Area ■ Continued from Page 44) FFA Projects: tomatoes, breeding swine, heifers, swine fattening; work ex perience; milk tester. Outside Activities: active member of Churchtown Mennonite Church and Youth Group; Sunday School Teacher; Sunday School Officer. Keith Feister Keith Feister, 17, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Feister of Route One, East Earl. He is a Student Advisor for the Grassland FFA Chapter. He has been active in showing horses for four years and the past two years have been in showing Registered Ap paloosa horses. Some of his shows have taken him to New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Ohio, Delaware, as well as many shows in the state. He is a member of the Keystone Appaloosa Club, Indian Valley Appaloosa Association, and the Maryland Appaloosa Association. His FFA projects have been 3 registered Appaloosaes, swine fattening, and tobacco. He has exhibited hogs at the County Hog show. Protect your against costly power outages! Your profits go down when power goes off! To protect your family and farm from costly, annoying power out ages, lease or buy a Winpower alternator now. When power fails, connect to tractor PTO and you quickly restore all electrical equipment—jheating and water systems, milkers, coolers, brooders, silo unload ers, barn cleaners, lights, radios, TVs, freezers, ranges. Provides portable power, too. Thousands of owners agree: Winpower is “the old reli able”. Originator and world’s largest maker of tractor-driven generators. Low-cost 7 KW WINPOWER "the old reliable' 7 SEE US AT THE PA FARM SHOW BOOTH NOS. 517-518 : MAIL TO: MARVIN J. HORST I Route 1 (Iona) I Lebanon, Penna. 17042 J Please send FREE information ; Please have salesman call I NAME i ADDRESS I TOWN or CITY. : ZIP ■ PHONE NQ, Youth To Receive Keystone Degrees Keith Feister Garden Spot He has served as chairman and member of several committees including the banquet and cooperation. He is a recipient of the Red Rose Degree and was named the Lancaster County Star Agribusinessman. Arthur Horst Arthur Horst is the 17 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Leßoy S. Horst of Bowmansville. Art is a senior at Garden Spot High School and is serving as Student Advisor for the Grassland Chapter. He also served as Advisor to the 1973 to giant 80 KW; also full line engine powered units from 2 to 125 KW. Send coupon for free dem onstration on your farm with your equipment by factory trained representative. “We can’t afford to be without our Winpower alternator ’* (Signed) Cornie Ounsbergen MARVIN J. HORST Arthur Horst Garden Spot State Champion Parliamentary Procedure Team. Art was also selected runner-up in the state proficiency award in Agricultural Processing and will be receiving his award at the Mid-Winter Con vention. Art was eligible for this award as a result of his work experience at a local Feed Mill. He has been there for the past four years on a part time basis. Art has also par ticipated m tractor driving, small gas engine contest, and local public speaking. Activities outside the FFA arm DISTRIBUTED BY ROUTE 1 (IONA) LEBANON, PA. PHONE 272-0871 □ □ include varsity cross country runner at Garden Spot. He is also an active member of the Bowmansville Mennonite Church and Youth Group. He spent the summer of 1974 working at a church camp helping with the care of the horses and giving horseback rides. In September, Art helped other local FFA members at the State Dairy show by giving tours to Elementary school children from Harrisburg. Art’s projects have been raising dairy heifers which he showed at several local as well as at Harrisburg dairy shows. He has shown his horse in recent years. P. Thomas Martin P. Thomas Martin 17, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Martin, RD2 East Earl. He has participated in the state FFA Week activities for the past two years competing in the Meats Contest and Thomas Martin Garden Spot Poultry Judging. He was a local delegate to the National FFA Convention in 1974. He was on the Small Gas Engine Team in the area. Tom has competed in several county and local contests. His projects have included horses, hogs, and veal calves. He is presently employed at Weaver’s Poultry in New Holland where he has also gained SHOP AND COMPARE! AT YOUR SOLANCO EQUIPMENT DEALER GEHL* Gets into your system CONVINCE YOURSELF! MAKE A DEMONSTRATION APPOINTMENT b 4 TODAY!! Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Jan. 4,1975 — previous’ work experience. Tom was recipient of the Red Rose Degree last year. Nelson Messner Nelson Messner 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Messner, RDI East Earl. FFA Activities: Assistant Nelson Messner Garden Spot Secretary 1974-75; exhibited at County Hog Show for past three years winning several ribbons in individual classes and pen of 10, Jr. Fitter. Recipient of JayCee Swine for chapter; silver medal for State Land Judging; 3rd place SCS Land Judging; top Livestock Judge in chapter 1973. Current employment: work experience with Penn Jersey Harvestore Systems. Gary Long Gary Long, son of Mr. & Mrs. Howard M. Long, Columbia RD2. Gary is a member of Penn Manor FFA and has served as secretary, assistant reporter, reporter, and on various committees and is presently serving as vice president. He represented Penn Manor at Penn State and also at the National FFA Convention at Kansas City where he showed cattle. Gary is now employed at Cope & Weaver Co., New Providence, as a mechanic and also helps his Serving The Farm Community with Agriculture Products Since 1890 MF Massey Ferguson A. L. HERR & BRO. father on the home farm. He has had projects in show steers, com, tobacco, and veal calves. He is a member of Habecker Mennonite Church and also the Manor Youth Group. After graduation he plans to continue to work in agri business. Wendell Kiblej-, the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Kibler lives on a 25 acre farm at Columbia RD2. He has had for projects veal calves and field com and has worked in Agri-business for Herr’s Fruit Farms and Turkey Hill Dairy. [JIE 312 Park Ave. Quarryville, Pa. 17566 Phone 786-3521 Gary L. Long Penn Manor Wendell Kibler Wendell Kibler Penn Manor (Continued on Page 46] 45