Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 01, 1975, Image 2
—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Eeb. 1.1975 2 Local Livestock Market, Auction News Lancaster Market Monday,January 27 Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Today * 708 162 596 201 Last Monday 89 612 144 537 Last Year 648 148 708 142 Monday’s Auction 546 170 602 201 Last Monday’s Auction 576 121 562 156 CATTLE: Compared to last Wednesday slaughter .steers fully steady; cows mostly steady; bulls weak to 1.00 lower; insufficient volume bullocks to fully test trend. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice 975-1300 lb. 35.75- 38.25; few high Choice and Prime 38.25-39.25; high Good and low Choice 950-1300 lb. 33.50-36.10; Good 32.00-35.25, mostly 33.00-34.50; Standard 26.85- SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 750-1000 32.50-36.25. COWS: Utility and high dressing Cutter 19.00-20.50, few 20.50-21.00, couple head 21.85- Cutter 17.25- 20.00; Canner and low Cutter 16.00-17.50. BULLOCKS: Few Choice 975-1200 lb. 31.00-33.00. BULLS: Yield grade 1 1100-1700 lb. 26.50-28.00, couple 28.00-30.35 including individual 2175 lb. 29.85 yield grade 2 1000-1350 lb. 23.25- 27.00. VEAL CALVES: Good to Prime vealers steady, Utility 1.00-3.00 higher. Supply included 30 head Prime 335 lb. bought to arrive at 64.00. VEALERS: Couple Prime 60.00- Choice 52.00- 60.00; Good 42.00-53.00; Standard 30.00-42.00; Utility 90-105 lb. 25.00-29.00, 70-85 lb. 21.00- SHEEP: Wooled lambs mostly steady. HAY MARKETS New Holland January 27, 1975 Prices Per Ton: 68 loads hay & 29 loads straw. Alfalfa 50.00-88.00; Timothy 26.00-66.00, one at 89.00; Mixed hay 42.00-72.00; Grass hay, few loads 50.00- 61.00; Straw 39.00-47.00; Clover, few loads 53.00-70.00; Com, 6 loads 64.00-74.50; Com Fodder, 2 loads 17.00 and 33.00. Paul Z. Martin Wednesday, Jan. 29 63 loads of hay & straw sold as follows: Alfalfa 49 to 73; Timothy 45 to 56; Mixed Hay 48 to 74; Clover 1 load 55; Straw 36 to 45; 2 loads Corn 66 to ,68. Regional Hay Prices For Southeastern & So. Central Pennsylvania (All hay No. 2 and better, prices paid by dealers at the farm, price per ton.) Hay and straw steady. Alfalfa 60.00-70.00; Mixed hay 40.00-50.00; Timothy hay 35.00-45.00; Straw 30.00- 38.00; Mulch 20.00-35.00. Vintage Auction Tuesday, January 28 Cattle Calves Sheep Today 784 664 83 Last Tuesday 533 532 40 Last Year 989 484 CATTLE: Compared to last Tuesday slaughter steers uneven, Choice and Prime 2.00-2.50 lower, Good to low Choice steady to 1.00 lower, Standard mostly steady; cows fully steady; bulls 1.00-2.00 lower. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 1100- 1250 lb. 37.50-39.50; Choice 950-1300 lb. 35.25-38.25, few 38.25-39.25, around 15 head 39.50-40.50; high Good and low Choice 33.75-35.50; Good Standard and low Good 28.00-31.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 910-1100 lb. 31.75- 34.60, three head 38.25-38.85. COWS: Utility and high dressing Cutter 18.75-20.50, few 20.75-21.50,'couple 21.75- 22.10; Cutter 17.50-20.00; Canner and low Cutter 16.00- 17.50. BULLS: Yield grade 1 1150-1650 lb. 25.00-26.75, four head 1890-2115 lb. 25.85-26.85; yield grade 2 1000-1400 lb. 22.00- several 900-1050 lb. 20.00-23.00. VEAL CALVES: Vealers uneven, Good and Choice steady to 2.00 lower. Utility and Standard steady to 1.00 higher; Slaughter calves 3.00- lower. Supply in cluded 380 graded calves. VEALERS: Choice 49.00- 55.00, couple 57.00-59.00; Good 38.00-49.00; Standard 110-130 lb. 29.00-36.00; Utility 90-110 lb. 22.50-28.50,70-90 lb. 21.50-23.50. WOOLED LAMBS: Choice 90-110 lb. 42.00-43.50; Good 50-90 lb. 33.00-40.00. Green Dragon January 24, 1975 Prices Per Ton; 70 loads hay and 31 loads straw. Alfalfa 60.00-84.00, 14 loads 46.00- Timothy 45.00- 58.00, one load 68.00; Mixed hay 44.00-64.00, few loads 80.00; Clover, few loads 46.00- Orchard Grass hay, one load at 46.00; Straw 38.00- Com, 17 loads 64.50-69.00, one load 61.00. LEBANON VALLEY LIVESTOCK MARKET, INC. 1 mile east of Fredericksburg along Route 222 PHONE JONESTOWN 865-2881 Sale every Tuesday at 1.30 P.M. starting with feeder cattle and pigs. Lancaster Auction Wednesday, January 29 Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Today 498 118 690 66 Last Wednesday 691 75 352 1 Last Year 914 51 560 25 Wed.’s Auction 371 133 710 73 Last Wed.’s Auc. 586 91 386. 1 CATTLE: Compared to Monday slaughter steers steady to 50 higher; cows 50- 75 higher; bullocks 1.00-1.50 higher; bulls steady to 1.00 lower. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice 950-1275 lb. 36.00- 38.35; high Good and low Choice 33.75-36.60; Good 33.00- few 31.50-33.00; Standard and low Good 26.35- 30.50, few 24.75-26.35. COWS: Utility and high dressing Cutter 19.85-21.50, couple 22.00-22.25; Cutter 18.25-20.35; Canner and low Cutter 15.75-18.25. BULLOCKS: Choice 950- 1350 lb. 32.0084.75; Good 27.85-32.25. BULLS: Yield grade 1 11001650 lb. 25.5027.00, six head 14601685 lb. 28.0030.50, individual 1900 lb. 31.75; yield grade 2 10001350 lb. 24.0026.00, few 9001000 lb. 22.75-24.50. VEAL CALVES: Vealers mostly steady, instances 1.00 lower on Utility and Stan dard. Supply included 30 Prime 335 lb. bought to arrive at 64.00. VEALERS: Few Prime 62.00- Choice -50.00- 58.00; Good 40.00-48.00; Standard 110-130 lb. 28.00- 38.00; Utility 90-105 lb. 23.00- 26.00, 70-85 lb. 20.00-23.00. SHEEP: Wooled lambs mostly steady, supply in cluded about 30 head 65-75 lb. new crop lambs. WOOLED LAMBS: Good 50-05 lb. 33.00-40.00. NEW CROP LAMBS: Choice and Prime 65-75 lb. 50.50-52.50. SLAUGHTER CALVES: Good and Choice 220-350 lb. 22.00-26.00; few Choice 26.00- 31.00; Standard 18.00-22.00. RETURNED TO FARM: 105 head 100-112 lb. Holstein bulls sold in five lots 27.00- 32.00, two lots totaling 40 head 90-95 lb. 25.00-25.50. SHEEP: Supply included around 60 goats sold by the head at 12.00-20.00, few 22.00- 30.00; few Choice 60-90 lb. wooled lambs 44.00-47.00, Good 32.0043.00. VINTAGE SALES STABLES, INC. PARADISE, PENNA. BULLS, STEERS, BUTCHER COWS, LAMBS AND VEAL CALVES SOLD ON COMMISSION SALE EVERY TUESDAY 12 NOON HOG SALES Every Saturday At 9: OO A.M. Every Wednesday At 9: OO A.M. FOR MARKETING INFORMATION PHONE AREA CODE 717-442-4181 For 24 Hour Market Reporting Service, Call 717-768-3117 Box 100 Paradise Pa 10 miles East ol Lancaster on Rt 30 New Holland Auction Thursday, January 30 Cattle Calves Sheep Today 865 547 11 Last Week 958 632 11 Last Year 579 390 0 CATTLE: Compared to last Thursday slaughter steers 50-1.00 higher; cows unevenly steady to SO lower although mostly sales steady with few utility 1.00 lower; bulls 50-1.00 lower with most decline on yield grade 2 under 1050 lb. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Few high Choice and Prime 1075-1250 lb. 37.35-38.75; Choice 950-1300 lb. 36.75- 39.00, few 39.00-39.60 with about eight head mainly Choice yield grade 2 39.75- 41.75; high Good and low Choice 950-1350 lb. 34.50- 37.50, few 1350-1495 lb. 32.60- 35.35; Good 31.50-35.00; Standard 27.50-30.50; few Utility 24.75-27.25. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Few Choice 775-1000 lb. 30.00- 31.00. COWS: Utility and high dressing Cutter 19.00-21.00, few 21.00-22.00, couple 22.00- 22.50; Cutter 17.75-20.00; Canner and low Cutter 16.00- 17.75. BULLOCKS: Good 850- 1100 lb. 25.50-27.25; couple Choice 32.50-35.75. BULLS: Yield grade 1 1100-1700 lb. 25.75-27.75, few 28.50-30.25, individual 32.25; yield grade 2 1000-1400 lb. 22.75-25.75 with couple lots 775-1000 lb. 21.50-23.25. VEAL CALVES: Vealers mostly steady, instances 1.00 higher. Supply included about 200 Standard to Choice 220-350 lb. slaughter calves: VEALERS: Choice 54.00- 59.00; couple Prime 63.00- 68.00; Good 41.00-52.00; Standard 110-135 lb. 29.00- 42.00; Utility 90-105 lb. 24.00- 30.00; 70-85 lb. 20.50-26.50. SLAUGHTER CALVES: Standard and Good 220-350 lb. 22.00-26.00; few Good and Choice 27.00-30.00. RETURNED TO FARM: Bulk 95-115 lb. Holstein bulls 29.00-34.00. SHEEP: Insufficient volume to fully test trends; one lot Good and Choice 75 lb. wooled lambs 41.00. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! Composite Report Friday, January 31 Cattle Calves This week 3300 1550 Last Week 3145 1333 Last Year 3294 1035 CATTLE: Slaughter steers uneven, closing sales generally steady to 50 higher, instances 1.00 higher than last week’s close although Tuesday’s sales as much as 2.50 lower than previous week; cows generally steady, few late sales 50 lower; bullocks scarce, mostly steady; bulls 50-1.00 lower, instances 2.00 lower with most decline on yield grade 2 under 1050 lb. Supply included an estimated 40 percent slaughter steers, 25 per cent cows, 15 per cent bulls with the balance mainly feeder steers. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 1075- 1250 1b.'37.50-39.50; Choice 950-1300 lb. 35.25-38.75, few 39.00- with around 25 head mainly Choice yield grade 2 39.75-41.75; high Good and low Choice 950-1350 lb. 33.75-37.00, few 1350-1495 lb. 32.60-35.35; Good 3J.00- 35.50; Standard and low Good 26.75-31.00; few Utility and low Standard 24.75-27.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 750-1100 lb. 31.75- 36.25, three head 38.25-38.85. COWS: Utility and high dressing Cutter 18.75-21.00, few 21.00-21.50 with a couple 22.00- Cutter 17.50- 20.00; Canner and low Cutter 15.75-18.00. BULLOCKS: Choice 950- 1350 lb. 31.00-34.75, couple 35.00- Good 25.50-32.00. BULLS: Yield grade 1 1100-1700 lb, 25.50-28.00, few 28.50-30.35, couple 31.75- 32.25; yield grade 2 1000-1350 lb. 22.50-26.50, several 775- 1000 lb. 20.00-23.00. VEAL CALVES: Vealers uneven, Choice and Prime 1.00- lower, Utility and Standard steady instances 1.00 higher. Supply included around 250 Standard to Choice 220-350 lbs. slaughter calves; around 65 head mostly prime 335 lb. bought to arrive at 64.00. VEALERS: Prime 60.00- 65.00, couple at 68.00; Choice SPECIAL EVENING HORSE and MULE AUCTION AT NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. Jt New Holland, PA fM FEB. 7,1975 7:00 P.M. At this sale, we will have well mated good broke teams of draft horses and mules. 1 load Driving Horses for Reuben Stoltzfus. Also Standardbred Driving Horses. Consignments by: Ike Wright, Steimer Bros., Paul Hardy, Job Stoltzfus and Norman Kolb. For more information to buy or sell at this sale ca,l: Office 717-354-4341 Norman Kolb 717-397-5538 or Abe Diffenbach 717-393-4464 ‘Abe Diffenbach, Manager Lebanon Valley Livestock January 28, 1975 CATTLE 303. Compared with last Tuesday’s market, slaughter cows mostly steady, spots SO cents lower. Good slaughter steers 31.60- 34.85, individual at 35.50, Standard 27.00-30.85. Few Good slaughter heifers 29.10- 31.75. Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 19.00-21.60. Cutters 18.60-20.60, Canners 17.00- 18.50, Shells down to 15.00. Few Good slaughter bullocks 27.10-33.25, Standard 24.85- 27.00, few Utility 22.25-25.25. Few Yield Grade No. 1 1350- 1600 lbs. slaughter bulls 26.85-30.00. CALVES 180. Vealers grading Standard & Good $2 to $3 higher, Utility $1 to $3 lower. Few Choice vealers 52.00- Good 44.00-51.50, Standard 35.00-42.00, Utility 90-120 lbs. 19.50-28.00, 70-85 lbs. 17.50-19.50. Farm calves, holstein bulls 90-110 lbs. 26.00- SHEEP 8. One lot Good 95 lbs. wooled slaughter lambs 38.50. 50.00-59.00; Good 41.00-52.00; Standard 110-135 lb. 28.00 38.00, few 38.0042.00; Utility 90-105 lb. 23.00-30.00, 7085 lb. 20.5026.50. SLAUGHTER CALVES: Standard and Good 220350 lb. 22.0026.00; Few Good and Choice 27.0030.00. RETURNED TO FARM: Bulk 95-115 lb. Holstein bulls 27.0034.00, few 9095 lbs. 25.0029.00, COMPLETE LIVESTOCK BUYING SERVICE Specializingin order buying of Stockers & Feeders' FRANK DUSSINGER LIVESTOCK ORDER BUYER PHONE:|7I7J 397-7539 MARTIN LIVESTOCK Washington Boro, Pa. 17582 Office Phone 1717)872-5491 John Bowman Phone; (717) 653-5728