Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 15, 1975, Image 38

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    18—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, Feb. 15, 1975
Faye Kreiner
Miss Faye H. Kreiner, 135 S. Charlotte St., Manheim,
with 22 years farm background combined with a deep
interest in humanity, used her time and talents last
summer to accompany 92 head of cattle being flown to
Africa, under the sponsorship of Heifer Project In
Miss Kreiner’s trip was sponsored jointly by her church,
Chiques Church Of The Brethren, and Heifer Project
International. Rev. Becker Cinder is moderator for their
church and Faye gives him much credit for her going on
the trip. She was the first woman to accompany a ship
ment of animals for H.P.I. and was the only local person
accompanying the cattle. Being a professional
photographer, her mission was to take pictures of the
heifer project and her church’s mission station in Nigeria.
She has shown these pictures and told about her trip at
least 15 times and she says if any group would like to know
more about this or see the pictures she would be happy to
show and tell, free of charge.
Clarence Keener Sr., Manheim R.l, has been chairman
of the Manheim area heifer project for six years and has
done a terrific job in securing animals. Of this 92 head
shipment which came from Maryland, Indiana and Ohio
as well as Pennsylvania, 39 heifers came from Lancaster
County and 10 from Lebanon County. Miss Kreiner’s
church, with a membership of 460, provided three of the
Feb. 15-22 will mark this year's celebration of
National FFA Week. In Pa. alone there are some
213 FFA chapters with over 11,000 youths par
ticipating in the program.
The Future Farmers program has changed quite
a bit over the past several years, making available
many new and exciting projects not only in the
agricultural production field but also in the
agribusiness and processing industry. Even many
chapters involved primarily in the environment are
beginning to take form
In recent years, even young ladies have been
encouraged to participate in programs involving
direct work in agriculture production and
processing; many of whom might have been
discouraged some years ago.
Most young FFA members 1 have talked with,
agree that FFA is one good way to learn leadership
and responsibility which often helps in the later
Much credit must be given to these young people
and their advisors who each blend to make FFA
Consumer Booklets
As promised last week, I am listing two consumer
booklets which I have found to be of use and which
may be helpful to you. The first booklet has been on
the market although it was recently revised. It is
"Food Additives: What They Are-How They Are
Used”. The booklet is put out by the Manufacturing
Chemist Association and explains the uses and
purposes of food additives both naturally occurring
and those created in the laboratory.
Copies are available free from Consumer In
formation, Manufacturing Chemists Association,
1825 Connecticut Avenue, N. W., Washington, D. C.
Also the Pa. Bureau of Consumer Protection has
recently put out a new booklet covering many
aspects of consumer problems from apartment
hunting to door-to-door sales. For information
write to the Bureau of Consumer Protection, 23 A
South Third St, Harrisburg, Pa. 17101
If of interest, both booklets contain a good deal of
useful information for all ages.
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Her Interest
Farm Feature
with; Melissa Piper
in Humanity Took Her to Africa
Faye Kreiner, Manheim, displays African
homemade souvenirs she brought from there. She
is wearing a silver Maltese pin, holding a gourd
dipper with a design burned on it and a little wood
carving of a native with water jugs. A couple doilies
may be seen. A very large homespun tablecloth
heifers. Marion Lehman, midwest director of H.P.1.,
whose main office is at Little Rock, Arkansas, was overall
chairman of getting the cattle to Harrisburg International
Airport. Victor Ziegler, a farmer in Lebanon County and a
member of Heidelberg Church Of The Brethren, was
responsible for getting the 10 heifers from Lebanon
County. Hie animals from Lancaster and Lebanon
Counties were collected at the John Cope farm in Lan
caster County. A dedication service, in charge of Rev.
Norman L. Harsh, pastor of the East Fairview Church Of
The Brethren, and Rev. Isaac S. Kanode, pastor of the
Manheim Brethren in Christ Church, was held prior to
shipping the heifers to the Pennsylvania Farm Show
Building in Harrisburg where they remained three days
for inspection.
They departed August 3rd from the Harrisburg In
ternational Airport and arrived 18 hours later at Douala,
Cameroon, Africa. The Republic of Cameroon is located
just south of Nigeria, on the west coast of Africa. Ten
Jersey and ten Holstein bred heifers, a Jersey and a
Holstein bull were left at Bamenada, at a co-op farm in
Cameroon. Roger Rowe, a retired dairy farmer from
Maryland and his wife are stationed at the co-op farm.
Their job is to set up a model dairy operation where local
farmers will be trained in dairying. Afterward each
farmer will receive offspring from the central herd to
begin his own herd. Rowes are obligated to stay there one
year. H.P.I. took a Surge milking machine along over
there and use a generator to run it.
This was the first year they shipped animals to Africa
but they think they will do well there because their
altitude is 5000 feet, similar to here. They will be used for
breeding purposes.
Seventy bred heifers of this shipment were flown to
Tanzania, on the east coast of Africa, to supply milk.
There are Mennonite and Lutheran missionaries there.
Faye relates that one of the natives said to her “Oh, Oh,
Oh my, isn’t this exciting, these heifers coming off that
plane and walking on our soil is to us like Neil Armstrong
walking on the moon was to you people.” She said
everywhere she went, they all said “Please tell the people
we say thanks.” The average native over there has never
heard of anybody using their own money and giving
something away, especially something so expensive as a
heifer, to a stranger. She said “I had many chances to
witness for the Christian faith when they were sure it was
not the government footing the bill. Faye says “First and
foremost I am a Christian and as a result am interested an
involved in humanity regardless of race or nationality - so
that’s the special interest in the Heifer Project.”
The gift of a farm animal can change a man’s life. He
gains self-confidence when entrusted with a valuable gift,
and hope because he is able to provide a brighter future
for his family. He also gains self-respect when he is able to
help another family. Everyone who receives an animal
from Heifer Project International agrees to pass on the
first offspring to someone else in need.
Heifer Project International is a charitable
organization that gives farm animals and training in their
care to needy people in the U.S.A. and around the world to
help them produce food and income for their families.
To give an idea of the magnitude of how these animals
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provides the setting for two ebony carved busts
and an elephant. The picture is made of butterfly
wings. The deer picture is etched on metal. Two
animal horns are carved to resemble birds. In the
front is another wood carving of a native and a
lady’s suede purse.
multiply and help the people receiving them. One dairy
heifer and its offspring in ten years produce a million cups
of milk. A beef heifer and its progeny in the same time
make 25 tons of steaks and hamburgers. One female pig
produces 20 baby pigs a year, which yield 4000 pounds of
pork. In many countries the gift of a single Heifer Project
pig doubles the animal income of the recipient family.
One baby chick grows up and lays 400 eggs. That’s
, either a lot of eggs for the table or a population explosion
in the hen house if they are hatched. Half of all the
chickens in Korea today are descended from Heifer
Project stock.
Cost-wise - $5. sends a flock of 20 chickens. $5O. sends
beginning flocks to 10 needy families. $2O. sends a pair of
rabbits. $lOO. sends a goat, giving 4 to 5 quarts of milk a
day, a sheep or a pig. $5OO. sends a bred purebred heifer.
All Holsteins are from dams that have produced at least
the mature equivalent of 14,000 pounds of milk per lac
tation. Jerseys are from dams that have produced not less
than 10,000 pounds of milk per lactation. Even bees have
been sent to the needy in 90 countries.
Last fall 100 head of Black Angus cattle were sent to
sharecroppers in Mississippi and H.P.I. is also helping
stock 3 or 4 Indian reservations with cows and other
animals. They employ 25 people to teach the recipients of
animals here in the United States and 20 overseas. H.P.I.
was started by the Church Of The Brethren in 1944 and
since then many other churches, organizations and in
dividuals have entered into it. It is estimated that in these
30 years H.P.I. has donated more than 40,000 animals and
a million and a half chickens to people in 90 countries and
,1 Continued on Paso 39]
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Shown are part of the 49 head of cattle from
Lebanon and Lancaster Counties assembled on the
John Cope farm last July which were to be air-lifted to
Africa August 3rd.