JO—l.ancaiter Farming. Saturday, Feb. 15, 1975 Farm Commentary “Stealing” From The Farmer Charles R. Ord, administrative secretary of the Pennsylvania Far mers' Association said at a Harrisburg press conference last Friday that consumers buying food at the local grocery store were actually "stealing from the farmer" "Everybody likes to eat," he said, “but dislikes paying for the items necessary to fill their stomachs Keep in mind that many Americans have been trained to expect farmers to supply a plentiful supply of food at little or no cost to the consumer Farmers work for a profit - not just for the fun of producing food ” Ord went on to tell the largely urban group of newsmen present that there is absolutely no prospect of a decline in food prices in 1975 as long as inflation continues to push up the costs of marketing, processing, transportation, distribution even rising farm prices What is the marl? of true Christianity? For some people the an swer to that question is to be found in subscribing to the right doctrines or creeds, conforming to the right rituals of worship or Christian initiation, or belonging to the right church. Jesus, however, never seemed much impressed with any of these criteria. He was much more interested in results: “.. . you will know them by their fruits” (Matthew 7:20). The true follower of Christ will not have to tell you that he is a disciple, for his life will show it. This is what Paul meant when he said to the Corin thians: “. . . if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, the new has come” (2 Corin thians 5:17). A “Human Point Of View” One test of this “new creation” is the manner in which we regard other people. Paul says: “From now on, therefore, we regard no one from a human point of view . . .” (2 Cor. 5:16). If we are really disciples of Jesus, we will no longer regard our fellowmen with the “human point of view.” But what is that point of view’ It is an attitude that erects barriers between H people, dividing the com- IT* Hom mumty and the world into $ ftOH J3T races, classes, and creeds. It _ ® ~ , .s a pomt if v,e« that | J _ hTI regards our fellowmen as I O manwamoni ’ mopHns “enemies” and “outsiders.” \jdldltlCtl management meeting In short, it is the attitude of Monday,February 17 7;45 . Ephrata Area estrangement and 7:30 p.m. Swine producers Far^ers monthly brokenness. meeting, Lancaster me etine EnhrataHS aa Yet, says Paul, that is not Farm and Home Center. ? g ’ P 8 the way Christ iooks at Cod’s 7:3C1 p.m. Twin Valley Adult We | nes day, February 19 world. Where there are Farmer program on 10:00 a.m. Chester Co. Crops barriers, he tears them tractor and baler n R down. Where there is maintainance, vo-ag Umo’nville Last dav for brokenness, he heals it. shop, Twin Valley H.S. is Feb 17 Where there are divisions, he Pa.-Md. Roadside Marketing Rnn 1 ° Marv i nnH ' a 0 brings harmony. As Christ meettag, Sheratlon In„ 6 ,:O LJL m -Jf’gS' ' Poultry industry officials are The economic consequences of a vi ews the world, there is Gettysburg. Continues f erence Chesapeake concerned-rightly so, it seems to us- V VND outbreak are grim to con- ”or ftS lB * oom ’ Ag Edßuiidmg, about a shipment of exotic birds template, and we can’t blame the there is neither male nor 7:3 0 p.m. Goat meetmg, University of Maryland, being held in quarantine by the USDA poultry industry leaders for their female; for you are all in one Lancaster Farm and in rh f in Miami, Fla USDA officials slapped concern The wheels of justice grind in Christ Jesus” (Galatians Day Stone Barn. the birds into quarantine when a test exceeding fine, sometimes 3 r ? 8! Protestants and Roman Unio’nville, last day for revealed that one of the birds ridiculously so, and legal decisions Ambassadors For Christ" Catholics in Northern reservations is Feb. 17/ exhibited symptoms of VVND, or often go against what may appear to The fruit of Christ’s Ireland is only one of many Noon Inter-State Milk Coop, pxotic Newcastle disease Theim- he common sense ministry in our world, then, historic examples.) annual meeting, exotic Newcastle aisease me m pe common sense 1S neve r division, but The trouble often is that Hosietter’s Banquet Hall, porter who brought the birds to this Sometimes there s nothing one can reconciliation “God . Christians grasp only the Mt. Joy. country, though, took USDA to court, do about legal decisions Judges put through Christ reconciled us first half of the “recon- 7 : oo p.m. Atlantic Breeders and the court subsequently said the killers on the street, they put first to himself" (2 Cor. 5 17). cihation” offered by God We -Coop, annual meeting, birds had to be released so that the offenders in jail with hardened And lest we assume that it gladly accept his offer of Blue Ball Fire Hall. importer could ship them to retail criminals And now a judge in Miami was intended to be a rather reconciliation with himself, 7 -30 p.m. Manheim Young f, . . . '7. . , , . , J . . „ .. limited reconcilation, Paul but there is more: “God Farmers Hog outlets throughout the country threatens to loose a bombshell on the includes the whole world, 'Reconciled us to himself and Management meeting And it looks like that’s what will American poultry industry . . m Christ God was gave us the ministry of number 4. happen, because the USDA can’t The thought occurred to us, though, reconciling the world to reconciliation” and “. the 730 p.m. Poultry education duplicate the results of its earlier that the industry has a perfectly legal himself” (STB). message of reconciliation " meeting, Lancaster VVND check That means, the judge and sensible recourse That is to buy Oddly enough, however, If we would accept recon- Farm and Home Center. . , ~ ... , . „ ° , .. ~ one would often get the cihation to God, we must Friday. February 21 has reasoned, that the birds are no the birds and have them all impression that the end also give reconciliation to 7 : oo p.m. - Pa. Egg longer infected Poultry industry destroyed That might be an expense result of “true Christianity” others. Marketing Assoc., officials have pointed out that not course of action It might even be a is anything but recon- The test of whether we monthly meeting, much is known about VVND in wild bad precedent for future incidents of cilation. It often seems that really are the "new Sheraton-Conestoga, Rt. birds They could be in dormant a like nature But it certainly seems the fruits of much “Christian creation,” turns on whether 222 near Lancaster. . , ~ ~ . ... discipleship are division, we have given up the old Saturday. February 22 carrier stage, and if the disease flares much less expensive than standing by enmity, alienation, and even human point of view and 9 : oo - 3: 15 Schuylkill Co. up, it could decimate the U S poultry and watching whole flocks destroyed violence. (The current become reconciling am- Livestock Management “But," Ord pointed out, "of the 15 percent increase in consumer food prices in 1974 over 1973, the farmer got only three percent Most of the increase was caused by wider margins and costs after the food left Producer-Consumer Coops The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture is investigating the mechanics of putting together a series of producer-consumer Secretary of Agriculture James McHale told Lancaster Farming on Thursday “The NFO hamburger sale held over here on Monday is one way to go directly to consumers,” McHale said “We don't endorse any one farm group, but we will work with organizations like the NFO, Penn sylvania Farmers Association and the by Dick Wanner Why Not Buy The Birds? the farm but before it arrived at the supermarket checkout counter "It ought to be clear to anyone that the only way to bring food prices down is to control inflation Food prices do not cause inflation. Inflation causes higher food prices," Ord said The PFA spokesman also touched on several changes the organization would like to see in the near future PFA backs an economic formula for milk pricing, based on consumption, production cost, Class 2 sales and prices of butter, powder and cheese They want the Pennsylvania Milk Marketing Board to "get off its collective duff and start ad ministering the state’s milk marketing law." They also favor comprehensive land use planning that would build on the start made with the recent passage of the Clean and Green Bill, and they’d like to see the farmer’s right to spread manure, plow, burn brush and other normal farming practices protected by law PFA also backed a graduated in come tax for Pennsylvania, and legal protection for farmer cooperatives and farmer profits Grange to see if they’re willing to help us in this effort. "We want to bring farmers and consumers closer together We want to find out how much we can save by eliminating the middle man, and then we want to find out where all the middle man profits have been going all these years ’’ McHale said the project right now is in the research phase, but some contacts have been made with consumer buying clubs in various parts of the state THE NEW CREATION Lcnon for February IC, lI7S Background Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:16-21; Galatians 3:27-29; 6:1-7; Ephesians 2:13-16; Philemon. Devotional Reading: Micah 4:1-7. I ’ * far v jjfs IXI To Prepare For Pesticide Certification All farmer sprayers and custom sprayers should be trying to gam maximum knowledge about the dif ferent spray materials and pesticides so that the procedure of becoming certified and licensed will be easier. At this point we are not sure of the exact training programs that will be of fered in Pennsylvania, but in the near future opportunities for training will be promoted by our Extension Service. We will not be in the position to give tests and do the certifying, but hope to be able to prepare sprayers for this requirement. To Be Careful When Buying Many diseases and in fections of herds and Pocks are brought to the farm along with new animals. That’s the reason that our Dr. Sam Guss at Penn State stresses the importance of buying from clean herds and then keeping the animals segregated for 30 days, followed by tests or examinations to be sure they are clean and free of any infection. It is feared that too many dairymen may be bringing Brucellosis into their herds by not following this practice. Verbal statements relating to the health of an animal should not be adequate assurance of a clean bill of health. Insist on health papers from the proper sources. NOW IS THE TIME... I Max Smith County Agr. Agent Telephone 304-6HSI To Use Antibiotics With Caution Many successful dairymen use various antibiotics with satisfying results. However, it is important to recognize the possible danger in the mis-use of these materials. In the first place, the user should read the directions on the label and follow them accurately. The withdrawal times are very important in order to have a quality product. Records should be kept as to the material used and the date. All milking helpers should be informed of the cows that are treated. Improper use of these an tibiotics could mean the loss of a milk rparket. To Follow Feeder Market Very few cattle feeders are optimistic about making a great profit on their feeding operations at this time. However, it appears that the price of replacement calves or cattle is quite low as compared to recent months and years. One of our Ex tension Economists has suggested that now might be the tune to invest in cattle, if any space is available. Also, if corn or other feed grains are on hand, the marketing of these grains through these-, cheaper cattle might be as good or better than trying sell the grain on a "down’ll market With $4 corn it was" almost impossible to realize any return. With corn at 1 ’ lower values, the chance of profit appears to be better. Healthy cattle and well managed are still essential. Center. For. mterested in
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