Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 08, 1975, Image 11
Ephrata Young Farmers '*" Elect Officers at Meet The Ephruto Area Young Farmcri, their wives and guests Jammed the Mt. Airy Fire Halt banquet room loot Saturday night for their annual dinner meeting. The featured speaker for the WHITE WASHING with DAIRY WHITE • DRIES WHITE • DOES NOT RUB OFF EASILY • NO WET FLOORS - IS COMPATIBLE WITH DISINFECTANT • WASHES OFF WINDOWS AND PIPELINES EASILY. Also BARN CLEANING SERVICE Available With Compressed Air With increase in business. I have put on another spray rig We will take on work within 100 mile radius of Lancaster MAYNARD L. DEITZEL Spraying Since 1961 Witmer. Pa. 717-392-7227 If no answer call Willard Beitzel 717-733-6357 Barn spraying our business, not a sideline. evening was June Alexan dar, Pennsylvania's deputy secretary of agriculture. Mrs. Alexander told the state’s largest Young Farmer association that the family farm was here to stay YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW EVEN DURING A FERTILIZER SHORTAGE. You count on a lot of things to give you a good return. From expensive farm equipment to the right amount of sunshine. But this year more than any other, your fertilizer investment is going to make the difference. Right now we’re all struggling against the fertilizer shortage. So the quality you Use becomes even more important than the quantity. And Royster is doing something to help you get the best. There’s still no way we can promise you’ll get all the fertilizer you want. But this year, were manufacturing more Bonanza Crop Specials. It’s our finest fertilizer. And it’s your insurance that you’ll get the greatest return on every dollar invested. Bonanza Crop Specials are supercharged with specific and growing every day. She said that one of the aims of the Pennsylvania Depart ment of Agriculture was to foster the idea of family farms. She also said that the department was in buck of some recently enacted legislation which gives more money to local community fairs. ' 1 Others to address the group were Barry Wissler, president of the Cloister Chapter FFA, Paul King, Cochranville, regional vice president of the Penn sylvania Young Farmers Association, and James C. Fink, Harrisburg, super visor of the Pennsylvania agricultural education program. During the meeting, the officers for the coming year were installed. They are: Earl Stauffer, Ephrata RD2, president; Marvin Weaver, Ephrata RDI, vice president; Ray A. Kline, Remholds RDI, treasurer; Daniel Fox, Ephrata RDI, secretary; Earl Smoker, Ephrata RDI, public micronutrients. Because some crops use higher amounts of one or more micronutrients than others. And sometimes an area is deficient in certain micro nutrients. That’s why we make Specials for every major crop in every market we serve. And that’s 13 crops in 20 states. Our Bonanza Crop Specials are such a valuable investment we even wrote a booklet about them. To get yours, write Marketing Services, P.O. Drawer 1940, Norfolk, Virginia 23501. Or better still, visit your friend in the fertilizer business. Your Royster dealer. He’ll help you make a good fertilizer investment. Because he knows when you put good things into your land, you expect good things back. m cmsa* J Company/ VCV Paul King, left, regional vice president of the Pennsylvania Young Farmers Association, chats with Ephrata Young Farmer Officers elected last Saturday night during that group's annual banquet meeting relations director Milking awards for out standing production over the Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Feb. 8.1975 at the Mt. Airy Fire Hall. The new officers are, seated, Daniel Fox, secretary, and Earl Stauffer, president. Standing, center, are Ray Kline, treasurer, and Earl Smoker, public relations director. past year went to Marvin Weaver and Earl Smoker. The outstanding young farmer award was presented to retiring president Earl G. Martin, Ephrata RD2. Community service awards went to John R. Zim merman, Ephrata RDI, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bucher, Lititz RD4. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stauffer won the award for the most active Young Farmers. Appreciation awards were presented to Larry Loose, a partner in the Green Dragon Farmers Market and Auction, Ephrata, and Dick Wanner, editor of Lancaster Farming. 11