Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 11, 1975, Image 2
— Lancaster Farming/ Saturday/Jam Mr,-1975 2 Local Livestock Market, Auction News Lancaster Market Monday,January I Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Today 731 205 564 162 Last Monday 783 205 500 210 Last Year 668 148 801 162 Monday’s Auction 598 217 599 178 Last Monday’s Auction 631 228 727 250 CATTLE: Compared to last Monday slaughter steers steady, instances 50 lower on Standard and Good; cows mostly steady, instances SO higher on Cutter; bullocks steady to 1.00 lower; bulls mostly steady. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 1150- 1325 lb. 38.60-39.50; Choice 950-1350 lb. 37-50-39.10; high Good and low Choice 34.8&- 38.00; Good 32.50-36.25; Standard 26.85-30.50. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 800-950 lb. 33.00-35.00, couple 38.25-37.85; Good 30.00-32.00. COWS: Utility and liigh dressing Cutter 20.50-22.50, couple 22.75; few Utility yield grade 3-4 18.50-20.00; Cutter 19.25-22.00; Canner and low Cutter 17.00-19.00. BULLOCKS: Choice 1050- 1390 lb. 33.00-35.00; Good 28.50-33.00. BULLS: Yield grade 1 1100-1600 lb. 29.00-31.10, six head 1845-2060 lb. 31.00-33.25; yield grade 2 27.50-29.50. VEAL CALVES; Vealers 2.00- higher. VEALERS: Prime 62.00- 67.50; Choice 48.00-58.00; Good 33.0045.00; Standard 27.00- Utility 95-120 22.00- 65-90 lb. 35.00 20.00. SHEEP; Wooled lambs stssdy* WOOLED LAMBS: Choice 90-108 lb. 41.0042.50, few 43.0044.00; Good 50-90 lb. 37.0041.00. SLAUGHTER EWES: Good 11.00-16.50. HAY MARKETS New Holland January 6, 1975 Prices Per Ton: Sixty-seven loads hay & 25 loads straw. Alfalfa 57.00-78.00, few loads 80.00-90.00; Timothy 45.00-56.00; Mixed hay 42.00- 65.00, few loads 67.00-78.00; Straw 35.00-42.00, one load at 45.00; Clover, one load at 46.00; Com, 5 loads 70.00- 77.50; Oats, $1.05 per bushel. Paul Z. Martin Wednesday, Jan. 8 22 loads of hay & straw sold as follows: Alfalfa 60-97.50; Mixed Hay 57-68; Timothy 54-61; Straw 38-47.50; 1 load Com 71.00. Regional All hay No. 2 and better, prices paid by dealers at the farm, price per ton.) Hay & Straw mostly steady, spots weaker. Alfalfa 55.00-70.00; Mixed hay 40.00-50.00, few down to 30.00; Timothy hay 35.00- 40.00; Straw 35.00-38.00; Mulch 20.00-35.00. Vintage Auction Tuesday, January? Cattle Calves Sheep Today 788 574 14 Last Tuesday Holiday Last Year 786 647 12 CATTLE: Compared to last Tuesday slaughter steers mostly steady; cows steady, instances 50 higher; bullocks and bulls fully steady. Supply included 36 per cent cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 1075- 1325 lb. 39.7541.60; Choice 950-1350 lb. 37.7540.50, 12 head 41.2542.25; high Good and low Choice 37.00-38.60; Good 33.00-37.25, few 32.25- 33.00; Standard 28.5043.00; few Utility and low Standard 22.50-27.00. •* SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Few Choice 925-980 lb. 31.85- 33.85. COWS: Utility and high dressing Cutter 20.50-22.00, few 22.25-22.50; Cutter 18.50- 21.50; Canner and low Cutter 17.00-18.50. BULLOCKS: Choice 1000- 1400 lb. 33.0034.00, couple 35.1038.00; Good 27.2532.00. BULLS: Yield grade 1 1100-1750 lb. 29.5031.50, few 31.8533.75, individual 34.75; yield grade 2 1000-1350 lb. 27.5030.00. VEAL CALVES: Vealers 3.004.00 higher, instances 8.00 higher on Choice and Prime. Demand good for bull calves returned to farm. VEALERS: Prime 64.00- 69.00; Choice 52.00-62.00; Good 40.00-50.00; Standard 28.0038.00; Utility 90-120 lb. 21.00-26.00, 65-85 lb. 16.00- 21.00, RETURNED TO FARM: Few 100-125 lb. Holstein heifers 21.00-24.00; bulk 100- 115 lb. Holstein bulls 25.00- 29.00, couple lots 120-125 lb. 32.50-36.50. SHEEP: Insufficient volume for a market test. Few Choice and Prime 45- 65 lb. new crop slaughter lambs 49.00-63.00. Green Dragon January 3,1975 ' Prices per ton: 67 loads hay & 41 loads straw. Alfalfa 47.00-69.00, few 76.00-85.00; Timothy 47.00- 56.00; Mixed hay 44.00-67.00; □over, few loads 49.00-61.00; Grass hay, one load at 41.00; Straw 37.00-42.50; Com, 4 loads 54.00-76.00; Corn Fodder, one load at 30.00; Oats, 353 bushels at $1.95 per bushel. LEBANON VALLEY LIVESTOCK MARKET, INC. 1 mile east of Fredericksburg along Route 222 PHONE JONESTOWN 865-2881 Sale every Tuesday at 1 30 PM. starting with feeder cattle and pigs Lancaster Auction Wednesday,January 8 Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Today 747 98 623 5 Last Wednesday Holiday Last Year 580 120 677 57 Wed.’s Auction SOI 108 636 5 Last Wed.-s. Auc. Holiday CATTLE: Compared to Monday slaughter steers 50- 1.00 higher; cows 1.00-2.00 lower; bullocks steady, instances 1.00 lower on Choice; bulls fully steady. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 1075- 1330 lb. 39.6040.85; Choice 950-1325 lb. 38.00-39.85, few 40.1040.35; high Good and low Choice 36.25-38.00; Good 34.7547.00; Standard 28.00- 33.50; Utility and low Standard 22.50-23.50. COWS: Utility and high dressing Cutter 18.75-20.00, couple 20.10-20.50; Utility yield grade 34 17.00-18.50; Cutter 17.50-19.50; Canner and low Cutter 15.50-17.00. BULLOCKS: Choice 950- 13001 b. 31.7544.75, few 35.00- 36.00; Good 29.0043.00. BULLS; Yield grade 1 1200-1750 lb. 29.00-33.75, couple 34.25-35.10; yield grade 2 1000-1400 lb. 27.00- 29.00. VEAL CALVES: Vealers mostly steady. VEALERS: Choice 50.00- 59.00; few Prime 60.00-66.00; Good 35.0045.00; Standard 27.00- Utility 90-120 lb. 21.00- 65-65 lb. 18.00- 21.00. SHEEP: No market test. Omaha ' Weekly 51 - cattle - com pared with the previous week close. SLAUGHTER STEERS: 50-1.00 higher, most advance on Choice and Prime 1050- 1250 lbs. heifers 25-75 c higher, instances 1.00 higher on high-choice and prime. Cows 2.00-3.00 lower, most downturn on canner and cutter. Bulls steady. Four day receipts 22,000 as compared 12,300 for previous holiday week and 20,300 a year ago. Slaughter steers approximately 40 percent, heifers 30 percent, cows 13 percent and feeders for Friday auction 15 percent. STEERS: Closing at the high time of the week, high choice and prime 1084-1250 lbs. yield grade 34 38.50- 39.00, two loads at outside price. Choice 975-1325 lbs. AUCTIONS mokes the difference in marketing livestock! New Holland makes the difference in auctions! MONDAY 9:00 A.M. Fat Hogs 2:30 P.M. Fat Steers, Bulls, Cows & Veal Horse Sale —MONDAY at 10:00 A.M. Hay, Straw & Ear Corn —MONDAY 11:00 A.M. and WEDNESDAY 12:00 Dairy SaIe—WEDNESDAY at 12:30 P.M. Fat Steers, Bulls, Cows & Veal THURSDAY at 12:00 Noon NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES INC. New Holland, Penna Abram W Diffenbach, Manager New Holland Auction Friday, January 10 Cattle Calves This Week 3600 1400 Last Week 2505 1215 Last Year 3899 1228 CATTLE: Slaughter steers mui las n 50 ' 1 - 00 hlgher ’ ■J tho "g h ** 385 . , utility and Standard mostly , C^™LE^ Comi l tre l. t 0 steady; cows closed the last Thursday slaughter k V. 063.00 lower; bulla steers strong to 1.00 higher, . hniinrks generally except Utility and Standard “S df b g^ B & lower mostly steady; cows 2.00300 JjJ* few an S3E|. h i lo i! k Tim estimated 40 per cent steady, bulls weak to 1.00 s i aU ghter steers, 20 per cent Slaughter steers-. w°a^ r maWMeSS High Choice and Prime 1200- U'Jr 1350 lb. 39.75-41.25; Choice attphtfr STEERS* 950-1325 lb. 39.00-41.25, few Prime lSt 41.2541.75, few sales 1100- i? 39 eO4l SO^Choice 1300 lb. 38.50-39.00; load JJJ ifew Choice 1425-1550 lb. 39.25- 40.75, couple 41.1041.75; high S l42^ Good and low Choice 37.50- SSsfli M 2M07? hi£ 39.25; Good 33.25-37.50; " Standard 27.2532.50; Utility M&fsf and low Standard 21.00-25.75. JJ- 2 ® >- J 5! of™. 0 flfjj ’ COWS; Utility and high dressing Cutter 17.75-20.00, heifeM-' few2o.oo-20.75; Cutter 16.75- 18.25; CannerandlowCutter aoiM^lb-32.00^00 14.50- - ; BULLOCKS: Choice 34.00- 30^- 00 - TT .. 1 .. . 34.75, few 36.7539.00; Good co^: 97nnloiM dressing Cutter closed the BULLS:’ Yield grade 1 W f k 1100-1600 lb. 28.00-31,50, few ■ f « w 1 jSSsR 32.00-33.50; yield grade 2 1000-1350 lb. 25.50-28.00, few aSNoS 22.50- IOW VEAL CALVES: Vealers C SSV^f% fflice ggo . SefonUtilitf*” 068 13001 b. 32.5535.00, few 35.50- 64 00- 39.00; Good 27.0633.00, 5200452(2. BULLS: YieW B*«ie 1 SS’ O- KdSSd nWW7O ° lb ‘ few 32.00-33.75, couple 34.25- 55Sio 35.10; yield grade 21000-1400 21.06-26.00, 6535 lb. IU.OO- lb 26.00-29.00, few 22.50- CALVES: Vealers 25.0630.00, few 30.0034.00. 2.00-4.00 bigh * r - SHEEP: No market test. feeding. Thursday, January 9 Cattle Calves Sheep Today 1045 502 3 Last Thursday 766 505 11 Last Year Cattle yield grade 24 37.00-38.25, three loads 1050 lbs. ; yield grade 3 for Canadian ship ment 38.50. Few loads choice 1475-1550 lbs. yield grade 3-5 32.75-33.00 during week. Mixed good and choice 36.50- 37.25, several loads high good and choice for Canadian shipment 37.25 forepart of week. Good 32.00- 36.25. Standard and low-good 30.00-31.50. Average cost slaughter steers first three days 36.63 average weight 1136 lbs. as compared 36.04 and 1119 lbs. previous week and 47.33 and 1160 lbs. a year ago. HEIFERS: Load and part loads Choice and Prime 991- 1032 lbs. yield grade 34 37.75- 38.00, moderate volume same grade 925-1100 lbs. 37.25-37.50. Choice 850-1050 lbs. yield grade 24 closed Phone:7l7-354-4341 Composite Report VEALERS: Prime 60.00- 65.00, few / 65.0069.00; Choice 52.00- Good 79.00-50.00; Standard 27.00-35.00; Utility 90-120 lb. 21.00-27.00, 65-65 lb. 16.00- RETURNED TO FARM: Bulk 90-115 Holstein bulls 25.00-29.00, few lots 30.00- 36.50; few 100-125 lb. Holstein heifers 21.00-28.00. 36.00-37.25. Mixed good and choice 750-1000 lbs. 35.00- 36.00. Good 30.50-34.50. Small lots standard and good 29.00- 30.00. COWS: Utility and com mercial 14.50-16.00, a few 16.50. Canner and cutter 10.00-14.50, mixed cutter and low-utility 14.75-15.00. Shelly canner 8.00-9.50. BULLS: Yield grade 1&2 1400-1800 lbs. 21.00-24.00. VINTAGE SALES STABLES, INC. PARADISE, PENNA. BULLS, STEERS, BUTCHER COWS, LAMBS AND VEAL CALVES SOLD ON COMMISSION SALE EVERY TUESDAY 12 NOON HOG SALES Every Saturday At 9:00 A.M. Every Wednesday At 9: OO A.M. FOR MARKETING INFORMATION PHONE AREA CODE 717-442-4181 For 24 Hour Market Reporting Service, Call 717-768-3117 Box 100 Paradise, Pa 10 miles East of Lancaster on Rt 30 Lebanon Valley Livestock January 7,1975 CATTLE 225. Compared with last Tuesday's market, Good slaughter steers 32.00- 37.50,' Standard 28.35-32.00, Utility 20.85-28.00. Two Good slaughter heifers at 31.50, few Standard 20.10-24.00. Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 19.10- 21.10, individual at 22.00, Cutters 17-85-19.50, Canners 16.10-18.00, Shells down to 13.10. Few Good slaughter bullocks 30.00-33.75, Stan dard 25.10-29.85, few Utility 21.00- Few Yield Grade No. 1 1455-1770 lbs. slaughter bulls 27.25-29.85, one Yield Grade No. 21160 lbs. at 25.10. CALVES 244. Few Choice vealers 51.50-56.00, Good 45.00- Standard 29.00- 40.00, Utility 90-120 lbs. 21.50- 27.00, 70-85 lbs. 18.00-22.50, 40-70 lbs. 15.00-18.00. Farm calves, bolstein bulls 90-120 lbs. 24.00-35.00. SHEEP 1. Individual Choice 100 lbs. wooled slaughter lamb at 42.00. Feeder Sales Friday, January 3,1975 FEEDER CATTLE: A fairly active demand with best demand for steers over 750 Ib. FEEDER STEERS: One lot Choice and Prime .785 jb. 33.00; Choice 740-960 lb. 29.75-32.75;, mixed>jGood and Choice 700-865 1b'.27.85-28.85, lot 520 lb. 28.1f1;i Good 425-635 lb. 26.00-26.50; one lot Standard and Good Holsteins 940 lb. 22.50. FEEDER BULLS; Couple lots Choice 785-865 lb. 24.00- 24.25; mixed Good anc Choice 450-515 lb. 22.25-22.50 one lot 420 lb. 23.25. FEEDER HEIFERS: Few Good and Choice 670-840 lb. 20.25-21.10. COMPLETE LIVESTOCK BUYING SERVICE Specializing in order buying of Stockers & Feeders FRANK DUSSIN6ER LIVESTOCK ORDER BUYER PHONE: [7171397-7539 MARTIN LIVESTOCK Washington Boro, Pa. 17582 Office Phone {7171872-5491 John Bowman Phone: [7171653-5728