56—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Fab. 1. 1975 Soybean Output The world market for While our soybean soybeans Is light now and production has dropped 20 U.S. farmers needn't lose percent because of weather any sleep over foreign this year 1° million challenges In the production metric is up department. But If flit’ IW3 to a market slackens, watch out tsaaw£jßSHon. for Brazil-an awakening prices have giant In soybean production. tradlßUWly been lower-lls PUBLIC AUCTION VALUABLE REAL ESTATE SATURDAY, FEB. 22, 1975 2:00P.M. XOCADON: 2 milts North of Scbocneck alons Cocafeo Rd., Hrsi farm oa the Ml after WMtperini Pints. * IS acre dairy farm. 2 Vi story frame home. Bank barn, free stall barn, attached free stall barn with bunk feeder. 24’x70’ silo with unloader. All buildings in excellent condition. 1 acre pond, and never-failing well. TRACT 2 acres 4Vi tillable & 6 acres wooded. Ideal for country home. TRACT 3 4 building lots. From 2.9 acres to 4,1 dcrcs, All above property is located in West Cocalico Twp., Lancaster County. Property shown by appointment. This is only a partial description. For additional information on above 3 tracts, call (717) 626-4975, auctioneer. Terms by: WILMER J. & LEONA WEAVER (215) 267-2007 Randal V. Kline, Auct. PUBLIC SALE of New & Used Bicycles, Accessories, Parts & New Hardware Items One Mile East of Fleetwood, Along Dryville Road, Richmond Township, Berks County, PA. Watch for Sale Signs. SAT., FEBRUARY 8,1975 15 New Assorted 10 speed bicycles, 5 New Assorted 5 speed bicycles, 10 new Assorted 3 speed bicycles, one new adult 3 wheeled bicycle, CCM 3-speed fold-up bicycle, one Kabuki Diamond Tourer bicycle 26 ¥2 lbs. 23 in. frame, 2 Murray Fleetwood bicycles 28 lbs. 23 in. frame New, one New Kabuki Diamond Tour 23 in. white (frame only), 6% lbs., 3 New tricycles, 2 New pedal tractors, one new trailer for tractor, New battery powered child’s Dune Buggy, 25 New child’s express wagons various sizes, 15 or more reconditioned, bicycles, 20 or more used bicycles not reconditioned, and more bikes by sale day. ACCESSORIES & PARTS: Lights, speedometers, locks, baskets, horns, baby seats, safety flags, back packs, saddle bags, reflector tape, display stands, mudflaps, baskets, seats, handlebars, handlebar grips, & tape, peddles, tires, kickstands, wheels, streamers, brake drum hub sets, rims, etc., TOOLS: Shop stand for two bicycles, assorted special bicycle tools, wrenches, tire levers, air gauges, fire extinguishers, small drawer cabinets, trouble lights. NEW HARDWARE ITEMS: 6 New 225 amp Lincoln welders, various length of steel farm gates, electric heated cattle waterers, electric heated hog & cattle waterers, hog oiler, two cement mixers, handiman jacks, 6 - 2 gal. knapsack sprayers, varied widths of pushbrooms, 8 No. 14 aluminum grain scoops, 2 tractor umbrellas, 6 pieces of inch rubber hose 50 ft. length, 4 - 30 gal. drums Motor Oil, 20 metal gas cans, 10 screwdriver sets, 6 farrowing crates with feed and water gates, 6 gal. poultry fountains, many poultry fountain bases, metal baby chick feeders, 5 - 8 ft. or namental windmills, 4 Reddie Heater space heaters, kitchen light fixtures, closeout items of galvanized gutter, conductor, and other accessories. USED ITEMS: Electric motor, old gruber wagon wheels, bench grinder, hot air circulator fan with motor, 16 ft. elevator, spring wagon, rubber tired top buggy, 2 bottom Oliver plow 3 pt. hitch, tobacco transplanter, 7,500 tobacco laths, 40 round locust posts, 30 sawed locust posts, and many more valuable items by day of sale. Silage cutter blower, disc, Maytag wringer washer, fireplace wood, Philco dryer. TERMS BY: ■ , *mnn a m Adam S. Weaver Sale at 10:00 A.M. LEON KURTZ, Auctioneer - 593-5387 LEROY ZOOK, Auctioneer - 593-5793 Lunch Available Soars in Brazil soybeans yield less oil than ours-but in a high-pressure market the U.S. will feel pressure from the Latina. Brazil could now well be the world's second largest producer of soybeans after the U.S. Mainland China, which was long No. 2, has not released agricultural figures since 1959, but is reportedly emphasizing other products in its agricultural plan. In 1960, the U.S. produced 15.1 million tons, China an estimated 10.2 million, Brazil 206,000, and all other countries a total of 90,000. While our production nearly tripled, China’s sank to an estimated 6.5 million. Brazil’s soybean exports have surged even more dramatically than its production. This year’s exports-an estimated 2.8 million tons-are 40 times the 1968 level. Play Important To Child Growth From crib to kindergarten children have a big job to do - getting ready for school and their first real experience of being on their own away from their family, says Marceil A. Seckman, Ass’t Ext. Home Economist. To get ready for school, each child needs op portunities to experiment with things and with people. The world of play provides many opportunities to ex periment. Understanding, planning and sharing a child’s play are important tasks for parents - and it can be fun, too. Variety is the spice of a child’s play, but every child does not need every toy and play experience. Finger PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE FARM EQUIPMENT THURSDAY, FEB. 20,1975 Situated in Londendeny Twp., Dauphin Co., PA. Along Route 341.2 miles West of Deodate, Vh miles East of Middletown. Known as Colebrook Road. FARM EQUIPMENT Farmall 544 gas Tractor equipped. New Holland Super 67 Baler with P.T.O. thrower, New Idea 2 row regular Model 318 Super Picker, New Holland 4619 ft. Hobine, New Holland 24 ft. elevator, New Idea wagon with 8 ft. x 16 ft. bale body, Farm wagon with 7 ft. x 16 ft. bed and sides. McCormick roto-bar rake, Farmer Carvity gram wagon, McCormick 13x7 single disc grain drill. McCormick 249 tractor planter with Fert. att. McCormick 8 ft. Fert. distributor, McCurdy com drag, Allis table blower with pipe, McCormick No. 31 P.T.O. spreader. New Idea No. 17 spreader, John Deere 8 ft. orchard cultivator. McCormick No. 351 3-16” plow, John Deere KBA 28 wheel carrier disc, Brillion 9 ft. pulverizer, Oliver 36 wheel carrier disk. McCormick 12 ft. tractor-controlled springtooth harrow, Sunmaster 6 ft. 3 pt rotary cutter Graham 8 ft. chisel plow. 5 ft. pull rotary cutter. 3 pt. subsoiler. Kim 3 pt. post hole digger, 275 gal. trailer field sprayer. Wikomil6ft. Aluminum elevator. Power unloader unit, 2 false front roller units. Ton 10-20-10 Fertilizer, 8 bale baler twine. Blacksmith forge, Vise, Anvil, Clamps, 50 wood apple crates, Antique door hinges, latches, large copper kettle, wooden plane, electric motors, 2 rotary power lawn mowers. One ton chain hoist, rakes, forks, shovels, saws, ropes, axes, sledges, scrap iron, and numerous other items. Sale to commence at 11:30 A.M Auct. Earl S. Buffenmeyer Clerks, Zug, and Brandt CONDITIONS BY: MRS. EVA B. MECKLEY Refreshments Ladies of Geyers United Methodist Church. Brazilians use nearly all the oil extracted from their soybeans at home, but they are exporting moca meal every year. So far they’ve sold almost 2 million tons abroad this year-6 times the 1068 volume. Brazil owes its rise to stardom to government efforts to prod soybean output. For example, in 1973 officials removed the export tax on soybean meal; in 1074 they reduced the export tax on soybeans from 13 to 9.5 percent; and for 1975, the support price to producers was raised to encourage production. Though a distant second in the world soybean league, Brazil’s future looks rosy. A conservative forecast for 1975 puts production at almost 8.3 million tons, and some observers predict output will soar as high as 9 million. painting, for example, is a fine activity for a rainy day - if both you and your child like to finger paint. If not, choose another activity you can both enjoy. More ideas for rainy day play along with other in formative articles for the mothers of pre-schoolers can be found in Toddler Topics. This is a series of learning packets covering such items as food & nutrition,; health and safety; family en vironment; the growing child; and learning at play. If you would like to receive Toddler Topics send your name, address, and zip code to Marceil A. Seckman, Ass’t Ext. Home Economist, Court House, York, Pa. 17401. Young Farmers Elect Officers The Cedar Crest Young followed with reports being Farmers recently held their given and committees first meeting for the year, selected. Officers were elected and Winners of the Corn Silage are as follows: Richard C. Contest were also announced Kreider, president; Edward with awards being pesented Arnold, vice-president; to: Elwood Houser • Ist; Mark Hltz, secretary; Richard Bomberger, • 2nd; Ronald Lentz, treasurer; Clifford Groff - 3rd; Richard Robert Schaeffer, Public Kreider - 4th; Ronald Lentz - relations and Donald McNutt sth and Ronald Lentz - 6th, as advisor. also. Jeff Smith, employed by In the Grass Silage Contest Agway, gave a talk on silage Richard Bomberger placed and forage analysis reports Ist with Earl Hitz and Carl following the elections. A Reist receiving 2nd and 3rd short business meeting place honors respectively. „. . ... ■ i * » A . EberlyiGossert, Ralph W. Horst, Auctioneer Clerks msm am herd DISPERSAL The undersigned having sold their farm and intending to quit far ming will seif on farm located about six miles northeast of Cham bersburg, fa., 1 mile north of Scotland and Scotland Exit off Me. 81, watch for signs along Rte. 997 on FRIDAY, FEB. 7,1975 Sale at 12:00 o’clock 70 HEAD OF GRADE HOLSTEIN CATTLE Tested within 30 days; Preg. checked. Herd consists of 40 milk cows, fresh, springers including quite a few due in Feb. and March, balance in various stage of lactation; 9 bred heifers, 1 due by sale, bal. due in summer, 8 open heifers from 10 mo. to yearlings, 4 from 4 to 5 mo., bal. are younger heifers and calves. Young cattle and many of the cows are A.B.C. sired; bred animals carry A.B.C. service. A good producing herd worthy of your attention. PLEASE NOTE - Farm equipment sells Friday, March 14. Terms: Cash; Sale in Tent; Lunch at Sale. LESTER D. AND GAIL I. KLINE R.D. 2, Chambersburg, Pa. PUBLIC SALE FARM MACHINERY - EAR CORN HAY - STRAW - LIVESTOCK HOUSEHOLD GOODS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15,1975 11:30 A.M. Located along Koser road, just east of the Fruitville Pike, approx. 5 miles north of the 283 bypass, I‘A miles west of Neffsville, Pa. Watfch for yellow sale signs. JOHN DEERE 3010 GAS GOOD CONDITION JOHN DEERE 50 with 2-14-in. Plow and Cultivators; John Deere MT with Plow and Cultivators; John Deere MT with mounted weed sprayer; 3-pt. J.D. 3-14-in. Trip Plow, J.D. 24T Baler with No. 2 ejector; J.D. No. 494 4- row Com Planter, J.D. No. 5 Mower, J.D. Hay Crim per, J.D. 4-bar Rake, J.D. 13-disc Grain Drill, J.D. 3-pt. 2-section Rotary Hoe, J.D. 28-disc Harrow, 9 ft. Cultipacker. MASSEY HARRIS Self-propelled Com Picker, New Idea No. 19 PTO Spreader, New Idea No. 501 Loader, Farmec 36-ft. Elevator, 2 Bale Wagons with high sides; 2 Smoker Com Bin Wagons, Tool Bar, Mounted Tractor Weeder, Tobacco Hoer with motor; 1950 Ford %-ton Stake Truck, 2 Harvey Hammermills, 2 24-ft. Single Tobacco Ladders, Cyclone Tractor Seeder, 225-amp. Lincoln Welder, Electric Feed Cart, 11-ft. 4-in. Auger, Platform Scales, Wheelbarrow, Bag Wagon, Vise, Tobacco Bale Box, Tobacco Shears and Spears, more tools not mentioned. CROPS 100 TON EAR CORN, 8 Ton Alfalfa Hay, 14 Ton Mixed Hay, 25 Ton Straw, 600 Bushels Barley. (All crops are estimated figures). LIVESTOCK 5 PONIES, 1 REG. WELSH STUD 15 EWES—2 RAMS HOUSEHOLD GOODS Easy Spin Washer, War drobe, Cabinets, 3 9x12 and 1 9x16 Rugs. Sale starts 11:30 a.m. Terms by RUFUS W. AND MARY M. MARTIN 569-0704 Nevin Z. Martin, Auctioneer, 717-354-7186 Martin-Martin, Clerks Lunch by Neffsville Fire Co. Not responsible for accidents. * >
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