller, Auctioneer. MAR. 20 - 6 P.M. Household Goods and Antiques. MARCH 21 - 5 P.M. Household Good, Antiques, and Com Sale. MARCH 22 - 9 AM. Farmstock, lawn equipment, tractors, cars, trucks, hay and straw. All PUBLIC AUCTION VALUABLE REAL ESTATE SATURDAY, FEB. 22, 1975 2:00 PM. LOCATION 2 miles North of Schoeneck along Cocalico Rd , First farm on (he left after Whispering Pines 85 acre dairy farm. 2*2 story frame home. Bank barn, free stall barn, attached free stall barn with bunk feeder. 24’x70’ silo with unloader. All buildings in excellent condition 1 acre pond, and never-fading well. TRACT 2 10'j acres 4 1 * tillable & 6 acres wooded. Ideal for country home. TRACT 3 4 building lots From 2 9 acres to 4.1 acres. All above property is located in West Cocalico Twp , Lancaster County. Property shown by appointment. This is only a partial description. For additional information on above 3 tracts, call (717) 626-4975, auctioneer Terms by: WILMER J. & LEONA WEAVER (215) 267-2007 Randal V. Kline, Auct. 1975 PUBLIC SALE SAT., FE8.22,1975 Along Route 222, 3 miles south of Quarryville, 16 miles south of Lancaster. Allis Chalmers 200 diesel tractor (fully equipped 600 hrs); A.C. 180 diesel; A.C. Dl7 gas tractoi. A.C. Dl5 with shuttle clutch #4 15 loader 5 ft. bucket snow blade fork hyd. control; A G. 4 bottom 16 in trip plow; A.C. 3 bottom plow (slat); AC. 2 bottom plow; A C. 10 ft disc harrow (transport): 12 ft. culli packer: land roller: J.D 9 ft. spring harrow, A.C twin wheel side mounted mower; A C hay crimper; J.D. 851 hay rake; New Holland 273 hay baler with thrower; 3 wagons with thrower racks, 2 Grove, 1 Gehl; 30 ft. Farmec elevator; McCurdy com drag 4 C. 600 Senes No-Tili Cornplanler, Fert. and Insect (Good) A.C. rear mount 2 row 3 pt. cultivator (nearly new); New' Idea mounted cornpicker; 3 grain bins, 2 on running gears; A.C. 782 with 2 row corn head and direct cut; AC. 6 ft. rotary cutter, 2 manure spread ers. N.H. #512 with hyd endgatc & New Idea 201 spreader; 2 row Stauffer tobacco planter; 3 double tobacco ladders; 12,000 tobacco lath; tobacco press, shears; spears; A.C. #lO posthole digger; flat beti wagon; 13 disc J D. gram drill; Myers 3 pt. sprayer. 100 gal. tank & double piston pump; Myers single piston pump. App. 35 ton hay, 12 ton straw, 12 ton corn. Onan 25 KW generator; Miller 225 amp welder. 300 gal water tank', 3 pt. blade: 22 ft Starlme feed conveyor; McDade 36 in. hay fan with 5 hp. motor small cattle trailer; Frey’s metal hay rack, mlnera l feeder; 2 elec, fence controllers (International) 1 bal tery; elec, wall mounted fan; silage cart; 6 baler twine: platform scales; sleigh. Many other articles not mentioned No sale here for 3 generations Kreider & Diller, Aucts. Lunch by Farm Women Sociclv ~17 sales held at the 12th Annual Spring Sale, Kempton Community Center, Nor thern Berks County. 10 Auctioneers. Anything and evcrjHhing sold on com mission. More information write Kempton Sale, Box 42, Kempton, Pa. 19529 or Call 215-766-0511 OF FARM MACHINERY 11:00 AM. FRI. MARCH 21 - Registered Holstein Milking Herd Dispersal located 1 mile North of Lititz, off Rte, 501, (55 Head Cert, and Ac credited, DHIA 13,213 M, 514 F, 3.9 percent Test. All Atlantic Breeding) Including Some Farm Equipment. Sale by H. Richard Hershey; Diller and Kreider, Auc tioneers. (Continued on Page 66| Terms b\ Jason L. Weaver 717 786-2131 65
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers