58-Lanca*ter Farming, Saturday, Fab. 8, 1975 Protect Pets From Coccidiosis By Robert L. Stcar, D.V.M. Manager of Veterinary Service* Norden Laboratories Intestinal parasites such as roundworms, hookworms and tapeworms attack a large percentage of American pets every year. Puppies and kittens are especially susceptible. One of the more serious parasitic diseases is coc cidiosis. It is caused by tiny protozoa called coccidia. Although too small to be seen by the human eye, these creatures invade the small intestine of young - animals and destroy tissue as they multiply. Poor sanitation is the prime cause of coccidiosis. PUBLIC AUCTION SPRING FARM MACHINERY SALE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24,1975 at 124)0 noon Special Consignments of Tractors, Plows, Discs, Planters, Drills, Combines, Trucks and related Farm Machinery items We have already listed some fine Farm Machinery, could use more at this fame -There will be good demand for usable machinery Farmers and Dealers are already showing interest in this sale Please consign your excess or not fully utilized items If you call in advance we will advertise your machinery at no ad dibonal charges We have been conducting spring and fall sales and this has been the meeting place for buyers and sellers from DELAWARE MARYLAND VIRGINIA PENNSYLVANIA AND NEW JERSEY Your Machinery Will Be Accepted from now until sale time Yes even the morning of sale up to noon We want your consignments we charge a very low rate of commission and will offer unloading facilities SALE LOCATION; RUDNICK’S FARM, route 213 GALENA MD HARRY RUDNICK & SONS, Inc., Sales Managers & Auctioneers. Phones. Day - [3ol] 648-5100, 648-5179, 658-5180 Nite phones; |3ol| 778-0804 or |3o2| 764-3347 PUBLIC SALE FARM MACHINERY SAT., FE8.22,1975 Along Route 222, 3 miles south of Quarryville, IS miles south of Lancaster. Allis Chalmers 200 diesel tractor (fully equipped 600 hrs.); A.C. 180 diesel; A.C. Dl7 gas tractor. A.C. Dl5 with shuttle clutch #415 loader 5 ft. bucket snow blade fork hyd. control; A.C. 4 bottom 16 in trip plow; A.C. 3 bottom plow (slat); A.C. 2 bottom plow; A.C. 10 ft. disc harrow (transport); 12 ft. culti packer; land roller; J.D. 9 ft. spring harrow; A.C twin wheel side mounted mower; A C. hay crimper; J.D. 851 hay rake: New Holland 273 hay baler with thrower; 3 wagons with thrower racks, 2 Grove, 1 Gehl; 30 ft. Farmec elevator; McCurdy corn drag. A.C. 600 Series N«-Till Cornplanter, Fert. and Insect. (Good) A.C. rear mount 2 row 3 pt. cultivator (nearlj new); New Idea mounted cornpicker; 3 grain bins, 2 on running gears; A.C. 782 with 2 row corn head and direct cut; A.C. 6 ft. rotary cutter; 2 manure spread ers. N.H. #512 with hyd. endgate & New Idea 201 spreader; 2 row Stauffer tobacco planter; 3 double tobacco ladders; 12,000 tobacco lath; tobacco press, shears; spears; A.C. #lO posthole digger; flat bed wagon; 13 disc J.D. gram drill; Myers 3 pt. sprayer; 100 gal. tank & double piston pump; Myers single piston pump. App. 35 ton hay, 12 ton straw, 12 ton corn. Onan 25 KW generator; Miller 225 amp welder; 300 gal. water tank; 3 pt. blade; 22 ft. Starline feed conveyor; McDade 36 in. hay fan with 5 hp. motor: small cattle trailer; Frey’s metal hay rack; mineral feeder; 2 elec, fence controllers (International) 1 bat tery; elec, wall mounted fan; silage cart; 6 bales baler twine; platform scales; sleigh. Many other articles not mentioned. No sale here for 3 generations. Kreider ft Oilier, Ancts. Women Society #l7 An unclean, overcrowded and damp environment where animal feces arc allowed to ferment can mean serious trouble for young animals. If the feces particularly the feces of older animals contain parasite eggs or larvae, and the young animals swallow some of them along with their food and water, they could easily become in fected. The symptoms of coc cidiosis are frequently confused with those of other intestinal diseases. Chronic diarrhea (often with blood) is the key sign. Besides this, the animal becomes listless, its eyes appear sunken, and it has little appetite. There is usually a great loss of body OF 11:00 A.M. Terms by, Joson L. Wearer 717-786-2131 fluid aa well, resulting in dehydration. In more severe eases, the pet may exhibit cold symptoms along with a slight fever. Coccidiosia is quite serious in cattle and sheep and is often fatal in puppies and kittens. Many pets die each year because their owners treat the disease improperly or because proper treatment by a veterinarian is delayed. There are two basic kinds of parasite control on dogs and cats. One is preventive, the other is treating the disease after it occurs. Prevention is largely the pet owner’s responsibility. This includes establishing and maintaining strict sanitation, carefully supervising food habits, and maintaining adequate control over the animal’s whereabouts. Prevention means keeping your pet’s quarters clean and main taining dry runways or washed surfaces, such as concrete which are exposed to sunlight. Shaded, moist BURNSIDE HOMESTEAD DISPERSAL At Canaseraga, N.Y. off Rte. 36 out of Homed |25 mi. from Knoxville, Pa., or Bath, N.Y.J SATURDAY, FEB. 15th at 10 A.M. A big and good sale-owner accepting position with Pioneer Seed Co. in Indiana - selling after 3 generation here!! 43 good, home-raised, interstate tested Holstein (Eastern breeding!!), 3 IH tractors (656-300-C) and excellent and complete line of well cared-for equipment!! NH “352” mixer-grinder, “717” chopper, “469” haybine, “270” kicker-baler, AC “90” combine, corn picker, many, many good small items and collectables, bulk tank. Zero dump sta., Badger barn cleaner and 16’ silo unloader, 70T. hay, 100 T. silage, straw, oats, ear com, grass seed, fert., baler twine, 1974 IH “100” pickup (only 6,000 mi.). 272 A. farm also for sale!! Write or call Rumseys at Bath, N.Y. to have full list mailed you, or for info - 607-776-3478. ELWOOD FITXWATER COMPUTE FARM EQUIPMENT DISPERSAL SAIDRMV, FEMMMS,I9IS at l:OOP.M. Sharp Prattsburg, New York. Sale to be held at the farm located on the Elmbois Road Watch for Auction pointers on Rt. 53, [Main Street] in Prattsburg Due to a recent fire, must sell all equipment as follows: Massey Ferguson 1100 Diesel Tractor w-WFE. Massey Harris 444 Tractor; Massey Harris 33 Tractor w-live PTO. John Deere “B” Tractor, for parts; Massey Ferguson 5 bottom 16” Semi-mounted Plow; Ford 535 Haybine, only 2 yrs. old! Ford 532 Baler, like new; Ford 4-row Corn Planter; Ford 12 ft. double mobile disc.; Ford 680 2-row Field Chopper; Gehl 3- beater Forage Wagon; Brillion 14 ft. mobile Cultimulcher; Ford 7-Ton wagon; New Idea Wheel Rake; Gehl 72 Flail Chopper; Ford Ensilage Blower, 3 pt. and PTO.; 2 Kilbros Gravity Flow Boxes; I.H. No. 10 7 x 18 Grain Drill; 3 Hay wagons w-racks; Oliver 2 bottom 14” plows; Allis Chalmers 2-row hand lift cultivators; Forney 230 Amp. welder; Solar 300 gal. bulk tank. App. 300 Ton of good Com Ensilage! Majority of equipment purchased in last 2 years. A good line of equipment to be sold! Lunch Available! Terms: Cash or good Personal Check subject to proper identification. OWNED BY: ELWOOD FITZWATER # Prattsburg, New York 607-522-3513. Sale Managers - Auctioneers-: VICTOR PIRRUNG' AND SON, Wayiand, New York 716-728-2520. earthen areas make poor pet quarters, since they en courage parasite breeding especially during warm weather. By controlling environmental conditions, your pet’s infection potential will be reduced con siderably. Medical treatment is the responsibility of your veterinarian, so call him immediately if you recognize the warning signs of coc cidiosis. Describe the symptoms, and be ready to take your pet in for an examination. In the meantime, keep your pet quiet and comfortable. Above all, don’t attempt home cures. Haphazard administering of medicines you happen to have around and think might be useful could worsen the condition. Dosages must be in dividually determined on the basis of age, weight and general conditions of the animal. Dr. Stear regrets that he is unable to personally answer letters from pet owners. He suggests that readers con sult their own veterinarians' when their pets have problems. Public Register SAT. FEB. 8 -11 A.M. Public Sale of Farm Equipment, Dairy Equipment and Household Good located 1 mile South of Rt. 30 from Vintage along the Vintage Road, Paradise Twp., Lancaster County, Pa. Sale by Warren Denllnger; Abe Diffenbach SAT. FEB. 8-10 a.m. Public Sale of Real Estate and Household Goods located along Route 372, mile West of Quarryville, Penna. Terms by William A. Swinehart Est.. Paul L. Swinehart, Executor; Kreider and Diller, Auc tioneer. SAT. FEB. 8-11 A.M. Public Sale of Modem Dairy Farm, 118 acres more or less with spring and pond, 2Vz story frame dwelling, shop, but cher shop with smoke room, 2 car garage, bank bam with concrete attach, with 100 free stalls and box stalls, 2 silos. Also Selling Livestock and Farm Equipment. Located midway between White Horse Rt. 340 and Gap U.S. Rt. 30 just off Rt. 897 on IJmeville Rd. in Salisbury Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa. Terms by Amos D. Hoover; Robert E. Martin and Frank L. Steller, Auctioneers; PUBLIC AUCTION REGISTERED & HIGH GRADE HOLSTEIN DAIRY CATTLE, FARAA EQUIPMENT WEDNESDAY, AT ll:OOA.M. Location: Take Route 272 South from Lancaster through Little Britain. I'A miles East of Little Britain along 272 turn right at first crossroad, first farm on right, Little Britain Township, Lancaster County, PA. 73 Head of Registered & High Grade HOLSTEIN DAIRY CATTLE TWO REGISTERED 46 Mature Cows, 4 Bred Heifers due soon after sale day; 22 Open Heifers, birth to breeding age; Service age Bull. Pregnancy checked, health charts. Alternate A.M.-P.M. milk records, mUk weights day of sale. Sires include Flashy Boy, Ideal Jo. Part of herd bred to ABS Sires. OLIVER 550 with Dual Hydraulic OLIVER 770 Diesel With Dual Hydraulic & Power Steering Also New Idea 503 Loader with Hydraulic Dump Mounted on 770 FORD TRACTOR. Oliver 520 Baler with No. 19 Bale Thrower; Oliver No. 5 1-row Com Picker, Gehl Forage Wagon, used 2 seasons; Grove Flatbed Wagon with bale racks; New Holland Flatbed Wagon with bale racks; John Deere No. 480 9-foot Haybine, Oliver 565 Cushion Trip 4- bottom 16” Semi-mount Plow, Hawk-bilt Tank SpreadeY, International No. 15 Side Rake, John Deere Rear Mount 2-row Cultivator, Oliver 2-bottom 16” Plow. BREEDING CHART WHEEL DeLaval 420-foot Glass Pipe, 6 Milker Units, 2 No. 72 Pumps, Electro Brain Washer to be offered as one complete outfit; Dumping Station with 100-foot hose; Surge 50-plus Milker Pump, 3 50-lb. Surge Milkers, Winco 8-kw. Generator, PTO, on trailer; 62-foot Shaker Feeder with roof; LPS Feeder, 8 Calf Stalls, Silage Cart, Mineral Feeder; Power Mower, Rototiller and a few other small items. APPROXIMATELY 120 TON CORN SILAGE INTRENCH APPROXIMATELY 10 TON EAR CORN APPROXIMATELY 200 BALES MIXED HAY Sale time: 11:00 A.M. Sale by: WILMER W. HOOVER RDI, Nottingham. PA • 717-929-6222 Sale conducted by John E. & Paul E. Martin, Auctioneers - 717-733-3511 717-733-3305 Dale Hoover; Pedigrees - 717-867-2489 Note: There wiH not be many small items, so plan to be here when sate starts. We plan to sell cattle soon after 12:00 noon. Farm equipment wiH be sold first Sales Wenger and Bylcr, Atlys. SAT. FEB. 8-1 p.m. Public Sale of Bred Gilts. Open Gilts and Boars to be held at the Lebanon Fairgrounds, located miles South of Lebanon at the Intersection of Cornwall and Evergreen Roads. Sale by Pa. Yorkshire Association. SAT. FEB. 8-10 A.M. Public Sale of New and Used Bicycles, Accessories, Parts and New Hardware Items located one mile East of Fleetwood, along Dryville Road, Richmond Township, Berks County, Pa. Sale by Adam S. weaver; Leon Kurtz and Leroy Zook, Auctioneers. SAT. FEB. 8 -12 Noon Public Auction of Farm Machinery, Milk Equipment, Irrigation Equip and Shop Equipment for Louis E. Dingley, Jr., Two River Farms, Denton, Md. Location-From Denton take Route 328 towards Easton, (4 miles) to Tuckahoe Road, turn left on dirt road, 1 mile to Two River Farms . . . Signs Posted from Bridge at Denton, Md. Harry Rudnick and Sons, Inc., Sales (Continued on Page 59} FEB. 12, Lunch Available 1975
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