lADIESI ADIES HAVE YOU »*»* By Dons Thomas. Extension Home Economist Prevent Contaminated Wild Game Meat With the big game season in Pennsylvania comes the possibility of wild game meats contamination leading to food poisoning. Wild game meat may spoil when improperly handled. Here are some suggestions to avoid poor quality game meat. Good and proper care of game is the key. Bacteria which abound in nature can cause meat spoilage. And, this may lead to food poisoning. The most common type of such poisoning is salmonellosis. It LAND SAK it wouldn't be CHRISTMA without the things from REBMAN’S Park & Shop 9 AM to 9 PI 800 S. QUEEN ST., LANi YOU PAY 49 PAYMENTS BLUE BALL NATIONAL BANK BLUE BALL 354-5163 HEARD? resembles the flu in symp toms including headache, vomiting, cramps, nausea, fever, and diarrhea. It usually strikes 12 to 36 hours after eating food con taminated by salmonellae bacteria. Although it is seldom fatal, it is very un comfortable. One way to avoid problems is to shoot only healthy appearing animals. If the quarry is stumbling, staggering, making unusual noises, is unusually agressive, or appears blind, be suspicious. The animal may be unhealthy. Kill and Time to CHRISTMAS CLUB In "GROWING WITH OUR COMMUNITY" CBBNB 3 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS MORGANTOWN 286-5101 JOIN: You, too, will receive a check in time for Christmas shopping next year if you join our Christmas Club now! Come in! CIUB CLASSES S«*t H«t in *Kh wnk 50 wt*ki $ 50 1 00 300 300 500 WE WILL PAY THE 50th dispose of wildlife suspected of being diseased. Report the type of animal and location to a District Game Protector. And never eat game you didn’t kill yourself unless you know it was handled properly by an experienced hunter. Once game is taken, check it thoroughly for obvious signs of disease or old wounds. If such are present, don’t use it for food. Field dress game immediately to avoid meat contamination from digestive tract con tents. Cooling, or chilling meats is one of the best ways to avoid bacterial con tamination. With larger game such as deer, it’s important to field dress the animal im mediately after tagging it. When back at camp, hang the carcass to help dissipate body heat. At this time, cut away unwanted fat or in ternal tissue. Prop open the body cavity to permit air circulation. On the trip home, keep the carcass cool. Have your deer processed at a slaughterhouse or locker plant where cooling facilities are available. Or, if you cut up your own, do it im mediately so meat quality is maintained. Another precaution against possible food poisoning is to carry plastic gloves with you and use them when cleaning the game. And when you are home, cook the meat thoroughly. Don’t leave leftover meat out after the meal. And make sure to clean cooking and $ 35 00 50 00 100 00 150 00 3SO 00 TERRE HILL 445-6741 storing utensils completely. Holiday Stain Removal Tips Tablecloths and clothes often suffer from holiday meals. There are all types of foods around, and when they’re spilled they usually leave stains. But if you treat stains while they are fresh, they can often be removed. There are several things to remember for proper stain removal. First, identify the stain if possible. If you don’t know what caused the stain, you may be able to deter mine if it is a greasy or non greasy stain. Second, know the fabric. Some stain removers Thought For Food Sage Cheese Bread 1 package (13% oz.) hot roll mix 1 egg % cup grated Cheddar cheese 114 teaspoons ground sage Pour % cup warm (not hot) water into a medium-size mixing bowl Sprinkle yeast from the hot roll mix over water, stir until dissolved Stir in egg, cheese and sage Add flour mixture from package, blend well. Cover and let rise in a warm place until double in size, 30 to 45 minutes Shape dough and place in a greased B*4 x 4*4 x 2V4-mch loaf pan Let rise again until double in size Bake in a preheated mod erate oven (350* F ) 30 to 40 mmutes or until nicely browned. Cool and slice YIELD 1 loaf BARBER Oil GO. {tempo] Fuel Chief HEATING OIL * Oil HEATING EQUIPMENT AIR CONDITIONING MOUNTJOY, PA Ph. KS3US2I CHOOSE FROM CASH & CARRY 48 HR. INSTALLATION BRING IN YOUR CARPET SIZE WE WILL CUT IT. BUY NOW m