Lancaster Farming. Saturday. Feb. 1. 1975 Beat Winter Blahs - Sew Something Ne Printed Pattern cdi, 9251 SIZES 7-15 Pnnted Pattern 9251 Jr. Miss Sizes 7, 9.11,13,15 Size 11 (bust 33V6) takes I?* yards 60-inch Transfer ONE DOLLAR toi each pal lem add 25 cents each toi first class mail and special handling Send to 170 News pa pel Pattem Dept 232 West 18th St, New loik. N Y 10011 Printed Pattern © . _ / IjM Printed I’attein ')2">'i Womens Si/(s 34 30 3S, lu 12 14 4h IS Sl7( !h (blisl Id) lakes 2Vi 'aids I", inf li ONE DOLLAR foi each pal lein add 25 (fnts each foi first class mail and special s-mrt l " Send to 170 News lern Dept 232 West IStli SI , New 7 oi K, N Y 10011 f m r 0* ■T 6 o ' * .o. c» I f. ft . ■°i& * y-6 o If the winter blahs have found their way into your home following the Holiday excitement, beat them by taking a few free moments each week to sew. Constructing either a garment for yourself, husband or children can be rewarding as Well as one sure method to save a little money for this summer’s vacation. Fabrics today, come in such a variety of colors, prints and textures that just shopping for material can be an interesting change of pace. If your home needs a little “sprucing up" why not try making throw pillows with different shades of gingham or floral prints. Give new life to an old vanity table by adding a skirt and ruffle made from a delicate cotton print. Or cover a piece of plywood with a brilliant colored burlap to make a flashy bulletin board for a child’s bedroom. Does your breakfast set need reviving? Why not sew new chair cushions and a matching tablecloth made from the wildly printed bed sheets now available. Whatever you choose to do, whether it be to sew for yourself or the household, make the activity a time for relaxation and enjoyment. Even if you are a beginning seamstress, many of the pattern companies now offer instructional material to help you begin sewing with confidence. For starters we have selected several patterns from the Marian Martin collection to share with you as a part of our sewing feature. Printed Pattern 9397 SIZES 34-50 Printed Pattein 9397 Women s Sizes 34, 35 38 40 12 44 4b 48 50 Size 3b (bust 40) takes 2% jds bO-mcli ONE DOLLAR for pat tein add 25 cents each foi first (lass mail and special handling Send to 170 Nevs papei Palletn Dept 232 West 18th St , New \oi k, N 'V 10011 nted Pattern / 9375 SIZES 10/2-18/2 Printed Pattein 9375 Half Sizes IOVs, 12U, 141,2, Ifi'a. IS'i Size 14 , 0 (bust 37) takes yaids 60 inch ONE DOLLAR for each pat lein add 25 cents each foi first (lass mail and special handling Send to 170 Netvs papei Pattein Dept. 232 West 18th St . New Voik. N Y 10011. Printed Pattern §m A l£J ‘>^l *T l, * \ kv « h ' |s>r 4« m ',b? « * I lks \VV'^ I <gW VA 4 ’J-M *W Vi .v^\ ■ "I 1 - 1 l-ife" Lpi X|% ® ‘ft.* MMI T I/ ® #\jr*>^' : 2S%r§! w A I ! 1) 9281 8-18 Glinted I'aiipin 9JSI Misses’ Sizes \ 10, 12, 1 I. lb IS Size 12 (busl 34) tabes 3 yaids 41 in< li ONE DOLLAR toi each pat lain add 21 < < tils each toi first (lass mail and special handling Send lo 170 News :W
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