—Ummter Farming. Saturday. Feb. 15. 1975 46 Pa. Honey Newcomer Trains at Sperry Production r J Off 34 pet. Honey production in Pennsylvania dropped 34 percent in 1974, according to the Crop Reporting Service, making it the worst year since 1956. Although the number of bee colonies was up 5,000 a rise of more than five per cent the total crop produced only 2.5 million pounds as the average yield per colony dipped from 40 to 25 pounds. The average price per pound received by beekeepers was up sharply, from 44.3 cents per pound to 59.4 cents. The 34 percent increase in prices, however, did not make up for the huge decline in production which saw the typical apiarist’s gross income off up to 12 percent. U.S. production of honey saw similar trends but on a narrower scale. At 185 million pounds, production was off 22 percent and the average price, 51 cents per pound, was up 15 percent. The 4.2 million colonies was two percent more than 1973 but the yield per colony dropped from 57.9 pounds to 44.2 pounds. Pennsylvania ranks 20th in the production of honey. PARTS • SERVICE • RECONDITIONED EQUIPMENT B A BINKLEY & HURST BROS. Lititz RD4, PA Phone: 626-4705 Walter Newcomer, serviceman for Roy A. Brubaker, Lititz, has returned from a week-long training program at the Sperry New Holland Service Training Center at New Holland, Pennsylvania. While at the center he attended sessions in the service and Know what’s happening on the farming scene? Read Lancaster Farming for all the news! S THEY'RE THE |taikofthe TOWN -DAVID BROWN • 39-65 PTO HP HIGH TORQUE ENGINES • EXCELLENT FUEL ECONOMY • INDEPENDENT 540/1000 RPM PTO • SIMPLE MULTI-PURPOSE HYDRAULICS • SINGLE HUSKY MAIN FRAME SUPPORTING ENGINE AND TRANSMISSION CONVENIENT FINANCING Your Complete Tractor Headquarters A. L. HERR & BRO. 312 Park Ave. Quarryville 786-3521 repair of a wide variety of modern farm machinery. Newcomer, who resides in Mount Joy, has been employed by Roy Brubaker for 1 year. He has an ex tensive background in farming and a 2 year background in mechanics. ARE YOU ITCHING TO EXPAND? Extends Credit To You on SOL-AIR BARNS, MADISON SILOS, VAN DALE EQUIPMENT CONTACT ONE OF OUR DEALERS" .... .ASKFOR;EARLY ORDfR.DiSgOUNTS;’ LANCASTER COUNTY: BERKS COUNTY: C. B. HOOBERA SON EUGENE HELLER Intercourse. PA Robesoma. PA (768 8231) (215 693 3207) COPE I. WEAVER CO. EARLEBLING New Providence PA Bethel PA (786 7351) (934 2690) GLENN E.HURST DAUPHIN COUNTY: East Earl PA LEO LANDIS (215 445 6865) Millersburg PA JAMES GARBER (692 4647) mna°lm York county: CHESTER COUNTY: ™ h**? NEVIN MYERI SON 1064)™ 1* A FISHER BROS ' •(215 027 - 7481) Red Lion PA ZOOK’S FARM STORE row on*) Honey Brook PA ....... (215 273 9730) MIFFLIN COUNTY: . r-n * .». T w NORMAN YODER LEBANON COUNTY: Belleville PA HOWARD B. WEISS (717 935 2994) BUCKS COUNTY: u s ;,Sf Lebanon PA 4015 057 5135) (273 7394) (2lb^/bUD) FRANKLIN COUNTY: COLUMBIA COUNTY: DON MARTIN EQUIP. CO Chambersburg PA (717 263 3505) (717 784 9314) 2008 Horseshoe Road NOW IT'S POSSIBLE CALEB M. WENGER FOR THE BEST DOLLAR VALUE IN FARM SILAGE STORAGE - ASK FORA “CONCRETE STAVE SILO”.™ LANCASTER SILO CO., INC. MARYLAND: ENFIELD EQUIP., INC. Whitford. MD (301 452 5252) W. ROGER ROOP Union Bridge MD (301 775 7356) KENNETH ENGLAND Rising Sun "MD - (301-658 4629) LANCASe SILO CO., INC. LANCASTER, PA 17601 AMMWt^r t J there'll Never Be a Better Time. CREDIT ARRANGED WITH LOCAL BANK 2436 Creek Hill Road
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers