Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 15, 1975, Image 50
5< >o—Lan From Local Ag Teachers: FFA WEEK - February 15-22 by Ronald Althoff, Agriculture Instructor Solanco High School One of the best examples of youth in action on the American scene today is the FFA, the national organization for students studying vocational agriculture in the public high schools. It is an organization run by student members under adult guidance. The FFA was founded nationally in 1928 after several local ideas had become a reality. The idea was to make the instruction in vocational agriculture more interesting by making practical work experience, competitive livestock judging, and agricultural leadership development activities part of the in struction. Right from the beginning the FFA has stressed leadership. MFI24 SSS The MF 124 Twine Baler gives you more, like the exclusive MF suretie knotter (the most reliable on the market) and it handles synthetic or natural twine without adjustment for tighter stronger bales The MF 124 gives you one of the biggest throat openings in the industry-a hay-hungry 2935 q in .plus the exclusive MF 3-pomt roller plunger THE MF 124 KEEPS YOU GOING LONGER, FASTER, AND WITH HIGHER k CAPACITY.* ft LEBANON VALLEY IMPLEMENT CO. 700 E Linden St Richland Pa Phone 866-2544 ilng. Saturday. Feb. 15. 1975 cooperation, and citizenship - all vital to success in modem agriculture. Today the FFA has a membership of over 450,000 with chapters in ap proximately 8,000 high schools throughout the nation. One of the requirements for mem bership in the FFA is that a student be enrolled in vocational agriculture. Students may retain their membership until they are 21. At the present time, there are approximately 900 FFA members in Lancaster County. The activities of the FFA are specifically designed to be a part of the instructional program in vocational agriculture. Through active participation, members learn parliamentary procedure and public speaking abilities, that will enable them to take leadership rules in their WORLD'S MOST RELIABLE BALERS *THE WIRE TIE MF 126 HAS ALL THE GREAT FEATURES AND CAPACITY OF THE MF 124 MF 22 BALE THROWER The MF22 Bale Thrower saves you valuable time and moneyi It’s a one-man operation with the MF 22 You get convenience, capacity and control from the tractor seat. M. M. WEAVER A. L. HERR & BRO. & SONS 312 Park Ave Quarryville Pa Phone 786 3521 North Groffdale Road Leola Pa 17540 Phone 17171656 2321 school and community. Each local chapter elects Its own officers once a year. The teacher of agriculture serves as the advisor for the local FFA chapter. The county organization selects its officers from the local chapters. Each local chapter elects three delegates as representatives to the county meetings. The county of ficers and delegates have several activities they are responsible for throughout the year, but the highlights of their years is the annual leadership training con ference. Each year the leadership training con ference is held at one of the local high schools and the county officers conduct teaming sessions for the newly elected local officers. Advancement through the degrees in the organization from the Greenhand through the Chapter Fanner, Red Rose (County) Keystone ■MF 12 BALER The MF 12 gives you UNMATCHED ECONOMY' you get 15,000 tight, uniform bales without a grease stop With the MF 12 you get time proven Massey Ferguson realiabihty and durability at the industry’s lowest price Available with 2 or 3 joint P T O Farmer, and American Farmer or Agribuslncswnun Is based on achievement In a forming program or agribusiness career and leadership abilities displayed by the member. At many levels of achievement through the FFA, the student gets some monetary prize as well as the experience he has gained. Funds are provided by over 700 businesses, organizations, and In dividuals that sponsor these FFA programs through the National FFA Foundations, Inc. The Foundation provides nearly half a million dollars to make the incentive awards available to deserving FFA members in various programs. This is the week for everyone to recognize our agricultural leaders of tomorrow - today's FFA members. CHEESE TIP Airtight and cold are two good pointers to remember when storing cheese A hea\> plastic wrap or container that fits the cheese closeh is recommended to prevent cheese from drying out XL-12 Chain Saw OVER HALF A MILLION BUILT AND SOLD! TE£T TOW/1 FARMERSVILLE Epfmita, RD2, PA 17522 717-354-4271 READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR FUI AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SERVICE CROPS t SOILS DA TUESDAY. FIB. IS, 197 Ff A TURING: ■5 ill Proven performance, light weight, only 13 j /4 lbs. dry, less bar and chain. Fells trees up to 3 feet in diameter —easy to handle —easy to start. Get a free dem onstration today. USED CHAIN SAWS XL-103 C-5 EZ XL-2 110 Electric 5-30 N - 660 (AS IS) (AS IS) Homelite Homelite Homelite Homelite Homelite Homelite Remfngton Remington Remington EQUIP., lIMC. MARKET REPORTS FARM & HOME CENTER LANCASTER 8:30 A.M. to 3 P.M. * Efficient Fertilizer Use * Weed Control In Crops * Soil, Water Movement * Pesticide Licensing * Crop Production 75 * Exhibits and Displays by Agri-Business 20” Bar 16” Bar 16" Bar 12” Bar 12” Bar 20” Bar 20” Bar 23" Bar 20” Bar $125.00 $125.00 $125.00 $ 95.00 $ 80.00 $ 50.00 $ 75.00 $ 35.00 $ 5000 11