Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 01, 1975, Image 19

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    Guernsey Breeders Hold Annual Mee
Fifty persons from
Lebanon, Berks, Schuylkill
and Dauphin Counties at
tended the annual Tri County
Guernsey meeting at Grace
Lutheran Church,
Stouchsburg recently. An
address by Deputy Secretary
of Agriculture Jane
Alexander highlighted the
day’s proceedings. Her
remarks were directed
toward the importance of
sales promotion of
agricultural products by
farmer owned groups and
Mrs. Alexander
congratulated the Guernsey
Organization for a good job
in promoting an excellent
product as Golden Guernsey
milk, by the use of well
designed place-mats and
drinking glasses with the
Golden Guernsey emblem.
She warned, however, “Too
often we are only talking to
ourselves - we need to get the
message to our consumers
that we have a superior
product for sale . .
(717) 933-4516
Lancaster Pipe &
Acorn unloaders
bunk feeders
tube feeders
chute hoppers
Self Unloading Silage Acorn Model 2414), 24" impeller
Cattle and hog feeders Model 2012,19” impeller
Automatic roller mills Model 3013,27” impeller
Members of the Tri-County
Guernsey Breeders Association
elected to office for the coming year
are from (left): Carl Hollenbach,
secretary: Lloyd Dreibelbis,
treasurer: Jane Alexander, Deputy
Citing an example set by
Pennsylvania apple growers
in using cleverly written spot
advertisements for radio and
television, she explained the
importance of competing
Sec. of Agriculture and Speaker at the
annual meeting; Robert Smith,
president and Warren Bucher, vice
president The officers were elected
at the breeders annual meeting held
recently in Stouchsburg.
with manufactured food
products for the consumer’s
dollar. “Consumers need to
know how good and
wholesome food fresh from
the farm is.” She stressed
the need for an ongoing
promotion program to keep
consumers aware of the
superior value of farm fresh
foods produced in Penn
New Negley-Miller Silos
silo blowers
barn cleaners
calf stalls
free stalls
cow mats
barn fans
Ritchie water fountains
Lancaster Firmlm
MRI Cattlemen
Organize Association
The first annual meeting of
the American MRI Mcusc-
Rhlne-IJsscl Cattle
Association was held during
the National Western in
Denver recently.
More than ISO cattlemen
gathered for the
organizational meeting and
heard the guest speaker Dr.
Governor Shapp’s anti
inflation garden program
also got a boost from Mrs.
Alexander. She said that
everyone should at least try
to grow a vegetable garden.
“The early radishes, onions
and lettuce will give them a
taste for good fresh
vegetables that will make
them flock to the com
mercial growers for more,
after their own garden gets
the best of them.” She in
dicated that these home
gardens would enhance fresh
sales by commercial
growers instead of com
peting with them.
In their business session
the Guernsey Breeders
elected officers for the
coming year. President-elect
is Robert Smith, Annville;
Vice President is Warren
Bucher, Myerstown;
Secretary is Carl Hollen
bach, Bernville; and
Treasurer is Lloyd
Dreibelbis, Shoemaker
sville. Guernsey Project 4-H
Achievement Awards were
presented to Thomas, David
and Dale Smith, Annville;
Bertina Olleig, Hum
melstown; Douglas Solady,
Jeffrey Smith, Dean Heisey,
Jacob Leiby and Marlin
Saturday. Feb. 1.1975
Wicbc Deßoer from Voor
burg Holland. Dr. Deßoer is
Chief Inspector for the
Netherlands Herdbook
Cattle Association, one of the
six inspectors.
Deßoer discussed the
future of the MRI cattle in
America. He stated the MRI
cattle are dual purpose
cattle combining high milk
and beef production with
good feed conversion.
The concentration of MRI
cattle are in the Netherlands
but during the last years the
breed has expanded into
several foreign countries.
Following Dr. Deßoer’s
presentation the convention
members elected the new
board members. Elected to
the board were: Kenneth
Sutton Pierre South Dakota
President; Fred Hartman
Woodriver Nebraska Vice
President; Verl Cutler
Claremont South Dakota
Secretary-Treasurer; Dr.
Russell Schelkopf Sycamore
Illinois; Russell Bieri
Jamestown North Dakota;
Bill Seward Yuma Colorado;
Stan Pozorski Rapid City
South Dakota; Dr. G. B.
Marion Manhattan Kansas
and Larry Valeo Cody
The meeting was
highlighted by what is
believed to be the first sale of
MRI semen in North
America. Proceeds of the
semen sale were donated to
the Association.