Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 15, 1975, Image 58

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- l ncatter Farming, Saturday, Feb. 15, 1975
Public Sales Register
At my Maryland Farm Sale Barn, located '/? mile Northwest of
Woodsboro, on Route 550, Frederick County.
Due to not having our January sale, we went all out
and purchased 100 head of the best cows and heifers
you will ever see in one bam.
We received 1 loaTl of Canadian cows, 1 load of
Pennsylvania cows, 2 loads out of New York State and
a few cows from other states.
This sale consists of 25 head of extreme top Pure
Bred cows that will suit the most particular buyer. We
also have 25 fancy Pure Bred first calf heifers, 25 good
big fancy Grade cows some milking up to 100 lbs. a day,
and 25 first calf grade heifers.
All 100 head just fresh or close to becoming fresh.
Everyone of these cows were just shipped in the last
couple of weeks, and all were tested for T.B. and
Brucellosis in the past 30 days. Also every cow has
been inoculated for shipping fever.
621 Willow Road
Lancaster, PA 17601
James C. Trout
Robert Mullendore, Auctioneers
Marvin A. Eshleman, Pedigrees
Mehrle N. Wachter, Clerk
Terms: Cash on day of Sale
Not Responsible for Accidents
Loading Chute Available
For Free Transportation,
Please Phone 717-393-7459.
\'z mile Northeast of Strasburg, along Fairview
Road from Strasburg to Paradise.
FRI. FEB. 28,1975
37 Head of High Grade Holstein Dairy Cattle
17 milk cows, 5 due Feb. & Mar , bal. throughout year.
4 bred heifers
9 breeding age
3 8-month old heifers
3 6-month old heifers
2 heifer calves
All A B S Breeding, 30 day test with charts sale day.
A young herd with good udders Sale held in tent.
Deutz 6006 diesel tractor with 1150 hrs
Minneapolis Moline 4 Star tractor (both have
good rubber).
Fox Industrial 546 forage harvester with 1 row
corn head & hay pickup, A C hopper blower, A.C.
forage wagon (like new), MM3 bottom 16 in. trip
bottom plow, 9 foot spring harrow, cultipacker.
20 x 60 HARVESTORE (4 YR.)
International 990 mower conditioner 9 ft;. Farm
hand wheel rake, 18 ft. bale wagon with false front;
30 ft Smoker bale elevator, Walsh crop sprayer 200
gal hbeiglass tank, John Deere flail chopper; IH C.
2 row cornplanter 3 pi , flat bed wagon. Bullion shure
stand seeder 3 pi , Darf flail manure spreader, 12 ft.
giam auger.
Not manj small items.
100 gal Mojonnier vacuum tank with 3 hp. Lehigh
compressor Surge Model D vacuum pump, 1 501 b.
Surge milker 3 45-lb Surge milkers, SS strainer;
buckets & double wash tubs, 2 feed carts, Sunbeam
cow clippers, milk scales
.7 Everett Kreider
Carl Diller, Auctioneers
Melvin Kolb, Inc.
February 20,
Woodsboro, MD 21798
Lunch Available
11:30 A.M.
Terms by,
’ *SAT # FEB.’ *ls* * *U* "a *M."
Public Sale of Farm Im
plements, Feeder Pigs and
Household Goods on the
B remises along Oaklyn
rive, Vb miles southeast of
Bowmansvillc in Brecknock
Township, Lancaster
County, Pa. Sale by Menno
Kilmer; Lcßoy S. Horst,
Paul W. Horst, Auctioneers.
SAT. FEB. 15 - 11 A.M.
Complete Dispersal of Real
Estate, Cattle, Machinery
and Household Goods
located on Route 514, 14
miles West of Towanda, Pa.
and 14 miles East of Canton,
Pa., Bradford County. Sale
by Pusey and Edna Taylor,
Owners; Robert Shaylor,
Auctioneer; Robert
Shngerland, Sale Manager.
SAT. FEB. 15 - Elwood
Fitzwater Complete Farm
Equipment Dispersal at
Prattsburg, New York. Sale
to be held at the farm located
on the Elmbois Road. Watch
for Auction pointers on Rt.
53. (Main Street) in Pratt
sburg. Victor Pirrung and
Son, Wayland, New York,
Sale Managers and Auc
SAT. FEB. 15 - 12 Noon
Public Sale of Real Estate
and Personal Property
located 5 miles southeast of
Strasburg, Vfe mile west of
Route 896 from Georgetown
along Furnace Road, Bart
Twp., Lancaster County, Pa.
Sale by Jacob E. Fisher,
owner; Abe Diffenbach and
Abe Diffenbach, Jr., Auc
SAT. FEB. 15 - All Day
Auction of Used Furniture
and Antiques to be held at
the Lititz Rec. Center, Lititz,
Pa. Richard P. Murry,
Location. miles east of Elizabethtown, along
Elizabethtown Road, midwav between Risser Men
nonite Church and Drumhellers Garage, 1 mile off
Rt. *283 (Rheems Exit).
50 milking age, 8 Bred, 7 Heifers breeding
age, 10 younger
sm 357 d 19,478 m 3 5% 673 f
4\ 3m 297 d 19,052 m 3.1% 5881
4\ 11m 346 d 18,539 m 3.7% 6911
3\ 5m 301 d 16,100 m 3.2% 5181
2m 286 d 15,148 m 3 8% 5731
#54 (Performer)
#62 Reg. Jack
#2l (Performer)
#8 (Performer)
Red (Performer)
Sires with dtrs selling Performer-8, Kenny-5, Ivan
hoe Star 10 Gay-8, others by Milk & Honey, Rocket
Stylemaster, Optimist. London. Hector
Bangs & TB tested with charts Preg Checked. In
oculated for IBR
Several due early summer, many due in the fall,
lots fresh during the winter and in full flow
Cows in the herd now milking 70 to 80 lbs Several
have milked 85 to 100 lbs 100 home raised; Atlan
tic Sired, Many Ist. 2nd and 3rd calf animals sell
Plenty of size and Dairy Quality.
Catalogues - Sale in Tent
Sale made necessary due to the untimely death of the
Wednesdav, March 12th full line of good farm equip
ment sells
Aucts ; Carl Diller 464-2233
J. Everett Kreider 284-4517
WED., FEBRUARY 26,1975
Including 14
Owner Sampler Records
Sale at 12-00 Noon bv
R±t3, Elizabethtown, Pa,
SAT. FEB. 15 - 10 a.m.
Burnside Homestead
Dispersal at Canaseraga,, off Rte. 36 out of Hor
nell (25 mi. from Knoxville,
Pa., or Bath, N.Y.), Sale
managers and” auctioneer,
Rumseys of Bath, N.Y.
SAT. FEB. 15 - 1:30 P.M.
Feeder Pig Sale by Walter
M. Horst, located between
Womelsdorf and Myerstown
along Route 422, at
Souchsburg take Scharff
Road South 1 mile, third
farm on left, Vfc mile North of
Sheridan Furnaces; Marion
Twp., Berks County, Pa.
John E. and Paul E. Martin,
SAT. FEB. 15 - Public Sale of
Holstein Heifers and Full
Line of Farm Equipment
located along Rt. 272, just
North of Chester County
Line. Sale by Robert Counts.
Kreider and Diller, Auc
SAT. FEB. 15 - 10 a.m.
Consignment Sale, Farm
Machinery located at Don
Scheese Farm, across from
Friesburg Lutheran Church
on Friesburg-Aldine Road.
Located in South Jersey
approx. 15 miles southeast of
Delaware-Memorial Bridge;
3 miles west of Deerfield,
N.J.; 6 miles south of Pitt
sgrove Circle (U.S. Rt. 40
and N.J. Rt. 77). Take road
between diner and green
Municipal Building. Wm.
Bragdon, Auctioneer.
SAT. FEB. 15 -11:30 Public
Sale of Farm Machinery,
Ear Com, Hay & Straw,
Livestock and Household
Goods located along Koser
Road, just East of the
Fruitvllle Pike, approx. 5
miles North of Rte. 283 By-
Pass, IMi miles West of
NeffsvlUe. Pa. Sale by Rufus
W. and Mary M. Martin,
Nevin Z. Martin, Auctioneer.
SAT. FEB. 15-Public Sale of
Full Line of Farm Equip
ment, com, hay and com
silage located 2 miles East of
Strasburg off Rt. 741. Turn
South on Esbcnshade Road,
Ist farm. Terms by Stanley
Denlinger; Robert E. Martin
and Frank L. Steller,
SAT. FEB. 15 - 10 A.M.
Public Sale of Household
Items and Antiques, also
Farm Machinery selling at
12 Noon, located in Perry
County, 13 miles North of
Carlisle Penna. on Route 74
then 1 mile East at Wentzel’s
Feed Mill on north side of
bridge, first farm past Mt.
Zion Church or turn South off
Route 850 at Albrights Sale
Barn. Sale by Fern E.
Located m York County, Pa.; 6 miles South of Dillsburg, Pa., or 16
miles North of York, Pa.; along Route 74; watch for Sale Sign, The
J. D. 3010 Fully Equipt only 1627 Hrs., J. D. 2010 Fully
Equipt newly overhauled, J. D. 720 Diesel Live power,
power Steering, J. D. 40 wide Front End w-Loader, J.
D. 40 Crawler with Blade, Massey Ferguson 50 with
Heavy Duty Loader, Two Farmall M. Both with
Remote Controll 1 w-power pack, 1 Loader To Fit M or
H, Two Farmall H. Three Cub Farmalls, 1 Set of plow.
Cult, Blade, Rotary Mower for Cub, 5- Star Min
neapolis Diesel Fully Equipt, Minneapolis 445 w-
Mounted Two Row picker, 801 Ford Diesel w-Select-o
-matic, 8 N Ford, WD Allis Chalmer.
PLOWS - Oliver 5-16” Semi-mounted 3 pt. Trip
Back, Allis 5-14” Rl6” Trip Back on Rubber, J. D. 4-14”
Trip Back 3 pt., J.D. 555-4-14” Trip Back on Rubber,
1H309 A-3-14” Trip Back 3 pt. J.D. 3-14” Trip Back 3 pt.,
Case 3-14” Trip Back 3 pt., Two Ford 3-14” Trip Back 3
pt., J.D. 3-12” Rope Trip, Two Oliver 2-T4” Trip Back 1-
3 pt., 1 on Rubber, Two IHC 2-14” on Rubber & Steel,
J.D. 2-14” pull Type, Ford 2-14” 3 pt., M.M. Disc plow 3
J.D. RWA 17-44-13’, J.D. RWA 18-36-10’, J.D. RWA 18-
40-13’, J.D. RWA 18-44-13’, J.D. RWA 18-32-9’, J.D. KBA
18-28-B’, Two Allis 18-40-12’, 1 never used, Reg. Disc
J.D. Killifer 19-24 Heavy Duty. J.D. KBA 16-28, J.D.
KBA 17-20, Oliver 16-28, Five MC-DlB-28, Three 16-28,
PLANTERS - J.D. 1240 - 4 Row platless w-Seed
Montior, Oliver 4 Row, Ferguson 2 Row; 3 pt, Three
IHC 249 pull type, J.D. 290 - 2 Row, pull type, J.D. 246 - 2
Row, 3 pt., Two Oliver 2 Row; 3 pt, Black Hawk 2 Row
pull type.
HARROWS - Ferguson Spring Tooth Shovel, 3 pt.,
Two IHC 1-3 Sec. Shovel and 1-2 Section, Oliver 2 Sec.
PACKERS.-Two Brilliand 10’ and 9’ Single Roll, Two
Buch’s lO’-la Tandom, Two Dunham 10’ and 9’ Single
RoU. •
CULT MULCHERS - Brilliand and J.D. Both 10’, 8
Ft. 3 pt. Rot-o-vator, 4 Sets of Ford or Ferguson
Cultivators, 3 pt.
MOWERS - New Idea 7’ Semi-mounted, Case 7’ 3 pt.,
IHC 7’ For C. Farmall, Massey Ferguson 7’ pull type,
J.D. 7’ front mounted, J.D. 5’ Rotary 3 pt.
HAYBINES - Two J.D. 9’ No. 483 and No; 480, N.H.
404 Hay Conditioner, Two New Idea Side Rakes 1-4 Bar
on Rubber, IHC 4 Bar Side rake on steel, New Idea
Parallel Side Rake, Smoker 30’ elevator. Case 24’
Elevator, Smoker Roll-Away Elevator, Rubber Tire
wagon w-Flat, N.H. 77 Baler w-motor, Brady 4 Row
Flail Chopper, Ford 2 Sec. Rotary Hoe, Scraper Blade
6’3 pt, Two J.D. Spreaders H and N, Gyro Vz ton
Mounted Fertilizer spreader, Two wheel trailer on
Rubber, wood hog feeder, 3 potato plows, Barrel
cement mixer, kettle furnace, 3 coal or wood stoves,
two tractor seeders, P.T.O. platform scales, Rear
Tractor wheel weights, Kemco portable heater, two
Ford pushers, 2 anvils, David Bradley Garden plow &
Cult, Rotary Lawn Mower, Hydraulic cylinders, Ford
pulley, top links & draw-bars, Garden Rot-o-Tiller,
Apple wood Sawed.
TRUCKS -1960 Ford C 700 with tilt bed and wrench
w-excellent motor, 1967 Int. 1100 Senes % ton pick-up
w-4 speed trans. Note this sale has a very small amt. of
small items.
Not responsible for accidents, lunch at sale.
R.R.I, Wellsville, PA
Phone 432-4598
Idaville, PA Phone 677-7479
Jacobs, Clerk
Matthews and Margaret T.
Matthews.RDl, Umdlsburg,
Pa. Ix)ng Bros., Auctioneers.
SAT. FEB, 15 - 10 A.M.
Auction of Farm Equipment
for Walter H. Mill along Irish
Meeting House Rd. Between
Dublin, Pa. and Bedminster,
Pa. I'/ii mi. north of Dublin,
Pa., Vi mile East of Route
113, 10 miles north of
Doylestown, Pa. Henry K.
Freed and Ralph D. Freed,
SAT. FEB. 15 - 10 A.M.
Public Sale of 183 acres
orchard and open land
located along Rt. 501 in Mt.
Aetna between Bethel and
Myerstown approx. 5 miles
'south of 1-78 in Berks and
!>ebanon counties. Sale by
Orville and Grace Stauffer,
Prop., Mt. Aetna Orchard;
Ralph W. Zettlemoyer,
(Continued on Page 59|