—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Feb. 15, 1975 12 TRY A CLASSIFIED AD DAIRYMEN... IN 1975 EASTERN WILL PROVIDE MEMBERS □ Minimum membership dues. □ Expert marketing of over 3 billion pounds of Members’ milk annually. □ Efficient, legal and businesslike operating procedures. □ Policies emanating directly from Eastern’s 8,500 members □ A fully informed membership through monthly magazine, letters, memorandums, member ship meetings and news media. □ Full line of membership services to improve Dairy Farmer income. □ Ability to overcome attacks by adversaries. O A record unmatched by any dairy organization in the Northeast V EASTERN * MILK PRODUCERS COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION. INC. Kinne Road, Syracuse. New York 13214 1975's Financially Solid Dairy Cooperative I|||MA as \ TIMOTHY / X. 14%^/ balanced blending of selected varieties for better yields Because of its ability to fit a wide range of soil conditions, Hoffman All 'Round Formula has risen rapidly in popularity. It’s especially useful where drainage in the same field may range all the way from good to poor. Where chances of alfalfa success are pretty much of a borderline proposition, or where you expect variable performances in different sec tions of the same field—All 'Round Formula can be the answer. The combination of varieties used offers more disease resistance, hardiness and persistent yieldability. No common alfalfas are included, and there are several types of timothy. Excellent for hay, grass silage or pasture. Hoffman All 'Round Formula is only one of 14 outstanding blends each designed to produce bigger crops of better forage. Each is formulated to enable you to meet your type of soil and your management. See your Hoff man Seed Man -V. •. «.«.».• A I 1 I kI A * t• J «■« A j WSrTA «.'•*.*£ ■'V*. r« »T* 4 * i4< WITH: A. H. Hoffman Seeds, Inc. LANDISVILLE (Lancaster Co.), PA. 17538 Pennsylvania’s No. 1 Farm Seed Specialist Campus Preview Day at Lancaster Bible College Lancaster Bible College will be held In Miller Hall at 9 will hold its semiannual a.m, (a registration fee of Campus Preview Day on $1.50 is charged for those Monday, Feb. 17, from 9 a.m. attending), to 3:30 p.m. The activities of the day This open house on the begin with a musical campus is for high school presentation by the students and post-high CONESTOGANS and several school students who arc of the other musical groups, interested in a Bible college a skit by the drama club, and education. then an address by Dr. Registration for the day Stuart E. Incase, President of Craftsmen Directory to Be Compiled A directory of Penn sylvania Craftsmen will be published by the Penn sylvania Department of Commerce in cooperation with the State Guild of Craftsmen and the Penn sylvania Council on the Arts. The Department of Commerce has begun work on this directory by con tacting Crafts Guilds and organizations within the Commonwealth and requesting a list of their members. Next they will survey each craftsman operating within the Com monwealth to determine his or her specific craft, Lancaster Co. Goat Meetings A meeting for goat raisers and those who’d like to raise goats will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 18, beginning at 7:30 p.m. at the Lancaster Farm and Home Center. According to N. Alan Bair, the associate county agent who arranged the meeting, there’s a lot of local interest in rearing goats. The meeting will bring together the people who already keep goats as well as those who’d like to. Bair hopes that the meeting will lead to an ex change of information and ideas that will help everyone interested in the subject, and workshop address, and other related data. Individuals will not be included in the directory without their consent. Craftsmen who are not members of a guild or organization may also be considered for listing in the directory. Any Pennsylvania craft smen interested in obtaining more information about the Directory of Pennsylvania Craftsmen should contact. Ms. Barbara Bass, Bureau of Statistics, Research and Planning, Pennsylvania Department of Commerce, B-14A Finance Building, Harrisburg, PA 17120. he hopes to make some definite plans for organizing a 4-H goat club. A month from now, on Monday, March 17, Dr. Sam Guss, Penn State’s extension veterinarian, well-known for his knowledge of and interest in goats, will visit the Farm and Home Center to talk about goats. Come See the Rising Power in Tractors at Our Thursday & Friday FEB. 20 and 21 • DOOR PRIZES • MOVIES BOTH DAYS • FREE LUNCH ALLIS CHALMERS AND NEW IDEA SALES & SERVICE A ROY H. BUCK MC. ALLIS-CHALMERS ** v» 1 *&&■) the College. overall view of the facilities. Opportunity will then be the dim* Xjof the day will be given for the guests to visit a time for questioning ad some classes and sec for mlnlstrators, faculty, and themselves the atmosphere student representatives of learning that exists bet- about the various aspects of ween the very capable college life, professors and the student Individuals who are in body at Lancaster, tcrcstcd In attending should Following the noon meal, a contact the College to conducted tour of *hc register for the day. Phone campus is planned to give an (717) 569-7071. WANTED TO GROW CUCUMBERS AND OTHER FARM PRODUCTS. We will have a mass meeting of all interested farmers in early March. If you are interested in contract growing cucumbers, and-or tomatoes, and-or several varieties of peppers, Please write to. BROWN & LANGER INC. 68 Gansevoort Street New York City. N.Y. 10014 We are interested in having one or two men act as our paid agent To grade the cucumbers, and act as our shipper Please contact us as soon as possible 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. DISCOUNT ON PARTS Ephrata RD2, PA Phone 859-2441
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