—Uncaster Farming. .Saturday,. Feb. 8, 1975 42 Farm Women Societies Society 5 Society of Farm Women 5 recently met at the home of Mrs. Goldie Groff. Joyce Hibsman gave an arm-chair view of 7 countries in Europe with a slide presentation. On February 19 at S;00 p.m. the Gub will meet at St. Paul's United Church of Christ's Parking Lot in Manheim. From there the group will travel to the Hershey Motor Lodge, for a meal and then on to the arena to see an ice hockey game. Tickets are $9.50 each. Please leave Mrs. Mervin Peifer know if you are going by February 8. The February 22 meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Herbert B. Frey in Manheim. Bring home-made or home-crafted items to be auctioned off at this Bring and Brag Sale. Society 10 Farm Women Society 10 met recently at the home of Marion Fox in Lancaster. Eliza Esbenshade served as co-hostess for the meeting. Gertrude Habecker, presided at the business meeting with Iva Buck waiter giving devotions. Roll call was given by mmmm An old oil burner can steal 15-25% of your allotted fuel How to stop it: An Agway energy-saver burner can help you conserve energy. Live more comfortably, too. Because an old burner that’s not completely worn-out can still be wasting energy Burning fuel without giving you the comfort it should And this year, you can't afford to waste a drop of oil In just a few hours, Agway can modernize your furnace with a thrifty new Model 40J burner - $18995 plus tax Price includes installation and a new master control to replace your old fashioned stack relay. Convenient financing also available. So call Agway ... today. THE ENERGY SAVERS AGWAY PETROLEUM SERVICE 1027 Dillerville Rd., Lane., Pa. Phone 397-4954 tatalafion and service by experts f AGWAY I finnant is available announcing member’s projects for February. In memory of three members who are deceased, Ada August, Bertha Landis and Minnie Lausch, the society decided to give a library book to the church of their membership. Grace Esbenshade wore the gift she received from the State Farm Women organization which was a replica of a twenty dollar gold piece on a chain. The gifts are given to those farm women over 90 years of age. A bus trip is scheduled to go to the Philadelphia Flower Show on Wednesday, March 12th. Interested members should contact Evelyn Neff for details. The next meeting will be held March 1 at the Holiday bin on the Lititz Pike. Society 24 The Society of Farm Women 24 met on January 29,1975, at the home of Mrs. George Ebersole. Twenty five women were present responding to roll call with a blizzard experience. The business meeting was conducted by Mrs. Jack Golston and the program for the evening was the annual reading of the state by-laws, and state convention reports given by Mrs. Chris I-antz und Mrs. Hoy Witmer. 'Hie project for the evening wus to tear and roll ban dages from worn sheets, for overseas use. A silent auction wus held with the proceeds going to the treasury. Delicious refreshments were served by the acting hostess Mrs. I/cah Bushong. Society 29 Farm Women Society 29 met Jan. 23 at the home of Mrs. Stanley Newcomer. Sixteen members responded to roll call by naming a safety hint. Pres. Mrs. SEW WHST? THIS WEEK S PATTERN S or AUORCT LANE The Alert Look Trimming bonds add zing to thi• dress They are easy to apply, and the dress zips down the back No 3161 comes m sizes 70 *o Ifl Size 12 fbust s4f lakes 2 if t yd of 44 in jagy§jgg|a fabric Crocheted Medallions A luncheon set, scarf for dresser, tablecloth, etc, may be fashioned of these crocheted medallions Fat tern No 992 ogives the instructions Send SOt for each dress pattern, 30# for eoch needlework pattern (add ISt for each dress pattern, 10( for each needlework pattern for mailing and handling) to AUDREY LANE iU REA U, Morris Flams, New Jersey 07950 the □RTZ ■barn cleaner RUGGED, DE ’ENDABLE! under all tfss-4. operating conditions r See your PATZ Dealer today CALL 717-272-0871 MARVIN J. HORST Dairy Equipment and Amana Appliances RD#l|lona| LEBANON. PA Located on Route 197 between Schaefferslown and Lebanon, over 30 years in business at same place Thougnt For Food Hungry Boy’* Cheese Soup 1 Package (10 or.) frozen mixed vegetable* 2 teaspoons celery seed 1 teaspoon instant minced onion 1 can (lO’i oz.) cheddar cheese soup ■j cup instant non-fat dry milk In a medium sized saucepan combine mixed vegetables, cel ery seed and minced onion with ’z cup boiling water Cover and cook .is dncctcd on package or until vegetables aic tender Stir in cheese soup, dqy milk and 1 cup wa ter Bung to boiling point, ’stiinng constantls Scivc hot with ciackers Yield 4 poitions Gerald Erb presided at the business meeting and also gave a report from State Convention. Mrs. John H. Rose and Mrs. Marlin Myer were installed as new members. Next month, Feb. 15th, the group will have a progressive dinner with the husbands. Match the power to your yard chores with a rugged John Deere There s a size just right Change ground speeds to for your lawn and garden match mowing conditions Select from the 8-hp model without clutching Variable -200,10-hp 210 12-hp2l2 speed drive provides a or 14-hp 214 All provide range of travel speeds from John Deere dependability 0 3 to 7 0 mph See us for a 200 Series Tractor QS Landis Bros.Jnc. Lancaster 717-393-3906 Adomstown Equipment Inc. Mohnton, RQ2, Pa. 19540 (near Adamstown) 215-414-4391 Usethe Farm Calendar To Publicize Your Meetings. LP 6<a)S FARMS We offer prompt delivery to our customers. We keep large quantities of LP Gas in storage. For dependable service . CALL (717) 665-3588 MYER'S METERED GAS SERVICE, INC. /*tyCS&\ P.0.80X 71 WVjW/ MANHEIM, PA. 17545 M. S. Yearsley A Sons Westchester 696-2990 COLLMS MOTORS Elizabethtown Phone 367-1156 Ro#l call today. A sleek new-style hood encloses the engine to reduce sound tor a really quiet ride And the engine is cushioned to reduce vibration for smooth riding A.B.C. Groff, Inc. New Holland 717-354-4191 GOODMAN’S m SERVICE Honey Brook, Pa. |2ls| 273-2356
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