—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Dec. 7, 1974 6 THE OLD DEC. 9-15, 1974 Mild and damp while 'hopping for gramp. These lone nights give you time to put the family photo album in order ... Damon Runvon died Dec. 10, *046 ... New moon Dec. 13 ... Hanukkah Dec. 9.. Average length of days for week, 0 hours, 7 minutes . . . Partial eclipse of the sun Dec. 13, vis.ble over entire continental U.S. Begins at 9:03 AM, EST and ends at 1:23 PM, EST. The maximum phase occurs at 11:13 AM. EST when 82.7 r ; of the sun’s disk will be covered by the moon . . . Catch the bear before you sell its skin. Old Former's Kiddle: When is a liumiipss letter sharp? (Answer below.) , Ask the Old Farmer: Some ■ ’•K'-' ' time apo I road that Presi ' dent Johnson onee^ received a Candy” from the 85-year-old d!c? you? t,a -’ VVashmKton ’ Some old-timer .inilpap«r himlv in i kitchen ilrmer for removing srrew-on lids from im jai* ind Ixittlis Kiddie anuittr When it is hied OLD FARMER S WEATHER FORECASTS New England: Light snow to start, then wanner and clear; heavy ram latter part. Greater New York-New Jersey: Light r.un and cold at first, then sunny and mild; moderately hea\> r.un and mild at end of week. Middle Atlantic Coastal: Showers to start, then clearing and warmer; end of week mostly sumn and mild, then heavy rain by weekend. Southeast Coastal-Piedmont: Week begins clear and nice, then clouding up; week ends stormy with very heavy rain along coast. Florida: Early week imp in north and cloudy with scattered showers m south; lam latter part. Upstate & Western N.Y.-Turonto & Montreal: Snow, 1-3 , to start, then clearing and warmer, rain, heavy in east, at week’s end. Greater Ohio \ alley: Week begins cloudv and cold with light snow, then clearing and turning warm, end of week warm with light ram. Deep South: Sumn and watm at first, thin ram, continued rain latter pait and some tornadoes. Chicago and Southern Great Cukes: \\ aim and cloudy to start, then modeiateh heavy ram, end of week rainy and mild. Northern Great Plams-Great Lakes: Early week snovvv m west and rain or sleet m cast with possible bliz/aid m central, snow or ficezmg lam latter pail in cast, clearing by weekend in west Central Gre.it Plains: Cl( u uni mild to st ut. thou lam, ond of wok ji.iitlv clouds in east and lijrlil '■'•<>" m we--t Texas-Oklahoma: Heai \ ram along Gult pail of week, and nunurous tornadoes in central and noith, end of week mostK sunu\ with a few showers Rock> Mountain Region: First pait of wuk cold with 2-4 snow- in (ontial and light snow in north, end of we