Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 15, 1975, Image 63
Read Lancaster Farming For Farm Women News SIMEON A NOAH MARTIN'S ANNUAL SPRING SALE SAT., FEB. 22, 1975 10:00 A.M. Located along the road leadini from Reamslown to Hahnstown |near Naiperville School) East Cocalico Township, Lancaster County, PA. 20 head of 300 to 600 lb feeder cattle. Massey Harris Allis Chalmers and John Deere tractors with cultivators and plows Case riding rotary mower like new. garden tractors discs mowers riding cultivators, manure spreader, harrows walking plow trailer spring wagon, buggy, horse cart, lot of barn tools, hand tools, harnesses upright freezer, bed room suite wood stove, other furniture antique and other china and glassware and collectibles This is just a partial listing Much more by sale day You name it you might be able to find it at this sale Will sell on commission Contact owners before sale day Lunch Stand Small items will be sold first Implements and furniture and cattle TERMS BY: SIMEON & NOAH MARTIN H. H. Leid, Auction Service Sensenig, Clerk PUBLIC SALE OF FARM MACHINERY Located 7 miles west of Greencastle, Pa., 5 miles east of Mer cersburg, Pa., 1 mile north of Route 16 in Franklin Co Watch for sale signs. SATURDAY, 880 Oliver gas tractor with 3 point hitch, live PTO 6 cylinder, excellent rubber and excellent condition; 2 D. C. Case tractors with heat houser; 230 Farmall in excellent condition with fast hitch and cultivators; V snow plow for D. C. Case tractor; Graham Bradley tractor; 6 cylinder Continental engine with cultivators and loader; B. F. Avery tractor and cultivators. All tractors overhauled in last 2 years except Bradley; Oliver plow No. 565 semi-mount 4-16 in. cushion trip bottoms; Oliver No. 100 plow master 2 bottom; 14 in. trailer plow; N. I. conditioner and windrower in good condition; Oliver PTO semi-mounted mower 7 ft. cut; Meyers hay conditioner and crusher; J. D. 14T-PTO baler in good condition; Oliver Superior gram drill 13- 7; Superior 10 boot drill; Oliver 8 ft. double disk with cleaners; Case 7 ft. heavy duty disk harrow; I. H. C. light duty disk harrow; G. I. disk harrow; two 24 tooth and two 20 tooth wood frame harrows; Case wagon 16 ft. flat with corn sides; 16 ft. D. B. wagon with ensilage sides and com sides; D. B. 18 ft. wagon with com sides; D. B. 14 ft. wagon; J. D. 6 ton 16 ft. wagon with hydraulic dump bed and 6 ply tires; I. H. C. 16 ft. wagon;'wagon unloading unit; 33 ft. Sam Mulkey elevator; 30 ft. elevator; 494 A J. D. 4 row corn planter, like new; N. I. No. 7 com picker; N. H. auger type forage blower with 50 ft. pipe; Gehl 5 ft. flail chopper; 3 J. D. 4 bar side rakes on rubber; 21. H. C. hay tedders; 3 N. I. manure spreaders 1-200-2 No. 19 all PTO; 12A spreader for parts; Super 26 M. H. SP combine in good condition on new rubber; M. W. 11 in. hammermill with traveling feed table; 2 double 7 ft. cultipackers, I. H. C. and M. H. land roller; 2 I. H. C. 3 disk plows; 4 row rotary hoe; I. H. C. No. 7 horse mower 5 ft. cut runs in oil; 3 pt. hitch dump rake; 2 field sprayers 1 mounted on rubber; 100 bu. dump trailer; road grader; Grove No. 7008 3 pt. scraper blade; N. H. mounted wood saw like new; 14 ft. aluminum elevator; 2 power corn shellers, 1 with bagger and cob stacker; 2 hand com shellers; J. D. No. 1A 3 pt. lift; 10 hole hog feeder; 2 hole hog feeders; bob sled; iron hog troughs; hog waterer; iron feed trough; 3 barn fans, 1 large; barn fogger; 2 rubber tire wheelbarrows; Pioneer hay blower; Hoosier lime drill; old burr mill; sleigh in good condition; 50 ft. endless 6 in. belt; 100 ft. endless threshing belt; bag wagon; platform scales; 3 hydraulic cylinders; J. D. seed cleaner for combine; singletrees; doubletrees; traces; breast chains; horse collars; bridles; jockey sticks; corn choppers; mowing sythes; digging iron; sledge; scoop shovels; bag holders; electric fencers; 6 and 100 volt; electric fence stakes; iron fence posts; wood fence posts; electric fence wire and knobs; lumber of all kinds; chicken nests; log chains; small chains of all kinds; tractor chains; block and tackles; new 100 ft. J/ 4 in. rope; some tools; bolts of all kinds; score out plow; Dixie cultivator; good tongues for horse machinery; Per fection milker pump; wood and iron gates; chicken crates; oil barrels; 5 gal. buckets; gram cradle; lot of pipe and pipe fittings; big pipe die; 2 tarps 16 x 20 and 10 x 13; feed chests; feed barrels; roll of new American wire fence; drinking cups; cattle stock catch chute; some seed corn. All kinds of small items used on farm. Lunch stand. Sale to start promptly at 9:00 A.M. Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson and Son Edgar J. Stull & John Thompson, Auctioneers Smith and Stull, Clerks 1975 FEB. 22, Public Sales Register I Continued from Page 62| from Mountain Top Just west of Churchtown Road, Salisbury Twp. Christ L. Stoltzfus, owner, Abe Dif fenbach, Auctioneer. SAT. MARCH 8-Public Sale of Farm Equipment and Hay by Adam M. Horst, RDI, Ephrata, Pa. John E. and Paul E. Martin, Auctioneers. SAT. MARCH 8 - 10 A.M. Auction Sale of Farm Equipment and Irrigation System (Heavy Potato Grower’s Equipment) for W. Harold Smith, Shirley, N.J. (3 miles South of Pole Tavern Circle, just off Route 77 or Bridgeton Pike. Look for auction signs on corner). SAT. MARCH 8 - Duroc Sale sponsored by the Penna. Duroc Breeders Association to be held at the Lebanon Fair Grounds. From Rt. 72 to Rockerty Road East. Show at 11:00 A.M., Sale at 1:00 P.M. Judge Paul Parrish; Auctioneer, Paul Z. Martin. SAT. MARCH 8 - 10 A.M. Public Sale of Farm Machinery located off In terstate 83 at Exit 12 , Strinestown, York Co., Pa. Ist. road turn right, go south to Bowers Bridge Rd., turn left Ist farm on left. (Sale signs will be posted). Sale by Lewis Forry, Jr., RDI, Manchester, Pa.; Blaine N. Rentzel, Auctioneers. SAT. MAR. 8-Public Sale of Household Goods and An tiques located mile off Rt. 23 between New Holland and Leola on Peter’s Road. Terms by Paul S. Horst* Robert E. Martin and Frank L. Steller, Auctioneers. lAT. MAR. 8 -11 a.m. Public lale of Valuable Farm PUBLIC SALE OF FARM MACHINERY TUESDAY, FEB. 25,1975 1 'h miles West of Christiana, 4 miles South of Gap, along Route 372 in Sadsbury Township, -Lancaster County, Pa John Deere 4000 tractor, power shift & power steering, with 715 hrs., good condition; John Deere 4- bottom 16” automatic reset plow; John Deere 3-bottom 14” trip plow; John Deere 1240 plateless 4-row corn planter; John Deere A. W. 10 ft. disc harrow, like new; John Deere 7’ back blade, like new; Farmall 230 tractor with cultivator and F. H. mower; New Holland No. 268 baler and thrower; New Holland No. 477 haybme, 2 years old; New Holland No. 56 hay rake; New Idea 195 bushel manure spreader with top beater, 1 year old; New Idea one-row corn picker; New Idea blower and pipe; 2-row Fox chopper and pick up; 2 -16’ bale wagons; 2 - Grove self unloading wagons; 1 -16’ flat wagon; Sauder H. D. manure loader with scoop and fork; Ford scoop with 3 point hitch; Ferguson weeder; Ford subsoiler; Ford field cultivator; Ford 1- bottom 16” or 18” trip plow; 30’ New Holland elevator; International Harvester direct throw flail chopper; Farm Hand grinder and mixer. 1 pair J.D. Hubs. Brillion 11 ft. cultipacker, like new; International Harvester 4-section spring harrow; Grimm P.T.O. hay tedder; 13-disc Oliver Superior gram drill; 10 ft. steel roller; self-unloading grain cart; Myers 100 gal. P.T.O. sprayer; Lely P.T.O. fertilizer spreader; cattle cart, dump cart; Sil Colt slide on pickup camper; 180*Amp. Lincoln welder and stand; anvil, grindstone; hand corn sheller; loading chute on wheels; 12 ft. corn elevator; handy man jack; 12 ft. 12” auger, dump cart, cylinder corn sheller; approximately 10 ton straw; 1 pair 18.4 x 34 tires; 1-Bx7 overhead door; some tools, etc. SALE AT 12:00 NOON. TERMS BY: JQ|| N |. YODER Christiana, R.D. Leroy Zook, Leon Kurtz, Auctioneers Free Lunch Between 11:00 and 12:00 A.M, AUCTIONEER’S NOTE This Machinery is n good condition Machinery at the Lo-Glen- Drcy Farm, RDI, Windsor, Pa. In Windsor Twp. opposite Windsor Cemetary. Sale by Barbara L. Anderson; Jacob A. Gilbert, Auctioneer. SAT. MARCH 8 - 8:30 A.M. 7th Annual Gordonville Fire Co. Sale at the Fire House, Gordonville, Pa. All items sold on commission basis. For consignments and other information call 717-768-8971 or 717-687-7583 SAT. MAR. 8 - 11:30 A.M. Public Sale of Mules and Full Line of Farm Machinery located 17 miles East of Lancaster, l /z mile north of Rt. 340 from White Horse along Meeting House Road. Sale by John M. Smucker, owner; Abe Diffenbach, Auctioneer. SAT. MARCH 8 - Real Estate Auction 599 Acres Spread Eagle Farms, Inc. Bankrupt located at Airport Rt. 25, West of Gratz, Pa. 35 miles N.E. of Harrisburg, 18 miles S.E. of Sunbury, 16 Miles West of 1-81, Exit 34. Sale by Darwin S. Harter, Trustee for Spread Eagle Farms, Inc. Geo. N. Deibert, Auc tioneer. SAT. MAR. 8 -10 A.M. Public Sale of Farm Machinery, Potato Equipment, Trucks, and com of the late Luther (Polly) Runkle and Antiques and Household Goods of Mrs. Allen Flinchbaugh located approx. 1 mile east of Felton, Pa. near the old Trinity School, along the road from Felton to Rt. 74 near the Brogue. Watch for Signs. Sale by Mrs. Allen Fhn chjjaugh, owner, Felton, Pa. Robert L. Sechnst, Auc tioneer. SAT. MARCH 8-10:30 A.M Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Feb. 15,1975 Sharp Public Auction ot Farm Machinery located at Manheim, Pa., 1 mile south of Manheim along Bucknoll Road. Watch for sale signs off Rt. 72. Sale by Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Graybill; Jay M. Witman and J. Omar Landis, Auctioneers. SAT. MARCH 8 - 9 A.M. Public Sale of Modem Farm Machinery, Household (Continued on Page 64| HAT & GAVEL auction co. Mf* jh 1 Mile North of Lititz on •<* THURSDAY, FEB. 20 5:30 P.M. HOUSEHOLD and ANTIQUES Kenmore Dryer, like new, Wicker Furniture, Wardrobe, Rockers, (new) 9 x 12 and 12 x 15 rugs; School Desks, Crocks, Jugs, Red Devil Sander, Fireplace set; end tables, coffee tables, pocket watches, rings, pins, jewelry of all Kinds, silverware and general household Now taking consignments for March 6th Antique Sale. WE SPECIALIZE IN PUBLIC AUCTIONS. ESTATES AND ANTIQUES. WILBUR H. HOSIER lAY M. WITMAN 306 Owl Hill Rd., Lititz RD3, Manheim, Pa HAT & GAVEL AUCTION CO. SELLS ON COMMISSION CALL 626-0254 Receiving Hours Monday, Noon to 9 P.M.; Wednesday. TA M to 6 P M , Tuesday, Pickup Day PUBLIC SALE OF TRUCK, FARM EQUIPMENT AND SHOP TOOLS At ERB and HENRY EQUIPMENT, INC, 1 mile north of Boyertown, in New Berlmville SATURDAY, 1964 Int. 1600 truck with Henderson tilt bed and hyd winch, 9N Ford tractor, Farmall H tractor, AC - B - tractor, 3-pt. hitch Black Hawk planter, JD. 480 haybme, MF. No. 32 HD loader-fits most MF. models, new Int. No. 6 hammermill, new Viking 5 hp., elec, hammermill, 2-botm. Int. plow, 2-botm JD. plow, 100 bu. Hawk Bilt tank spreader, 180 bu. NH. tank spreader, Meyers 7 ft. snow plow with mts. for utility tractor, asst, lengths of 8 m. blower pipe, NH. table blower. LAWN - GARDEN: MF. 10 hp. tractor, Sears 10 hp. tractor, Wheel Horse riding mower, Toro mower-snow thrower, 1-pt. Mott mower for Cub, new Gang mowers, new small wheelbarrows and lawn carts. SHOP TOOLS: Hall valve refacer-seater and cabinet, wrench and socket sets, tap and die sets, three-fourth socket set, drill press, A and W 60 hp. dynamometer for tractors, Trucut armature lathe and undercutter, 2 spark plug cleaners, air pressure grease gun, armature tester, Allen amp. and volt tester, new 35 lb. grease gun refillers, many shop manuals for tractors. BARN EQUIPMENT: 73 DeLaval vac. pump, 75 DeLaval vac. pump, misc. elec, motors, galv. wash tubs. MISC.: chicken equip., nests, waters, etc., new rope, pulleys, new hay hooks, misc. fencing and wire half rolls, new freezer units, asst, bolts and nuts, wooden poles. ANTIQUE CAR PARTS: new fuel pumps for 1936 to 1942 cars, seat covers for same, also light bulbs. Equip, is accumulation of 76 yrs. of Farm Equip. Sales and Service. Many good new and used items too numerous to mention. Selling because of loss of storage bldg. WE ARE NOT GOING OUT OF BUSINESS Hauling avail at customary rates. SOLD FOR ERB & HENRY EQUIP., INC. Lawrence R Clauss, Sr, Pres and Lawrence R Clauss Jr Sec Treas Sale at 10 00 A.M JOfHN D & GEORGE D FREY AUCTIONEERS Refreshments on the premises Items, Antiques to be held at the Harry Miller Farm located at the Intersection of Rts. 405 and Old 45 or be tween Lewisburg Bridge and Farmers Best Restaurant, Northumberland Co. Sale by Harry and Gladys Milflsr, onwers, Milton, RDI, Pa.; Earl Eash, Auctioneer. FEBRUARY 22, 63 1975