—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Feb. 8, 1975 60 Public Sales Register .mmmmmmmmmm»mmmmmmm.mmmm.mmmm. mmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmm•mmmmmmmmmmmm,mmmmmmmmmmmm .............. I Continued from Paw 591 Unusual Items located 2 miles North of Gettysburg, Pa. along old Rt. 15, in Adams County, Pa. Sale bv Krafts Auction Room, RD6, gfe 250-300 FEEDER PKS SATURDAY, FEB. 15,1975 At 1:30 P.M. Location: Between Womelsdorf and Myerstown aloni Route 422, at Stouchsburg take Scharff Road South 1 mite, third farm on left, V; mile North of Sheridan Furnaces; Marion Twp. Berks County, Penna. 30-60 POUND CHOICE FEEDER PIGS HAMPSHIRE - YORK - DUROC CROSS All pigs are vaccinated for Erysipelas castrated young, wormed, tails docked, sprayed for mange mid lice. All pigs were raised on this farm. No outside pigs will be sold on tins sale. Sale time 1:30 p.m. terms » WALTER M. HORST Newmanstown R.D.I 589-2282 John E. and Paul E. Martin - Auctioneers COMPLETE DISPERSAL REAL ESTATE CATTLE MACHINERY HOUSEHOLD GOODS Due 1o ill health and lack of help, we will sell our Farm and Personal Property, located on Route 514,14 miles West of Towanda, Pa. aod 14 miles East of Canton, Pa., Bradford County, on SATURDAY, FEB. 70 HEAD CATTLE 70 This dairy consists of about all Holsteins. They are all Ist and 2nd calf heifers. 45 of these are handling calves, due in February and March. Several will be fresh. Balance pregnancy checked. Blood & T.B. Tested. Eligible for Interstate. Inoculated for sickness. This is a good dairy of young cows, showing lots of milk. MACHINERY & PRODUCE New Oliver No. 490 spreader, new J. Deere harrow, 32-ft. elevator, feed cart, new set Sunbeam clippers, 5 Surge units, wash vat, pails, strainer, forks, shovels, etc. Quantity of hay. 30 White Rock pullets, laying good, 5 guinea hens, 4 ducks, fence posts. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Westinghouse refrigerator, General Electric stove, Westinghouse automatic washer, Westinghouse electric dryer. Motorola television, desk, rugs, living room suite, dressers, beds, bunk bed, child’s bed, typewriter and stand, cedar chest, electric fans, electric motors, swing set, outboard motor, camping equipment, kitchen set, chain saw, electric appliances, etc. 1973 Triumph 500 Motorcycle (Like New). TERMS: Cash or Good Check Sale Day. REAL ESTATE 150 acres located on Route 514, between Towanda and Canton, Penna. (Bradford County). Bam has 59 stanchions, silo, bam cleaner, bulk tank, good milk market. 30 acres of woods - small creek. 8-room house with forced oil heat and bath. Mineral rights go with farm. Good Deer and Turkey hunting. Also, 50 acres with no buildings, divided by township road. 1 or 2 parcels. Ideal Deer and Turkey hunting. Has 3 dug wells and small pond. 4 acres of good timber. Located South of West Burlington. For appointment contact Mr. and Mrs. Pusey Taylor, telephone (717) 364-5152, Granville Summit, Pa. or Robert Slingerland, telephone (717 ) 297-3777, Troy, Pa. Farm and lot to be, sold at 2 p.m. Real Estate, 10 percent down, balance 30 days. PUSEY & EDNA TAYLOR, owners ROBERT SHAYLOR. Auctioneer CHAS. AYRES, Clerk D. WILLIAMS. Cashier ROBERT SLINGERLAND, Sale Mgr. Tel. 297- 3777 LUNCH AVAILABLE Gettysburg, Pa. Clair R. Slaybaugh, Auctioneer. THURS. FEB. 13 - 5:30 p.m. Public Auction at the Hat & 15th AT 11 A.M. Gavel Auction Co., located one mile North of Lititz along Rt. 501. Wilbur H. Hosier and Jay M. Witman, Auc tioneers. THURS. FEB. 13 -11:30 A.M. Public Sale of Modem Farm Equipment located approx. 1 mile southwest of E. Greenville, turn off Rt. 29 onto 3rd St. to farm, in Upper Hanover Twp., Montgomery Co., Pa. Sale for the Estate of William H. Landis deceased Trustee-Union National Bank and Trust Co., Souderton. Ralph W. Zet tlemoycr, Auctioneer. FRI. NIGHT FEB. 14 - 7:30 P.M. Large Herd Dispersal to be held at the New Holland Sale Stables, Inc., New Holland, Penna. 110 Head of Registered and High Grade Holsteins consigned by Glenn Fite, Quarryville,. Penna. Abe Diffenbach, Manager. FRI. FEB. 14 - 12 Noon Stocker and Feeder Auction Sale at the Lancaster Stockyards, Inc.; Lancaster, Penna. FRI. FEB. 14 - 12 Noon Public Sale at the farm on Fry Road 3M> miles south of Jefferson, Maryland 66 Head of Holsteins selling in the 0. • Clayton Smith Production Sale. A. Doty Remsburg, Sale Mgr. and Auctioneer, Jefferson, Md. FRI. FEB, 14 - 8 P.M. Public Sale of 65 Head High Grade Holstein Dairy Cattle to be held at the Aberdeen Sales Co., Inc., livestock Auction Market, dairy barn arena, located on Rt, 22 in Chur* chville, Harford County, Md., 6 miles east of Bel Air, Md., and 6 miles West of Aberdeen, Md. Aberdeen Sales Co., Inc., Sale Managers. SAT. FEB. 15 - 11 A.M. Public Sale of Farm Im plements, Feeder Pigs and Household Goods on the PUBLIC SALE MODERN FARM EQUIPMENT THURSDAY, FEB. 13,1975 AT 11:30 A.M. Located approx. 1 mile Southwest of E. Greenville, turn off Rt. 29 onto 3rd St. to farm, in Upper Hanover Twp., Montgomery Co., PA. Farmall 1206 diesel tractor, wide front w-extras, weights, etc. only 1540 hrs.; David Brown 1200 tractor (Selectamatic) w-wide front, etc.; Dunham front end loader for same; J.D. No. 70 diesel tractor, pwr str, pwr trol, roll-o-matic; J.D. 40 tractor w-wide front, 3 pt., etc.; MC 205 self propelled combine w-air con ditioned cab; 13’ grain head, 2 row com head; MC No. 560 6btm 16” trip plow; J.D. sbtm 16” trip trailer plow; J.D. 20’ trailor type harrow, used 1 yr.; J.D. 494 A corn planter; J.D. 17 single disc grain drill; J.D. 4 row front mtd com planter; J.D. No. 727 4 row Gyramor rotary cutter; J.D. No. 68 auger bin wagon; J.D. parallel rake; J.D. 14T pto baler w-bale ejector; 2 bale wagons w-false front end gates & unloading unit; J.D. 52’ bale elev., pto operated; J.D. hay mow elevator approx. 60’ long; MC 9’ offset transport disc w-24” blades; Lely 3 pt. fertilizer spreader; J.D. 2 row cult.; 12’ weeder; N.H. hay crusher; Int. hi-pressure washer; 2 horse 2 gang sleigh; (2) 18.14 x 38 - 8 ply tires (useable). 1964 Ford Econoline pickup truck. Note: Farm equipment is in tip top condition. Refreshments Served Terms Cash Sale for the Estate of WILLIAM H. LANDIS deceased Trustee - Union National Bank & Trust Co., Souderton Sale conducted by RALPH W. ZETTLEMOYER auction co: Tele. (215) 285-4616 B remises along Oaklyn rive, I'a miles southeast of Bowmansvillc in Brecknock Township, Lancaster County, Pa. Sale by Menno Kilmer; S. Horst, Paul W. Horst, Auctioneers. SAT. FEB. 15 - 11 A.M. Complete Dispersal of Real Estate, Cattle, Machinery and Household Goods located on Route 514, 14 miles West of Towanda, Pa. and 14 miles East of Canton, Pa., Bradford County. Sale by Pusey and Edna Taylor, Owners; Robert Shaylor, Auctioneer; Robert Slingerland, Sale Manager. SAT. FEB. 15 - Elwood Fitzwater Complete Farm Equipment Dispersal at Prattsburg, New York. Sale to be held at the farm located on the Elmbois Road. Watch for Auction pointers on Rt. 53. (Main Street) in Pratt sburg. Victor Pirrung and Son, Wayland, New York, Sale Managers and Auc tioneers. SAT. FEB. 15 - 12 Noon Public Sale of Real Estate and Personal Property located 5 miles southeast of Strasburg, % mile west of Route 896 from Georgetown along Furnace Road, Bart Twp., Lancaster County, Pa. Sale by Jacob E. Fisher, owner; Abe Diffenbach and Abe Diffenbach, Jr., Auc tioneers. SAT. FEB, 15 - 10 a.m. Burnside Homestead Dispersal at Canaseraga, N.Y. off Rte. 36 out of Hor nell (25 mi. from Knoxville, Pa., or Bath, N.Y.), Sale managers and auctioneer, Rumseys of Bath, N.Y. SAT. FEB. 15 - All Day Auction of Used Furniture and Antiques to be held at the lititz Rec. Center, Lititz, Pa. Richard P. Murry,- Auctioneer. SAT. FEB. 15-1:30 P.M. Feeder Pig Sale by Walter M. Horst, located between Womelsdorf and Myerstown Souchsburg take Scharff along Route 422, at (Continued on Pace 61| PUBLIC SALE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS, FEEDER PIGS AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15,1975 11:00 O’CLOCK A.M. • On tha premises aloof Oakiyn Drive, IV? milts southeast of' Bowmansville in Brecknock Township, Lancaster County, Pa. OLIVER 77 DIESEL TRACTOR JOHN DEERE 50 TRACTOR 1937 JOHN DEERE B TRACTOR with Cultivator; J.O. 48 Loader with attachments to fit on J.D. 1520; J.D. 3-pt. 2-bottom Trip Plow, J.D. 3-sectlon Harrow, Case 200 Baler, McCormick Silage Cutter, McCormick Horse Cultivator, McCormick Hay Rake, McCormick 20C Harvester, Fox Blower with pipe; N.H. Mower, Hay Crimper, Grinder Mixer, Massey Harris PTO7-ft. Combine with bin; Bale Elevator with motor; Wood Bros. Com Picker, Co-op 2-row Cora Planter, New Idea Fertilizer Drill, Ontario Grain Drill, Stauffer 2-row Transplanter, Disc, Trailer Field Sprayer, McCormick PTO Spreader, Wagon with sides; 2-wheel Trailer, Grain Bin on wheels; Potato Digger, Self-propelled Tobacco Hoer, Seed Cleaner, Cultipacker, PTO Com Sheller, Platform Scale, 200- gal. Fuel Tank, Tox-o-wik Cattle Oiler, 1 year old; 2 Hog Feeders, Hog Troughs, Hog Waterer Bowls, Silage Cutter Pipe, Silage Cart, Tobacco Lath, Metal Drums, Bale Box, Stripping Room Stove, Pony Cart, J.D. Tractor Parts, Clover Seed, Barley, Scrap Iron. 50 FEEDER FIGS, Home Raised APPROX. 20 TON EAR CORN Combination Caloric Stove, Refrigerator, Breakfast Set, Library Table and Chair, Heatrola Wood or Coal; 2 Wardrobes, Sideboard, 3 Bureaus, Rocker, Playpen, Single Bed, Crib, Mattress, 2 Mirrors, 2 High Chairs, Couch, Cabinet, 7.35 MM Rifle. Sale at 11:00 a.m. Terms by MENNO KILMER Leßoy S. Horst, Paul W. Horst, Auctioneers Refreshments will be Served. Not responsible for any accidents if any should occur. PUBLIC AUCTION LOCATION: From Denton take Route 328 towards Easton, |4 miles) to Tuckahoe Road, turn left on dirt road, I mile to Two River Farms ... Signs Posted from Bridge at Denton, Md. SATURDAY, FARM MACHINERY: JOHN DEERE 4020 Diesel' TRACTOR W-roll guard and special rear end, JOHN DEERE 4020 Diesel TRACTOR wide tires, set of M&W Duals for 4020 (both tractors w-front), JD 60 Tractor, JD No. 48 loader W-4’&7’ buckets, JD 5x16 semi mounted plows, JD culti-raulcher, JD 3 and 4 section draw bars, 4 section spike tooth. No. RG43O rear mounted cultivators, 494 planter, 3 pt. seeder. No. 483 mower-conditioner, JD 6’ Gyro mower, 2 JD No. S4O manure spreaders, 16A flail chopper, 2 JD No. 125 chuck wagons w-floatation and 1065 running gears, No. 65 blower & pipe, Hyd. rams, JD self feeding wagon w wide tires, Case 14’ road disc, AC rake, New Holland 271 baler, 3 hay wagons, utility dump trader, 40” fan, 3” augar 16’, Clay HDney Wagon 800 gal.. Rhino 307 grader blade, 2 NH elevators (hay), post hole digger, several piles of lumber, Oliver 5025 self feeding wagon, 30’ augar, etc. etc. MILK EQUIP: Mojonnier 1000 Gal. Vacuum Tank w auto washer, 8 Delaval pipeline milkers, ..pipeline, vacuum line, Surge rotary Alamo vac. pump, Surge SP22 pump, gas water heater, 2 room gas heaters, submersible 3 phase Goulds pump w-2” pipe, myers water pump and tank, ... 3 yard nite lights and poles... IRRIGATION EQUIP. & Silo unloader: FORD Industrial motor and pump, 40 lengths of 20’ pipq.6”, 44 lengths of 30’ pipe 6”, 6 elbows, one “T”, 3 One acre gun heads ... PATZ silo unloader 20’ w-winch & lif ters .... SHOP EQUIP: air compressor, portable heater, bench grinder, battery charger, vise. Miller welder, misc. tools and parts. Plus many other items found on a well equipped farm LOUIS E. DINGLEY, JR. TWO RIVER FARMS, DENTON, MD. HARRY RUDNICK & SONS, INC. Sales Managers & Auctioneers LUNCH Ntoice: in case of inclement weather sale can be held undercover. FEBRUARY 8, at 12:00 noon 1975
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