Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 15, 1975, Image 24

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    —Lancaattr Farming, Saturday, Feb. 15, 1975
Nutritious Lenten
Nutritionists at Dairy
Council Inc., Southampton,
Pa., offer four Lenten
recipes that are unusual,
tempting and healthful. And
they're easy to prepare.
To get away from the
ordinary, try these dishes.
Creole Bisque
2 tbs. butter
2 tbs. all-purpose flour
IVfc tap. seasoned salt
1 lb. can stewed tomatoes
with onions and peppers
Vi lb. sole or haddock fillets
cut in I-inch pieces
Vt lb. zucchini, sliced V* inch
2 cups milk
In a heavy 2-qt. saucepan
over low heat, melt butter,
stir in flour and salt until
mixture is smooth. Stir in
tomatoes; add fish and
zucchini. Bring to boil;
reduce heat, cover and
simmer 5-10 minutes or until
fish is opaque and zucchini is
tender. Stir in milk. Heat to
serving temperature.
Scalloped Scallops
V* cup stick) butter
Mt cup all-purpose flour
1 tbs. garlic salad dressing
2 cups milk
2 4-oz. cans sliced
2 pkgs. (12 oz. each) scallops
thawed and well drained
1 tbs. grated lemon peel
IVfc cups (6 oz.) shredded
Cheddar cheeie
In aklllet melt butter; stir
in flour and dressing mix
until thoroughly blended.
Remove from heat; stir in
milk to blend. Add
mushrooms, scallops and
lemon peel. Heat to simmer.
Cook and stir until mixture is
thick and scallops are
opaque. Sprinkle on cheese;
remove from heat and let
stand until cheese is melted.
To serve: Place a thick slice
of tomato on two small
toasted English muffin
halves and top with about %
cup scallop mixture.
Bine Cheese And
Tuna Casserole
% cup uncooked rice
2 tbs. butter
2 tbs. flour
2 cups milk
Vz cup crumbled blue cheese
6 slices tomato
2 cans (7-oz. each) tuna,
drained and flaked
Cook rice according to
package directions. In a Vk
quart saucepan, melt butter.
Blend in flour. Cook over low
heat until mixture is smooth.
Remove from heat. Stir in
milk. Heat to boiling,
stirring constantly. Boil and
stir one minute. Add cheese
and stir until melted. Place
rice in buttered IMs quart
casserole. Pour over 1 cup
sauce. Top with 6 slices
tomato, then tuna. Pour
remaining sauce over all.
Bake 20 minutes in a 350
degree oven. Remove from
oven, garnish with tomato
slices and parsley.
Swiss-Baked Potatoes
3 large baking potatoes,
Vz stick butter, melted
4 oz. shredded Swiss cheese
2 tbs. grated Parmesan
Halve potatoes lengthwise,
then slice crosswise into Vs
inch slices. (Do not put
potatoes in water after
slicing.) Immediately line up
in a buttered baking pan (13
x 9 x 2-inch) with slices
overlapping, arranging in
six serving portions. Pour
butter over potatoes. Season
with salt and pepper. Bake 20
minutes in a 500 degree oven.
Mens Category In Sewing Contest
A new category, men’s
clothing, has been added to
the popular sewing contest of
the Pennsylvania State
Grange, J. Luther Snyder,
state master, announced
The 1975 contest opened
February 1, and the deadline
for submitting entries is
April 30, according to Mrs.
Leroy Hoover, of Roaring
Spring, state director of
Women’s Activities for the
The contest this year will
be open to any Grange
member, or Grange*
sponsored participant ten
years of age or older.
The new class introduced
this year - for men’s sport
coat and pants or suit - will
be open to contestants who
are 13 years of age or older.
In addition, there will be
two classes for women’s
garments. One will be for
contestants 18 years old or
older who make garments
for the same age group.
Another will be for con
testants in the 10-17 age
bracket making garments
for the same age group.
Another class will be for
18-year-old and older con
testants making garments
Storing Bacon
Extension Consumer
specialists at The Penn
sylvania State University
recommend that you buy
only enough bacon for one
week. For peak aroma and
flavor, use bacon within five
to seven days of home
storage. And store it in its
original wrapper in the
refrigerator. Bacon slices
separate easily if you
remove the package from
the refrigerator about five to
ten minutes before using.
You can freeze bacon for
short periods of time, but for
best flavor, long storage in
home freezers isn’t
Remove from oven; sprinkle
with Swiss cheese, then with
Parmesan. Bake an ad
ditional 5-7 minutes or until
cheese is melted and slightly
for a girl under 18 years of
age, or a boy under 13 years.
Winning entries in the
state competition will be
Judged later in the National
Grange contest. Top prize
will be a one-week Caribbean
cruise for two persons.