—Lancaster Farmlm, Saturday. Feb. 15, 1975 64 Public Sales Register (Continued from Pap 63) SAT. MAR. 8-10 A.M. Public Sale of Modern Potato Farm, 110 acres with large home and out buildings, 5 tractors, full line of Farm Equipment, Including modern potato equipment plus a self* propelled Champion potato harvester, located in Schulykill County, Union Twp. on Rt. 755 near Ringtown, Pa. just off Rt. 81. Sale by owners Bryan and Wayne Breisch; Ronald Funk and John Autotore, Auctioneers. We Specialize in Liquidation Sales of All Kinds Farm Machinery, Construction Equipment and Land FARM MACHINERY AUCTION SAIE TRACTORS and FARM MACHINERY Exit 10or 11 off Interstate 83 Emigsville, PA SATURDAY, MARCH 1,1975 AT 10:00 A.M. SALE RAIN OR SHINE YORK CO. FARM & IND. EQUIP. CO. INC. 4 Miles North of York, PA on Route 181 Box 222, Emigsville, PA 17318 Phone: 717-764-6412 PUBLIC SALE Farm Machinery, Horse Equip., Personal Property SATURDAY, MARCH 1,1975 AT 10:00 A.M. Approx. 4 miles south of Red Lion, on Route 74 to the Brownton Road. Go 'A mile. ChancefordTwp., York Co., Penna. Having sold my farm I have no further use for the following: J.D. 430 utility w-3 pt. hitch, Oliver 77 w-super kit & hyd., Oliver 70 w-mounted No. 4 com picker, IHC H w super kit & cultivators, Oliver No. 5 com picker, N. Holland No. 66 baler, Oliver 7’ tractor mower, Oliver 3 pt. cultivators, Oliver 2 base trailer plow, J.D. 3 pt. mounted plows, J.D. 12’ spring harrow w-hyd., 2 Oliver springharrows, 3 disc harrows, Speedy roto beater. Mono 3 pt. 6’ rotary mower, Ontario 14 disc grain drill on rubber, IHC 3 pt. com planter, Iron Age 2 row potato planter, Oliver 1 row potato digger, 30’ elevator w-elec. motor, Little Giant drag elevator, 30’ x 18” wide belt elevator, 15’ alum, elevator, IHC 7’ hay crimper w hyd., J.D. No. 8 Forage Harvester w-1 row cornhead - -hay pick-up & mower attach., 2 gravity bin wagons w running gears, 2 rubber tire wagons w-beds. 2 Claffey false end gates w-power unit, 2 cultipackers 1 double drum, peg harrow, Oliver manure spreader, side rake, hay tedder, 4 row weeder, Gehl hammer mill w-pto., Harvey Cannon corn sheller, 2-2 hole corn shellers, weed sprayer, steel frame circular saw, potato & gram bags, potato sorter, potato baskets, hog feeder, hog troughs, hog crate, platform scales, 8’ pick-up racks, lots of fence wire St post, chicken equip., chicken picker, elec, brooder. Horse Equipment Buggy, wooden Bob sled, lots of harness - collars - hames - smgle & double trees, 2 row horse cultivators, 2 -1 row horse cultivators, land roller, J. D. corn planter, wooden wheel wagon, IHC 6’ mower. J. D. 2 way plow, walking plow. Kalamazoo cook stove, 2 gal. stuffer, lard press, meat grinder, meat benches, 2 iron kettles w-3 foots, steelyards, scalding trough, stirrers, lots of raise, items. Order of sale off wagons, horse equip., farm machinery & personal property. Not Responsible for Accidents. Terms: Cash. R.D.2 Felton, PA Phone 246-8555 REYNOLD BURKE, AUCT. Sickler and Scott, tioneers. SAT. MARCH 8 • Complete dispersal of 110 Registered Holsteins and Valuable 125 acre farm located 3 miles North of Lebanon. Cattle sale to start at 11:30 A.M. Real Estate to be offered at 1:00 P.M. Sale for the John Fortna Estate; Reuben Houser and Harvey Weik, Auctioneers; Carl Diller, Pedigrees; Samuel Weiss, Jr., Attorney. SAT. MARCH 8 - Public Sale of Farm Equipment, Lots of Household Items, Hay, Farm Machinery Personal Property MRS. LLOYD BURKE Auc* Straw, Corn and some Livestock locat.d 2 miles South East of Kirkwood along Cooper Drive. Sale by John Hastings. Kreider and Oilier, Auctioneers. SAT. MARCH 8 - 10 A.M. Public Sale of Dairy Herd, Farm Machinery, located 1 mile North of Dublin, 6 miles South of Quakertown on 313, Bucks, Co. Watch for Sale Signs. Conditions by Richard L. Myers; Nelson Weiden baugh, Auctioneer. WED. MARCH 12 - 10 A.M. Full Line of Farm Equip ment located 4M> miles East of Elizabethtown along the Elizabethtown Road. Sale by Rhoda G. Risser; Carl Diller and J. Everett Kreider, Auctioneers. WED. MARCH 12 - 10 A.M. Public Sale Full Line of Farm Equipment located 4Vz miles east of Elizabethtown along Elizabethtown road, midway between Risser’s Church and Drumhellers Garage, 1 mile off Rt. No. 283 (Rheem’s Exit), Lancaster County, Pa. Sale by Rhoda G. Risser, RD3, Elizabethtown, Pa.; Carl Diller and J. Everett Kreider, Auctioneers. WED. MARCH 12 -12 Noon Public Sale of Livestock and Farm Equipment located x k mile north of Rt. 23 in PUBLIC SALE 70 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK & FARM EQUIPMENT 10:00 A.M. Located on Belmont Rd. between Rt. 340 & Rt. 30 approx. 11 miles East of Lancaster. 6 Sorrel Work Horses, 3 Lead Horses, 3 4&5- yeor old broke single. 4 good broke driving horses. 30 head of bulls & steers, approx. 350 lbs. to 800 lbs. 40 head of white & black face sheep, some with lambs by sale date. 28” Frick thrasher rig with straw cutter and 150’x8” endless belt ready to use; McCormick corn binder on steel with engine; loader only used 2 years. The following McCormick machinery: PTO corn binder on steel, corn binder on rubber with short car rier, 2 horse cultivator, 6’ & 7’ grass mowers, 15’ farm wagon, single 16” tractor plow on steel, disc. 2 fore trucks; 1 bottom 14’ J.D. plow on steel; 2 bottom 12” Oliver plow on steel; 2 bottom 14” on steel; 3 4-section spring harrows; double cultipacker; drove 16’ farm wagon; N.I. tobacco planter; 2 J.D. corn planters; 1 horse cultivators, some like new; 2 106 walking plows Carriages; open buggys, two seater carnages; spring wagons; market wagons; 2 horse box farm wagons; 2 horse bob sleighs; 1 horse sleighs; new & used wagon wheels; springs by the pair; wagon seats; bearrings; steps; lights; shafts; 2 horse poles; 4,5, 6,7, 8 horse hitches; iron & wood 4 horse trees; horse collars; 10 double working harness; new & used driv ing harness; pony harness; harness with brass knobs; new breast chains; halters; traces; check lines; 50’ & 100’ endless belts; 12 can milk cooler; 12 can rack; stainless steel twin tubs, like new; stainless buckets & strainers; milk cans; 2 Surge milkers; hot water heater; 12 volt converter; 12 volt battery; 3 Stewart clippers; 6 volt fencers; feed carts; wheel barrows; forks; shovels; brooms; bag wagons; vise; wooden ice box; dinner bell; school desks; broad ax; old hinges; string of bells; lanterns; 10’xl8’ frame build ing on skids. Plenty of Homemade food including bologna. All livestock is acclimated. This is not a commission sale. Wllbnr Hosier, Anct. 626-5943 Larry Martin, Anct. Galebach & Hosier, Clerks Barcvllle on North Hershev Avc. Terms by Ervin H. Noft and Ivan H. Nolt, executors of the J. 0. Nolt Estate. Robert E. Martin and Frank L. Steller, Auctioneers. THURS. MARCH 13-11:30 A.M. Public Sale of Farm Machinery and Feed located alone Fremount Lees Bridge Road. From Route 1 at Rising Sun go north 3 miles. From 272 at little Britain School take Sleepy Hollow Road, 4 mile south. Watch for signs at Lees Bridge. Terms by Octorara Farms. Samuel J. Wylie Jr.; J. Everett Kreider and Carl Diller, Auctioneers. THURS. MARCH 13 - 9 a.m. Public Sale of Dairy Cows, Farm Equipment, and Household Goods located along Colebrook Road, 1 mile South of Rheems, 2 miles West of Mount Joy, Penna. Sale by Abram Shaffner, Jr.; Harold “Abe” Shaffner and C.H. Wolgemuth, Auc tioneers. THURS. MAR. 13 - Complete Milking Herd and Bred Heifer Dispersal of 60 Head, Featuring several Apollo’s, by Harold F. Crider, Chambersburg, Pa. R. Austin Backus and Penna. Holstein Association, Sale Managers and Auctioneers. THURS. MARCH 13- Complete Holstein Dispersal FRIDAY, FEB. 28 Sale by: Elam R. Petersheim •Wa lor William State gcjted Po^ Pl - R,nd Srote s,lc ' Kline, Auctioneer. - - - FRI, MARCH 14-1 P.M 33rd Yorkshire Sale. 40 Bred Gilts, 100 Open (Jilts, 25 Boars by Brooks End and Par Kay Farms, at the Farm m GAP AUCTION EVENING, FEB. 21,1975 6:00 P.M. Located Off Route 41 - Lancaster Ave. Op posite Turkey Hill Minit Market - Cross RR Bridge. ANTIQUES SOLD AT EVERY AUCTION cons,cn-k rs«r 5 FROM 1:00 A M. TO 7:00 P.M. Call us for pick up service IRA STOLTZFUS I SON, Auctioneers 442-4936 or 442-8254 CONDUCTORS ALL TYPES PUBLIC SALES JOHN M. SMUCKER COMPLETE HOLSTEIN DISPERSAL FRIDAY, 11:30 A.M. Located 17 miles east of Lancaster, '/? mile north of Route 340 from White Horse, along Meeting House Road, R D. 1, Gap, Lancaster County, Pa. Tested for interstate shipment - calfhood vaccinated - classified Rolling Herd Average 15539 - 3.9 - 611. 50 Cows, 6 Bred Heifers, 2 Bulls, 27 Heifers and Calves, all ages. Selling 2 Excellent -16 VG. 6 yr. Hilltop Apollo Ivanhoe EX 91-307-19420-621 Due 2-10. 6 yr. Penstate Star Dust EX 90 Projected 305-19233- 818. 5 yr. A Citation Sovereign VGBS-21924-783. Dam 20762-901. Gr. dam 27700-997. Her Jan. heifer calf by Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation sells. 4 yr. Milk & Honey Ivanhoe VG 86 Fresh 5 days 72 lbs. at 10 days 87 lbs. A yearling Capsule daughter from a Burke Ideal Graduate VG 88 with 21514-3.6-769 milking up to 100 lbs. per day now. A Harrisburg Gay Ideal show calf born in July by the VG Apollo daughter. A Elevation daughter from a Council Rock Ivanhoe With 19542-3.8-747. Two 2 yr. old R Maple daughters due in February and April to Transmitter. PRODUCTION SELLS - Cows milking up to 100 lbs. per day 43 milking cows average 61 lbs. per day. Examples of Records; 23813-3.6-856 21624-3.6-773 21514-3.6-769 21343-3.6-762 TYPE SELLS - Hilltop Apollo Ivanhoe EX9I, Pen state Star Dust EX9O.< Ideal Graduate VGBB, Pmeyhill Majority VGBB, Hilltop Apollo Ivanhoe VGB7, Hilltop Apollo Ivanhoe VGBS, Lassie Leader VGB6,' Garhil Ivanhoe Major VGB7, Lucifer Apollo Ivanhoe VGB6, Glenafton Rag Apple Hagen VGB6, Kayen Farm Anthony VGB6, Double T N Arab VGB6, Whirlpool Kingpin VGB6 and Paclamar Astronaut VGBS. SIRES REPRESENTED - Kingpin, Lassie Leader, Winfarm Rag Apple Magic, Hilltop Apollo Ivanhoe 5, Paclamar Astronaut 3, Penn Octo Kenny 3, Minuteman 2, R Maple 2 and Hagen 2. SERVICE SIRES - Kingpin, Elevation, Transmitter, Merry King and Gay Ideal. 4 Ampules of Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation Semen. TWO BULLS SELLING - Bull Calf by Ivanhoe Star, Dam Alhambnc Marshall daughter with 23813-3.6-856. Bull by Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation Dam VG 88 Pmeyhill Majority daughter. Sale at 11:30 A.M. Sale held under roof; Catalogues day of sale; Lunch Available. Pedigrees: Henry Kettering RD3, Lititz Ph. 569-0675 JOHN M. SMUCKER R.D.I, Gap Owner Abe Diffenbach, Auctioneer - 393-4464 Lunch Available Not Responsible for Accidents Public Sale of Mules and Full Line of Good Farm Equipment at same location Saturday, March 8,1975 at 11:30 A.M. SAT MARCH 15- 10 30 A.M Public Auction of 115 Acre Farm, Farm Equipment, Household Items and | Continued on Pa|e 651 FEB. 21,1975 19542-3.8-747 19296-3.6-704 18651-4.5-848 18604-3.3-628
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