58—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Feb. 1, 1375 »•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••** * * Public Sales Register (Continued from Page 57) TUBS. FEB. 11 ■ 6 p.m. Public Auction of Furniture, Glassware, Appliances, etc. at the Farmersville Auction, located at Farmersville, 3 miles East of Brownstown, Lancaster Co. Sale by John J. Rutt: Richard Murray, Auctioneer. WED. FEB. 12 - 11 a.m. Public Sale of Registered and Hi Grade Holstein Dairy Cattle and Farm Equipment. Location - Take Rt. 272 south from Lancaster through Little Britain, l miles East of Little Britain along Rt. 272, turn right at first crossroad, first farm on right. Sale by Wilmer W. Hoover: John E. and Paul E. Martin, Auctioneers. DO YOU NEED CATTLE OR FARM EQUIPMENT? Then you’ll want to read this adv. It's Auction Weekend in Steuben County, N.Y.!! FRL, FEB. 7, at 12:30 Another dairy cattle sale at our Dairy Barn in Bath, NY just off Rte. 15 Selling: 65 Good Interstate-Tested Holsteins and including the entire milking herd of Don Leilous, Shinglehouse, PA. Good sharp, milky, all fresh or close but 6!! Other fresh and close toppers and some young heifers. And on SAT., FEB. 8 at 12:30 At Canaseraga, 25 miles from Bath, NY the Paul R Petteys Farm Machinery Dispersal 5 Oliver w.f.e. tractors (“1655D” - “770” - “70” - two “55’s”), JD “336” baler w-all-hydr. ejector, Fox 2-row com-head Chopper, NH. “461” haybme, 12’ transport disc, 4-row planter, 5 wagons (Lamco s.u., 2 new kicker -2 gears), 2 elevators, plows, drags, seeder, drill, fert. sower. Badger 240 bu. spreader, Ford dump truck, 2500 bales alfalfa and trefoil, 400 bales straw. A good hhe of new and like-new equipment!! Write to have full list mailed you. RUMSEY SALES, Bath, NY (607-776-3478). PUBLIC SALE MODERN FARM EQUIPMENT THURSDAY, FEB. 13,1975 AT 11:30 A.M. Located approx 1 mile Southwest of E Greenville, turn off Rt 29 onto 3rd St to farm, in Upper Hanover Twp , Montgomery Co, PA. Farmall 1206 diesel tractor, wide front w-extras, weights, etc. only 1540 hrs.; David Brown 1200 tractor (Selectamatic) w-wide front, etc.; Dunham front end loader for same; J.D. No. 70 diesel tractor, pwr str, pwr trol, roll-o-matic; J.D. 40 tractor w-wide front, 3 pt., etc.; MC 205 self propelled combine w-air con ditioned cab; 13’ gram head, 2 row corn head; MC No. 560 6btm 16” trip plow; J.D. sbtm 16” trip trailer plow; J.D. 20’ trailer type harrow, used 1 yr.; J.D. 494 A corn planter; J.D. 17 single disc gram drill; J.D. 4 row front mtd com planter; J.D. No. 727 4 row Gyramor rotary cutter; J.D. No. 68 auger bm wagon; J D. parallel rake; J.D. 14T pto baler w-bale ejector; 2 bale wagons w-false front end gates & unloading unit; J.D. 52’ bale elev., pto operated; J.D. hay mow elevator approx. 60’ long; MC 9’ offset transport disc w-24” blades; Lely 3 pt. fertilizer spreader; J.D. 2 row cult.; 12’ weeder; N.H. hay crusher; Int. hi-pressure washer; 2 horse 2 gang sleigh; (2) 18 14 x 38 - 8 ply tires (useable). 1964 Ford Econoline pickup truck. Note: Farm equipment is m tip top condition. Refreshments Served Terms Cash Sale for the Estate of WILLIAM H. LANDIS deceased Trustee - Union National Bank & Trust Co., Souderton Sale conducted by RALPH W. ZETTLEMOYER AUCTION CO. Tele. (215) 285-4616 THURS. FEB. 13- Dairy Dispersal and Farm Equipment for Alvin Good, Mastersonville, Pa. Randal Kline and Lloyd H. Kreider, Auctioneers. THURS. FEB. 13-Public Sale of Livestock and Farm Equipment located 3 miles East of New Holland on Holland Road. Terms by David H. Beiler; Robert E. Martin and Frank L. Steller, Auctioneers. THURS. FEB. 13 - Public Sale of Farm Equipment located six miles south of Chambersburg, Pa., one mile East of Marion, East of Marion Exit off Rte. 81. Ralph W. Horst, Sale Manager; Wolgemuth, Rentzel, Martin, Anderson, Kehr, Uppcrman, tionccrs. THURS. FEB. 13 - 9:30 A.M. Antique Sale Krafts Auction Room, Many Rare and Unusual Items located 2 miles North of Gettysburg, Pa. along old Rt. 15, in Adams County, Pa. Sale by Krafts Auction Room. RD6, Gettysburg, Pa. Clair R. Slaybaugh, Auctioneer. THURS. MARCH 13 - 11:30 A.M. Public Sale of Farm Machinery and Feed located along Fremount Lees Bridge Road. From Route 1 at Rising Sun go north 3 miles. From 272 at Little Britain School take Sleepy Hollow Road, 4 mile south. Watch for signs at Lees Bridge. Terms by Octorara Farms. Samuel J. Wylie Jr.; J. Everett Kreider and Carl Oilier, Auctioneers. THURS. FEB. 13-11:30 A.M. Public Sale of Modem Farm Equipment located approx. 1 mile southwest of E. Greenville, turn off Rt. 29 onto 3rd St. to farm, in Upper Hanover Twp., Montgomery Co., Pa. Sale for the Estate of William H. Landis deceased Trustee-Union National Bank and Trust Co., Souderton. Ralph W. Zet tlemoyer, Auctioneer. FRI. FEB. 14 - 12 Noon Public Sale at the farm on Fry Road miles south of Jefferson, Maryland 66 Head of Holsteins selling in the 0. Clayton Smith Production Sale. A. Doty Remsburg, Sale Mgr. and Auctioneer, Jefferson, Md. FRI. FEB. 14 - 8 P.M. Public Sale of 65 Head High Grade PUBLIC AUCTION of Valuable Farm Machinery HOGS, EAR CORN, HAY THURS., FEBRUARY 6,1975 11:30 A.M. LOCATION: Go North on Rt. 72 from Manheim and turn left onto Elizabethtown Rd Turn at the first road right and then on the first road left. Sale to be located at the second farm on the left. Watch for sale arrows. FARM MACHINERY MINNEAPOLIS MOLINE SUPER 302 TRACTOR, 55 hp. only 2250 hrs. with power steering & 3 pt. hitch; M.M. 335 tractor with N. 1.506 loader; Massey Harris 33 tractor; N.H. self-propelled 818 Harvester with 2-row head; 3 Grove silage wagons with 8-ton running gear; Gehl Hi-throw blower with goose neck & 50 ft. pipe; Bear-Cat grinder mixer no. 2A; Ford 9’ transport disc; J.D. Harrow; cultipacker; N.H. 68 baler; Sam Mulkey 32’ elevator; J.D. 3-bot. 16” roll-over plow; J.D. 2-row cornplanter; Stauffer 2-row transplanter; Ezee flow 10’ fert. drill; McCormick 150 manure spreader; M M. 7’ mower; 3-pt. 2-row cultivator; Brady Flail chopper; 2-16’ flat wagons; N.I. No. 7 compicker; N.1.4-bar side rake; J.D. 3-pt/field sprayer; David Bradley tobacco hoer; M.M. 3-pt. 2 bottom 14” plow, 2 hole corn sheller; barrels, bale box, shears, spears, rope, pulleys; 11-28 tractor chains; wheel barrow; Black & Decker 16” hedge trimmer. 66 HEAD FEEDER PIGS - 60 lbs. -120 lbs. 4 Yorkshire Sows due first week of March 2 FAMILY COWS 1 Holstein 1 Guernsey 50 ton ear corn 10 ton mixed hay 15’ silage in 12’ silo HOUSEHOLD GOODS , 1 HARDWICK 30” gas stove; Coldspot refrigerator; rockers, chairs, crib, playpen; double bed; sofa bed; twin tubs; rug & pad and other small items. Terms by; Luke H. Burkholder (717) 665-4038 & Randal V. Kline, Auctioneer (717) 626-4975 Lunch by Manheim Christian Day School NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS Holstein Dairy Cattle to be held at the Aberdeen Sales Co., Inc., livestock Auction Market, dairy barn arena, located on Rt. 22 in Chur chvillc, Harford County, Md., 6 miles east of Bel Air, Md., and 6 miles West of Aberdeen, Md. Aberdeen Sales Co., Inc., Sale Managers. Auc- SAT. FEB. 15 - All Day Auction of Used Furniture and Antiques to be held at the Lititz Rec. Center, Lititz, Pa. Richard P. Murry, Auctioneer. SAT. FEB. 15 - 1:30 P.M. Feeder Pig Sale by Walter M. Horst, located between Womelsdorf and Myerstown along Route 422, at Souchsburg take Scharff Road South 1 mile, third farm on left, Vi mile North of Sheridan Furnaces; Marion Twp., Berks County, Pa. John E. and Paul E. Martin, Auctioneers. SAT. FEB. 15 - Public Sale of Holstein Heifers and Full Line of Farm Equipment located along Rt. 272, just North of Chester County Line. Sale by Robert Counts; Kreider and Diller, Auc tioneers. SAT. FEB. 15 - 10 a.m. Consignment Sale, Farm Machinery located at Don Scheese Farm, across from Friesburg Lutheran Church on Friesburg-Aldine Road. Located m South Jersey approx. 15 miles southeast of Delaware-Memorial Bridge; 3 miles west of Deerfield, N.J.; 6 miles south of Pitt sgrove Circle (U.S. Rt. 40 and N.J. Rt. 77). Take road between diner and green Municipal Building. Wm. Bragdon, Auctioneer. SAT. FEB. 15 -11:30 Public Sale of Farm Machinery, Ear* Corn, Hay & Straw. Livestock and Household Goods located along Koscr Road, Just East of the Fruitvlllc Pike, approx. 5 miles North of Rte. 283 By- Pass, IVt miles West of Ncffsville, Pa. Sale by Rufus W. and Mary M. Martin, Ncvln Z. Martin, Auctioneer. SAT. FEB. 15-Publlc Sale of Full Line of Farm Equip ment, corn, hay and corn silage located 2 miles East of Strasburg off Rt. 741. Turn South on Esbenshade Road, Ist farm. Terms by Stanley Denlinger; Robert E. Martin and Frank L. Steller, Auctioneers. PENNSYLVANIA YORKSHIRE COOP ASSOCIATION, INC. ANNUAL SPRING SHOW AND SALE OF BRED GILTS, OPEN GILTS, AND BOARS. To be held at the Lebanon Area Fairgrounds, 1 Vi miles South of Lebanon, at the intersection of Cornwall and Evergreen Roads. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY Bth, 1975 Show -10:00 A.M. Sole - 1:00 P.M. FOR CATALOGUE WRITE TO; LEON L. ARNOLD, 1245 E. Cumberland Street Lebanon, PA 17042 PUBLIC SALE OF FARM EQUIPMENT, DAIRYING EQUIPMENT & HOUSEHOLD GOODS SATURDAY, Located 1 mile South of Route 30 from Vintage, along the Vintage road, Paradise Township, Lancaster County, PA FARM EQUIPMENT International 444 Tractor, with power steering, lights, heat houser; 3-point hook-up. Farmall M Tractor with manure loader and large like new snow scoop. Allis Chalmers “C” Tractor with cultivators and manure loader with snow blade. The following 3-point hook-up equipment: McD 2- Trip Bottom 18’.’ Plow; McD corn planter with ap plicator; McD 209 7’ Grass Mower; 6’ Scraper Blade. McD 46 PTO Baler with Bale Thrower; McD 816 Hay Conditioner; Cunningham Hay Crimper; John Deere Hay Fluffer; New Holland 56 Side Rake; 2 Flat Bed Wagons, 16’ and 18’, one a Grove with High Sides; Ruth 27’ Elevator. New Holland 130 bu. Manure Spreader on Rubber. McD Disc Harrow; Wiard 10’ Cultipacker; Ontario 13-Disc Grain Drill; Gravity Bin on Gears; 4-Section Spring Harrow; 60-Tooth Spike Harrow; 3-Section Steel Roller; Duster; Applicator for Corn Planter; Walking Plow; Dirt Scoop. Acom Barn Cleaner with 300’ of Cable Platform Scales; Portable Hay Rack; Old Milk Cans; Electric Fence Posts; Wire; Hog Troughs; 2 Mineral Feeders; Wheelbarrow; Log Chams; Air Compressor; Stripping Room Stove; Baling Box; Tobacco Plant Boxes: Forks; Shovels; Paint Sprayer; 2 Basketball Goals; Hog Feeder. 1500 BUSHEL EAR CORN DAIRYING EQUIPMENT Surge SPII Milker Pump; 3 Surge 50 lb. Milking Units; 80 and 50 gallon Water Heaters; Fly Sprayers; Eeed Carts; Stainless Strainer and Bucket; Cow Clippers; and many other articles. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Formica-Top Kitchen Table with 4 Chairs; Flexsteel Davenport; Secretary Desk; Bedroom Suite; Double and Single Beds with Springs and Mattresses; Crib; Child’s Bureau; 6 Metal Chairs; 2 Cabmets; Old Cabbage Cutter; Crocks and Jars, Some Dishes; etc. Sale at 11:00 a.m. Abe Diffenbach, Jr. Abe Diffenbach Youth Group With Refreshments Auctioneers SAT. FEB, 15 - 10 A.M. Public Sale of Household Items and Antiques, also Farm Machinery selling at 12 Noon, located in Perry County, 13 miles North of Carlisle Pcnna. on Route 74 then 1 mile East at Wcntzcl's Feed Mill on north side of bridge, first farm past Mt. Zion Church or turn South off Route 850 at Albrights Sale Barn. Sale by Fern E. Matthews and Margaret T. Matthews, RDI, Landisburg, Pa. Long Bros., Auctioneers. SAT. FEB. 15 - 2 P.M. Public Sale of Desirable Farm of 85 acres m-1 located midway between Gap and Intercourse, on Hershey’s Church Road, Salisbury Twp. - , Lancaster Co., Pa. | Continued on Page 59] 1975 FEB. Warren Denlinger OWNER
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