16— Lancaiter Farming, Saturday. Feb. 1. 1975 4 Berks Co . Society 2 Berks Co. Society 2 of Farm Women met In the home of Mrs. Eugene Stump recently. Mrs. Stump had charge of opening devotions, followed by the Lord's Proycr and flag salute. “What is your favorite game?" was the roll call question answered by six teen members. President, Arlene Hershcy conducted the business meeting. Minutes were read by Mrs. Quentin Gettel and the treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Clarence Klahr, both were approved. The Sunshine committee reported a sympathy bouquet was sent to the funeral of Alvin and I .ester Morgan, lister having been the group’s adopted patient. A thank you note was received from the I.eßoy Derr family for the bouquet. Helen Ebhng reported the tea at the Berks Heim is April 23,1 to 3 p.m. Society 2 is responsible for 4 pounds of cookies. Helen Eblmg, Mrs. Carl Kauffman, Jr., Mrs. Clarence Klahr, Mrs. Clayton Schmehl, Mrs. Oscar Manbeck attended the Farm Women State Con vention at Harrisburg January 6 and 7. Mrs. Ebling, Mrs. Schmehl, and Mrs. Klahr gave reports of the convention relating that there are 4,192 farm women members in the state of Pa. r BUY BY THE CASE & SAVE sss 1 I CORKS CANNED GOODS! COUPON SPECIALS THIS WEEK 15 oz SPAGHETTI w/MEAT BAUS 35can 16 OZ. BOX _ CORN STARCH 19 C STORE Thurs & Fn 9 to 8 150 Fruitville Pike HOURS: Saturday 9 to 6 Manheim.Pa Mrs. Manbeck represented the Society in the sew a long dress fashion show. This was the 56th convention of Farm Women. It was reported that the spring rally will be April 30th at the Hershcy Motor Ixidgc. An invitation was received from Group 5 to attend a night of entertainment to celebrate their 10th an- niversary; being held March 18 at 7:30 P.M. in the Womelsdorf Elementary School. 15 members are planning to attend. The members again discussed ideas of fund raising projects. A donation was made to the Kline family near Frystown who recently were involved in a fire. The installation of new member, Mrs. Carl Kauff man, Sr. was conducted by Helen Ebhng. Mrs. Daniel Harnish briefed the group of some of the coming events for the year 1975. After the hostess served refreshments the ladies enjoyed a night of fun playing games. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Wilbur Hershey on Feb. 25th. Berks Co. Society 5 Mrs. Ernest Wessner, Womelsdorf RDI, was the hostess for the 93th meeting of Farm Women Society 5 of Berks County. Nineteen members answered the roll call “What is the answer to your by-law question?” Mrs. Andrew Schoener presided Pomona Grange Adopts Resolution I Lancaster County Pomona Grange 71 held a dinner meeting January 18, 7 p.m., at Rhoads Restaurant, Quarryvllle, followed by a business session in charge of the Master, Jesse Wood. The Grange adopted this resolution: “WHEREAS, There has been a move by the Department of En vironmental Resources to close all our township dumps. And WHEREAS, The said dumps have been in operation for years without causing any great amount of water or air pollution. And WHEREAS, Without the said dumps to dispose of our solid waste, experience has shown that this material is disposed of in private dumps, along our highways or streams, creating a much greater health hazard. Be it RESOLVED, That Lan caster County Pomona Grange 71, meeting in regular session January 18, 1975, go on record favoring legislation that would place the control and operation of township dumps in the control of' our township Supervisors unless it can be definitely proved in a court of law that said dump is a definite hazard to health of the citizens in the com munity.” Lancaster, Chester- Delaware and Montgomery Counties Pomona Granges will host the Pa. State Grange Convention October 27-30 in Lancaster with headquarters at The Hilton Inn. The Host Town Resort Motel, Holiday Inn and various other motels will at the meeting. Plans for the Society’s 10th anniversary celebration are being completed. The program is planned for March 18th. The group also discussed the Hoe-Down which is scheduled for Feb. 15th at the Stouchsburg Fire HalL from 8-11 pm. with music being provided by the “Survivors”. Mrs. Richard Moyer and Mrs. Carl Keener reported on their visit to Berks Heim to present gifts to the Society’s adopted patient. Mrs. Ernest Wessner reported on the State Con vention held in Harrisburg. It was announced that the Spring Rally will be held April 30th at the Hershey Motor Lodge. Susan Seidel, the Dairy Princess of Berks Co., presented the evening’s program The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. James Batz, Richland RDI on Feb 24th house approximately 2200 Grangers that will attend. Meetings will be held in the Lincoln Junior High School and McCaskey High School. Richard Maule, chairman of the entertainment com mittee, hosted a planning meeting January 14 and reported on details for the convention program booklet and named committee chairmen. Grange representatives met January 21 with the Lan caster Chamber of Com merce. The new Master of the Pa. State Grange, J. Luther Snyder, has reappointed Thomas Galbreath as Deputy State Master for Lancaster County. The inter-county Grange visitation meeting will be held May 3 at Kimberton Grange Hall in Chester County. Lancaster Co. Pomona officers will fill the chairs and Montgomery and Lower Bucks Co. Pomonas will present the program. Pomona Lecturer, Mrs. Jesse Wood, presented a memorial program in memory of the following: Mrs. Joseph Sinclair, Laurence Temple, Peter Fry and Mrs. Eleanor Beck. She read poems “Let Me Die Working” and “There Is No Death.” The Chaplain, Loran Bnnton, read the 13th Chapter of St. John which was followed by group singing “In The Garden.” Fitting remarks were given by Mrs. Clifford Holloway Jr., Mrs. J. Stanley Stauffer Jr., Charles McSparran and Mrs. Thomas Galbreath Mrs. Owen Groff read a poem “Sunset And Evening Star”. Mrs. Melvin Boyce was pianist. The next meeting of Pomona Grange 71 will be held at Fulton Grange Hall, Oakryn, April 19, 8 p.m. TRY A CLASSIFIED Valentine There can be more than Cupid, bows and arrows and hearts and flowers on St. Valentine’s Day. There can be festive, colorful, nutritious foods. Nutritionists at Dairy Council Inc., Southampton, Pa., offer these casy-to make St. Valentine’s Day dishes: Frozen Strawberry Yogurt Combine strawberry yogurt with drained diced peaches, fruit cocktail and (optional) chopped nuts. Fill individual dessert molds. Freeze. Unmold and serve on greens as an appetizer or salad. Cherry Bombe (Elegant and nutritious) 1 qt. vanilla ice cream sof- tened Vfe cup maraschino cherries halved and drained v* cup coarsely chopped walnuts 1 8-mch layer sponge cake, cut in ? i-mch layers to fit mold One-third cup maraschino syrup Sherry extract to taste 1 pint cherry ice cream Line a chilled I-V2 quart springform pan or heart shaped mold with ice cream. Place cherry halves and chopped walnuts on ice cream. Freeze until firm. Place cake layer over ice cream and pack firmly. Combine cherry syrup and sherry. Pour over cake. Pack cherry ice cream into mold on top of cake. Freeze. Unmold and garnish with whipped cream and cherries. Makes 12 servings. Cherry Bavarian \ RUGGED CONSTRUCTION SOLID CONCRETE WALLS | STEEL REINFORCED INTERNATIONAL STAR SILO ASSOCIATION, Inc RDI, MYERSTOWN, PA 17067 DIAL (717) 866-5708 Desserts 1 envelope unflavored gelatin Two-third cup sugar Two-third tsp. salt 1 can (1 lb.) water-pack pitted red sour cherries 2 eggs, separated >4 tsp. almond extract ‘4 tsp. red food coloring 1 cup heavy cream, whipped In a saucepan, mix gelatin, one-third cup sugar and salt. Drain cherries, reserving liquid. Beat liquid with egg yolks and stir into gelatin mixture. Put over low heat and cook, stirring until gelatin and sugar are dissolved. Remove from heat and add next two ingredients and cherries. Chill until mixture begins to set. Beat egg whites until foamy. Gradually add remaining sugar and beat until stiff. Fold with whipped cream into cherry mixture. Pour into six individual molds and chill until firm. To unmold, dip in warm water a few seconds, then shake onto serving dish. Cranberry Cream 2 cups (1 pint) chilled cranberry juice cocktail 2 cups vanilla ice cream 2 cups chilled cherry soda I*2 tsp. lemon juice Dash salt Combine ingredients and whirl in blender 30 seconds until smooth. Pour into tall glasses and serve at once. Suggested garnish; sprinkle of nutmeg. Serves 6. The Veterans Administration expends more than $6 5 billion an nually in compensation and pen sion payments-to 5 3 million disabled veterans and eligible dependents
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