Hamburger Sale IConttnutd From Pan 1] Wyaloosing. All the licenses and permit! have been ob tained, and Charles said he doesn't expect any problems to develop during Monday’s activity. | MIUACLE St'uN STEEL UIIINGS | ANNOUNCES DEALERSHIP IN SOUTHEASTERN PENNA. CAINSDALE FARM SERVICE Ivan R. Yost,. RDI Christiana, Pa. 17509 Phone 215*593-5326 Sta-Rite Full-Vac "Vacuum Pumps let you get the most out of your cows. A prop erly sized Full-Vac as your vac uum source, will insure fast, com plete, gentle milking that’s easy on udders. This means improved herd health . . . additional dol lars in your pocket. The low R.P.M. Full-Vacs fea ture ball bearing construction ... heavy-duty motors .. . quiet operation. Models range from % to 10 HP. Each Full-Vac is engineered for fast recovery, positive cooling and enduring dependability, and backed by the most respected name in pumps ... Sta-Rite. Worth looking into! SUPPLY CENTER The meat will be sold at the Town & Country parking lot of the East Park Shopping Center, Derry Street, Harrisburg. The sale will start at 9:30 and last till about noon. Buyers will be paying |5 for a flve-and-a- > )1 lift f » I I I a 1027 OILLERVILLE ROAD LANCASTER PA Phone 717-397-4761 half pound package of lean hamburger, which figure! out to about 90.9-centa a pound. "And this ta a quality product," Charles noted. "We’re grinding up everything for this ham burger, not Just the trim mings. The rounds, the T bones, the steaks, everything is going into the product. It will be 80-percent lean. You can’t buy that in the supermarket.’’ Charles said all the profits from the sale will go back to the farmers. And he’s confident the return to the farmers will be better than those they’d get if the animals were sold at auc tion. “We’re getting about sixteen-and-a-half-cents for our cull cows from the packers,” Charles said. “We bought some culls at auction - , , ' c.: t > c Lancaster Laboratories has announced the ap pointment of Richard Sen senig to the office of Sanitationist for the com pany. Sensenigreceived his A.B. degree in liberal arts from Eastern Mennonite College and received his Master’s degree from Northwestern University. As Sanitationist, Sensenig will be responsible for a wide range .of duties that will include inspecting food processing plants for Sensenig Appointed the other day, Just to prove our point, and we sold the hides for 17.1-cents a pound. Why should meat bo selling for less than hides? It doesn’t make sense.” How well does he expect the NFO farmers to do with their cull cow meat on Monday? “I think we’re going to be returning 26- to 29-cents to the farmers,” Charles said. “We can hold one of these sales every day in central Pennsylvania, and if that’s what we have to do to get auction prices up, that’s what we’ll do. We know we can influence the market price by collective action, because NFO movements have done it before. And if we start taking 30 cull cows a day off the market, we’ll pretty soon see a better price for those cows.” James Brown, a Halifax beef farmer and Dauphin County NFO member, said he has high hopes for a successful sale. “The far mers I know need to do something about their returns,” he told Lancaster Farming. “They’ll be there sanitary conditions, evaluating and recom mending sanitary programs as well as quality control programs for firms along with inspecting farms under state and federal programs. Sensenig resides with bis wife and four children at 1021 Pine Hill Rd., in Lititz. Lancaster Farm’lni, Saturday. Feb. 8,1975—: working on Monday, too. The farmers will be selling, they’ll be driving the trucks from the packing plant, and they were there to watch the slaughter.” Brown said he expects about 50 farmers to be on the scene to help on Monday. He added that the NFO is ac tively recruiting members in the Dauphin County area. An open meeting for anyone who's interested has been scheduled for Wednesday, SWEIGART TIRE SERVICE {Formerly Sweifart Firestone) CORDIALLY INVITES YOU TO JOIN WITH US AT OUR ANNUAL Rfree coffee AND DONUTS THURS. —FRI. —SAT. FEB. 13,14,15 At Our New Locution 677 WEST HIGH ST. MAHEHIM, PA. (Two blocks west from former location) FIRESTONE - GOOD YEAR BARGAINS ON FARM TIRES TRACTOR - TRUCK - PASSENGER Firestone Butteries starting at *20.95 Hitch Pins w 83 e e 99 e Phone 665-2258 Home 665-3603 HOURS - Thurs. & Fri. - 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. Sat. 8 A.M. to 3 P.M. Feb. 12, beginning at 8 p.m. in the bind room of f Halifax Area High Schi Brown said the doors woi be open to all comers. TRY A CLASSIFIE AD! ■2: ti
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