Ceramics - From A Hobby UNCLAIMED FREIGHT COMPANY and LIQUIDATION SALES LARGEST MANUFACTURER OF STEREOS, CLOSING PHILADELPHIA WAREHOUSE - WE PURCHASED A TRAILER LOAD. THESE PRICES ARE UNDER WHOLESALE - FREIGHT ■ NO CHARGE. 20 QUAD SETS - AM-FM Stereo - 8 Track - BSR Turntable - 4 Speakers. Reg. $409.00 OUR PRICE $229.00 20 Same as above - w-Bigger Speakers - Garrard Changer. Reg. $469.95 OUR PRICE $269.95 11 STEREO CONSOLES - AM-FM Stereo - 8 Track-Turntable. Reg. $369.95 OUR PRICE $179.95. 40 STEREO COMPONENTS - AM-FM Stereo-Garrard Changer - 10 Speaker Air Suspension System - High Wattage. Reg. $469.95 OUR PRICE $229.95. 12 ONLY 11 BAND RADIOS Reg. $119.95 OUR PRICE $49.95. HUNDREDS OF OTHER STEREOS TO CHOOSE FROM CONSOLES - COMPONENTS - RECORDING UNITS 6 25" COLOR CONSOLES - Full Size - To the Floor. Reg. $669.95 OUR PRICE $449.95. THOUSANDS OF TAPES REG. *4.89 OUR PRICE *2.00 EACH 18 SEWING MACHINES - Zig-Zag-Button Holer, Etc. Made Up For Cham Store. We Purchased at Great Savings. Reg. $189.95 OUR PRICE $79.95 W-CASE. STILL HAVE BOX SPRINGS & MATTRESSES FROM LOCAL MANUFACTURER WHO WENT BANKRUPT 6 DOUBLE SIZE - Firm - Reg. $169.95 OUR PRICE $45.00 SET - Mix & Match. 5 SINGLE SIZE - Firm - Reg. $169.95. OUR PRICE $45.00 SET - Mix & Match. 12 EARLY AMERICAN SOFA & CHAIR SETS - 100 Percent Nylon. Were Doubled Shipped to the Largest Cham Store m the Country. We Purchased. Reg. $629.95 OUR PRICE $265.00. LIQUIDATING 5,000 SQ. FT. WAREHOUSE OF FURNITURE FOR LOCAL MANUFACTURER SOFA & CHAIR - Naugh - Reg. $369.95 OUR PRICE $179.95. EARLY AMERICAN SOFA & CHAIR $549.95 OUR PRICE $265.00T MANY MORE SUITES TO CHOOSE FROM 150 RECLINERS - Left - Dealer Refused from Upstate. 50 - 70 PERCENT OFF RETAIL 5 CHEST FREEZERS - Reg. $329.95 to $369.95 OUR PRICE $265.00 15.3 cu. ft. DELUXE MODEL. BUNK BED SETS - Reg. $289.95 OUR PRICE $149.95. BUNK BED SETS - Maple & Pine Reg. $339.95 OUR PRICE $179.95. 30 DINING ROOM SETS - Complete - Buy the Piece you want - Refused from State & Local Dealers - We Purchased - Will be Sold at Wholesale and Under Pme - Maple - Oak - Cherry - Veneered. 14 FULL SIZE SEWING MACHINES - Light Weight - Not Cast Iron - Built-In Button Holer - Blind Stitch w-True Stretch Stitch - Built-In Reg. $309.95 OUR PRICE $109.95 w-Portable Case. 11 SEWING MACHINES - Fully Automatic - Lightweight - Nationally Advertised at $389.95 OUR PRICE $179.95. 3 POOL TABLES - Solid Slate Tops MICRO-WAVE OVENS. 60 GRANDMOTHER & GRANDFATHER CLOCKS 40 to 50 PERCENT OFF. 51 PINE ROCKERS - Reg $13900 to $189.00 OUR PRICE $79.95. 40 HIDE-A-BEDS - Herculon. Reg. $28995 OUR PRICE $169.95. DESKS OFFICE & HOME DUE TO SO MANY DEALER CANCELLATIONS WHICH WE PURCHASED FROM THE COMPANIES AND FREIGHT COMPANIES, THE ITEMS ARE TOO MANY TO MENTION ALL OF THEM, COME IN AND SEE, THEY ARE STILL POURING IN. IF YOU DON'T SEE IT - ASK FOR IT FULL WARRANTY, FINANCING THRU BANK, ACCEPTANCE COOPERATIONS CREDIT CARDS LAYAWAY CORNER OF HEMPLAND ROAD & CENTERVILLE ROAD NEXT TO 84 LUMBER LANCASTER, PA HOURS; MONDAY-FRIDAY 10 A.M. to 9 P.M SATURDAY 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. PHONE: 397-6241 Pom 3SI I Continued from 1 cup water 2 tablespoons cream of tartar 2 tablespoons vegetable oil food coloring Cook over medium heat, stirring all the time, until it becomes solid, about five minutes. Gingerbread Men % cup shortening % cup sugar % cup light molasses (King syrup) % tablespoon vinegar 1 egg 4M- cups flour 3 A teaspoon salt % teaspoon soda % teaspoon cinnamon % teaspoon ginger Mix moist ingredients. Add dry ingredients. With your hands shape balls of dough into a gingerbread man, using raisins, chocolate chips etc. for eyes and buttons. Bake at 350 degrees for 12 to 15 minutes. 1 cup sugar % cup brown sugar Va teaspoon water Vz cup com syrup Va teaspoon baking soda 1 tablespoon butter Boil over medium heat until it forms a hard crack when tested in cold water. Pour over popped unsalted com. 2 cups water Va cup pineapple juice Va cup maraschino cherry juice 4 tablespoons minute tapioca One-third cup sugar Va teaspoon salt IVa cups crushed pineapple 6 maraschino cherries, cut up Vi cup broken walnuts 1 cup whipped cream Boil first 6 ingredients together. Cool. Add rest of ingredients and serve. Melt together: 4 oz. semi-sweet chocolate 1 stick (4 oz) margarine or butter Add: 1 cup flour 1% cups sugar 4 eggs 1 cup nuts 1 teaspoon vanilla Pour into a 9 x 13 inch pan, layer pans or cup cake tins. Bake at 325 degrees for 30 minutes. Shoo Fly Cup Cakes 2M> cups flour V-k cups brown sugar Vz cup shortening Make crumbs and set % cup aside 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 cup brown sugar 1 teaspoon baking soda IVz cups boiling water Mix together. Add to above mixture. Pour into baking cups. Sprinkle each with crumbs which were reserved. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. Easy Chocolate Cake Reg Mix together: 2 cups flour 2 cups granulated sugar % cup cocoa 2 teaspoons baking soda DON'T NEGLECT YOUR EYES Visit Your Eye Doctor if you are in doubt Doctor's Prescriptions Filled Adjustments, Repairs DAVID'S OPTICAL CO. Always See Better 403 N DUKE STREET Phone 394-2767 Lancaster Caramel Cora Polka Dot Pudding Brownies TRY A CLASSIFIED AD X'° FAST - DEPENDABLE - SERVICE E< s u lP pED TO SERVE YOU — FOR ALL YOUR FARM NEEDS MY ***** Mrs. Mowrer is justly proud of refurnished and baby Kenny likes carpet his mother made. 1 teaspoon baking powder Vz teaspoon salt Add: 2 eggs Vz cup vegetable oil 1 cup strong coffee 1 cup milk Bake at 350 degrees 20 to 30 minutes. Bring to boil: 2 sticks (1 cup) margarine or butter 4 tablespoons cocoa 1 cup water Add: 2 cups granulated sugar 2 cups flour Stir in: Vz cup buttermilk or milk with 1 teaspoon vinegar 1 teaspoon baking soda 2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla Bake at 400 degrees for 20 minutes in a large flat pan jelly roll pan. Heat: 1 stick butter or margarine 4 tablespoons cocoa 6 tablespoons milk Pour over: 1 lb. 10X sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla Spread on hot cake. Cool and cut. SPACE CALORIC HEATERS RANGES R'S METERED GAS SERVICE, INC. P.O. BOX 71 MANHEIM, PA. 17545 Telephone (717) 665-3588 Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Feb. 1,1971 £ LIPPART’S OF LITITZ ■ « Clothinf "Exdushraly" For rW TALL MEN & jk ■ BIG MEN 22 East Mam Straat Lltitz, Panntylvania 17543 626 4606 Convenient Hours: Daily 9 to 5:30 Thurs. & Fri. til 9 Sat. til 5 Closed Sunday & Holidays the the Texas Cake GAS BROODERS FURNACES 5-4 room soft pli
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