60— Lancaster Farming. Saturday. Feb. 1, 1975 Public Sales Register •••■••••••••••••••••a (Continued from Pam 591 SAT. FEB. 22 • Public Sale • Full line of Farm Equip ment located along Rt. 222, 4 miles South of Quarryville. Sale by Jason Weaver. Kreidcr and Oilier, Auc tioneers. MON. FEB. 24 - Public Sale of Farm Equipment, Feeder Cattle ana ear com by Freeland D. Scnsenig, RDI, Leola, Pa. John E. and Paul E. Martin, Auctioneers. MON. FEB. 24 - 10:30 a.m. Public Sale of Farm Equipment on the John F. PUBLIC SALE T&JkOf VALUABLE DAIRY FARM w (118 ACRES, more or less) LIVESTOCK & FARM EQUIPMENT 8, SATURDAY, AT 11: OOA.M. REAL ESTATE AT 2:OO P.M Located midway between White Horse, Route 340 and Gap, U. S Route 30, just off Route 897 on Limewlle Road, in Salisbury Township, Lancaster County, PA. 2Vi STORY FRAME DWELLING 10 rooms, 2 full baths, oil fired hot water heat with summer and winter hookup, 2 - 275 gal. oil tanks, concrete basement with outside entrance, shop, but cher shop with smoke house, spring water at house and butcher shop. 2 CAR GARAGE with storage above. LARGE BANK BARN with new roof, barn doors, and aluminum siding on south side. Large concrete block building attached to bam for 100 FREE STALLS, box stalls, 20 stanchions with 4-unit Bou-Matic pipeline milkers, 5 H. P. com pressor, Girton bulk tank, 2 silos, 14 x 56 and 24 x 88 poured concrete Jamesway unloader, Jamesway automatic feeder, Jamesway ventilation system, SPRING HOUSE, % ACRE POND & 4 ACRES WOOD LAND, spring and well water. 10 percent down day of sale, settlement on or before April 1,1975. Inspection of farm February 1 from 1 to 4 p.m. or call 717-442-4085 for appointment. 2 registered holsteins, sired by Skycross & Archie, 2 grade, 1 due in April to Citation and 1 due in March to Elevation, 1 yearling Reg. Holstein bull sired by Elevation, 2 yearling Holstein bulls, 3 Reg. Guernseys sired by Darimost, Prince and Hollirex. Co 1700 INTERNATIONAL DIESEL TRUCK with 16 ft. grain body & hoist. 1966 FORD TRUCK 21,000 G.V.W. with grain body & hoist. Farmall 240 with cult.; 28 disc with transport wheels. 1966 Chev. Impala 2 door 283 engine, 3 speed tran smission; Case model T 500 portable hammer mill; Case 36 disc transport disc H series; 2 New Holland No. 8 forage wagons, Gehl hi throw forage blower; New Holland 404 crimper, N.H. 56 rake, N.H. 30’ bale elevator; A.C. 303 baler (like new); 2 N.H. grain bins on Grove wagons; A.C. 4-section spring harrow (like new); 16-disc Ontario grain drill (Uke new); 3 Grove flat bed wagons; steel front end pusher for D-15 A.C. tractor; rear wheel tractor chains for D A.C. tractor, size 14.9 x 28, never used; Case 5-bottom hydreset slat bottom plow, like new; 205 bu. Hawk Bilt spreader,, hyd. lid, like new; 42-in. mower, 3-pt. hitch, in good condition; 15 hp. Briggs engine; 22” self propelled rotary lawn mower; Keen Kutter riding tractor; 14 bales baler twine; 4 plywood calf raising units (4 stall); feed cart; DeLaval milker pads & lids; 2 stainless stramers, 2 Kow Kant Kick, 2 electric water pumps, 2 iron troughs, wire stretcher; some lumber; small tools; burlap bags; Century sprayer, 200 gal. poly tank; piston pump, used 1 yr.; log roller; new electric food & meat sheer, Maytag wringer washer, 8 ton straw; 6 ton hay; and other items not listed. 500 ft. of Dry walnut lumber. Refreshments by O.E.S. Fraternal Chapter No. 249, AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Bam recently remodeled, Original bam with box stalls, 20 stanchions and pipeline milker; new addition with 100 free stalls. Ready to go. Terms by Amos D. Hoover Robert E. Martin 656-7770 Frank L. Steller 656-9055 Aucts. Wenger & Byler, Attys. Not Responsible for Accidents Cope Farm located at RDI, Man helm, Pa., 1 mile south west of Rutt's Country Auction-off Rt. 72 between Manheim and East Peter sburg, Pa. Sale by Com monwealth National Bank Irene G. and Tom Cope, Executors for the John F. Cope Estate. Lee Mummau and C. H. Wolgemuth, Auctioneers. TUES. FEB. 25 - Public Sale of Farm Machinery located I'i miles West of Christiana, 4 miles South of Gap, along Route 372 in Sadsbury Township, Lancaster County, Pa. Terms by John I Yoder, Christiana, Pa. Leroy FEB. 1975 CATTLE Zook and Leon Kurtz, Auctioneers. TUES. FEB. 25 - Public Sale of 70 Head of Registered and Grade Holstein Dairy Cattle also Farm Equipment, located 2 miles Southwest of Mt. Joy, Pa., Route 141 to Donegal High School turn south, 1 mile along Union School Road. Sale by Paul Hess and Aaron G. Fisher. Harold (Abe) Shaffner, Auctioneer. WED. FEB. 26 - 9:30 A.M. Complete Dispersal Sale of Dairy Herd, Dairy Equip ment, Farm Equipment, Truck, Some Household, etc. located in York Countv. Pa. 4 miles east of East Berlin or 8 miles west of York on Route 234, turn north at Shadydell Rd., V* mile. Terms by Paul H. Myers, Jr. and Virginia L. Myers, Owners, Thomasville, Pa. Clair R. Slaybaugh, Auc tioneer. THURS. FEB. 27-Dairy Dispersal and Farm Equipment for John S. Martin, RDI Denver Pa., along South Muddy Creek Road. Randal Kline, Auc tioneer. THURS. FEB. 27 - and SAT. MARCH 8-10 a.m. 2 Day Sale of Dairy Cows, Feeds, Grains, Farm Machinery & Household Good located 1 mile east of Oley, along Rt. 662, Oley Twp. Berks Co. To PUBLIC AUCTION Registered & High Grade Holstein Dairy Cattle Farm Equipment WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5,1975 AT 11:OOA.M. Location: Take 501 North from 422 at Myerstown, turn left 1 Block North of 422 toward Frystown, approximately V/i Miles to Farm on Right. Look for sale arrows. Jackson Township, Lebanon County, PA. 46 HEAD OF REGISTERED & HIGH GRADE HOLSTEIN DAIRY CATTLE 5 Grade Ayrshires 33 MATURE COWS, 7 HEIFERS, due on or before sale date. Several Registered; 10 HEIFERS, bred since 11-20-74; 1 OPEN YEARLING HEIFER. Pregnancy checked. Health Charts. Milk Weights day of sale. Sires include Whirlhill Kingpin, Pawnee Farm Arlinda Chief, Valentine El Minuteman, Ravenglen Reflection Adonis. 990 DAVID BROWN DIESEL Fox 2000 Harvester 1000 RPM 2-Row Corn Head, 6- Foot Pickup Head with Electric Inhead Knife Shar pener, used 2 Seasons; No. 701 Uni-System w-cab combine equipped for shelling com and com picker; Gehl P.T.O. Trough Blower; 2 Grove P.T.O. Rear Unloading Silage Wagons with Beaters; Farmhand P.T.O. Rear Unloading Silage Wagon; Farmhand Rear Unloading Box; 18-Foot Flatbed Wagon with Hay Racks; Kurtz Tank Spreader; John Deere Van Brunt Grain Drill; 10-Foot Land Roller; Allis Chalmers 56-F Flail Chopper; 30-Foot Little Giant Elevator; King Wise Com Drag; 16-Foot Utility Elevator; New Idea Side Rake; International No. 10 Grain Drill; 50-Foot Bam-o-matic Auger Feeder, new. 1955 FORD F-3501-T. CATTLE TRUCK Approximately 45 Ton Ear Cora Two Surge Milk Meters; 25 Milk Cans; 2 Silage Carts; Two %-H.P. Electric Motors; 2-H.P. Air Compressor; 1 %-H.P. Explosion Proof Electric Motor; 10 Rabbit Cages; 30 and 55-Gallon Drums; Snow Fence; Tobacco Press; Old Stainless Steel Milk Tank; without compressor; Scrap Iron Pile; Warm Morning Space Heater; Majestic Coal Stove, and many other items too numerous to mention. Sale time, 11:00 A.M. We plan to start selling cattle at approximately 1:00 P.M. Sale by: LEROY W. and MIRIAM S. OBERHOLTZER R.D.3, MYERSTOWN, PA 717-866-5449 Sale Conducted by: -John E. & Paul E. Martin, Auctioneers 717-733-3511 733-3305 Dale Hoover, Pedigrees 717-867-2489 Lunch Available be sold on Feb 27 ■ 45 head of mostly Hols, dairy cows. Milk equipment, Feeds and Grains. To be sold on Sat. March 8 - Farm Machinery and Household Goods. Sale by George S. Schlegcl; John D. and George D. Frey, Auctioneers. THURS. FEB. 27 - 12 Noon Penn-Octo Farms Public Sale of 85 Head. All cows in herd due Dec. 1 to April 1 and all bred heifers. Sale to be held at the Charles C. Myers Black and White Sale Bam located just West of Lan caster on Dairy Lane. Take 283 West of Lancaster, exit just beyond the ABC Stud Bams at Flory’s Mill Rd. Turn left after exiting go right around mill to sale bam. R. Austin Backus, Inc., Auctioneers, Mexico, N.Y. FRI. FEB. 28-11 a.m. Public Sale of 80 Head of Reg. Holstein Dairy Cattle, 2 tractors, other equipment, hay and com located 5 miles East of Lancaster, % mile South of Rt. 23 from Meadow Brook Farmers Market at 2453 Creek Hill Road. Sale by Mark T. Stoltzfus, owner; Norman Kolb, Pedigrees and Abe Diffenbach, Auctioneer. FRI. FEB. 28 - Public Sale of Farm and Dairy Equipment located just % mile North East of Strasburg. Sale by Stanley Groff. Kreider and Diller, Auctioneers. FRI. FEB. 28 - 12 Noon Public Sole of Farm Equipment, Irrigation System. Trucks, Potato Equip., Bam located approx. 15 ml. northwest of Allen town, Pa. along blacktop road between Lynnvillc and New Tripoli, Lynn Twp., tahigh Co., Pa. Sale by Philip Snyder; Ralph W. Zctticmoycr Auction Co., Sale conductor. SAT. MAR. 1 - Public Sale of Farm Equipment located IVfc miles North of Hcssdale, North of Rtc. 222. Sale by Paul Meek; Diller and Krcider, Auctioneers. SAT. MARCH 1 -10:30 A.M. Public Auction of Farm Equipment, Household Items and Collectibles Located at Mahantongo Valley, Schuylkill County, Pa., Village of Hepler, 5 GAP AUCTION dfc FRIDAY EVENING, FEB. 7,1975 Located Off Route 41 - Lancaster Ave. Op posite Turkey Hill Minit Market - Cross RR Bridge. mils sou n nmunciH Inspection Friday from 9 00 a m until sale time. CONSIGNMENTS ON MONDAYS OTHER DAYS BY APPOINTMENT FROM 8:00 A.M. TO 7:00 P.M. Call us for pick up service. IRA STOLTZFUS & SON, Auctioneers 442-4936 or 442-8254 CONDUCTORS ALL TYPES PUBLIC SALES FARM DISPERSAL FRI., FEB. 21,1975 Sale 15 miles sonth of QuarryviUe, Z miles south of Little Britain Store, Lane. Co., Pa. on the premises known as Tuckmway Farm. Complete Herd Dispersal—6s Registered * Grade HOLSTEIN DAIRY CATTLE (59 Reg. 6 Grade) 42 cows 8 bred heifers 2 bulls 13 open- heifers This herd of large, well bred cattle has good ud ders, good health and is ready to work for you. There are daughters of Lassie Leader, Citation R. Maple, Milk and Honey Ivanhoe, and other top sires. Several in top production or close springers. Others due to freshen from June—Sept. Herd T.B. and Blood Test ed. Pregnancy checked. COMPLETE LINE OF LATE. MODEL FARM EQUIPMENT International 856 tractor,. Int. 574 tractor, Massey Ferguson 35 tractor and 3 pt. hitch mower, Int. chisel plow, Allis Chalmers 4 row corn planter, N.H. hay baler with kicker, 2 N.H. hay wagons, Grove sil age wagon, N.H. haybine, N.H. flail chopper, N.H. silage blower, Heavy duty Hawk Bilt side unloading manure spreader, Int. disk on rubber, Int. hay rake, John Deere 4 bottom plow, Ontario grain drill, lime spreader, 30 foot elevator, Massey Ferguson 3 pt. cultivator, Grove grain bin, Irrigation pump and Aluminum pipe ideal for vegetable farm. NEARLY ALL THIS EQUIPMENT PURCHASED NEW IN THE LAST 3 YEARS AND USED ONLY ON Small tools include silage cart, forks, shovels, new handyman jack, baler twine, skid fuel tank, and a few other items. Approx. 20 ton of ear com 10 ton Alfalfa and mixed hay Order of Sale Tools, Machinery, Dairy Herd. For further information contact: LEROY C. SENSENIG, Quarryville, Pa., Sale Mgr. & Auctioneer 717-786-3128 Paul E. Sanger, Associate Auctioneer miles East of Klingerstown, along the Klingerstown to Pitman Road, first farm East of the Mahantongo Elem. School. Sale by Ralph Fcttcrolf, owner; George N, Delbert, Auctioneer. SAT. MARCH 1- Public Sale of Farm Equipment and Household Goods by Allen Nolt, Utitz RD3. right off new Rt. 222. Randal Kline, Auctioneer. SAT. MAR. 1-Public Sale of Farm Machinery, Horse Equipment located 4 miles South of Red Lion along Route 74 South York County. Sale by Mrs. Lloyd Burke, RD2, Felton, Pa. Reynold L. Burke, Auctioneer. SAT. MAR, 1 - 9 A.M. Public Sale of Private Collection of (Continued on Page 61) 6:00 P.M. 11:00 A.M. THIS FARM Sale by order of DR. EUGENE B. SPITZ Media, Pa.
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