w! }• » • Ido's [ Notebook la*** - We’ve torn down our summerhouse or sum* merkitchen as some folks call it. And now I hear the tap, tap, tap of hammers putting up a new building. The old one with a large walk-in stone fireplace and bake oven at one end was built very long ago and was deteriorating. An enormous white mulberry had grown against the building and had to be removed. What a job to empty such a structure which had turned into a catch-all. We gave a very primitive butcher FAST ■ DEPENDABLE - SERVICE EQUIPPED TO SERVE YOU FOR ALL YOUR FARM NEEDS SPACE CALORIC HEATERS RANGES MYER'S METERED GAS SERVICE, INC. MANHEIM, ( PA 7 1 1 7545 Telephone (717) 665-3588 HARDWAI ROUTE 501 PHI THE HOME HOME CHAIN SHARPENING & REPAIR SERVICE Featuring the Quietest, More Powerful and Most Profitable Lawn & Garden Tractors THE CUB CADETS —8 to 16 HP. 6 Models to Choose From ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES - PLUMBING SUPPLIES - HEATERS AIR COMPRESSORS - HARDWARE - PAINTS ETC Plenty of Parking at the Friendly Country Store OPEN MON., TUES., THURS.. FRI. 8 A.M. to 9 P M. WED. 8 to 12-SAT. 8 to 6:30 Al V r v i f i Ida Rissei $! bench made of a slab of log to the Hans Herr House. We stored things in our honeyhouse, in our smokehouse, in our basement and of course in our attic. Many things were carted to the junk pile, many things were burned and still I probably saved too much. The question was which bottles to keep and which ones to dispose of. I surely hope I “squirriled away” the right things. There were many parts of a hanging lamp dated 1871, WOODEN UTILITY SHEDS 9 Sizes to Choose From 6’xB’ to 12’x 16’ there was a board with wooden pegs for clothes, old shutters, adjustable hangers for iron kettles in the fireplace and oh so many more things stored in under the roof. I’ve always said that I wouldn’t want to build a house because of all the complications. Well, I’m afraid that with this addition of a new kitchen, powder room and utility room win come all the headaches of a larger building. We shall have to work with plumbers, electricians, stone masons, carpenters, etc. This will not be a winter of relaxation and catching up with mending and reading. It is a new experience for me and will take a lot of con centration to make the proper decisions on closets, floor coverings, type of doors and many more things. I’ll be glad for completion and spring to come. STATIONARY POWER TOOLS FULL YEAR WARRANTY TRY A CLASSIFIED GAS BROODERS FURNACES W } A Poor Diet Is A Risk The term “risk factor” is one the public is becoming more and more conscious of. Smoking is considered a risk factor in heart disease. So is high blood pressure. As is a family history of heart disease. Certainly, most everyone now knows that diet may be involved. Eating too much fat, or too much sugar, for instance, is referred to as a risk factor. But what is a risk factor? Is it a cause of di sease? Not at all. The best ex planation I’ve heard is that a risk factor is a condition in your life that may dispose you toward a particular ailment. If You Stop... If you stop doing whatever it is, you move yourself statistically into another group of people, people who may be less likely to get whatever disease you are talking about. But it’s no guarantee you won’t get it anyway. And, for that matter, living with a risk factor does not necessarily mean you will die of it. Doctors know, as a perfect example, that not all people with high levels of cholesterol in their blood will have a heart attack. So it is all a might-and-maybe thing. Most physicians worry more if you have a combination of several risk factors for a certain disease. But meantime, as a nutrition researcher, I worry about what may be the greatest risk factor of all poor eating habits. We know that what children eat in early life can have profound effects on their brain development, muscular coordination and behavior. Proper diet also helps children fight disease. 15,000 YARDS OF CARPET IN STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM CASH & CARRY 48 HR. INSTALLATION BRING IN YOUR CARPET SIZE WE WILL CUT IT. BUY NOW and SAVE . . . at MEN CARPET ASK ABOUT OUR $ 299-°° ARMSTRONG SPECIAL ♦ OVER 1000 COLOR SAMPLES TO SELECT FROM ♦ FINANCING SSwiSj INSTALLATION BY + I ARRANGED '■wmmmmm OUR OWN EXPERTS ♦ + Visit our Show Room at \ 1714 LINCOLN HWY. EAST, LANCASTER ! + Open Mon. thru Sat. 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. a ♦ SHOP-AT-HOME .., Just toll us nr 392-6213 or 392*4912 + ♦ Out-of-town. CALL COLLECT £ Lancaster Farming. Saturday, Dec. 7,1974 Doctor in the Kitchen* by Laurence M. Hureh, M.D. Consultant, National Dairy Council More profoundly, we are learning that the diet of the pregnant woman will in fluence her newborn child’s resistance to long after it is born. And mothers may not have to be severely deficient in their nutrition for this to be so. Research At M.I.T. A nutrition research team at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which has $ SAVE ON FOOD $ i CORKS CANNED GOODS * SPECIALS THIS WEEK ★ 28 OZ. SLICED PEACHES 12 OZ. RICE CHEX Thurs. & Fri. 9 to 8 Saturday 9 to 6 I ORDER YOUR | | CHRISTMAS I I GIFTS NOW | m „ Omeda Stainless g 1| Candles Cutlery 9k H Nontake China Carpenter Tools M ig Franconia Glft ci aS sware 9k jg Sunbeam Appliances guilders .Hardware & M Monarch Apartment Heaters w ms Monarch Ranges § I HOME APPLIANCES I || GROFF HARDWARE £k M 149 E. Franklin St. New Holland, Pa jjK PRE HOLIDAY WAREHOUSE t CLEARANCE SALE * OR studied pregnant women, suggest that nutritional deficiencies during pregnancy can impair the immune defenses not Just of the fetus but of the mother, and that this immune damage can be reversed by improving the mother’s diet. “Particularly crucial,” says MIT Nutritionist Paul M. Newbeme, are those nutrients that may be marginally present in the diet, yet needed by the fetus to develop its immune system... The many unex plained illnesses in children, and the wide variation among children in their susceptibility to illness, may very possibly be explained by what their mothers eat during pregnancy.” NEW STORE HOURS ANNOUNCING 39 45 c I TVcan : W c 1 box • ISO Fruitville Pike Manheim, Pa.