Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 15, 1975, Image 61
Public Sales Register ■ Continued from Page 60| right around mill to sale bam. R. Austin Backus, Inc., Auctioneers, Mexico, N.Y. FRI. FEB. 28-11 a.m. Public Sale of 80 Head of Reg. Holstein Dairy Cattle, 2 tractors, other equipment, hay and corn located 5 miles East of Lancaster, u i mile FARMERSVILIE AUCTION TUB. EVE., FEB. IS, 1975 6:00 P.M. In Farmersville, 3 miles East of Browntown, Lancaster County, PA The following new items: 2 pc. Early American living room suite; wooden arm sofa-bed; box spring & mattress; 2 rugs 12 x 12 & 12 x 16 beige; rug matting: Princess House pieces. Used large dbl. door Servel gas refrigerator A-0.K.; 3 elec, refrigerators; avocado 30” elec, range; apt. size Maytag dryer; freezer; Estate heatrola; LARGE CORNER CUPBOARD; large cedar chest; waterfall & bookcase bed bedroom suites; rock maple chifferobe; wooden office chair; nice waterfall dresser & vanity; 6 chrome with wood kitchen chairs; recliner; platform rocker; twin beds; single & double beds complete; depression glass; dishes; etc.; etc. (Furniture at 7:30!). We sell on commission at 20% Cali 354-5095 Terms by: JOHN J. RUTT Anything from attic junque to estates! CALL NOW TO CONSIGN YOUR ANTIQUES FOR MARCH 18 ANTIQUE SALE. PUBLIC SALE Qf FARM EQUIPMENT AND 64 HEAD OF REGISTERED AND 5 GRADE HOLSTEIN DAIRY CATTLE Tuesday, February 25,1975 9:30 A.M. Located two miles southwest of Mount Joy, Pa., Route 141 to Donegal High School, turn south one mile along Union School Road Well Established Dunloggin bred Herd. 32 Registered and 3 Grade MILK COWS. 11 BRED HEIFERS Due April and May. 8 Yearling Heifers. 14 HEIFER CALVES up to 8 Months. Individual records up to 20,000 lbs. of milk, 305 Days. Rolling Herd Average 14,009 milk, 3.8 531 fat. Daughters of the following Sires: Shaw’s Golden Tidy Una, Skukie Famous Duke, Edgewood Hall Ivanhoe Vic, Pennstate Stardust, Clovena Astronaut, etc. 4ANGUSCALVES Sale held under tent. 3TRACTORS J.D. 2010; M. FarmaU L., P.T.0., w-Power Kit, Snow Blade; C FarmaU w-Cult and Corn Planter. N.H. No. 68 Baler, M.C. Cut Conditioner, Ontario 14-Disc Grain Drill, I.N. Com Chopper w-9 Knives; J.D.N. Spreader; Brady Tank Spreader; N.I. Flail Chopper; J.D. 28-disc on Rubber; Silo Blower; Hay Rakes; N.H. 30’ Bale Elevator; 4 Flat Wagons w-Beds; Two-wheel Trailers; Dearborn and J.D. No. 18 1-Row Corn Pickers; J.D. No. 9 7’ Mower; 2 Sauder Loaders; 10’ Cultipacker; 3- Pt. Scraper; Field Sprayer; J.D. 2-B. 16” Plow; Disc Plow; McD. Hammer Mill; Elect. Welder; Air Com pressor; Anvil; 5 H.P. Motor; Cub Motor; Skill Saw, Platform Scale; Log Chains, Forks; Shovels; Ext. Ladder; Tob. Rails, 1000 ft. of Yellow Pine Roofers, Chicken Equipment, 68 No. 10 Chev. V2-ton Pickup Truck. DAIRY EQUIPMENT: Milkeeper; 500-Gal. Milk Tank. Surge Dumping Station w-Auto. Washer; Elect. Water Heater; 30 + Surge Vac. Pump; 4 Surge Milking Units; S.S. Wash Tubs; Stewart Cow Clippers; Bam Fans; Milk Cans; Feed Carts; Wheelbarrow; Bray Cattle Breeding Calendar, and many other items too numerous to mention. Sale order Sm. Tools, Machinery, Dairy at 12:30 p.m. SALE BY: Paul Hess & Aaron G. Fisher CLIFFORD GIBBLE, Pedigrees HAROLD (ABE) SHAFFNER, 653-5689 C. H. WOLGEMUTH, Auets. DIFFENDERFER & MUMMAU, Clerks FOODSTAND South of Rt. 23 trom Meadow Brook Farmers Market at 2453 Creek Hill Road. Sale by Mark T. Stoltzfus, owner; Norman Kolb, Pedigrees and Abe Diffenbach, Auctioneer. FRI. FEB. 28-Public Sale of Farm and Dairy Equipment located just Vi mile North East of Strasburg. Sale by Stanley Groff. Kreider and Dillcr, Auctioneers. FRI. FEB. 28 - 12 Noon Public Sale of Farm Equipment, Irrigation System. Trucks, Potato Equip., Barn located approx. 15 mi. northwest of Allen town, Pa. along blacktop road between Lynnville and New Tripoli, Lynn Twp., Co., Pa. Sale oy Philip Snyder; Ralph W. Zettlemoyer Auction Co., Sale conductor. THURS. FEB. 27 - 9 A.M. Public Sale of Farm Machinery, 50 Head Holstein Dairy Herd; Dairy Equip ment, Household Fur nishings and Antiques at the Richard L. Herman residence, located 3 miles -south of Lewisburg and first farm west of Intersection of Furnace Road and Stine Lane, Union County. Sale by Mr. Richard L. Herman, owner, Lewisburg RDI, Pa.; Eash and Hess, Auctioneers. FRI. FEB. 28 -1 P.M. Dairy Auction located at Sherman, Pa., 12 miles north of Shehawken, Pa. Take Strarrucca to Shehawken Road or 5 miles off N.Y. Rte. 17'at exit 82 (McClure). Follow road to Guestward - Ho Campsites. Look for Beavan Auction arrows. Sale by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harris, owners; James R. Beavan, Auctioneer and Sale Mgr. FRI. FEB. 28 -10 a.m. Public Sale of 70 Head of Livestock and Farm Equipment located on Belmont Rd. between Rt. 340 and Rt. 30 approx. 11 miles Hast of Lancaster, Pa. Sale by Elam R. Petersheim; Wilbur Hosier and Larry Martin, Auctioneer. IAT. MARCH 1 - 11 A.M. ''arm Sale of Potato PUBLIC SALE FARM EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22,1975 One block off Rt. 10 along Pheasant road, 5 miles south of Reading, adjacent to Gilbert Associates, Cumru Twp., Berks County FARMALL 460 TRACTOR (1800 HOURS) SUPERB FARMALL FARMALL 200 with Cultivator 3-bottom Fast Hitch Plow, Snow Plow, McC. 33 Loader, New Holland Hayliner 272 with motor; 323 New Idea 1-row Corn Picker, 7-ft. International Haybine 990, like new; International 33 Hay Con ditioner, Grimm Hay Tedder, like new; John Deere Hay Flutter, John Deere 640 Side Rake, McCormick 64 Combine with motor; New Idea No. 19 Power Takeoff Manure Spreader, Oliver 13-disc Grain Drill, New Idea Lime Drill with grass seeder attachment; Cobey Wagon with silo sides; 16-ft. Harvest Handler Elevator, Smalley Grain Blower and pipe; Danuser Fast Hitch Post Hole Digger, Dellinger Hammermill. HARVEY CORN SHELLER, Myers Weed Sprayer, Planet Jr. Garden Tractor with plow and Cultivator; Me. 8-ft. Disc Harrow, Dellinger Saw Buck, Fodder Spreader, Me. Dump Rake, 9-ft. Cultipacker, Land Roller, Marlow Vacuum Pump, Cattle Cleaner, Sprayer, Clipper, Dehomer, Cow Chains, Neck Straps, 20” Jamesway Bam Fan, Jamesway Drinking Cups, Blacksmith Forge, Tongs, Hydraulic Garage Jack, Gasoline Air Compressor, 50 and 75-ft. Endless Belts, Pipe and Fittings, Pipe Threader, Tap and Die Set, Fence Wire, Log Chains, Feed Cart, Shovel Harrow, 2-horse Plow, Large Tarp, Bale Elevator, 220- volt Cables, Burlap Bags, 146-ft. Hay Rope, Pulleys, Log Sleigh, Market Sleigh, Windmill, Hand Augers,' Broad Axe, Wood Vz-bushel Measure, Wood Forks, Old Horseradish Grater, Beam Scale, Flail, Hay Knife, Hames, Bolt Cutter, Chain Block, 2-man Saw, Fencer, Scythes, Forks, Bars and many other items. Sale to start at 10:00 a.m. TERMS BY: GEORGE KACHEL, owner Harlan Gundy, Auctioneer Growers Equipment for Hannan Bros, located on Harmony Rd., Cohansey, N.J.; turn left at 3rd cross road off Rt. 540 West. Watch for signs posted. Follow Rt. 40 from Delaware Memorial Bridge to Rt. 77 South to Rt. 540 West. Wm. Bragdon, Auctioneer. SAT. MARCH 1 - for Allen Zeiset, 2 acre lot with l u i story house, hog sty, woodworking shop and a sheep bam. Located along Rt. 322 in Fetterville 2 miles east of Blue Ball. Nevin Z. Martin, auctioneer. SAT. MAR. 1 and SAT. MAR. 8-2 Day Public Sale -11 a.m. Household Items and An tiques will be sold on Sat. March 1 and Farm, Woodland, Plot of Ground, and Farm Equipment will be sold Sat. March 8. Located 10 miles East of E’town, 10 miles Northwest of Manheim, along the Colebrook Road, midway between Mastersonville and Colebrook, Mt. Joy, Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa. Sale by Hiram S. Greiner, and Estate of Mabel Greiner; Rufus Geib and Raymond Miller, Auctioneers. SAT. MAR. 1 - Public Saie oi Farm Equipment located Vh miles North of Hessdale, North of Rte. 222.'Sale by Paul Meek; Diller and Kreider, Auctioneers. SAT. MARCH 1 -10:30 A.M. Public Auction of Farm Equipment, Household Items and Collectibles Located at Mahantongo Valley, Schuylkill County, Pa., Village of Hepler, 5 miles East of Khngerstown, along the Klingerstown to Pitman Road, first farm East of the Mahantongo Elem. School. Sale by Ralph Fetterolf, owner; George N Deibert, Auctioneer. 10:00 A.M Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Feb, 15,1975 SAT. MARCH 1- Public Sale of Farm Equipment and Household Goods by Allen Nolt, Lititz RD3, right off new Rt. 222. Randal Kline, Auctioneer. SAT. MARCH 1 - 2 P.M. Country Gentleman’s Farm Public Sale of Real Estate located just west of Rothsville on the Newport Road, approx. 24 acres. Terms by Warwick Estates; Chet Long and Dave Thomas, Auctioneers. - SAT. MARCH 1 - 2 P.M. Public Sale of Approx. 61.7 Acre Farm located in Penn Twp., Lancaster County, on Brook Lawn Road, south of Newport Road between Penryn and Elm. Sale by Alice A. Galebach; Wilbur H. Hosier, Auctioneer. SAT. MARCH 1- Spring Sale of meat type breeding stock, all breeds, bred gilts, open gilts, service boars, at the Kutztown Fair Grounds, Kutztown, Pa., for the Berks- Lehigh County Pork COMPLETE DISPERSAL SALE WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26th, 1975 AT 9; 30 A.M. DAIRY HERD, DAIRY EQUIPMENT FARM EQUIPMENT - TRUCK - SOME HOUSEHOLD - ETC Due to quitting farming, will have public sale on the premises located in York County, Pa 4 miles East of East Berlin or 8 miles West of York on Route #234, turn North at Shadydell Rd., 'A mile the following: Int. Farmall6s6, Farmall M, Oliver 77, Minn. Moline ZB; two M M L power units; 2 M M combines; M M Busker; M M picker sheller; M M crib sheller w-30 ft. drag; MM3 bottom plow; Case 3-14” plow, 3 pt.; M M 7 ft. mounted mower; N H 717 forage harvester w-two heads; NH469Haybine; NH69 baler; N H 68 baler; w injector and motor; N H 30 ft. railing elevator; two N H manure spreaders, 1 a pto No. 222; Nll7 spreader; N H 33 crop chopper; A-C 780 crop chopper; J D ISA crop chopper; N HlOlO automatic bale wagon, like new; N H model 23 blower w-40 ft. pipe; A-C blower w-9” pipe; J D 494 4 row com planter; J D 42 ft. elevator w-down chute; Kingwise 35’ elevator, pto; J D 12 ft. roto-hoe; JD 32 disc harrow; 1 set JD 4 row cultivators; JD fluffer; J D 32 conditioner; Oliver 565 4- 16” semi mounted trip back plow; Oliver 12 ft. 3 section spring tooth harrow, about new; Oliver 32 transport disc; New Idea roll bar side rake; side rake on rubber; Nl4 row stalk shredder; NI wagon w-fht; Grove dump wagon; 2 gravity box wagons; self feeder wagon; 18’ Green Chop feeder wagon on rubber; Mc-Deering Model 10-18 DBL disc grain drill; Kim 200 gal. plastic tank trail type field sprayer; Mayrath 25 ft. elevator; Papec 13” hammermUl; Papec % ton mixer; Sprout Waldron 1 ton mixer; Badger model 2400 Silo unloader; Danuser post hole auger; Lily fertilizer spreader, 3 pt.; 8 hole metal hog feeder; 75 ft. belt; 1949 Int. Truck with 14 ft. bed; wagon load of small farm tools; 25 Registered and 5 Grade Holsteins Plus Calves CERTIFIED 30 Day Health Tests 15 milking age - 8 Bred Heifers, 3 close or fresh, 8 in full flow, others in various stages of lactation; 8 heifers bred for July and August freshen. 8 heifers from 3 mo. to 1 year old, daughters from Ivanhoe Star, Optimist; Ledtron; Sky Cross; Penn State Starman; and Bonus, llerd raised from Curtis and ABC service sires; Bolling DHI Avg. 13,600 milk 540 fat - 4 percent. They nave size, type, good udders and lots of milk. DAIRY EQUIPMENT Girton 400 gal. milk tank; Surge SPII milker pump; 3 Surge milkers, 1 5 lb.; 80 gal. water heater; 3 S S buckets w-hds; two S S strainers; twin S S wash vat. Good oil space heater; Prizer white enamel coal and wood range stove; meat bench; metal clothe closet; metal utility cabinet; old pump organ; child’s writing desk; two lid wood box; etc. Refreshments By 4-H Club. CLIP AND SAVE Virginia L. Myers, Owner, Thomasville, Pa. Ph. 259-0373 Clair R. Slaybaugh, Auctioneer Idaville, Pa. Ph. 677-7479 C. L. Jacobs, Clerk. Producers Association. Ralph Zcttlemoycr, Auc tioneer. SAT. MARCH 1 -10:30 A.M. Public Sale of Valuable Farm Equipment and Livestock on the premises located midway between Blue Ball and Bowmansvillc on Route 625, 1 mile east of Center Church. Terms by Adam M. Horst; Paul W. Horst and Leroy S. Horst, Auctioneers. SAT. MARCH 1 - 11 A.M. Public Auction of 3 Tractors, Truck and Farm Machinery located at 4181 Madonna Rd., 2 miles north of the in tersection of Md. 146 Jarrettsville Pike and Md. 23 Norrisville Rd., Harford County Jarrettsville, Maryland. Sale by George L. Kegley, owner, Jarrettsville, Md.; William H. Amoss, Auctioneer. SAT. MARCH 1- 10 A.M. Public Sale of All Kinds (Continued on Page 621 4TRACTORS4 5 Registered Brown Swiss ACCREDITED VACCINATED HOUSEHOLD Terms by PAUL H. MYERS, JR. 61