—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Feb. 8. 1975 46 SERVICE You can be on our regular service schedule and avoid costly emergency calls. YOUR GLENN E. HURST RD2 East Earl Pa Phone 215 445 6865 BRANDT'S FARM SURRY, INC. 601 E High Sf Elizabethtown Pa Phone7l7-367-1221 IS OUR IST RESPONSIBILITY CONTACT SURGE Turfgrass Fertilizer Seen Adequate Fertilizer supplies for home lawns, golf courses, and parks should be adequate this spring but higher in price than last year, says a faculty member of the College of Agriculture at The Pennsylvania State University. Dr. Donald V. Waddington studied the situation and reported his findings at the 45th Michigan Turfgrass Conference held recently in East Lansing, Michigan. A check of typical tur fgrass fertilizers showed price increases of 60 to 67 percent since last spring and 29 to 35 percent increase since last July, he stated. As an example, a 10-6-4 fertilizer with 25 percent slow-release nitrogen in creased from $l3O per ton in the spring of 1974 to $162. in July, 1974, and to $212 in January of this year. Ob viously, rising costs for materials and manufac turing are passed along to buyers. Describing increased costs for two special slow-release nitrogen fertilizers, ureaform and IBDU, Dr. Waddington said ureaform prices have increased by about 60 percent in the last two years. Costs for IBDU have doubled in that time. In studying the fertilizer market, Dr. Waddington contacted representatives of major turfgrass fertilizer manufacturers and some of the largest distributors in Pennsylvania. He is associate professor of soil science at Penn State. According to one manufacturer, the DEALER GROFF EQUIPMENT 2W State Sf Quarryville Pa Phone 717-786 7225 LESTER B. BOLL RDI blitz Pa Phone 717-626 6198 homeowner who paid about $B.BO in 1972 to fertilize an average lawn of 8,000 square feet will be faced with $14.40 for one application of the same material in 1975. Two or three applications a season are generally recommended. Thus, some fertilizer suppliers expect a decline in buying by homeowners. People who buy in large quantities, such as superin tendents of golf courses and parks, may not always get the exact fertilizer grade or ratio they want and deliveries may be delayed, Dr. Waddington observed. If delivery is delayed, be prepared to pay the price asked at delivery time - rather than at ordering time, he noted. The Penn State turfgrass scientist suggested several ways to cut fertilizer costs. Quick-release or soluble fertilizers furnish nitrogen at lower cost than the slow release types. If a switch to solubles is made, adjust the rate and timing of use to avoid fertilizer burn or overstimulation of growth from quick-release fer tilizers. In buying different fer tilizer grades with the same ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potash, a higher analysis such as 16-8-8 is normally a better buy than the same ratio at 10-5-5. This is due to a lower cost per unit FREE SAMPLE COPIES Copies of LANCASTER FARMING ore not always easy to find they are not sold on newsstands and perhaps some of your friends may not be acquainted with our weekly newspaper. We'll be glad to send, without charge, several copies of LANCASTER FARMING to your friends or business associates. Just write their names and addresses below (you'll be doing both them and us a favor!) Street Address & R.D. City, State and Zip Code City, State and Zip Code (You are not limited to two names. Use separate sheet for additional names.) SEND A GIFT SUBSCRIPTION TO: I WANT TO SUBSCRIBE Name Address Enclosed is $2 for 1 yr. (52 issues] (iff subscription Enclosed is $3 for 2 yr. [lO4 issues] gift subscription Send a gift card with my name on it to the above Sign the card- : PLEASE MAIL THIS FORM TO LANCASTER 1 f;.?:.®9.^.^MT!T z ' PA 17543 ifsztititxvnt'sattt.* tivvvvvi^%cvv«vttivvwww«*^vvvwvv*^i*4M«ikVviiVvvii of plant food, less material for handling and storage, and lower shipping costs. Dry products are less costly than liquid fertilizers, Dr. Waddington pointed out. Blends may be lower priced than granular or pelleted fertilizers. However, separation of materials due to size or density differences is a problem with some blends. Higher costs for granular or pelleted fer tilizers may be justified, he claimed, to obtain balanced illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllltlltllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliue I WL3OS&WL3II I THE HIGHEST TIEIDING ALFALFA IN PA. I OTHER MONEYMAKING ALFALFAS - Vernal - Buffalo MONEYMAKING CLOVERS - Certified Pennscott - Select Pennscott - Mammoth Medium Red N.Y. Grown Fresh seed mixed and Inoculated (FREE) Call for Prices and Save with REIST'S SEEDS. DEIST SEED COMPANY | Finest Quality Seeds (Since 1925) i | Mount Joy, Pa. Ph. 653-41211 iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiuiiiiuiiiiiiituiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Name Address Enclosed is $2 for 1 yr ]52 issues] Enclosed is $3 for 2 yrs (104 issues] I first saw Lancaster Farming In a friend’s home In a Agribusiness office In a County Agent or other government office Other I Where | FARMING distribution of nutrients with spinner-type spreaders. Homeowners should look for discounts during early season sales campaigns or late in the season. Above all, have the soil tested to determine the need for nutrients. Turf professionals using large amounts of fertilizer should continue buying bulk supplies, where savings are generally available. Some suppliers will deliver in portable bins if storage space is not available. - Saranac - Alsike - Yellow Sweet - Tall Sweet Street Address & R.D. 1J M : *** *
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