Public Sales Register | Continued from fate sl| SAT. FEBi" 15 - 2 P.M. Public Sale of Desirable Farm of 85 acres m-1 located midway between Gap and Intercourse, on Hershey’s Church Road, Salisbury Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa. Terms by Fertile Acres Realty Co., Gordon Kling, Auctioneer. PUDLIC SALE i BART TWP. FIRE CO. 11TH ANNUAL ALL DAY SALE SATURDAY, MARCH 1,1975 9:00 A.M. Sharp! Located 6 miles Southeast of Slrasburg along Route 896 in the village of Georgetown, Lancaster County, Pa. Farm Equipment, wagons, carriages, buggies; building materials, Household Goods and Antiques, New and used furniture and appliances; Truck load of Fruit. All items sold on commission. Donated items ap preciated. - _ . Terms by: Phone 786 3126. gART TWP. FIRE CO. PUBLIC SALE FARM EQUIP. - TRUCKS SHOP TOOLS & EQUIP. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1975 AT 9:30 A.M. Located 1 Mile South of the Leb Lane. Turnpike Exchange, Turn East off Rt. 72 on to Mountain Rd. at the*Ml Hope Mobile Homes, Look For Sale Signs N. I. UNISYSTEM, (DIESEL) 705 POWER UNIT WITH CAB USED 2 SEASONS Fully equipped. No. 767 SUPER CHOPPER w-elec. knife Grinder; 3-row 30” Com head. 2-row 38” Com head; pickup head; No. 710 COMBINE w-13’ header, M&W header robot. ’62 FORD CB-50 TRUCK AND ’6SINT. 1700 Truck. Both with Cab-over & power steering and both with Stauffer Hydro. Forage boxes, (used 1 season) 2 DION 16’ Forage boxes .w-3 beaters on 12 Ton wagons, KB 200 Kools Blower w-60’ pipe. 4010 J.D. DIESEL: 1520 J.D. DIESEL, 48 loader, 2 buckets and directional reversal; CASE SKID LOADER, Diesel, 2 buckets; 6000 lb. Zimmerman trailer, 6-row J.D. 1250 CORN PLANTER, 30” row, plateless, dry fertilizers, hydro, auger in fertilizers, insecticide hopper, seed monitor: J.D. 6-row 30” cultivators; N.I. 2-row 30” row com picker w-318 grinder; J.D. 25A 3-pt. 150 gal. sprayer with booms, J.D. 5 B. hvdro reset semi-mount plow, J.D. 16 DISC GRAIN DRILL (used 50 A.) Artsway 750 Feed Mixer w-Scales mounted on truck. 75 HEAD CHOICE FEEDER STEERS (900 to 1000 lbs.) ’73 250 FORD PICKUP, P.S. & P.B. AM & FM STEREO.; JD. 24T Baler w-hydro thrower; 20’ Wikoni Grain & com elevator, (w gas engine), 16’ bale elev., McCurdy com drag; 18’ grain auger, 30’ Smoker elev., 10T. wagon hoist, hydro, tailgate auger, 2 Farmhand 450 Manure spreaders, (305 bu., heavy duty wagons with forage sides & beaters) NEW 48” POWER BROOM, mounts for 120 Ford. 14’ Chattanooga cultimulcher, 32 Oliver Disc, 3-sec. rotary hoe, N.I. 7’ trail mower, Me. & N.I. hay rakes. Grove Wagon w auger, false front end wagon, two 14’ dump wagons, N.H. corn sheller, N.I. 12A spreader, 150 sawqd posts, 25’ trench feeder & auger, Brower Brooders, hog waterers & 6 & 8-hole hog feeders, four 8 T. metal feed bms, Portable livestock scales & catching schute, 2 concrete vibrators, STRAW & fertilizer. SHOW EQUIPMENT 12” Wood and 16” wood & metal cutting band saws, Johnson band saw, 8” Miller-Falls circular saw. Me. Cham saw, Belsaw sharpall, wood shaper, Hossfeid metal bender, metal shears, Ig. Ind. drill press, por table grinder, implant gun, 180 amp. Lincoln & 200 amp. welders, Lg. stationery & portable air com pressors, ladders, all sizes elec, motors, 3 «: elec, drills, elec, supplies, Bx7’ and 12x14’ overhead doors. Vise, steel and steel tubing, ALL TYPES BUILDING SUPPLIES, new & used lumber, 4 hp. Roto-tiller, J.D. power grass blower & catcher, mini bike, 2 Schwinn 3-S. bikes, SOME H.H. GOODS-Stereo, 2 Maple Deacon benches, 6 bar stools, 10’ folding and picnic tables, and many many useful items not listed. Lunch available. SALE ORDER-Sm. goods. Tools & Equip., Cattle. Please Note: This Equip, is in Excellent Condition, COME EARLY. Farm Was Sold. SALE BY RICHARD & BETTY GERLACH C. H. & 808 WOLGEMUTH AUCTS. PHONE 665-5664 TUBS. FEB. 18-12:00 Public Sale of Farm Machinery and Some Household Goods located along Rt. 222 just South of Quarryville, Ist farm on the right across from the Presbyterian Rest Home. Sale by M. Vernon Weaver, Nevln Z. Martin, Auctioneer. A TUBS. FEB. 18 ■ G p.m. Public Auction of Furniture, Glassware, Appliances, etc. at the P'armersville Auction located at Farmersville, 3 miles East of Brownstown, Lancaster Co. Sale by John J. Rutt; Richard Murray, Auctioneer. TUBS. FEB. 18 - Public Sale of Modern Farm Equipment located along Cloverleaf Road, 3 miles Northeast of Elizabethtown, Pa. Get off Rt. 283 by the Rheems and Milton Grove Interchange turn north. Sale by Stella and David Miller; Harold (Abe) Shaffner, Auctioneer. TUES. FEB. 18 - 1 p.m. Feeder pig sale at the Lancaster Stockyards, Lancaster, Pa WED. FEB. 19 - Public Sale of Farm Equipment by Lebanon Valley Implement Co., 700 E. Linden St., Richland, Pa. John E. and Paul E. Martin, Auctioneers. WED. FEB. 19 - 9:30 a.m. Consignment Sale located mile north of Route 23 on North Maple Ave. in Leola, Lancaster Co., Pa. Sale by David H. Good; F. Snyder, R. Martin, and C. H. Wolgemuth, Auctioneers. THURS. FEB. 20 -11:30 a.m. Public Sale of Valuable Farm Equipment situated in Londonderry Twp., Dauphin Co. Pa. along Route 341. 2 miles West of Deodate, 2V 2 miles East of Middletown. Known as Colebrook Road. Sale by Mrs. Eva B. Meckley; Earl S. Buf fenmeyer, Auctioneer. THURS. FEB. 20 - 12:30 Noon Rosewood Farm Milking Herd Dispersal PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE FARM EQUIPMENT & LIVESTOCK SATURDAY, MARCH 1,1975 AT 10:30 A.M. On the premises located midway between Blue Ball and Bowmansville on Route 625,1 mile East of Center Church 14 HEAD OF FEEDER CATTLE, STEERS & HEIFERS, Weighing 400 to 600 Pounds. 2 MILK COWS SHEEP-1 Buck, 7 Ewes CASE 530 TRACTOR, good condition FARMALL SUPER A TRACTOR With CULTIVATOR John Deere B Tractor with Cultivator; Case 3- Bottom Trip Plow; Case Mower; Case BTO Ham mermill; Case 200 Baler; Pulley for Case Tractor; Cultivator for VAC Case; 3-Pomt Carrier; John Deere Disc; John Deere Harrow; Flat Bed Wagon on Rubber and Trailer with Sides; 2 New Idea No. 12A Manure Spreaders; Fertilizer Drill; Stauffer 2-Row Tran splanter; Smoker Bale Elevator with Motor; Horse drawn McCormick Cultivator; 1 Horse Weeder; 106 Wiard Plow; Shovel Harrow; Hoka Plow; Racks for Pickup Truck, like new; Timothy Hay. 8 Horsepower Briggs and Stratton Engine; Water Pump; Post Hole Digger; Platform Scales; 2-Hole Corn Shelter; Silage Cart and Silo Pipes; Hydraulic Jack; Driving Harness £ Working Harness, Bridle and Collar; Triple, Double' and Single Trees; 2 Wagon Tongues; Chicken Coops; Locust Posts; Long Electric Cord; Tobacco Shears and Spears; 50 Gallon Drums; Water Tank; Bag Wagon; Old Milk Cans; Old Grain Cradle; Wooden Rake and Pulleys; Sleigh Bells; Grain Forks; Gas and Other Lanterns; Scrap Iron; and other items not listed. FEW HOUSEHOLD GOODS Medicine Cabinet; Electric Fans; Electric Iron; Lots of Plates and Pans; Books; Buttons. Sale at 10:30 a.m. Terms by; ADAM M. HORST Paul W. Horst & Leroy S. Horst, Auctioneers Not Responsible For Accidents Refreshments Will Be Served (Last Section) G. Luther Huston, owner, Hebron, Md. to be held at the Ass’n. Sales Pavilion, I Lancaster, Penna. Sale managed by Penna. Guernsey Breeders’ Ass’n. P.O, Box 458, Camp Hill, Pa. 17011 THURS. FEB. 20 - 5:30 P.M. Public Auction at the Hat & Gavel Auction Co., located one mil&North of Litilz along Rt. 501. Wilbur H. Hosier and Jay M. Witman, Auc tioneers. FRI. FEB. 21-11a.m. Public Sale Complete Farm Equipment Auction located at RD2 Lebanon, Lebanon County, Pa. Farm is located 2 miles north of Lebanon or 4 miles south of Fred ericksburg off route US 22 along route 343. Sale by Curt Stoltz and Kapp Smith; Harry H. Bachman, Auc tioneer. FRI. FEB. 21 - Public Sale of 65 of Reg. and Grade Holstein Dairy Cattle, 2 like new Int. tractors and full line of farm equipment in ex cellent condition. Sale 15 miles south of Quarryville, 2 miles south of Little Britain store. Sale by Dr. Eugene B. Spitz on Tuckaway Farm. Leroy C. Sensenig, Auc tioneer and sale manager. FRI. FEB. 21 - 11:30 A.M. Public Sale of Registered Holstein Dairy Cows located 17 miles East of Lancaster, x k mile north of Rt. 340 from White Horse along Meeting House Road. Sale by John M. Smucker, owner; Abe Dif fenbach, Auctioneer. FRI. FEB. 21 - 8 p.m. Nite Cow Sale at the Black and White Holstein Farm Lan caster, Pa. across from the Comet Drive-in Theatre or J 4 Lancaster Farmim mile West of breeding unit. Charles C. Myers, owner; Abe Diffenbach, Auctioneer. Henry Kettering, Pedigrees; Park Myers, Sales Manager. FRI. FEB. 21 - 11:30 A.M. Public Sale of Farm Machinery, Holstein Dairy Cows, and Heifers located ‘a mile East of Georgetown, 2 miles South of Nickel Mines store along the old dam road, Lancaster County, Pa. Terms by Levi K. Smoker; Leroy Zook and I .eon Kurtz, Auctioneers. SAT. FEB. 22- Public Sale of Farm Equip'ment, Trucks, Shop Equip, and Building Supplies located at RD3, Manheim, Pa. along Mountain Road, just East of Rt. 72. Sale by Richard R. and Betty Gerlach. C. H. and Bob Wolgemuth, Auc tioneers. SAT. FEB. 22 - Public Sale of Farm Equipment by Phares Musser, RDI, Lebanon, Pa. John E. and Paul E. Martin, Auctioneers. BERKS - LEHIGH COUNTY PORK PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION SPRING SALE At the Kutztown Fair Grounds Kutztown, PA SATURDAY, MARCH 1,1975 1:00 P.M. 50 HEAD Meat type breeding stock All Breeds. Bred Gilts, Open Gilts, Service Boars Consigned by the Eastern PA Top Breeders Available for shipment anywhere For Catalogs Write: EARL H. RABENOLD RD2, Kutztown, PA 19530 Phone: 215-683-3603 RALPH ZETTLEMOYER, Auctioneer COUNTRY GENTLEMAN’S FARM PUBLIC SALE REAL ESTATE SATURDAY, MARCH 1,1975 2:00 P.M. lust West of Rothsville on the Newport Road, Approximately 24 acres, including a 2Vj-STORY BRICK FARM HOUSE, Large Bank Barn with Attached Wagon Shed, Tobacco Shed. This Farm House was just recently remodeled from head to toe. First Floor with large Livmg Room, Dining Room, New Kitchen, Laundry and Powder Room. On the Second Floor are 4 Large Bedrooms with spacious Closets and a Bath. Third Floor is finished for storage. The House has a New Hot Water Heating System and a New Roof. The Living areas all newly Carpeted. All other buddings are in good repair and House and Barn are recently painted. This property also includes a good well. There is frontage on Newport Road Rothsville Station Road. This would be a real good pLce to raise a family or could also be used as a Horse Farm Property has easy access to Route 772 with ap proximately 20-mmute drive to downtown Lancaster Don’t Miss this Opportunity to BUY a Real Nice HOME in the Country with unlimited possibilities SALE TIME 2:00 P.M. TERMS BY: WARWICK ESTATES CHET LONG. DAVE THOMAS - Auctioneers JOHN R. GIBBLE, Attorney Open For Inspection Fri., February 21, 1975 7-9 P.M. Saturday. Feb. 15.1975 SAT. FEB. 22-2 p.m. Public Sale of 85 Acre Dairy Farm located at RD2 Denver, Pa. alone Cocalico Road. Terms by wilmer J. Weaver; Randal V. Kline, Auctioneer. SAT. FEB. 22 - The Strasburg Fire Co. will hold Us First Annual Donation and Consignment Public Sale. Watch for latter Ad vertisements. SAT. FEB. 22-Public Sale of Valuable Real Estate, valuable antiques and Household Goods located along Rt. 23 in Bareville next to Bareville Fire Hall. Terms by Rebekah S. Sheaffer; Frank L. Steller and Robert E. Martin, Auctioneers. SAT. FEB. 22 - 10 a.m. Public Sale of Truck, Farm Equipment and'Shop Tools located at the Erb and Henry Equipment, Inc., 1 mile North of Boyertown, in New Berlmville.'Sale by Erb and Henry Equip, Inc. John D. I Continued on Page 60| 59
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