—Lancaster Farmlm. Saturday, Feb. 8. 1975 22 Read Lancaster Farming For Farm Women News —priced to OVB WATCH FOR OPEN HOUSE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 LANCASTER FORD TRACTOR, INC. THE NEW HOME OF THE FRIENDLY PEOPLE 1655 Rohrerstown Road Lancaster, Pa. Phone 1717] 569-7063 Take Flory Mill Exit off 283 and go '/« mile toward East Petersburg ARE YOU ITCHING TO EXPAND? NOW IT'S POSSIBLE CALEB M. WENGER Extends Credit To You on SOL-AIR BARNS, MADISON SILOS, VAN DALE EQUIPMENT Used Tractors ■ 9 N FORD • NAA FORD • 641 FORD - 860 FORD ■ 881 FORD ■ 6000 FORD GAS ■ 6000 FORD DIESEL - 65 MASSEY GAS No matter what size used tractor you need, you can find it at the home, of the friendly folks where quality comes first. There'// Never Be a Better Time. CREDIT ARRANGED WITH LOCAL BANK Farm Management Handbook order payable to The Penn sylvania State University and send with your name and address to FARM MANAGEMENT HAND BOOK, Box 6000, University Park, Pa. 16802. A successful farm manager must develop two plans of work - a short-run plan used to evaluate next year’s operation and one based on a sufficiently long period of time to permit changes or adjustments in land, labor, capital, and management, according to a “Farm Management Handbook" published by The Pennsylvania State University’s College of Agriculture. “There are a number of ways to improve farm in- Consumers’ Corner Save On Dialing Direct distance dialing is the consumer's best way to save on the phone bill A person to-per son call is always at least two times as expensive than dialing station to station Call between 11pm and Bam for your best bargain The mini mum to one minute charge runs 35 cents, plus 20 cents for each additional minute during that time Many companies which use computers to transmit info over the phone take advantage of this bonus Costs also drop when you dial direct between 5 and 11 pm, Monday through Friday and Sun days, too There’s a savings of 60 cents on the first three min utes A 52 per cent cu is avail able all day Saturday and until 5 on Sundays Interestingly enough longdis tance calls made within an indi vidual state are usually higher per airline mile than calls made across state lines When calling from home don’t use that credit card for business calls A surcharge is levied be cause the operator must assist Dial direct and claim it on an expense account Use the credit card for calls inside the same state when calling from a ho tel They can add a service charge to such calls come and not all of them involve increased sire nor do they always require the expenditure of capital/' says Dr. Virgil E. Crowley, Penn State Extension farm management specialist and one of the book’s authors. Doing things at the right time bften produces more income; reducing costs means more net income; and often a reorganization of the crop and livestock enter prises can increase income significantly, Dr. Crowley points out. The handbook, developed by five Penn State farm management specialists, includes data which will be helpful to farmers and in dividuals assisting farmers with various management problems and with the development of farm operating plans. One section discusses farm management, the role of the farm manager, problems of the decision-making process, and the construction of partial and complete budgets. Another section is devoted to dairy budgets and related information, and still another area deals with budget information for the major livestock enterprises such as swine and beef. A remaining section includes Handles all sizes and types of twines without knotter adjustment 400 ALL-TWINE BALERS Forget about costly down time and missed bales with the International® All-Twine Balers . . with the knotter that ties a unique bow-type, double diameter knot that test up to 17 percent stronger than ordinary single di-' ameter knots.. and does it with all types and diameters of baler twine, with out adjustment • Heavy-duty power train with extra large main drive clutch and precision spiral bevel and pinion gears. • Optional deluxe pickup with up to 126 rubber mounted teeth picks up short hay and hard to feed crops • Economy-priced 420 bales up to 15 tons an hour; 430 —upto 17 tons; 440 up to 19 tons. Come in today and compare features. The 400 is the Bl* best baler buy around. No Interest till Spring. Waiver of Finance. Buy any new or used baler bale thrower, mower conditioner, mower or rake and pay no interest until March 31, 1975. R. S. HOLLINGER & SON MOUNTVILLE, PA ERR 0 HENRY EQUIP. MC. 22-26 Henry Ave., New Berlinvijle, Pa. 1 Mile North of Boyeriown Phone:2ls - 367-2169 MARK EQUIPMENT INC. 101 Rosehill Ave., West Grove, Pa. [2ls] 869-2474 budget Information for fruits, vegetables, and field crops. The 130-page book may be purchased for |2.SO plus 6 percent Pennsylvania sales tax. Make check or money MARTIN’S MANUFACTURING CO. Custom Made • FREE STALLS • BARNYARD FENCES • SILAGE CARTS in stock • PIPE GATES 6 ft. to 16 ft. (every 6") in stock MARTIN’S MANUFACTURING CO. DISTRIBUTOR OF CENTRAL TRACTOR PARTS CO. R.D.3 Myerstown Phone (717) 933-4151 TAKE RT 645 - 3 MILES NORTH OF MYERSTOWN FOLLOW DIRECTIONAL SIGNS 285-4538 ELIZABETHTOWN NEW PROVIDENCE. INTERCOURSE HERITAGE INIERNATIOHAL, INC. 1054 S. State St. Ephrata, PA 717-73^-2283 MESSICK FARM EQUIP. COPE & WEAe CO. C. B. HOOBER II SON 367-1319 786-7351 786-8231
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