SEB . .. NEW IDEA «tm FARM SHOW I TTI harvest all my crops self- propelled with Uni. And at real savings. I run about 100 acres of corn through my Uni-Sheller; the rest through my Uni-Picker. My soybeans, well, I get them with my Uni-Combine. I also do a lot of cus tom work. canyou : Oliver Johnson, drain Farmer CVX DO machines from Ihc CVN DO people. Best there is in heavy, down, tangled hay. Introducing New Idea’s advanced Cut/ditioner a rugged 7-foot machine that excels in heavy, down and tangled hay. Its non-plug, non-skip operation in any type of hay or forage crop means less downtime and more production. And, it makes a high-quality hay. Selective conditioning. , / Jr? Knives hit only the stems of ■m r % 3 plants This conditions the stems without damaging the leaves ‘i *4 % ¥t Try this new Cut/ditioner on your farm, UMBERGERS MILL RD4, Lebanon (Fontana) 717-867-8221 ROY H. BUCH, INC. Ephrata, R.D.2 717-859-2441 That's how giain fai mers feel about Uni The\ like uhat it does Depending on then needs, it lets them plant and haivest self-piopelled. make ha\ lage and silage self-piopeiled. make eai com teed f'U-n remote snow qua k and eas\ self-pmpelled. ' . p 'J { _