>2— Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Feb. 15, 1975 6: Public Sales Register | Continued Irom Page 61) Farm Machinery, Con struction Equipment located Exit 10 or 11 off Interstate 83 Emigsvllle, Pa. SAT. MAR. 1 - Public Sale of Farm Machinery, Horse Equipment located 4 miles Soutn of Red Lion along Route 74 South York County. Sale by Mrs. Lloyd Burke, PUBLIC SALE APPROX. 61.7 ACRE FARM SATURDAY, MARCH 1,1975 2:00 P.M. Located in Penn Twp, Lancaster County on Brook Lawn Road, South of Newport Road between Penryn and Elm Consisting of all good farm land with 3 acres of meadow. Approx. 700 ft. frontage on Brook Lawn Road and 865 ft. on Meadow Road. Improvements are a Vk story frame and aluminum sided house with central oil hot air heat, drilled well, septic tank. Four rooms and kitchen on first floor and 4 bedrooms and bath on second floor. Bank bam, metal com crib and tobacco shed with stripping room and cellar. Premises may be seen by calling Manheim, 665-3635. Possession April 15, 1975. 10 percent down day of sale. SALE BY: ALICE A. GAIEBACH Richard M. Martin, Atty. Wilbur H. Hosier, Auct. 626-5943 PUBLIC SALE MODERN FARM EQUIP., MILKING EQUIP., TRUCKS 27th, THURSDAY, FEB. AT 11 A.M :m Rt 611 south for 9 miles from Easton toward Riegelsville, turn right onto Spring Hill Rd to Ist farm, in Durham Twp., Bucks Co , Pa Farmall 656 gas tractor w-fast hitch, etc., 3500 hrs.; Farmall 544 gas tractor, w-fast hitch, etc., 2100 hrs.; Farmall 460 gas tractor w-fast hitch, etc.; Farmall H tractor; MC 303 combine w-cab, 13’ gram head, 2 row corn head; 2 MC fast hitch 4btm trip plows 14’ & 16”; MCNo. 37 10’ transport tandem disc; Chatanooga 12’ single roll cultipacker; Chatanooga 10’ double roll cultipacker w-grass seeding attachment; MC 4 sec. spring tooth harrow; MC 455 4* row com planter w herbicide attach.; MC 2PR 2 row pull type corn busker; MC 100 fast hitch 7’ mower; MC No. 15 five bar rake; MC No. 47 pto baler w-thrower; MC No. 15 forage harvester w-corn & sickle bar heads; MC No. 51 forage wagon w-front unload; (2) MC No. 2A hay con ditioners; MC No. 463 A 4 row fast hitch cultivator; MC No. 175 single beater manure spreader; MC 16 single disc grain drill on rubber w-new discs; MC portable pto 12.5 KW generator; MC 12’ lime spreader; MC No. 1 fast hitch back fill blade; MC No. 33A front end loader; No. 201 snow bucket for same; 3 Grove wide track bale wagons 2 like new; Gehl No. 72 flail chopper; King Wyse 26’ bale elev.; Smoker 24’ bale elev.; N.H. table type auger blower; Bean 3 barrel pull type weed sprayer; hand com sheller; platform scale; portable air comp.; 2 heavy duty single action hyd. cylinders; 1 heavy duty double action hyd. cylinder; wind breaker for late model Farmall tractor; round butcher stove & kettle; 60’ endless belt; Weber farm body wagon; 15 x 38 tractor chains; cattle water tank; Gehl forage wagon; MC forage wagon, front & rear unload. Trucks: 1955 Chev. truck w-grain dump body; 1950 Chevy flat body truck w-25,000 orig. miles; 1965 Dodge % ton pick up w-45,000 miles. Also: 2 ton chain hoist; Cobey wagon w-grain & bale sides, 301 f-h carry-all. Milking Equipment: Esco 690 gal. ice bank milk tank w- 3 hp. compressor; Sputnik milk porter; Delaval 4 unit milker compressor & line; 4 Delaval milker units; carrying pails; stainless steel tubs; 2 Jamesway shuttle stroke bam cleaners; Jamesway manure spreader loading elevator; milk cans; 60 gal. elec, h water heater; 4000 bales of Timothy & Alfalfa mixed hay; 500 bales wheat straw. Note; This is a good line of equipment. Terms - Cash Refreshments Served SALE ORDERED BY: YOUNG BROS. Sale conducted by: RALPH W. ZETTLEMOYER AUCTION CO, Telephone (215) 285-4616 RD2, Felton, Pa. Reynold L Burke, Auctioneer. SAT. MARCH 1-9 a.m. Sharp 11th Annual All Day Public Sale by the Bart Twp, Fire Co. located 6 miles southeast of Strasburg along Route 896 in the village of Georgetown, I Lancaster County, Penna. Will sell Farm Equipment, Building Materials, 1975 Household Goods and An tiques, new and used fur niture and appliances. SAT. MAR. 1 - 9 A.M. Public Sale of Private Collection of Many Rare History Books. Guns, Farm Equipment, Tools, etc. located at the York Airport, along U.S. Rt. 30 8 miles West of York, Pa. Sale by Oscar Hostetter, owner, Thomasville, Pa. Clair R. Slaybaugh, Auc tioneer. MON. MARCH 3- 10 a.m. Public Sale of modem faim equipment, located 1 mile north of Silver Spring, Pa. on Nolt’s Ponds Farm. Sale by Norman W. Gerhart. Raymond Miller and Rufus Geib, Auctioneers. TUES. MARCH 4 - 10 a.m. Public Sale of Farm Equipment, Dairy Cows, Mules located on Hunsicker Road. Travel Rt. 23 to Bards Crossing between Leola and Eden, turn onto Snake Hill Road to Hunsicker Rd. Sale by John M. Allgyer; Wilbur H. Hosier, Auctioneer. TUBS. MAR. 4 - Complete Registered Holstein Dispersal (55 Head, Cert., Accredited, Vacc., Classified, DHIA Avg. 15.094 M, 642 F, 4.3 Test, All Atlantic Breeding) located at Springville, Pa., 6 miles South East of New Holland, 1 mile North off Rte. 340. Sale by Amos H. and Eleanor M. Hershey; Diller and Kreider, Auctioneers. TUES. MARCH 4 - 1 P.M. Special Graded Feeder Pig PUBLIC SALE FARM EQUIP., IRRIGATION SYSTEM TRUCKS, POTATO EQUIP., BARN Friday, AT 12 NOON Located approx 15 mi. northwest of Allentown, Pa, along blacktop road between Lynnville and New Tripoli, Lynn Twp , Lehigh Co , Pa J.D. 3020 diesel tractor, wide front, 3 pt., recently overhauled; J.D. 530 gas tractor, wide front, 3pt., and N.I. 504 loader for same; J.D. No. 45 self-propelled combine w-12- head; J.D. 845 3pt. 3btm rollover plow (like new); Birch 10’ offset disc, transport; Oliver 7" offset disc; Oliver OC3 crawler tractor w-cult.; J.D. 12’ harrow; MC No. 5 flail chopper; Papec grinder-mixer; N.I. 200 bu. 3 beater manure spreader; Mmn.-Mohne model B pto com sheller; A.C. 303 pto baler; Century 3pt. barrel type sprayer; J.D. 100 gal. trailer type sprayer; J.D. No. 8 mower; N.I. 7’ hay conditioner; N.H. 461 haybine; 4 Smidley hog shelters; Schultz 2 row stalk shredder; (2) 5 btm. - J.D. & M.M. - plows, sem. mtd., hyd. reset. Trucks; ‘65 Ford % ton pickup; ‘45 Int. KBS w-12’ flat body; Ford F6OO & Studebaker 6x6 both w-14’ Lock wood self-unloading bulk bodies; CMC 6x6 w-Hames self-unloading bulk body. Irrigation System: CMC pump w-Ford 6 cyl. in dustrial engine; Alu. pipe; 58 pc. 6” x 40’, 36 pc. 4” x 40”; asstd..Wade Rain couplings; 3 valves; 35 Rain Bird sprinklers; Rain Bird Big Gun. Potato Equip.: Thomas Built 2 row potato harvester; Ideal bin stacker w-24’ boom; Haines bin unloader; Lockwood 26” brusher; Advance potato grader w picking table; Brownie potato bagger; (2) Nor thwestern auto, baggers; Hardie pto sprayer 500 gal. w-John Bean engine oper. air blast; Iron Age hi-speed potato planter; 22’ rubber belt bag elev.; Exact weight 20 lbs. scaleftMts & Wetzel cutter; Cummings cutter; seed treater; platform scale; 1500 burlap potato bags. Barn: 35’ x 65’ 2 story frame bank bahi, good Cond., 6 mo. to move Terms-Cash SALE ORDERED BY Sale conducted by: RALPH W. ZETTLEMOYER AUCTION CO, Telephone (215) 285-4616 Sale at the Lancaster Stockyards, Inc. Pcnna. WED. MARCH 5 - 9:30 A.M. Consignment Sale located mile North of Route 23 on North Maple Ave. in Leola, Co., Pa. Sale by David H, Good; F. Snyder, R. Martin, C. H. Wolgemuth and C. Diller, Auctioneers. THURS. MARCH 6- Public Sale of Farm Equipment by Harry Weaver, Blue Ball area. Randal Kline, Auc tioneer. THURS. MARCH 6 - Public Sale of Farm Equipment located 3 miles Northeast of Elizabethtown, Pa. along Mt. Gretna Road, Rt. 241 at Bellaire, Pa. Sale by Mary and Robert Brubaker. Harold “Abe” Shaffner, Auctioneer. THURS. MARCH 6-11 a.m. Complete Herd Dispersal of 150 Head Registered Holsteins for Kyle and Wallace to be held at the Black & White Holstein Sale Bam, Lancaster, Pa. across from the Comet Drive-in Theatre or 1 4 mile West of breeding unit. Charles C. Myers, sales Manager. THURS. MARCH 6 - 10 A.M. Public Sale of Farm Equipment, Livestock, Antiques and Household Items located 2 miles East of Lancaster of the old Phila. Pike on Horseshoe Road near Conestoga Valley High School, Lancaster County, Pa. Sale by Daniel K. King; Alvin L. Miller, Auctioneer. February 28, Refreshments Served PHILIP SNYDER FRI MARCH 7 - 10 A.M. 5 miles North of White Public Sale of Livestock. Horse, 8 l S e < ? n Sh S if < Rf ß w Farm Equipment ana Ball, 2 miles South of Rt. 322 Dairying Equipment located | Continued on Page 63| 33RD YORKSHIRE SALE Production Tested Certified Meat Tested FRIDAY, MARCH 14 - 1 P.M. ATTHEFARM 40 BRED GILTS 100 OPEN GILTS 25 BOARS The Sale with the test records Our last Big Winner the $1,000.00 Grand Champion Keystone International Carcass Pig. Catalogues Available. Brooks End and Par Kay Farms, RENO H. THOMAS, Sales Mgr. Beavertown, PA 17813 Phone 717-658-5821 PUBLIC AUCTIOH FARM EQUIPMENT, HAY & STRAW SOME HOUSEHOLD GOODS 1975 Conducted by John E. and Paul E. Martin, Auctioneers 717-733-3511 - 717-733-3305 Lunch Available SATURDAY, AT 11;00 A.M Location. Take Route 422 East from Lebanon turn south at first traffic light past Martin's Farm Market 1 1 h mile to farm on right Or between Schaefferstown and Lebanon along 897 turn north at Krall's Mennomte Church 3 miles to farm. South Lebanon Township, Lebanon County, Pa: JOHN DEERE 3010 With Power Steering, Power Brakes and Frontend Weights JOHN DEERE 1020 With 1000 Hours; also JOHN DEERE NO. 48 LOADER With Ground Scoop and Snow Bucket New Idea No. 323 Cornpicker, 1-row pull type, like new; New Holland Baler Hayliner 268; International No. 450, 3-Bottom 16-inch Automatic Reset Plow, like new; 2 Farmec Gravity Bins on Running Gears; New Holland No. 327 P.T.O. Triple Beater Spreader; John Deere 3-Pomt Mower; John Deere 10H Beltdriven Hammermill; John Deere 2-Row No. 246 Corn Planter with Applicator; John Deere KBA Disc with 28 Discs; John Deere 9-Foot Spring Harrow; Chisel Bar; 2-Row Tobacco Hoer; Chattanooga 9-Foot Cultipacker; John Deere 1-Row Potato Digger; 2-Row Transplanter; John Deere 2-Row Mounted Cultivator; John Deere 4- Bar Side Rake; Two 16-Foot Flatbed Wagons; In ternational Hay Crusher; New Holland Flail Chopper; Spike Harrow; 3-Point Bucket; Allis Chalmers Trough Blower Beltdriven with Pipe; Ontario Grain Drill. PUREBRED GUERNSEY COW 20 Ton Hay -15 Ton Straw Cardinal Jr. 16-Foot Aluminum Portable Elevator with Motor; John Deere Heavy Duty Cylinder; Metal Feed Cart: 5000 Tobacco Laths; Tox-o-wix Cattle Oiler with Supply Tank; Fairbanks Platform Scales; Minnich Press; Extension Ladder; Endless Belt; Saw Buck; 5-Gallon J.D. Special Purpose Oil; 2 Bales Baler Twme; Bag Wagon; 8 Milk Cans; Single Hole Corn Sheller; Electric Motor; Chicken Coops; Steel Drums; Hay Fork; Ropes; Gas Brooders; Heavy 1-mch Mesh Wire; Scythes; Tobacco Shears; Stepladder; 60-Foot Cable; Single Row Horse Shovel Harrowj Dog House; Hand Seeder; Grindstone; Vise; Sizing Boxes; Used Implement Tires; Roto-tiller; Air Compressor; Live Animal Trap; 'Anvil; Sledge Hammer; Axe; Grease Guns; 24-Inch Pipe Wrench; Some Other Tools; Forks; Shovels; Brooms. DRY WALNUT BOARDS 22-Cu. Ft. Ben Hur Chest Freezer; Maytag Wringer Washer; Dryer; 2 Double Beds, 1 Spool type complete with Spring and Mattress; China Closet; 3 Dressers; Buffet; Boston Rocker; 7-Gun Walnut Gun Cabinet; Secretary Type Desk with Bookcase Top; Chest of Drawers; 9 Assorted Old Chairs; 3 Half Spindle Chairs; Arrow Back Chair; High Chair; Crib with Mattress; Butcher Bench; Wooden Tub; Wooden Butter Chum; Caneseat Rocker; Clothes Trees; Platform Rocker; Oak Rocker; Metal Cabinet; Cupboard; Old Door Latches; Green Pint, Quart and 2- Quart Jars; Some Jars with Wire Tops; Depression Glass Pitcher; Small Table; Crocks; Kitchen Utensils; Tin Molds; Quilt Frame Legs; Iron Cat Trough; Sausage Stuffer; Iron Kettle; Iron Skillet; Some Dishes; Lot of Firewood, and many other items too numerous to mention. Sale time, 11:00 A.M. sale by PHARES H. MUSSER R.D.I, LEBANON, PA. - 717-949-3753 FEBRUARY 22, 1975
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