Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 15, 1975, Image 13
Schuylkill Co. To Sponsor Livestock Day Beef, awine or sheep producers will have a chance of learning more about their enterprises as a result of a Livestock Management Day QUIETER EASIER STARTING F2l-912 SPECS ASK TO SEE ONE IN OPERATION. CONVINCE YOURSELF. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Tractoi MUELLER MILK COOLERS THE TOP PERFORMERS The Mueller Models “OH” and “MHL” with HlPerForm make all other bulk milk coolers obsolete. If you are in the market for a bulk milk cooler and you don’t check all the advantages of the Mueller Models “OH” and “MHL” you may be buying an obsolete cooT^^ ' t $V* *' *> , \*gat4® t '*{,'* •?*; ?%v v’^fw •V', ' A*' '>**-. x f V«*>> " * \fcv V*. \-, “• \ ' \ rfrlj •? USED BULK TANKS New 18 can (Can Coolers) 400 gal. Jamesway QUEEN ROAD REPAIR Box 67, Intercourse, Pa. 17534 OR Answering Service 354-4374 We Stock Hess’ Farm Supplies, Check Our Prices on Animal Medications program planned for Saturday, February 21,1975 starting at 9:00 a.m. at the Penn State Schuylkill Campus, Route 61 North, Runs as quiet as a water cooled diesel. | Needs no heater plugs. H.P. at 1500 RPM equals 20 continuous H.P. at 2300 RPM equals 27 continuous STAUFFER DIESEL, Inc. 312 W. Main St. New Holland,-Pa. ■Ph. 717-354-4181 425 gal. Esco 250 gal. M.S. After 5 P.M. JOHN D. WEAVER 656-9982 - KENNETH M. GROFF 354-0473 GID DIENNER 768-8521 Schuylkill Haven. The program will be held In the administration building and will run from 9:00 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. covering such things as livestock management procedures, livestock marketing, management of pastures, forage production, farm livestock loans, and many other items helpful in developing profitable livestock enterprises. This program is being sponsored by the Schuylkill County Cooperative Ex tension Service and will include Dr. Lester Burdette, Penn State Extension Animal Scientist, who will discuss Beef Management Practices, Mr. Dwight Younkin, Extension Animal Scientist, Penn State, co vering Swine Management and The Pennsylvania Meat Animal Evaluation Center. David Kantner, Schuylkill County Extension Agent will discuss Sheep Management Practices and coordinate the program. Harold Brecht, Assistant Schuylkill County Agent will discuss Pasture Management and Forage Crop Production. Mr. William Steiner, District Soil Conservationist, Mr. Ben Godshall, Agricultural Stabilization and Con servation Service, Mr. Eugene Richard, Farm Credit and Mr. Armine Wodehouse, Farmers Home Administration will discuss Services Available from their respective agencies. If profitable livestock enterprises is your objective, you might want to attend Livestock Management Day, Saturday, February 22, starting at 9:00 a.m. in the le Deutz 912 nes engines different because :y have rect fuel lectiom -.ton oil ilmg with le oil cooler If % USED DIESELS (2) 10 HP. Deutz (1) DVA 2200 Slanzi (1) VA Lister Phone 717—768-7111 If •r\vr i v -\* I 24 Hour Service USDA Proposes New Ruling The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recently proposed changes in regulations on paying in demnity to owners of cattle destroyed because of tuberculosis. The new rules would allow payment of indemnities for unregistered bulls and steers destroyed because of reaction to tuberculin tests. The rate would depend on the appraised value of the animal, but would not exceed $350. Officials of USDA*s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) said these classes of animals were omitted when in demnity rates for cattle tuberculosis were increased in June 1972. APHIS officials said the proposed revision would also provide that: - Indemnities could be paid for exposed cattle sold from herds which are later destroyed because of tuberculosis, and for calves exposed to nursing cows which react to a tuberculin test. -An independent ap praiser could be used, at the discretion of the APHIS veterinarian - in - charge, when processing a claim for indemnity involving a large number of animals. - USDA would pay half the cost of destroying cattle which were disposed of by means other than regular slaughter, including half the cost of transporting the Auditorium of the Penn State Schuylkill Campus, Route 61, 'Schuylkill Haven. Additional details can be obtained by contacting David L. Kantner at the Schuylkill County Cooperative Extension Office, Post Office Box 404, Schuylkill. Haven, Pa. 17972. Phone: 385-3431. WINTER DISCOUNTS NOW IN EFFE Lancaster Farming. Saturday. Feb. 15.1975 the point animals to disposal. •An extension of the 15- day periods now allowed for destroying affected cattle, anc cleaning and disin fecting contaminated premises would be limited to an additional 15 days, thus setting maximum periods of 30 days for each task. Presently, there are no set limits for the extension periods. - Claims would not be allowed for cattle found to be Morton buildings RD4, BOX 34A GETTYSBURG, PA. 17325 PHONE 717-334-2168 affected with tuberculosis that have been added to a herd under quarantine for the disease. The proposal is scheduled to be published in the Federal Register on Feb. 7. Interested persons will have until March 12 to file written statements, views or com ments. These should be sent to the Deputy Administrator, Veterinary Services, APHIS, USDA, Federal Building, 6505 Beicrest Rd., Hyatt sville, Md. 20782. All written comments received will be available at the Hyattsville office, Room 870, for public inspection during regular working hours. GARAGES & SHOPS 13