—Lancetter Farming. Saturday, Feb. 15, 1975 42 unior Cooking Edition J Home on the Range Our Junior Cooks are still sending in many of their favorite recipes. If you are 15 years-of-age or younger and would like to share your favorite recipe with us * please send it along and we'll send you a brightly decorated potholder. This week we are featuring some dessert recipes sent in by our Junior readers. XXX Grandma Butt’s Lemon Pies Crust On the Job, Fast We make sure your tank is never low. Efficient service is just one asset of LP-Gas. It’s also clean, economical and dependable! AGWAY PETROLEUM CORP. BOX 1197, DILLERVILLE ROAD, LANCASTER, PA PHONE 397-4954 ORDER YOUR SPRING FARM SEEDS NOW Cert. Iroquois Alfalfa Cert. Saranac AR Alfalfa Cert Cayuga Alfalfa W-L305 Alfalfa WL3II Alfalfa Cert Vernal Alfalfa Cert Buffalo Alfalfa Thor Alfalfa Cert Pennscott Red Clover Pa Grown Red Clover Cert. Ladmo Clover Climax Timothy Pennmead Orchard Grass GRASSES Maine Grown Certified Seed Potatoes DeKalb Corn Sudax We Carry a Complete Line of Vegetable Seeds. Write For our New 1975 Seed Catalog. P. L. ROHRER & BRO., INC. - - - - - _ Smoketown. Pa, Need . . . HAY - STRAW - EAR CORN Buy Now and Save!^ More and more farmers are buying from us for better value and all around satisfaction DELIVERED - ANY QUANTITY Phone Area Code 717 687-7631 ESBENSHADE TURKEY FARM PARADISE PA. 1 Mt quart pic crumbs 1 cup sugar teaspoon soda enough milk to mix for crust Mix well then boil : 2 lemons Juice and rind 4 cups sugar B cups boiling water 2 cups flour 2 cups molasses Cool then put into pie shell with strips on top. Bake at 325 degrees until lightly brown. John Brubaker age 8 Cert Garry Oats Cert Pennfield Oats Cert Clmtland Oats Cert Clintford Oats Erie Spring Barley Cert Orbit Oats Cert Russell Oats Cert Cutler 71 Soybeans Cert Williams Soybeans Cert Amsoy 71 Soybeans 717-299-2571 XXX Spanish Rice 2 cups stewed tomatoes or Juice 1 cup water 6 tablespoons of raw rice 3 tablespoons chopped onion 2 tablespoons bacon drip pings or butter 1 small pepper chopped fine 3 4 cup grated cheese salt to taste Bake one hour at 350 degrees stirring now and then. Darla Jean Martin age 10 Cochranville, Pa. XXX Butterscotch Squares cup butter 2 cups brown sugar 2 eggs 2 cups flour 2 teaspoons baking powder teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons vanilla 1 cup chopped nuts (Op- LOW PRICED 1 11 GO-POWER" Instant-On Performance For Today’s Cars At A Popular Low Price! "ALL-WEATHER'' BATTERY $2g.S5 12-Volt with exchange Group AW 22F Amp Hour Capacity 36 up to AHC4S with Group AW 24 priced slightly higher PHILIP LEBZELTER & SON CO. I Independent Goodyear Dealer) 1062 Manheim Pike • Lancaster, Pa 17604 Phone 397-5161 tlonal) Melt butter and blend with sugar, add egg and beat vigorously. Sift' flour and measure and add baking powder and salt. Sift again. Add dry ingredients to eggs and sugar mixture and mix together. Add chopped nuts and vanilla. Spread dough in a greased oblong pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Cut in squares or bars while warm. Makes 38-40 squares. Borothy Ringler age 13 Stevens, Pa. Jello Whip 1 box jello 1 pint mixed fruit East Earl sugar to taste 1 cup cream or whipped topping Mix jello according to directions on the box. Let cool until set. Whip cream add sugar to taste. Whip jello and cream, drain fruit and mix together. Chill until firm. I • Dry charged for dependable long lasting power • Polypropylene case and cover for high power to weight ratio heat and shock resistance • Non splash gang vent caps large plates plastic rib separators FREE INSTALLATION 1 Graham Crocker Pudding IS graham crackers *4 cup sugar ■y cup butter Break or roll graham crackers. Add butter and sugar. Line a dish with these crumbs and save a few for topping. Custard Filling: 3 4 cup milk 3 egg yolks 1 package of lemon or orange jello ■y cup sugar Bring milk to a boil. Add eggs and sugar. Remove from heat and add jello. Allow to cool and partly set. Fold 3 egg whites that have been beaten stiff and add cup whipped cream. Pour in dish lined with crumbs and sprinkle with remaining crumbs. Chill. Ginger Creams two-third cup shortening I*4 cups brown sugar 1 cup molasses cups flour 1 teaspoon soda *'2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon ginger I teaspoon cinnamon ‘2 teaspoon cloves The first official P ski jumping 1 cup hot water or cotfee competition in the United States 1 cup raisins chopped was held at Red Wing, Min- Cream shortening and nesota, in 1887 Norwegian Mikkel sugar together. Add se£$ e £ e n t ’ esveit won W)th a of molasses last and beat 6 Etnalme Martin age? Ephrata, Pa. XXX thoroughly. Sift flour, Measure and odd salt, soda and spices. Sift again and sifted dry ingredients alternately with hot water. Beat only until ingredients are blended together. Fold in chopped raisins and spread dough on greased cookie sheets. Bake at 375 degrees for about 20 minutes. Cut in squares when cooled and spread with favorite frosting. Makes 3 1 -.* dozen. Edith Martin age 13 Ephrata, Pa. XXX Christopher Columbus delivered sugarcane to the island of Santo Domingo in 1493 Cane fields spread throughout the Caribbean soon thereafter Sugar cane first sprouted on the island of New Guinea in the South Pacific and was earned north to India in prehistonc times Janet Martin age 9 Ephrata, Pa. XXX America’s sugar beet crop sup plies about a fourth of the nation’s sugar The rest comes from overseas An American’s yearly demand for sugar now amounts to approximately 100 pounds Sugar Bearer Beet This
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